Why You Can't Enter THAILAND | 6 Things To Know Before You Arrive #livelovethailand

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[Music] all right guys I've just arrived  to shab airport from international flight   and everything went smoothly except  couple of things I want to share it   with you like this one good guys  in bad guys out so who are the bad guys so what do we have in today's Vlog as you  heard I've just arrived from international flight   a short trip outside Thailand and I am back to  Bangkok and guess what after 2 hours I'm taking   another flight a domestic flight into another  destination now everything went smoothly from   arrivals into immigration baggage claim but  there are some stuff I want to share with you   guys it might help you to avoid some problems  once you are entering [Music] Thailand along   the way guys you can see how busy is the airport  this is the international arrivals and as I said   in my previous Vlog that the high season is back  from November till March that's the best season   to visit Thailand let me show you a little  bit what's happening at the international arrivals there are lots of signs I don't know how   can you recognize or read your name after  12 14 hours of flight that's a little bit challenging now another thing guys when I was passing  the immigration there was an issue with   the guy in front of me and after he  passed the immigration I approached   him and asked what was the problem the  problem is about how long you can stay in   Thailand with a tourist visa and of course  the maximum stay per year with a tourist visa now the maximum stay with a tourist visa  in Thailand if you have of course the stamp on   your passport then you can stay 2 months and  extended 1 month which in total is 3 months if   you are going to visit Thailand the same year  you can also stay with that stamp 2 months and   extended one month so together it will be 6 months  now if you want to visit Thailand again the same   year then you are going to have some problem  with the immigration what's the problem as I   said you can stay in Thailand with a tourist  visa only 6 months which is 180 days more than   that you are going to be like this guy if you  are not lucky and the immigration can ask you   lots of questions before you enter Talent so  that's one of the things that people ask me   how long they can stay in Thailand with a tourist  visa and how many times they can visit there are   no rules but the basic rule is you can stay in  Thailand with a tourist visa only 6 months per year now this is one of the most questions that  people always ask me about SW aomi airport and   that is about the taxis are they on meter yes  they are on meter but there are some things   that you should know before you take the taxi  like if you have two luggage it's free if you   have more than that then it's 20 bu for  each extra one and if you have big items   like sports items then you are going to pay  100 TB and again if you have boxes 100 taot   extra so these are the rules more than that if  you have any complaint guys you can call these   numbers and complain taxes should work on meter  because these are public taxes and you are at the airport now as I said at the beginning of  the Vlog Good Guys in and bad guys out well   there was a sign next to the immigration  when I was passing by and it was about   overstay in Thailand let me tell you what  will happen if you overstay in Thailand well this science explain everything about  overstaying in Thailand first of all if you   are overstaying less than 90 days then you  are going to pay 500 tibot per day but of   course not more than 20,000 tiot but if you  are overstaying more than 90 days and if you   surrender then you are going to be banned from  entering Thailand for one year more than one   year then you are not going to enter Thailand  3 years and More Than 3 years then the penalty   is 5 years and of course if you overstay  more than 5 years then the penalty is 10   years this is if you surrender but if you got  arrested then less than one year then you are   going to be banned 5 years and if it's more  than one year then you are not going to enter   10 years to Thailand so that was the story  and the slogan was good guys in and bad guys out W LA International established in 2010  with offices in Bangkok puket and Paya they   can be your legal partner to help you in  matters like real estate corporate and of   course immigration which goes to all kinds of  visas you need to stay in Thailand or maybe   for a business investment and much more so  guys with their experienced lawyers trust   that your matters are in capable hands don't  hesitate to contact them if you need any legal   consultations now another thing guys which is  also my case and that is the re-entry permit   if you are in Thailand any kind of visa and if  you want to leave and come back then you have to   take re-entry permit there are two types single  entry and multiple entry single entry is 1,000   tbot and multiple entry is 3,900 tiot so that's  another issue if you forget then your Visa is dead now extending your Visa in Thailand is  very easy for example if you are in Bangkok   you can go to Chang watana and the documents you  need is your passport a picture application and   of course 1,900 tribot for the extension which is  one month so it's so easy process but if you want   to extend go before at least one week before your  Visa ends and it's much more better to avoid any headache one of the best things this stays at s  airport guys is the selfservice checkin   you just put your passport here scan it  after that choose which airline you are   flying print the labels how many baggage  you have and later you just drop in your   luggage so that will save you a lot of  time without waiting as you see in Long cues [Music] [Music] and we still got 1 hour to take our  domestic flight so how much time you need if   you are arriving to Thailand international  flight you are going to pass the immigration   after that to take your domestic flight  usually it's so fast but I always tell   you guys once you arrive and you see there is  a long queue then tell the immigration officer   that you have a domestic flight they will help  you and you are going to clear immigration very   fast after that you just have to go back  to the fourth floor and take your domestic   flight so that's it but usually you need  around 1 hour at least to pass by and take   again your domestic flight but as I said if  you need any help don't hesitate to ask the   immigration officer [Music] going toook 31  1140 you have to check the again at minutes before that was fast we've just checked in  for example with via Jet Airways you can take   only 7 kg a carry on bag and if you want to take  more you have to pay so always check and see how   much luggage you can take especially if you are  flying with cheap domestic flights like via jet a as you see it's a mess another  thing guys don't pack things you   cannot take them back home and of  course know the rules what can you   put in your carry on luggage and in the  check-in luggage always check the latest [Music] rules so those were some of the  reasons that can cause you troubles once   you are entering Thailand like the maximum  stay per year with a tourist visa or maybe   you forget your reentry permit so always guys  follow the rules check the procedures and I'm   sure everything will go very smoothly now it's  time for me to catch my domestic flight as you   saw so smooth from international flight  to domestic flight but always keep an hour   between them so that you won't face any troubles  I hope you enjoyed this Vlog thank you for for   watching see you soon stay safe and subscribe  for more from live love [Music] [Applause] [Music] Thailand [Music] thank you so much [Music] 10w
Channel: Live Love Thailand
Views: 42,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Why You Can't Enter THAILAND, Live Love Thailand, 6 things to will kick you outside Thailand, 6 Things Will kick You Out of THAILAND, overstay in Thailand, these will kick you out of Thailand, thailand airport mistakes, suvarnabhumi airport arrival, coming to thailand, thailand 2023, thailand entry requirements, thailand things to know, traveling to thailand, things not to do in thailand, dont bring these things to thailand, Bangkok airport everything you need to know, bangkok
Id: owRx41TYLMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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