why you don't buy a $50 steering wheel...

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what budget do I need to start team drifting I've seen that asked a lot okay we are gonna go over multiple setups today but let me just start with my current setup which is all trust Master products they will cost 400 USD also comes with three pedals the shifter costs 200 USD and break 280 USD there's a goose sitting on top of it currently also if you plan on placing the handbrake on the table like me then the handbrake Cable Mount cost an additional 130 USD so the total price of this whole setup is 1010 USD you can probably even get it cheaper from eBay or Amazon and before anyone says oh gosh your setup trucks get a direct drive wheel listen you little you don't need a direct drive wheel okay literally one of the best Sim races and team Drifters like C Torero and G2 fans have been using thrustmaster Wheels the whole time okay check your mouth well that actually reminds me sea turtle's last video in there he actually got a direct trial wheel but G2 fast with millions of subscribers he's still using a trust Master belt engine wheel and sea turtle is just trying out the directory wheel because uh he got sponsored okay the point is Bell driven wheels are completely fine another thing about director Wheels is they can be pretty dangerous they can literally rip off your arms you know if you happen to be on max force feedback settings and you poke your hand through the wheel or for example when someone Rams your car while you're not looking at the screen maybe you're just robbing the wheelbase I don't know or maybe you crash into the barrier yourself and your hand like slips or something I don't know they're dangerous this is why every direct drive Wheels comes with a panic button if your one hand gets stuck you can use your other hand to press the panic button or you can place the panic button at the floor and then with your foot you can press the panic button listen I wouldn't buy a direct dry wheel for a kid direct dry wheels for grown-ups only now with T300 it will hurt you a little bit but you will be fine G29 has even weaker force feedback so it's pretty kid friendly also G29 and T300 they work in any game that supports Wheels Direct Drive however has restrictions I've heard a lot of direct drive players complain about the wheel supporting comics and some of you're gonna say oh but why would you play an arcade game anyway with expensive direct drive steering wheel for fun I don't know okay maybe they want a little bit of change from a set of chords or something I don't know don't ask me okay I'm just saying that the game's list is more restricted for directra Wheels compared to the 300 and G29 for example also back in the day back in the day boys direct dry Wheels were insanely expensive I remember looking at fanatic Wheels I saw the prices and I was like nope and I even had a full-time job back then they were like over a grand for just a wheelbase I believe luckily nowadays there are cheaper direct Prime options by different brands even Logitech has made a direct dry wheel and they called it the most cringiest thing I've ever heard it's called Pro racing wheel oh God and it costs one grand for just the wheel listen I would personally probably go with Planet Tech in that case or something like that you know but I mean I guess G29 was so profitable they finally decided to invest some money and make a proper quality product I mean that's a good start companies are taking Sim racing and Sim drafting more seriously very good now we did the math and my current setup cost about one grand right now that is a lot of money right for a Sim setup well yes and no if you're a casual weekend gamer then probably yeah if you play almost daily and you have a decent job to know also it depends probably where you live obviously but boys I haven't always had this setup let's see how much my cheaper Sim setup costs G29 which I actually started out with so I managed to get the wheel for 270 USD which also came with three pedals and then I bought the Logitech shifter which which was 60 USD and yes you do need to buy it separately on a rare occasion some Wheels actually do come with shifters included anyway then I bought a cheap eBay handbrake for 70 usd so my whole initial setup only cost me 400 USD now that sounds like a great deal right 400 USD against the current 1000 USD now one option for those people that are on tight budgets is buying a used wheel setup but please listen if you do never buy them without testing they could be selling it because something is broken inside the wheel even though visually it looks good right look at your local listings or Facebook groups in your area Okay meet up with the dude and bring cash if you test the wheel yourself you do a lap or queue and everything works and feels good then you pay with cash done you won't get scanned but hear me out having experienced these different types of Wheels I will now give you my honest recommendation for your very first first kind of a budget seems set up what I would do is I would actually get just a trust Master wheel for 400 USD without the trust Master handbrake all trust Master shifter I would instead get eBay 8 shifter and eBay handbrake which in total would be around 150 bucks so the whole Sim setup would fit in 550 USD budget reason is very simple because the G29 and the thrustmaster T300 the difference is like day and night and the wheel is the most important part of your setup the thing is when I had my G29 I just didn't know any better although I did notice it was like making weird noises and they like shaking but I thought that was normal seriously it was so loud I couldn't even play it after like 10 pm I would wake up the whole apartment and my neighbors and I've seen like many people ask me personally if their G29 is broken because they shake like crazy and make these weird noises and I say nope it's just a normal 4g29 it has a gear driven engine so it is a valid concern right the reason why G29 makes these really loud noises and all the crazy shaking is because inside of the wheel it has a Gear engine okay and gears do make a lot of noise p300 however is so quiet compared to G29 and the reason is very simple T300 does not have a Gear engine instead it has a belt engine which is nice and smooth plus the belt engine allows for more force feedback trust me if you guys could actually try both of these wheels out yourself you will feel that the G29 is like a cheap plastic toy even though like visually looks Fancy on the outside like don't get me wrong someone Logitech products are amazing I'm not hating a Logitech but it just feels like they entered the Sim racing world just you know grab some money thrustmaster however is a niche gaming company that focuses around specific types of products and thus can focus more on making quality products and obviously you get what you pay for right so trust Master perks again it cost more but my goodness you're gonna feel the difference now on a positive note regarding Logitech I did not have any issues with the Logitech G29 shifter I thought it was actually really decent the pedals again compared to T300 I don't see a massive Difference by the way Logitech does not have a handbrake product at all so if you want the handbrake you're gonna have to get one from thrustmaster or an eBay one and very important trust Master shifter and handbrake you can plug into the PC separately they're separate units okay which means you can use transmaster products with any setup however G29 shifter you can only use with Logitech Wheels unless you buy some special adapter from eBay or you know money fight yourself somehow using YouTube tutorials now I also tested a cheap 50 USD toy wheel and yes I did actually buy that for research purposes it was so bad it doesn't even stay mounted on the table okay very low rotation no force feedback and so on seriously get a control instead with your 50 USD budget if anything maybe they're like a good holiday or a birthday gift for a three-year-old trust me save up for a proper wheel with three pedals and a force feedback otherwise you're gonna have regrets for real the bare minimum budget I can recommend is 400 USD this will get you the Logitech hole setup you know all the T300 steering wheel without the handbrake and the shifter and also I'm gonna soon get you brand new completely different wheel setups from different brands as well which I'm not gonna spoil just yet if you want to find out what these setups are subscribe drop that like as well and as always stay sideways dude [Music]
Channel: Goosiest
Views: 2,006,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0puM9pQ83R8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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