Why You Are Wasting Time - Jordan Perterson (Motivational Speech)

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I've done this a couple of times with classrooms full of students usually when I'm lecturing about Career Development say Okay um how much time do you waste so then I get the class to vote how many of you waste uh 10 hours a day it's like 10 of the kids that put up their hands and it's interesting because I don't Define what constitutes waste I just asked the question so they're diagnosing themselves right I'm not saying you're wasting 10 hours a day I'm just asking it's like given your own attitude how much time are you wasted 10 hours a day it's like 10 of people put up their hands well when you get to like six hours a day eighty percent of the people put up their hands so then we do the arithmetic It's like because I like doing arithmetic with people people hate arithmetic but I like doing it it's like okay six hours a day 42 hours a week so let's call that a work week 40 hours a week so so that's that's a work week let's say what's your time worth you're a university student well it's certainly worth minimum wage because obviously but it's worth way more than that because if you spend a productive hour when you're 20 then you gain the benefits of that hour for the rest of your life so there's the compounding effect of time spent When We Were Young so I say well let's assume your time's worth 50 bucks an hour which I think is an underestimate but whatever let's call it 50. we call it 25 but we'll call it 50. that's two thousand dollars a week you're wasted it's a hundred thousand dollars a year it's like how much better would your life be if you weren't wasting a hundred thousand dollars a year like what is that over 40 years four million dollars it's like you're rich you don't even know it quit wasting time by your own definition it's like people shake their heads oh I never thought about it that way it's like yeah think about it that way don't waste your damn life and then you think well why would people be resistant to that message it's like well you really want to wake up and figure out that you're wasting half your life and you know when people do that kind of wasting they actually hate it you know and I've had lots of people come to my clinical practice who were chronic procrastinators you know and so they're watching YouTube videos say but but not ones that are good for them although sometimes they will do that but just browsing in that kind of mindless way that you do when you're not paying attention and you're trying to kill time and people doing that they feel bad they get depressed they feel anxious they can't get away from it they feel kind of quasi-addicted there's this feeling of kind of internal rot and Corruption that goes along with it it's like yeah well you're wasting your life it's like so it's painful it's painful to recognize that then it's painful to think oh my god look how undisciplined I am I don't know anything I can't use a schedule I can't I can't stick to a calendar I don't have any aims I don't know anything about the world right and maybe there's a part of me that's bitter because I haven't got everything already and I'd like just like to say to hell with it that's the recognition of the Union Shadow it's like that's What Makes You vicious and and and and and untrustworthy all of that no one wants to look at that and no bloody Wonder but hey the alternative is worse so the goal is this you're going to take care of yourself you're gonna have a life in three years that justifies it suffering that's the goal so you can invent the damn life but you have to think what you would be satisfied with so you wouldn't be all bitter and resentful it's like okay what do you want from your family what do you want from your friends how are you going to educate yourself what do you want for your career how are you going to use your time outside of work how are you going to handle drugs and alcohol and other Temptations like that how are you going to keep yourself mentally and physically healthy these are open questions like you get to answer them the idea is you can have whatever you want but you have to figure out what it is it has to be realistic and you have to figure out what it is it's okay so now develop a vision what's your life going to be like in three to five years so you write it down then we do something else which is okay um your bad habits and your resentment and your bitterness and all of that your procrastination gets completely out of hand and you auger down and you're in your own personal version of Hell in three to five years what does that look like well everyone knows that it's like everyone can look into the future and think well if I keep going on this dark path this is where I'll end up well then you've got a little hell outline for yourself to run away from and you've got a little Heaven outline for yourself to run towards and then you're motivated because sometimes you know you're just hopeful I would like a good thing to happen it's like yeah but you know I'd like to drink half a bottle of whiskey tonight too it's like so which is it going to be well just being hopeful about the future might not be enough but then you think oh I see like there's that little hell thing that I outlined that's waiting for me and maybe I'm afraid of taking the next next step forward because it's demanding and challenging it's like yeah I'm afraid of that but I'm way more afraid of where I might end up if I don't get my act together [Music] foreign
Channel: Motivational Input
Views: 85,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan peterson, jordan peterson motivation, jordan peterson speech, jordan peterson motivational speech, jordan peterson motivational video, jordan b peterson, jordan peterson interview, jordan peterson lecture, jordan peterson debate, jordan perterson, jordan peterson 2022, motivational speech, jordan peterson success chasers, success chasers jordan peterson, jordan peterson life advice, jordan peterson 12 rules, jordan peterson 2021, motivational video
Id: 5SHizXdqMkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 52sec (292 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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