Why Working With Kanye Is Pure Torture (Disturbing Details)

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yay is the greatest living artist of our time a genius in every way but also a troubled individual so working with him comes with this challenges yay Works crazy hours every week and he expects the same of his collaborators cuz this man like doesn't sleep and I finally told him dude I got to go to sleep I'm old during Album sessions he runs 8: a.m. meetings which are compulsory to attend in these meetings they run through the songs they made the day before make notes and set objectives for the day ahead if you make it to one of these meetings there's a high chance you get kicked out security would come wake us up like wake up wake us up at 8:00 a.m. every day we was at we have our Ed meetings yay was like is n still on the album cuz I didn't show up I walked in like 3 minutes later like a lot of people got left off that album just cuz they couldn't wake up these sessions get so intense that some people start to suffer from extion OT the lead mixer for D was one of the engineers who passed out while working on the project maybe 6 weeks of my life and during those 6 weeks there was no uh living second that was dedicated to nothing but that album where there was like a screenshot of one of my text messages talking about I almost died because I've been working like 40 hours straight kind of [ __ ] I'm back guys yesterday after 33 hours of Pro Tools I got jittery lost my sight and then fainted to the ground they are not you they are we got to go through it this it's spiritual warfare if Mike Dean is being overworked I can only imagine how it's like for those who are maybe further toward uh the bottom of the food chain in the Kanye camp this reminded me of Michael Jackson and Quincy Jones making Thriller they were carrying the second Engineers out on stretchers and and and the musicians too they were tired you know well he'll make you do a thing until it's perfect he'll say it's beautiful we have a take then he'll say well can you give us one more it's the question of doing something over and over and over and over again until you get it right and you figure out what it's about no this is like the first time somebody ever told Ros I know you you could go harder Ros I know you he closed the room I say this [ __ ] crazy and I went back in immediately right then and he's a perfectionist he wants to do it a 100 times he wants to see 100 colorways 100 variations you know he would call and say well I want it written like a prayer write it like a prayer okay now I want it written like a joke okay now it's too funny make it more serious like a something or oh okay a hurricane at first he was like okay I wanted to be about you know what's going on in the streets of Chicago I brought it back to him and he was like I want it to be like Turned Up and more funny so I went and did another verse brought it back he was like man I think I want to be more like you know about my relationship with my wife and I'm like okay well which one do you wanted he like all of them yeah I wanted to be about all those things when you ask these artists about the Yeezy working culture they embrace it to the fullest and it's not just music either he holds the same standards for his designers at Yeezy whether we agree with it or not y an orthodox methods tend to get the job done he has a way of pushing his collaborators past their usual limits encouraging them to create quality products that they themselves hadn't deemed possible he believes in you more than you believe in yourself a lot of the times or he's asking me to do something like why why do you want me to do that because I know you can and I'm like but should I he's said but you can do it he's right and a lot of times it's Liber you know he'll go off on somebody and I'm thinking okay they're about to cry and they're just motivated like they're like y okay cool you believe in me like okay he's giving me a chance it's definitely not easy and it can become infuriating but like Kobe said whenever the Lakers fought each other in the locker rooms they'd win a championship it's like 8 hours left to this [ __ ] no chuckling and nothing and nothing no kind of way all right play Off the Grid it's a torture chamber of sorts you know what I'm saying I love that Jay likes to put people in in in that torture chamber that blender he feels comfortable when other people are uncomfortable something has to be said about artists performing far better on y's albums than on their own work this is because he doesn't accept anything below an A+ a philosophy he learned from a late friend of his named Louise Wilson okay so Louise Wilson was the baddest professor of all time of any fashion school ever notorious to not letting people stop out of seven or eight pushing people to a 12 she said you know so many students they don't give it they're all and the problem is soon as they do anything halfway good when they're 2 years old 3 years old their parents clap exactly that's exct what she said they clap and she just looked at me and she said Kanye Don't Clap oh expect and exhibit Excellence from yourself and from others yay he's a monster at pushing his team to rework the ideas until he feels it's exactly what it needs to be of course depending on who you ask there's a huge downside to chaseing Perfection he has artists and producers take out months and sometimes years out of their lives to work on this project and a lot of these projects end up getting scraped oh you said the album was coming out on Saturday it didn't come out what happened um I didn't finish it many artists are under the impression that their lives are about to change when they get the call but all they end up with is gray pieces of music on a hard drive with no plan they get zero pay for all that time and effort for a lot of these artists this is the only way to feed themselves imagine dedicating time into something and then randomly it gets released on a platform that makes it way hard for you to earn money in a climate that is already cruel to artists everybody was confused like how we get paid were you confused hell yeah I'm still confused like have you gotten paid for those songs uhuh Kanye became the same monster machine he was fighting against the contracts are made to the artist now go and get y'all business while we going to get free cuz I'm Moses he claims to be the Moses of the industry the person that's going to free the artist from these slave deals but that's clearly not the case yay only cares about the things that affect him it just so happens that he has signed some bad contracts all he cares about is getting his Affairs in order he's not concerned about liberating the artist cuz if he had he would have made sure to do right by all the musicians around him I put at least $30 million in this man pocket or more right and he owes me money and he's up billions he said that the Masters he said he was going to give his artist back his Masters and it's just like that hasn't happened yet but that would benefit me a lot yay super particular with his team's outfits even in the studio sessions there clothing items which are prohibited during Dark Fantasy sessions one of the rules that stood out to me was the no hipster hats as of late he's so picky that in order to control what people are wearing around him he decided to start utilizing uniforms and only a few selected people are still allowed to dress how they want he give us like Yeezy cargo looking black cargo Indian da shirts that's what he do uniform there was definitely some uniform phases and uh oh yeah there was like dress code right I get to wear what I want that way not everybody gets to another thing he implemented was he had to security take daily pictures of everybody's outfits the guards took fit pictures of what all of his creatives had on every day front side and back and uh he looked at it every night you'd wait between 7:30 and 8 you're looking at your phone come on come on then at 7:45 bro I love your fit I'm my God he started making fun of my hoodie your hoodie you came in with a cream hoodie and he was being so brutally honest and roasting me so hard I just have to sit down like on the floor and I'm like oh God this is how particular this man is about clothes unfortunately there is a not so positive story about Kanye's uniform thinking in 2021 yay hosted a private listening party for d with mostly industry Executives some from Spotify and ihart media amongst other companies his longtime industry friend and radio personality big boy was also present for the session but when they arrived yay ordered them to strip out of their clothes and wear these black robes he had for them Kanye told him all right bet listen we got some black gowns for y'all stripped down go get in the [ __ ] I don't know why they'd agreed to such but I guess they did and by the way I should be saying these days you know these are powerful [ __ ] like [ __ ] to talk about this Kane not playing with [ __ ] and so the listening party started with the a speaking but instead of playing the album he went on a wild rant about Drake Kanye is ranting in a listening private listening party saying this [ __ ] Drake really don't know I will get him killed facts big boy or or do wi Winters they're like yo bro they try to stop Kanye cuz Kanye is ranting he's ranting talking about Drake not something you'd expect from a born- again Christian he flipped on the and had them forcibly removed by his security and Kanye the people around you don't love you you are a clown you need to get boxed in a m let's talk about clown it's not our story to talk tell you know I found my dad's Playboy when I was 5 years old Playboy was my Gateway into fullon addiction and it's affected almost every choice I made for the rest of my life yay having a serious cor addiction is not really news he doesn't shy away from it the internet went up in Flames when we saw a video of yay showing some Adidas Executives in adult film this clearly had them feeling extremely uncomfortable come on come on during the making of darkg fantasy he apparently had these films constantly playing on the TVs in the studio and when Nikki first met yay he apparently was in the middle of watching something at like 6:00 in the morning there a bunch of other artists that can attest to having the same experience he watching Star Wars on this big screen and as I started talking about his song he switched on anal sex and I'm about to talk about the music and he switched on this bumb sex video I'm like okay and then he said sorry what were you saying Brett Easton the writer of American Cycle revealed on his podcast that yay actually wanted him to write porn videos to go with the songs from the life of Pablo personally I loved when I first saw how he played the video during the meeting but I was more shocked to learn that this wasn't the first time he had done that in a recent podcast which breaks down Kanye's hostile relationship with the deas it said that he once invited some Executives to his New York apartment and then put on a video during the meeting this is the beginning of the Adidas relationship before I even pull out anything and I was like look nobody's getting [ __ ] and Adidas my favorite of all time is Francesca James right I played this meeting with her drinking milk I played some adult content for the Adidas because what does Adidas stand for Anyway by the way all day I dream about sex true back in 2019 while still married to Kim he would tell his liberated to not engage in any premarital sex while working on his album that's a very weird demand to make as a born again Christian he was imposing his beliefs on people who want on the same path as him you know what took my wife from me the fact that I was married to this beautiful person but it I felt like it wasn't enough I felt like I still needed to look at now when yay eventually got divorced he fell back into his addictions so I met him at his New Year's Eve party in Miami he gave me his number then he immediately was like send me the those nudes cuz he had me show him like my sex tapes and [ __ ] when when we were like in the club he's like show me your sex tapes and he in the middle of the club he had you show him yeah I know some women who are Instagram mods they said Kane Kane ain't doing doing these [ __ ] like they in Dubai like yo you I don't even want to you just suck my left nut facts working with this man requires you to be prepared to being subjected to watching adult content against your will or having random naked women twerking while you're trying to make a beat he literally just just has me come in the studio and get butt ass naked and just like twerk in front of him and all his friends he was like right he was working on his album D too he was just like writing raps while I'm twerking naked behind the veil yay was getting busy with dozens of women it got so bad that he'd be having threesoms and all kinds of other engagements while his people were doing Bible studies in a different section of the building these were the mandatory Bible studies that were enforced by him so he would leave the sessions he's forcing people to be a part of to go and sleep with different women I couldn't imagine reading Psalms 21 when I don't feel like it while this [ __ ] is going crazy in another room it's y's world and whatever he says goes if you aren't with it you leave he's a Rebel Without a Cause only caring about the things that affect him without paying much regard to others and narcissist in every way possible but that's also why we love him isn't [Music] it
Channel: Geek About It
Views: 145,627
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Keywords: #kanye, #kanyestudio, #kanyenewalbum, #kanyedrake, #kanyeyeezy, #yeezy, #kanyestevensmith, #donda, #kanyedonda, #kanyedondastudio, #kanyedigitalnas, #irkokanye, #irkoengineer, #fantanokanye, #kanyengineer, #kanyenickfuentez, #kanyesneako, #kanyerickross, #kanyevicmensa, #vicmensa, #kanyealbum, #kanyeinterview, #kanyewest, #donda2, #kanyedonda2, #kanyecontract, #bigsean, #goodmusic, #fiviokanye, #fivio, #playboicartikanye, #kanyecarti, #kanyedesign, #Kanyewife, #kanyegirlfriend
Id: roDprn8KCbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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