Why You Should Emulate Games

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video game emulation is awesome picture this it's 2008 and my mom hands me my Nintendo DS but something is different being 4 years old I failed to notice the strange new cartridge inside of the console well after booting it up let's just say my little mind was blown new Super Mario Bros Legend of Zelda Ace Attorney you name it I had it with the power of the internet I was no longer limited to the few games we could afford now and then eventually I learned of emulating games on your phone your Wii and E even a computer not once did it crossed my mind that I was somehow playing these games for free I mean they always just seem to appear every so often and what kid would complain about that of course I eventually started learning the true nature of emulation letters in the mail from my ISP telling me to stop torrenting games viruses on my computer ROM websites being taken down left and right to be honest I had to stop but well you read the title of this video here's what brought me back I got to be honest without emulation I don't think I would have been nearly as proficient in life as I turned out to be I mean not to brag but I was playing games with this on it before I was even in kindergarten in all seriousness though I was able to get pretty much ahead of everyone academically my age because of what I learned in games like Ace Attorney and Professor Leighton while little Timmy was playing with Legos I was busy trying to solve puzzles and murder mysteries of course though how could I not enjoy some of the more fun games like Pokemon or new Super Mario Bros couldn't tell you how many hours I had just playing those mini games I don't want to turn this video into a DS retrospective or anything but I just thought it was important to acknowledge how impactful this Gateway into emulation was for me that aside the next biggest era for me was emulating GBA games as a kid for some reason the Game Boy Advance was super easy for me to emulate and I managed to figure it out on my phone without any help from my parents the credits really go out to the developers of the visual Boy Advance emulator though making these classic games so accessible to new generations well you might think I played a bunch of games from this time I actually only downloaded like three Pokémon Fire Red The Legend of Zelda Minish Cap and Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga I mean to be fair these were probably the best of the best Mainline Nintendo games on the console but specifically Pokemon Fire Red was just the perfect game for me incredibly easy to play Anywhere super replayable and overall just a fun experience throughout all of my academic life I found myself playing this game anytime I've had to go through boring classes I even did a full playthrough of this game with one of my friends in our senior C class the Wii emulation era of my life was also an interesting one basically one day my dad just brought in a huge hard drive plugged it into my Wii and said have fun of course he did a bunch of behind the scenes computer stuff to make it work but hey I was just glad to have more games I had everything on there man from Super Mario Galaxy 2 all the way to Dora the Explorer while I had a lot of games on there for some reason the two that stand out the most for me are WWE 13 and punchout remember how I was talking about how much games helped my int intelligence well there was a trade-off aside from playing around with friends outside every now and then I was physically pretty much a joke for most of my childhood I did a bit of karate every now and then but never really to the point of sparring WWE 13 was my first real experience of physicality even though it was obviously virtual I just thought it was so cool seeing a bunch of jacked dudes beating up each other this was a similar feeling to when I played Punch Out 2 but honestly that game is actually just super good regardless I mean just as an aside I thought this switch would have been a perfect console for another punch out but I guess Nintendo didn't think so anyway this all was just Homebrew emulation though which is a whole different rabbit hole but I know the majority of people have actually emulated these Wii games on Dolphin instead while slightly a less authentic experience I had some of the best times playing GameCube and Wii games on PC namely I love playing through Pikmin and Luigi's Mansion after the Wii era emulating modern games had started becoming more and more difficult even if there were emulators available chances are you had to torrrent games instead of just downloading them from a website like we do now this was the era where I pretty much stopped emulating although I will say it was during the time of OG fortnite so let's just say I was occupied anyway when I did come back though it was to play one of the best games that I had missed out on Pokemon Black and White 2 yes I know this is a DS game but for some reason I just never got it and wow this game is amazing unfortunately for me I lost my save right before the Elite 4 so now I'm just sad in better news around that time I stumbled upon an actual download of Wind Waker HD from a website with no viruses or anything so I figured why not well this ended up being one of the most fun experiences I've had emulating because the game ran absolutely amazing and while Wind Waker HD was fun the Wii U kind of sucked in terms of games that were actually worth emulating here is where things pretty much stopped for me I mean to be honest the switch had been great in terms of both new and retro ports although I still don't know why Pokémon isn't on Nintendo Nintendo switch online yet besides emulating games myself I think I've probably watched much more of it instead I mean for a Time Mario 64 animations were some of the most popular videos around not to mention all of the Super Mario World and Pokemon ROM hacks that people still play to this day speaking of which one of the best emulators in my opinion is pokey MMO now technically it's not marketed as that but in my eyes it's one of the most optimal ways to play the Pokémon games although it does lack some features from The Originals the experience of going through a Pokémon game alongside your friends is one of the coolest feelings in gaming as fun as I had emulating games there were also a fair share of moments that the games just didn't work one of the funniest moments is when I tried emulating Links of the past but it was just a completely black screen with rain sounds obviously this was the intro to the game so I just thought it was a part of it so I sat there for 30 minutes just trying to get through it until I eventually gave up realizing it was a glitch another SNES game I struggled with was Super Mario RPG I'd made it all the way to booster Tower and then the game just randomly trapped me somewhere I couldn't jump out of honestly these kind of sound like creepy pastas now that I remember it but I guess the SNES was just hard to emulate back then I remember playing through Wind Waker and when I got to a certain part of the game it would crash whenever I pressed up on the d-pad while all of these moments sucked the worst thing was actually when I would just lose a save out of nowhere this would happen to me literally countless times honestly but the most heartbreaking had to be losing my Ocarina of Time save right after the Forest Temple I was playing through the game for the very first time and it was so fun but one day I logged on and it was all gone now I've been telling stories about the games have emulated so far but not really how good the emulation is mechanically I mean first of all safe states are the greatest creation known to man sometimes in these old games there's just one super hard part that you don't feel like restarting the whole level over I think the best example of this can be found in Super Mario World and the ROM hacks of it another one of the best features in emulation is the fast forward button but I think my favorite use of it is in the Pokémon gam since it can get kind of annoying level grinding or dealing with Random Encounters oh but how could I forget the most broken feature in any emulation software ever the Nintendo switch rewind feature now I'm not sure if any other emulator has this but let me tell you that without this I would have not been able to beat Super Mario World as easily as I did some people do think it's a bit cheap to use and yeah it is but hey sometimes I just want to have a fun time and not always have to get back to where I was because I made one mistake there are some other cool features in emulators like cheats and whatnot but to be honest all I want is the most optimal version of a game unfortunately for us companies like Nintendo seem to not share this sentiment in fact it seems like they don't want us playing certain games at all admittedly Nintendo switch online has allowed many dead games to resurface but it still is very limited because of this emulating games on a computer or other nefarious methods seem to be the best and sometimes only way to play our favorite games you might get in trouble for our torrenting games simply downloading them from the least Shady website you can find is honestly common practice for many gamers now am I being a little more loose with my words just because my channel is small uh yeah probably but hey I'm just trying to bring light to something that got me into gaming and it might do the same for others too realistically I would have not been able to experience some of the greatest games of all time without emulation so this is something I don't plan on stopping the only times where anyone has really been legally prosecuted for emulating games is actually when they just distribute them or sell them illegally if you're just some guy who downloaded Pokemon from 20 years ago you'll be fine bro of course be cautious of viruses and breaking your game console because that could be much more costly than actually buying the game despite all this talk about emulation I haven't really done much of it recently I think with the recent shutting down of the 3DS eShop and whatnot I'm really considering modding my 3DS and playing some of the classic games on there it is kind of sad that Nintendo is shutting a bunch of the old servers down but of course they are I mean they're super outdated and not even used that much anymore I just wish that a service like Nintendo switch online was a little better in terms of its library of games I feel like we should have the option to download popular GameCube and Wii games at least two but nope we get nothing unless it's a specific Port remaster or remake oh and you didn't hear this from me but one of my friends was able to play teers of the Kingdom for free on an emulator like the week it came out so to this day I don't know how he got the game but I certainly am jealous of course I don't condone any illegal activity but uh do what you got to do man
Channel: Jacob Cruise
Views: 52,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emulation, emulator, dolphin, gaming, retro gaming, emulation console, modded 3ds, modded switch, video essay, should i mod 3ds, should i emulate games, should i emulate, is emulation illegal, is emulation legal, yuzu, desmemu, wii, n64, retro, nintendo, pirating games, should i pirate games, how to pirate games, how to emulate games, how to mod 3ds, video game emulation, video games, video game emulators, roms, citra, retroarch, cemu, project 64, kiro talks
Id: jrx4QIpHTEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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