Why You NEED TO Learn a Language

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when you look at this image what word comes to mind what would you call this thing if you're a monolingual beta American chances are you said beaver but when I look at this image I think of all of these words Castor Castor bber kusu Etc you see I am a hyper polylock gigachad alpha male who is very attractive to every woman and man on the planet but you tavarish are not you are a monolingual beta and for those three people who are saying language simp no I'm not monolingual prove it pause the video and leave a comment in every language that you know today I'm going to prove that language learning is the best Hobby in the world and I'll convince you to start learning a language right now if you haven't already but first a psychology lesson this is Maslow's hierarchy of needs it's a pyramid showing everything that humans need to survive and thrive at the top are some useless things like self-actualization self-esteem esteem and love but at the bottom are physiological needs like breathing Food Water Shelter sleep and language learning why is language learning just as important as food and water you may ask well I'll explain some of the biggest reasons reason number one travel It's Time To Face Reality we're not going to colonize space in our lifetimes this beautiful and definitely not flat planet is all we have to explore and do you really want to be a closed off virgin Hobbit monk in your native country all your life no you want to travel and see new things and sure you could just speak American Al but then you're going to get targeted and robbed like I did in Paris and you'll only be able to speak to people who finish school and therefore have a good level in American when you go abroad do you really want to socialize with pretentious upper class private school dorks who mastered American English in college or do you want to do a horse kickflip off a barn in the countryside with someone who has never even heard the word hello can can we please stop relying on English for International Communication it's so boring I'd rather bow down to this guy than that guy it's so much more fun to be in another country when you speak their language nothing is more satisfying than when you're abroad ordering food in a different language and the waiter doesn't switch to English on you when you realize you've succeeded it feels amazing better than procreation you're like a covert spy successfully hiding the fact that you're an American citizen who couldn't even point to their country on a map something as simple as going to the grocery store in a foreign country becomes the most fun thing you'll ever do when you speak the country's language asum when you speak alabia I buy your groceries reason number two you can unlock the world there are literally billions of NPCs to interact with on this planet who speak one or a few of the over 7,000 available languages can you imagine the friends distant relatives potential lovers doppelgangers or just chill people you could build a connection with if you spoke their language language learning is like a video game in a video game areas of the game are often locked and unreachable until you unlock and download them usually by accomplishing a task or paying for it these areas of the game are known as downloadable content or DLC when you learn a language you unlock real world LC in the form of communication with new groups of people who occupy foreign lands if you learn French you unlock France and you also unlock other expensive European countries a ton of Africa kind of Vietnam and much more if you learn Russian you unlock a huge glob of land encompassing like 20 countries and you unlock communication with so many Smiley NPCs and if you learn polish you get the juiciest piece of DLC in the universe Poland zindabad this is a map of all of the DLC that I have personally unlocked I'm being really liberal with this because for example my Hindi Arabic and Turkish are hot dog water but I technically know a bit imagine how cool your map could be if you stopped being a monolingual beta I know that a lot of you struggle to stick to a language for a long enough period of time to really see results but this will no longer be a problem for you if you try out the sponsor of today's video video lingoda lingoda is an online language school that offers effective and affordable classes in German French Spanish English and even business English and lingoda has the coolest and most motivating challenge right now that is so useful if you struggle with motivation and commitment in language learning the challenge is called lingoda Sprint it's a two-month learning challenge where you choose between 15 classes a month or 30 classes a month it's really motivating because if you show up to all of the L lesons you receive either 50% cash back or you can opt for up to 60 more free lingoda classes as your reward the class sizes are super small maximum five people which from my experience means that everyone gets a ton of personal attention and feedback the classes are categorized by level and the class topics are very specific so you'll be able to select what material you want to learn and you can book them 24/7 so if you're someone with a busy or changing schedule this is perfect for you because you can choose any hour of the day to attend your live class I highly recommend that you try the lingoda Sprint with the link in the description box and use my code language Sy for $25 off reason number three it is a healthy hobby before I got into language learning I was lost in life I was hideous I was an obese and depressed gamer and I had never touched a woman I still haven't touched a woman when I started learning languages my mood improved I finally had something productive to focus on my testosterone production increased and I became way too confident for my own good I had a huge glow up to the point where when I was learning Spanish I had ABS I literally had ABS until I started learning Russians since Russians have really good food but regardless language learning is a healthy positive thing to do people see it as an admirable hobby mom do you think it's good that I learn languages zot kice you belong in the mines get digging no really mom do you think it's cool that I learn languages sure but quit being a Cobar and learn North Korean Korean already it's going to make you smarter more cultured more attractive and more respected throw all your other pointless Hobbies out the window if you're Russian you can finally stop playing Counterstrike all day if you're 5 years old you can finally stop grinding Roblox and if you're a criminal you can finally stop boosting cars and it'll help with your memory grow your brain and even prevent dementia tell me right now who's going to join me in an Albanian Nursing Home in 2085 dementia-free speaking fluent Albanian reason number four it is fun as long as you're not learning Japanese Africans Swedish or espiranto language learning is the most fun hobby in the universe it just feels good to speak in another language it makes the most dull conversations seem Lively American Small Talk makes me want to rip my hair out but I could talk about the weather all day in other languages heck I'm s single but if I ever get divorced I'm going to request that the divorce be in Spanish or something so I could at least enjoy it a little and nothing is more fun than cursing out a native speaker of your target language in their language no seriously I buy you everything inter that is so fun but one of the biggest motivators to learn a language is the idea of shocking natives I know this concept is heavily Meed in our community but you can't forget how awesome it is to see someone's little heart flutter when you surprise them in their native language I was at a Walmart once and I heard some Indian Hindi speakers waiting in line behind me and it was so satisfying to see them start levitating as their eyes rolled back in their heads when I hit them with a namaskar it made my coworker from Cameroon his pants and then no clip and fall through the floor when I hit him with a W and my Russian waitress gave me her number and went out with me that night after I rised her in Russian with a purposefully strong American accent I said something like and that was hot to her I guess but even the process of learning a language is sick it's like uncovering a secret code that betas can't understand every new word you learn will energize you and give you a reason to finally get out of bed in the morning pick a random thing I don't know a couch I just looked up how to say it in Somali it's fadiga now every time any of us look at a couch we will think fadiga fadiga our brains are growing I catapult myself out of bed every morning and Naruto run to my computer to start learning and for full immersion I take advantage of every system imaginable when I go to the doctor I request a Russian speaking medical interpreter just for fun when I'm pulled over by the popo for going 90 in a school zone I request a French interpreter cuz why not I know my rights school sucks so don't let your experience in school brainwash you into thinking language learning is boring or difficult frankly you should just drop out of school and quit your job to pursue languages full-time I gave up on school when I saw a dude who was literally from Peru cheating on his Spanish quiz reason number five you can reinvent yourself admit it you hate yourself I'm kidding but some of you probably do language learning gives you a way to completely reinvent Yourself by creating a new persona and truly embracing it when someone asks me in Russian I spin an imaginary wheel in my mind and pick a country today I'm from Kazakhstan but yesterday I was from Afghanistan are you normally an introvert in your native language if so learn another one foreign languages don't even feel real I've had plenty of serious conversations in other languages with foreign police officers business partners partners and even people who are actively robbing me and it never feels real it's like I'm dreaming or like I'm playing Tic-Tac-Toe in my mind trying to connect words together or even mind sweeper trying to avoid saying something too unhinged it's liberating when I curse out someone's mother in their language I don't feel the impact and no one can hurt my feelings in other languages because they're just saying words that I learned one day sitting in front of my computer and if someone's roasting me I can just pretend like I don't understand them reason number six it's easy language learning is actually really simple there's nothing difficult about any language on the planet tones cases conjugations all that stuff it just comes with time and my goodness do I feel like a Chad when I finally get something right that I used to struggle with in a language there's no hobby that comes close to this level of satisfaction you play basketball and you hit a three-pointer n whatever you collect rocks and you find a rock cool I just learned how to say watermelon and usbeck people all throughout history have been learning so many world lingos and a good amount of those people were a lot stupider than you and now you have access to the internet Bing and instant communication with people from anywhere you want except the drpk and arguably the Vatican I can guarantee you that there are a lot of people less intelligent than you that speak your dream language perfectly yeah a lot of them are natives who absorbed the language through their umbrella cord but they cheated you can grind and one day become a born-again native you have no excuse to not learn a language I don't care if you have 30 kids a husband and a wife four jobs I don't care you can learn in a billion different ways while doing a trillion different things I'm the best language learner west of New Jersey and I really only put 30 minutes a day into a given language at a given time and if you want to learn how to learn a language sign up for my patreon it's $3 a month but feel free to just join for one month to get access to my dozens of videos explaining exactly how I study that are already available please tell me which languages you want to learn in the comments if one monolingual beta becomes a bilingual Billy from this video I will sleep well at night
Channel: Language Simp
Views: 99,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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