Terribly Overpriced Things You Should Never Ever Buy

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if you're like most people you don't want to waste your hard-earned cash on pointless things but if you are like most people then you probably are wasting your money without even realizing it we've got your back though with this list of ten things that you shouldn't buy stay tuned until the end for a few bonus things to avoid buying to save you money [Music] number 10 single purpose kitchen gadgets there are so many things you can buy for your kitchen now that seemed really cool and useful but are actually a complete waste of money for instance a banana slicer first of all how often do you slice bananas that you need a gadget specifically for slicing bananas second of all you can accomplish the same thing with a knife which you probably already have several up some other practically useless gadgets that will only waste your money and valuable drawer space er garlic presses butter spreaders pizza cutting scissors and battery-powered spaghetti twirling Forks why buy any of those things when you could just use a knife and twirl your own spaghetti number nine canned baby food there are so many reasons to not buy canned baby food I don't even know where to start first of all store-bought canned baby food is about three times as expensive compared to making your own Plus this stuff tends to be filled with added sugars salt and preservatives that your baby just doesn't need when you think about it it's really not that hard to mash up your own fruits and vegetables to give to your baby that way you can rest assured that your baby is getting the highest quality of food possible and your wallet won't be any lighter speaking of baby food you could get a fancy baby food maker or you can just use the blender that you already have number eight snack size packages and pre-cut foods while I'm talking about feeding small humans let's take a quick look at those snack size packages that every parent loves to buy in bulk to toss in their kids school lunch and let's be honest you've taken a few of those with you to work too even though they might save you some time they're a huge waste of money in fact you're likely spending twice as much than if you bought the family size bag and divided it up yourself into reusable containers pick up some cheap plastic containers from the dollar store and use those to make your own snack packs and debt in the same way those pre-cut foods that you get at the supermarket are another way to waste your money on unhealthy foods the problem with these pre-cut fruits and veggies is that you're paying for the time it took someone to cut them up for you what makes them unhealthy is that after fresh fruit is cut it starts losing nutrients so by the time you buy it it will have lost most of its health benefits anyway again just buy things fresh and prepare them yourself does it really take that long to chop a celery stalk into a couple pieces that you're willing to pay double for someone else to do it on top of all that it's a waste of packaging and contributes to plastic pollution like if only nature could find a way to cover these oranges so we didn't need to waste so much plastic on them number seven air fresheners who doesn't want a great smelling home after all it sucks to live in somewhere that smells like Bo but buying commercial and chemical air fresheners comes at a price that smart people aren't willing to pay not only do air fresheners cost an arm and a leg up front but you may eventually find yourself drowning in medical bills you see air fresheners contain chemicals called phthalates which are known to cause reproductive problems asthma and even allergic reactions why take the risk when there are significantly cheaper and healthier options do this toss some fresh lemon slices in a pot of water and heat it on the stove for a while and your whole house will smell lemony fresh without a single side-effect you can also capture foul odors by placing open boxes of baking soda around your house and replacing them every month simple easy and cheap number six sonic bug repellents something other than foul odors that people want to banish from their houses pests whether it's ants flies cockroaches or something bigger and furrier pests can become a serious problem so why not get them to leave with sonic bug repellents that emit high-pitched sounds that annoys pass into leaving because they don't work so you'll just waste your money on buying them and then time waiting for them to work then you'll have to call an exterminator anyway which is what you should have done in the first place also here's a quick bonus tip once you've solved a pest problem be sure to take steps to avoid another invasion like closing up any holes that critters can use to gain access to your home before we go any further here to things that you definitely should not buy take a guess at how much this natural wood side table and sterling silver tin can will cost you I'll reveal the prices at the end of the video so drop your guests in the comments section down below right away now on to the rest of the list number five new cars here's something that keeps millions of people in debt every year yet hardly anybody is talking about when you buy a new car it loses about 11 percent of its value as soon as you drive it off the lot that means you will have lost thousands of dollars by the time you get home then by the time you've had it for three years you will likely owe more on the car than what it's worth at that point basically it's just not worth it unless you're planning on keeping a car for at least 10 years then buying new just doesn't make sense instead buy a used car that's at least three to five years old and you don't have to worry about losing that much money then once you pay off your used car keep putting the amount you would have been paying on it into a savings account after a few short years when it comes time to buy another car then you'll have saved enough money to pay cash for it and won't have to make payments if you keep paying into that new car fund every month you'll always have the cash on hand when it comes time to replace your current vehicle this sort of technique works for other things like watches - if you ever want to buy a high-value timepiece always buy from a reputable second-hand dealer so that you know you're buying the real thing and you'll save any money it would have lost from its initial purchase you'll be left with a beautiful watch for a much cheaper price number four cured coffeemaker although being able to simply pop in a k-cup and have a hot cup of coffee brewed in minutes may seem like the ideal way to start your day if you take a closer look at this machine you'll see just how much money you're wasting on it not only is the machine itself three to five times as much as a regular coffee machine but the disposable single-use cups that you add to it are also several times more expensive than buying coffee by the pound on top of that those little cups aren't biodegradable which means every time you enjoy a cup of coffee you're contributing to the slow destruction of the environment just by a regular coffee maker or if you already have a Keurig buy a reusable cup and you that speaking of overly priced drink machines can we please talk about the juice arrow it was a $400 machine that squeezed bags of pre-cut fruits and vegetables into juice except that people were able to do the same thing in less time with their bare hands it was the perfect way to waste money on a useless machine and bags of prep veggies that you could just as easily buy fresh for less money and run through a regular juicer or even a blender if you don't mind the pulp needless to say the internet had a good laugh when the company went bust number 3 extended warranties if you've ever bought a new electronic you've probably been offered an extended warranty hopefully you've turned it down these are a complete waste of money because they only handle manufacturers defects which nearly always show up within the first couple of months of use you know when they're still covered by the manufacturer's warranty so there's no need for an extended warranty instead of wasting your money put that extra money towards buying a case that will protect your new device or save it for when you're ready to replace it in a few years number two brand names when it comes to brand names there are some things that you will actually get a better deal on if you buy the brand name particularly when it comes to clothing and electronics because most brand names in these industries actually do have higher quality materials and products however when it comes to food and a number of other products you're likely wasting your money on brand names if you really want to save money then do some experimenting and try some off-brand foods and items and try them out you may be surprised when they're just as good as the brand names yet you'll have some extra cash in your pocket number one multivitamins multivitamins are a great way to have very expensive urine and that's according to the president of the Australian Medical Association the thing is as long as you're eating the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables then you're getting all the vitamins and trace minerals that you need from your food so when you start popping multivitamins your body doesn't use most of them and a lot of it ends up getting flushed out of your system anyway stop wasting your money on multivitamins and just hit up the produce section instead and upon plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables if that sounds like too much work then here's something else to consider most multivitamins contain synthetic versions of vitamins and minerals your body has a much harder time using these which means even if you're not getting everything you need from your diet your body still may not get the nutrients it needs from multivitamins because they don't work with your body now back to the bonus things that you shouldn't buy fashion batteries yeah you heard that right fashion batteries these batteries may look fancy but what's the point when was the last time you saw batteries and thought these are so ugly I need to get some fancier batteries never yeah neither have I but obviously somebody thought that fashion batteries were a good idea what about Connect one sure it's a heck of a lot easier than its predecessor Connect four but I also feel like it's bound to get pretty boring after a while I suppose it could make a great gag gift but even then it's a waste of money when you could be getting someone a game they can actually enjoy remember the tree stump side table and the fancy tin can have you guessed their prices yet if you guess that the natural wood tree stump was three hundred and forty-nine dollars you're correct I'm not sure why anyone would pay that much money for a piece of firewood but I guess the guy who came up with the idea thought it was brilliant provided he's able to sell it at that price I mean sure it's been cleaned up a bit but it's barely even big enough to qualify as a table now the fancy tin can keep in mind while guessing that the outside is sterling silver and the inside is gold ready believe it or not the simple looking tin can is one thousand three hundred and twenty-five dollars it's part of Tiffany and company's everyday objects collection this collection also includes a set of ten Lego like stacking bricks for sixteen hundred dollars a walnut and silver ruler for six hundred dollars and a silver thread ball of yarn for nine thousand and six hundred dollars at least with the yarn you could knit yourself a silver sweater but what are you gonna do with a thousand dollar tin can that's it for the ten things you shouldn't buy which of these are you guilty of buying let me know in the comment section down below and thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 2,272,809
Rating: 4.6057611 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be, amazed, top, 10, Be Amazed, Top10, products, baby food, scams, you fall for, things, you buy, food, scam items, practically scams, extended warranty, Fashion batteries, top 10, Multivitamins, money, people, millions, processed, reasons, machine, electronics, industries, how it's made, buy, top 10 list, food products, flavor, foods, snack, petroleum, pringles, never buy, what it's made of, natural, Air Fresheners, snacks, products you will never buy, how they are made
Id: 5sAaNzBGtCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2018
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