Kanye West (YE) Reveals Powerful Life Advice | EYE OPENING

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foreign trust your instincts because that instinct is who God made you to be not you know what lines up with your life frat brothers or what lines up with what your dad wanted or what lines up with your classmates or you know it's just God has something inside of you and when you walk down the street you're thinking about it and then you just see it in the window and you go down another stream you see the same thing or you're thinking about a number and that number pops up or you see it on a license plate and that's just you know something is trying to say be the maximum yay you know be the maximum you and God will give you anything that you can't handle so for me everything is a yes I think they say Be Like Water I know Bruce Lee said that but matter of fact just be because we are beings with engineering opportunities my first fashion show in Paris Christine centenario that went on to be Virgil's main stylist at Louie she's working with us at Gap right so when the Balenciaga I told her remember the night before the first fashion show in Paris back in like 2011 and the stuff it was barely coming together and she started crying and said they all gonna laugh at you and I gave her a hug and said you're still gonna do it you know that laughing that's a holographic Wall of Shame that you just gotta go through but to just get into that mentality of Maximum confidence me and Justin be on that maximum confidence me and future be on that maximum confidence this video game is two buttons you can hit love or fear and we about that love not being in fear and sometimes I go real like radical with it like okay just come and get me because I'd rather that into living fear because if you're living in fear you're the walking dead anyway you were a zombie it's for me to have this platform and express exactly what I feel because it's kids out there right that it's kids that are going to save the world through engineering and through facts and I've got to get download as much of the information and as much of the don't be afraid to State your facts is the biggest thing because the world is being ran by fear and that is no actually God runs the world but there's just like little Cloud this patina of our ego that deals with the money and the car and the girl we're dating all this in the clothes you wear and spending too much on clothes and a lot of stuff that I've been involved with promoting so now what I'm promoting is you have the idea you say it out loud like you like if you had Tourette's say your truth out loud if you hate yay you hate me say that out loud say whatever you feel out loud like you said non-violently you know non-violent I have to say that like as you know as a shout out to Alex Jones and Trump where they try to say that when they say their truths out loud that it's inciting by them so let's be like really clear I'm saying that they have uh criminalized free thought people use they like they gets to blame for everything right what schools are doing is exactly what the CIA does with Pixar films and Disney films they make Bambi's mom die in the beginning right and off that pain comes a purchase of ice cream off that pain comes I need some more toys off that pain comes I need a bigger house off that pain comes I need more girls than my wife off that pain comes so they put that pain in to make us now we're the Orphans of capitalism to make us be consumers and we need to be a community not just consumers so I could have went another seven minutes by being a person who presents himself in a way that says well I don't have to feel your pain because I also have pain too that's not being recognized and in every interview when I say why don't I get to the point of putting up the tweet no one wants to understand why I got to that point right pain you had pain yeah but let's say this undoubtedly Jewish people have a lot of movies about that pain and black people have a lot of movies about the pain of slavery right it's almost impossible to find a movie about Mansa Musa when you go to the African history museum in Washington DC it doesn't start with the idea of Africans being Kings it starts with the idea of Africans being slaves ultimately I am fighting a battle in the spiritual form and anyone that believes in God and is looking at this interview would agree with that and I just so happen to be a bright part of God's Army I'm fighting for us to live the greatest gift is life itself I am pro-life I am pro-god I believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and savior and died for our sins first of all knowledge because knowledge is the most important resource to our species above water knowledge it's itself because then you can go get water I mean you can argue like if you're a baby had anymore but but the baby doesn't have it you know so someone with the knowledge then feeds the baby the water but it's important that those with the knowledge teach the baby how to find the water themselves and the business people that I've been dealing with have been keeping the baby sick by not sharing the information and the knowledge with inside of those contracts my people are sick if I load up Apple music right now and I play the top songs in the rap chart I would tell you my people are sick if I go to the restaurants in Opportunity zones and we look at the calorie rating and the cholesterol I will tell you that my people are sick if we look at the obesity rate if you go to just a restaurant somewhere in Middle America Denny's or something I went to denny's the other day you will see that my people are sick and my people meaning all people right but black people are very influential to all people so right if so if the media picks overweight black woman and says this is body goals then the media are influencing my people to stay sick after 20 years that I had to call it out in one tweet that now even if I say hey okay I was frustrated for these reasons now it's not good enough you've literally tried to make me re-apologize 10 times in this meeting re-say this re-say that but it doesn't change the fact that my people are sick and I'm the only person in my position that will say that my people are sick today not 30 years ago not six years my people are sick today 50 of my peoples of deaths are abortion today my people don't have the opportunities today what I can say is the world is sick and I have slight images of Utopia slight images of Happiness slight images as a Visionary and a creator and I know for a fact the way that business deals have been done for me are keeping the world sick what do you hope your legacy is to be forgotten you think you'd be forgotten because the memory there's ego and memory and the memories who designed the sidewalk who designed the water fountain who designed the stop sign who designed the stoplight these things are so ubiquitous that the person that designed them is forgotten if it's a good idea it's a god idea and I don't know VCS can own it I think we need to have these healthy conversations that's what it is healthy conversations healthy dialogues that's the biggest thing like when I first wore the red hat the conversation is less healthy than it is today the conversation about George Floyd you know it's like did I send the Tweet the right way is Candace Owens documentary Perfect Isn't what Michael Moore as that documentary is perfect Sentry self is it fully accurate you know two to three hours of a trans minute of information through a particular usually one person's View and anything you want to research if you're interested in it you got to look at 10 versions of it 20 versions of it fission that I have to a Steve Jobs level point of putting that above [Music] my regular human existence meaning having to go and take all the arrows that I become a soldier of division foreign I just wish that oh it will get to a place we're not even going to wish for we're going to get to a place where people just appreciate people while they're here you know I'm saying it's Madonna and Floyd Mayweather like in the same room these are Legends so when I saw that I just told everybody like yo let's let's go to the back and let's just shoot some pictures let's capture these moments like these pictures are gonna be iconic and years from now you can go back and say we had this moment at Delilah's we just living our life and we've given that we're giving that energy we live in that to the to the maximum like people want you to like go go inside we outside now thank you so I feel like it's some poke in the bear trying to antagonize me or create this like crazy narrative because to say someone is crazy they're trying to take the power away and do anything to get people to not pay attention to that's what's so good about the Noriega drink Champs it's because they paid attention to me and I changed both of these people's lives and they're about that oh don't pay attention he's a rapper he's this like yeah I'm a rapper but obviously I'm a genius too and yeah this is America and when you get strong just Mavericks black or white you know Elon you're going through it Basil's be going through it but definitely as you add the black component you have the male component because any form of Separation there's no such thing as like a 50 50 male female custody the American mindset is like it's a 99 female custody only time this male custody is a male got 100 custody my expectation is to say look we ain't gonna be playing these little games these little throw a stone and hide your hand moves little you know what you did but then if I scream or react or something it's like look at him he's so crazy I wasn't crazy when I put the creative director scams I wasn't crazy we made an attempt two billion dollars if I got 10 you got two what mine helped help that out you know I'm saying it has to be respect for that for me as a creative that's working on food clothing shelter communication education we got a basketball team Transportation all these ideas that I'm building with you know Mavericks of the world on and major companies with and I go home and it's uh my Solace comes from seeing my kids and getting a solid schedule that's why I even got the house you know they flipped it in the you know the media like there was something wrong with me getting a house next to my kid you see when my mom took my me from Atlanta to Chicago my dad didn't come to the coldest and you know most dangerous city in the world to be next he said I'm going to stay down in Atlanta because my career it's nothing with my career with this rap with this media with none of that that's going to keep me from my children and that's what I want everybody to know don't play with me don't play with my children and ain't no security gonna get in between me and my children and you ain't fitting a gas like me you ain't gonna run this narrative on me we're gonna make it better and the people that's against me is like oh I know I might have a different way or God is using me in a different way than how it's ever been always been done but this world is broken it's like work with me everybody know that yay is the living breathing Steve Jobs living breathe in Disney Ford Howard Hughes at this point my track record is too Flawless you give me a ring on something that's creative and anything short I'm a simplified like people want to keep things the same people want to change it because they're afraid but what I want to just say to like everybody like man you don't have to be afraid of change I'm an empath I want the best things for everybody I do feel like there's a blue water where there's places that we can agree on I always wanted to meet with Bernie Sanders and he refused to meet with me but I always thought that there were things that he agreed with that the early Administration agreed with also this was before you were with Trump or after this is just around the time when I was wearing the red hat and Bernie met with cardi but wouldn't meet with me and you know I just felt like if I'm if I'm this polarizing of a character why not meet with us because even like Ice Cube told me the story where you know he said Dr Dre came to him while he was an architect he was he was a College View architect and he had the vinyl in front of it said man you need to roll with us and do this group and Dre had to talk him into leaving school but when you see how Cube's mind just don't go with the programming he's the architect right and in this media world the way they kept us enslaved and entrapped was that we didn't communicate and we didn't communicate to each other you know what I'm saying like people love me and we love ourselves and we ready for something different our fathers have been strategically taken out of the homes since the 80s drugs Mr strategically put there all it does the draco's all of that we strategically put there to to Gaslight us and to have us attacking each other Jay-Z said something really amazing to me he said man it's like crabs in a barrel and Jay-Z said but crabs shouldn't be in a barrel and we've been put in a barrel and we need to be free to move side to side and however we want to go oh and it's a lack of freedom and we don't even realize cancel cancel culture bro this is from the main person that's been canceled that will not be canceled you know period bro your voice is the most powerful thing you have and it works in a few ways it works like visually it works performance wise versus our curation it works on music of course videos and I think I give a good interview now I think people can see me feel me I've been through some things because I'm not just all rich volleyball look it's perfect like this is a great moment in my life with my Christian Brothers will come to me and say it's like thank God for these moments thank God for the the pain you know thank God for this because in that he is strong and we are low when we got our lowest that's when God can come to his highest you know because how can something change if we're in group think there's gonna be someone who doesn't take the program and so I take accountability for when I've been ramped up and not have the right mood and attitude but it was necessary for me to not take the programming and then to not you know take the bullying and the manipulation they want all celebrities in a position basketball players rappers have to say yo we're voting in the same party as the media control party which is the Democrats the majority of people who own the media are aligned with the Democrats so if you don't align with them they literally is like your career is going to be over that was really the biggest reason why I went to the hospital every day imagine everyone in your life telling you your career is going to you know be over if you don't vote for Hillary Clinton I don't have no connection to this person and why do you have to defend you're right why do you have to defend your right what little rights we got we got like 13th Amendment and the Constitution you got literal amendments only based on aimed at black people to lock us up or then we're defending the rights that we fought for what's the point of fighting and winning to vote if you got to defend Who you gonna vote on like I always had a difference of opinion to everyone in grammar school everyone in high school and I see I think you know a lot of times I'm ahead of my time 10 10 years ahead of my time 20 years ahead of my time and as a leader and a Visionary I got to take a responsibility to be able to communicate to the people who follow me where are we going then where is this going and there was a blurry time where people are just feeling lost they didn't know where they was going even for Kim she's like where are you going where are you going I know how to get there I know what this is I'm going to hear my whole life you talking about building sustainable communities and all that and how this is going to be you know better and people just don't understand sometimes where I'm headed I have to take that responsibility as a visionaire to move just a little bit slower stop explain you know where we're going and I feel that there's a lot more people along for the ride now because I am a future president it might not be two three years from now I might not but and ain't never been a situation I went and not I didn't make it better I'm an industrialist [Music]
Channel: Winning Mentality
Views: 473,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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