Why you NEED TO Be Fishing A Frog Right Now!

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welcome back to the channel guys today we're going to talk about a technique that no matter where you are in the country you need to be fishing this one right now especially in the Northeast this is going to be a killer technique over the next few weeks even months but if you live further south than where I do in Pennsylvania it will still even work for that you'll have some post spawners you'll have some summer fish they will eat this thing all summer long and that's going to be a frog it's one of my favorite ways to fish every single year once we get fish that are spawning as soon as they start spawning until they start transitioning for the fall I will have a frog out and on the deck ready to go no matter where I'm at because it will always work so we're going to break down everything you need to know about this frog why you need to be throwing it right now your rod and reel setup hopefully we'll catch a couple fish along the way when we go out on the water and show you how to fish this thing so stay tuned and let's get right into it okay so first why do you need to be fishing a frog right now and why is it one that I fish so much it's because it works in literally any scenario it'll work in Grass it will work in lily pads it will work on wood and even Open Water I've caught fish on a frog almost anywhere you can skip bushes with it you can do all kinds of stuff with a frog this guy right here is going to be the Sixth Sense Vega frog this is actually an exclusive color I got in the Sixth Sense box for the month if you want to sign up for that you can use my code quench you'll save 10 off or if you just want to get some Vega frogs in general you can also get 10 off your order and then you'll be helping out the channel a ton there this guy is very skinny and narrow and it has the popping lip on the front so you can make it work like a popping bait but you can also walk this thing in place and that's going to be key because there's a couple key reasons why you want to be fishing a frog right now the number one reason if you have spawning fish they will come up and eat in a frog if you float this thing over top of their bed and keep it in place but more importantly you're going to have some pre-spawners and post spawners especially fry garters that if you work this through their ball of fry or near their ball of fry they're going to come out and crack this thing the next thing that's going to happen after that's done once you you have Bluegills start spawning it is like my favorite bait to throw once those Bluegills start spawning they're still bass shallow they're looking for an easy meal they just got done spawning if they see something that looks like an injured bluegill and I know what you're saying it's a frog how could it imitate a bluegill this thing imitates a bluegill more than it does a frog I feel in my mind uh just the silhouette of it the way it works the areas you can fish it in it just overall works really really well for Bass and you want to float this thing around hard bottom areas where those bluegills are spawning but where there's some cover nearby so if you have some clumps of weeds in a nearby area to where those bluegills are spawning and you float this thing over top of there and just kind of work it really slow in place and make it look like a dying bluegill those bass are going to come get that easy meal whether they're trying to just get an easy meal whether they're post spawn trying to get an easy meal it just overall works this time of year and it's something that just keeps catching fish all summer long so now let's break down a little bit on your rod and reel selection here bait selection the Vega frog is great but any frog you could want to throw will work as well you don't need to throw the Vega frog I have numerous different options colors anything ultimately just pay attention to your belly color I usually either use something light colored like a yellow or white or I'll use a black one of those two colors that I keep it really simple with that all my frogs fit into that category in some way shape or form doesn't matter brand shape size those colors are what I'm going to be using when it comes down to your rod and reel setup I like to keep it really really simple this is actually very entry level rod and I wanted to try this out so that I could speak to all the caching rods this is going to be the cash and element series rod and this is the Frog the reason that I got this one a lot of times you're putting a lot of heat on these frog rods you're beating them up you're throwing it in a lot of weeds so I wanted to try a lower retail Rod see how it holds up and how I like it and I've been loving this Rod so far so these go for 129.99 very entry level rod for what a lot of this stuff is out there on the market today I have a Shimano Corrado NGL 150 right here this has 65 pound test braid on here I almost always fish 65 pound test brain on a frog you need floating line for one but also you're throwing it in such heavy cover that you need that braid to get them out and to set the hook properly 7-3 heavy fast action has that backbone you need to get this fish out and like we talked about this is the Vega frog so let's head out on the water we're going to show you how and where to fish this thing hopefully we'll get some sweet blow-ups along the way and catch some fish on a frog it's about that time of year one of my favorite times of the year I actually caught my first couple bass this year on a frog last weekend so it should be heating up here soon and they'll be chewing this thing up here in the Northeast all right so now that we talked about the Frog setup what we're using for the day like I said this is an exclusive Sixth Sense color frog that I got in the Sixth Sense bucks for the month I kind of like the fire engine red lines just so I can see it a little bit better in this green grass it just gives it something to pop and since it's on top of the bait you're not actually gonna the fish aren't going to see that anyway what we got going on here we have a bunch of matted grass we have holes in the grass there's beds in the holes in the grass there's bluegills all around there's bluegill beds just a lot of activity happening in this area right here and a lot of the Largemouth are actually very spooky with how calm it is right now so we're going to throw the Frog around and see if we can get a long cast in front of a fish before they see us come in or if we can land on top of one that's willing to eat when we get a little closer to them make a good cast and get them to come over and eat it John here he's been catching a couple on a wacky rig so if they're willing to eat that most likely they're feeding upwards so we might be able to get some on the Frog you pick something because you think it's going to work got it there we go right off those bluegill beds too so obviously it's been tough with this frog had a couple fish look at it we're going to keep trying see if we can get us a couple more but that's where those bluegill beds were right over there and a frog is a perfect imitation of a bluegill even though it's a frog that still imitates bluegills really well so if you walk it around over the top of some of these bluegill beds you can catch some fish and John is doubled up here he's got a bigger one than I do but that's a nice large mouth on a wacky rig right there there's another one with them so we're gonna get back to fishing and see if we can get a couple more oh I should have been on the other side mistakes were made you why because I set the hook right handed I was about to take her head off I don't care so unfortunately we were not able to catch us another one on the Frog the bite has pretty much died and we're going to get back to doing some small mouth fishing but I hope you guys enjoyed today's video and if you did and you want to see some other videos on what you should be throwing right now for Fish Feeding on those bluegill post spawn fish go ahead and check this video out right here hit that subscribe button down below and thanks for watching
Channel: Nathan Quince Fishing
Views: 1,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frog fishing, frog fishing for bass, frog fishing tips, frog fishing setup, frog fishing blowups, frog fishing rod and reel setup, frog fishing for bass tips, frog fishing rod, frog fishing for bass blow ups, frog fishing lure, bass fishing, bass fishing tips, fishing, fishing tips, frog bass fishing, frog bass fishing videos, frog lure bass fishing, best frog for bass fishing, bass fishing with frogs, bass fishing with frog lures, top water bass fishing with frogs
Id: 38w5BAzNlyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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