WHY would ANYONE buy this €10.000,- COMPRESSOR!?

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this is the her child 670 from Heritage audio and I've learned two very interesting things while working with it because a compressor like this doesn't make you a great audio engineer and I've learned as well that it is nothing like the plugin so let's talk about that [Music] the her child 670 sells for 10 000 Euros right now or maybe a little bit less and also for ten thousand dollars for some weird reason and I am assuming that most of my viewers aren't planning to spend that much on a compressor like this I mean I'm not even planning on buying this thing because this thing is going back to the distributor soon and it makes it a little bit useless to do a normal review in which I give information like the fact that it is basically a small space heater the knobs on the front plate don't always align the fact that they've used dented potentiometers instead of rotary switches and also that there's no bypass I mean if you're looking to buy such a compressor that could be valuable information for you but I'm assuming most of the people aren't interested in that so I rather want to use this compressor to answer the why question why are these in the modern software simulation days still being built and sold so first of all I think a big under standing with Fairchild compressors or Fairchild clones because this is not an original Fairchild is that because of the Simplicity of the controls it is pretty easy to set up and pretty easy to let it do its magic but I discovered that actually the opposite is true and how I would compare it is with getting a luxurious sports car you know at first when you get behind the wheel of a luxurious sports car it feels really good and everything is really cool but after driving it for a little bit you will quickly discover that you will need some skills to get a max out of such a sports car and that's what I discovered with this as well like it really took me some time to really figure out how to set this thing correctly so that it would shine it's really kind of a Precision compressor to use so please be aware of that that if you're thinking that this is going to solve all your mixing issues it's probably wise to just practice more instead of shelling out a lot of money for such a compressor and I mean without the plugins out there you might want to stick to a plugin and what I did because I really wanted to know this as well is I compared this unit with the universal audio Fairchild bundle tube compressor bundle what is it called the uad Fairchild 670 so George the guy from worldwide mastering made a special version of his song called oceans for this comparison and let's start with a comparison of kick and snare [Music] so slight difference but nothing special I mean the her child gives a little bit of a tail to the kick but that's it it's not not that much difference so let's move on to the DECA tree which is being used as rooms for the drums [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] not much of a difference tiny bit with nothing worth 10 000 Euros alright so maybe the acoustic guitars then thank you [Music] all right all right so we're getting some differences here and I think that is caused by the slight difference between the attack time of the plugin and the her child which basically produces a more sparkly sound in the plug-in and a bit more creamy sound from the analog unit really really interesting and of course the final instrument the instrument that the original Fairchild was made for the grand piano and I have to say that I'm cooking it a lot here on purpose because I really want to drive it a lot because I really want to search where the limit of the limiter is oh [Music] thank you and as you can hear it seems that I can I can compress it a bit more with the analog unit compared to the plugin but honestly that's not worth the purchase for me yet so that's weird like they perform kind of the same some slight differences between both why would anyone buy this and in order to find out I went one step further because what I did is I mixed the whole song using only the her child 670 or the plugin so I didn't use any EQ I didn't use any other signal processing and the only thing I added is a little bit of Reverb so what you're hearing is coming directly from the microphones through two different compressors on which I did the best amount of effort to match it up and I have to say that an A B test like this will never be perfect by the way if you're expecting Perfection it's better to unsubscribe from my channel because Perfection is an illusion but I really tried to match up the processing on both channels and as a bonus I also did most of this compression through the her child and through the plug-in mix so you're hearing one mix mixed at the same settings and also the same compression amount and everything on the plugin and another mix with the her child inserted on basically almost every channel foreign [Music] [Music] diving Judy Judy of each in every way each and every way diving to you drive you feel he's a brighter day foreign so there it is this has been something that I've been wondering about for for a long time like for years and I finally found a reason to do this test because it took me a lot of hours to make this comparison and I'm realizing yet again how important it is to be super focused when comparing a piece of equipment on one Sound Source because the differences might be really small but in the end everything will stack up when everything comes together all the little nuances and stuff it actually turns out to be a pretty big thing and this is something that I always thought was true but I'm now sure about it and I guess that is the reason why these units are still being built and still being sold and I don't want to say that the plugin sounds bad or something I actually think the plugin is doing a really great job but honestly in this situation in this A B test for me the hurt child wins now this unit here was loaned to me by amtec which is a local distributor over here they emailed me a while back if I wanted to check this thing out and we actually emailed them back a pretty big message of like hey yes we want to check it out but this doesn't work like a commercial or something like we're going to be really honest about such a unit and they were super cool about it they basically gave the unit as long as I needed to make this video so I'm Tech especially Glenn huge thanks for Lending me this unit also huge thanks to sound Vision studio and George for producing the song that you heard in this video because it was kind of specially made for this video I'll link of course to the full version in the description down below or in the comments or whatever I will also link to Heritage audio if you want to learn more about the her child and I will include affiliate links as well in the description where you can directly buy this compressor but I'm not expecting a lot from that because I'm not even going to buy it I I don't have that kind of money laying around right now to invest in such a compressor if you like this video and want to support me consider becoming a channel member you can do that using your join button down below as a channel member you get access to content like this extra content really cool if you want to support me by just watching more videos I'll link an interesting video over here if you hated this don't forget to unsubscribe keep pushing and bye bye
Channel: White Sea Studio
Views: 33,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: studio, audio engineering, mixing, mastering, recording, music production, white sea studio, wytse gerichhausen, heritage audio, herchild, herchild 670, fairchild, fairchild 670, tube compressor, vari-mu compressor
Id: JQ2_lbinbV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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