Automation Car Modding Tutorial 1 - Blueprint set up.

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this video is one in a series of videos covering how to make a car body for automation the car company tycoon game from start to finish in this video let's talk about blueprints most of you are going to simply use photos because they're free and plentiful and that's a perfectly adequate way to do it the only drawback is you typically won't find a top-down view the car you wish the model you can model a vehicle just fine with a side front and back photo along with plenty of reference images I on the other hand have been spoiled and I prefer to model with a top-down view out of a proper vector drawing blueprint you can acquire vectors from the blueprints comm which is where I get most of mine or you can make your own in open source and free Inkscape otherwise you can use Adobe Illustrator or affinity designer which is what I use but in any event once you have your blueprints setting them up in blender is the same and I'll demonstrate that now the first thing I'm going to do is create an empty image I'll do this by hitting shift a selecting empty and image in orthographic view orient the empty image until it faces navigate over to the object properties and load your first image [Music] now orient the image until it's facing the correct direction now give it the corresponding name let's make a new folder to store our blueprints in the next thing I'm going to do is build myself a guide we can see the wheelbase here is two point five meters so I'll make a base cube and set the y-axis dimension to two point five meters now we can go back to the image and scale it up until the wheelbase on the image matches the cube I'll continue scaling and moving the image around until I'm happy with the size and location I'm going to give this cube a name move it into the blueprints folder and tinker with the rest of the dimensions so I can match height and width however it's more important to match the remaining blueprints to the first blueprint you set up than it is to match the blueprints to the cube here you can see I'm playing with the front image and trying to get the height to match the side view as closely as I can using the bottom of the tire and the top of the roof as a guide [Music] now I'll rotate it into position and move it along the x-axis until it's perfectly centered some more tweaks to get it lined up just so now let's make another empty image and get it lined up this time it'll be in the rear I can use the front image now to set up the sides of the rear image [Music] if you're doing this with photos you may need to adjust the transparency of your images so you can see what you're doing but don't expect photos to line up perfectly here I'm using the mirrors as my main point of reference for centering and sizing onto the top blueprint same process as before shift a empty image load the image rotate it in a position and size it accordingly I'm going to rotate it on its side and compare it with the side view and try to get the length lined up now we can rotate it back and center it [Music] let's finish naming our blueprint images now I'm going to set these front and rear images so they're only visible from the appropriate angle when I go into front orthographic view I only want to see the front image I don't want to see the outline of the rear image here I need to set this up on both the front and rear images now you can see as I rotate the scene I can see only the front and rear image based only on the angle from which I'm viewing it neat trick a the next thing I'm going to do is uncheck the display perspective tick box I only want to see the blueprints when an orthographic view I will do this for all four images now they're only visible from orthographic view this will conclude this video if you found it useful give the video a like and hit the subscribe button to get more videos like this one as they're released see you next time
Channel: Hard Rooster Labs
Views: 11,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, automation, car, company, tycoon, game, body modeling, inkscape, adobe, illustrator, affinity, designer, the-blueprints, blueprints, ue4, unreal, mod, mods, modding
Id: JRoyiAM4xxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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