How to Make Your Hydrangea Bloom

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hey everybody Ryan here from endless summer hydrangeas now if you're here you're probably pulling your hair out a little bit about why your hydrangeas aren't blooming and I know we hate it too but we are here to help you we've got the top five culprits and what you can do to get your bloom [Music] all right reason number one you're not seeing those beautiful blooms on them as summer is pruning now we're gonna make it easy for you you can put the sheers down because you really don't have to do much in fact you really shouldn't do a big prune ever when springtime rolls around your hydrangeas just need a little haircut but sometimes they're a little slow to wake up just like us on a rainy morning so give it to a least Memorial Day or Father's Day if you're in zone 4 or 5 before you cut off those brown stems that didn't make it through the winter and I know it's not always the most beautiful to have them sticking up until June but just plant some spring blooming bulbs in front and you'll be just fine now once you do hit that pruning time just cut back to the green and remove anything that didn't survive the winter and that's it now throughout the summer you just want to deadhead the blooms once they're past by cutting them off at the next set of two large alternating leaves and now the biggie in the fall don't prune now see the early flower buds for next season are actually formed this fall so if you cut it back like you maybe would with an Annabelle you're actually cutting off the blooms for next year and that would be a bummer alright reason number two is that you're not using fertilizer or you're fertilizing too much or maybe you're using the wrong fertilizer we're gonna make it easy again here's the way that I like to think about it spring is just like us waking up in the morning so what do we do we grab a cup of coffee for a little bit of a pick-me-up right fertilizer is the exact same thing for your hydrangeas so as you start to see that green leafy growth starting to emerge from the base or along the stems give your hydrangea that bloom boosting kick of energy just to get things going then once the party's really getting going in your garden and about July you need to give it that extra boost of energy so for us just like an energy drink the hydrangea just needs a little bit of fertilizer to get that rebloom going in high gear so in terms of fertilizer and what you want to pick up at your local garden center pick a slow release granular fertilizer that's high in phosphate they're usually marked as a bloom booster just like this one here but make sure to check those three numbers on the bag the first number should be low and the middle number should be high reason number three watering now yes hydrangea does mean water vessel but you really don't want to overwater I'm a summer hydrangeas or you won't get as many blooms as you expect now it's a little bit counterintuitive but I promise this will help when you're watering you want the soil to be so you don't want to overwater even if they're drooping a bit in the afternoon heat grab a glass of wine grab a beer go sit outside and enjoy yourself and if they're still drooping over as the Sun Goes Down or the next morning give them a good soak other than that you can leave them alone reason number four sun exposure you really don't want to let your plants fry or go up Sun at all so find a spot where you can give your prints that's solar love that they deserve for hydrangeas you want morning Sun with dappled afternoon shade especially if you're in a warmer climate you want to make sure you get there getting protection from that scorching Summer Sun and if you don't have those perfect light conditions again especially in a warmer climate just give full afternoon shade and if you don't have that dappled shade all right reason number five soil problems the soil is so much more than dirt so what you plant your hydrangea in will determine how everything looks for Emma summer our hydrangeas ideally want soil that's well-drained with a good amount of organic material in it and if you're feeling like your soil is a little bit too sandy or maybe too clay heavy then you might need to make some adjustments especially when you're first planting now for more information on that check out the link in the description below for another super fun video talking all about soil now hopefully that helps you get your blooms booming but if you're still having trouble be sure to check out and the summer blooms calm for more helpful tips thank you so much for watching and if you enjoyed this video please like it below and subscribe to our channel for more fun with my dreams
Channel: Endless Summerยฎ Hydrangeas
Views: 187,726
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Id: mkuyY2-UfDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 10sec (250 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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