Why Were Some Books Left Out Of The Bible?

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have you ever wondered why some books were left out of the Bible well have religious leaders conspired together to keep certain books out is there a secret cabal of corrupt Catholic priests and power-hungry Zionists who have joined together in a farías plot to keep books like Josh sure and Enoch and the Gospel of Thomas out of our scriptures these are questions lots of people asking they deserve solid answers let's search together for the truth when it comes to books like Joshua pronounced Yashar in Hebrew books which are actually referenced within the Bible joshua tam and second samuel one we don't have them today because they were not preserved they simply do not exist as four versions of josh sure you can buy the internet none of them are the original book referenced in the scriptures the most famous forged Edition claims on the title page translated into English by flaccus Albina sell queenís of britain abbot of canterbury who went on a pilgrimage into the Holy Land in Persia where he discovered this volume in the city of Gaza this volume determined to be an obvious how explain his contemporaries but the printer Jacob believed was sentenced to jail for this fraud the original book of Yashar was lost which means that from the perspective of faith God did not want it in the Canon of Scripture to claim that a religious group or some spiritual leaders tried to keep it out of the Bible it's completely untrue what about the Book of Enoch Jude quotes from it in the New Testament and we know it was very popular among the ancient Jewish and Christian communities why then has it been excluded from the Bible except for the Ethiopia Church which includes it why is it found in Jewish or Protestant or Catholic Bibles there are a few reasons first all evidence tells us that the book as a whole does not go back to the Enoch of the Bible some select quotes might go back to Enoch like the words quoted by Jude but the book as a whole certainly does not go back to him second just because Jude quoted Enoch doesn't mean that Enoch belongs in the Bible after all the New Testament authors sometimes quoted Greek poets 17 Titus 1 and when Jude quoted Enoch he didn't say as it is written in Enoch or as the scripture states which would have told us he believed the innocuous scripture 3rd Enoch was written too late to be included in the Old Testament canon the Hebrew Bible and too early to be included in the New Testament Canon obviously the Lord could have caused this to happen differently but he didn't some of this was simply a matter of timing and possibly also of content but to think that Jewish leaders or Christian leaders conspired to suppress Enoch his totally fall as I mentioned the book was very popular with ancient Jews and Christians and there was no ban on reading it or studying it just as there is no ban on doing so today in fact some early Christian leaders were quite fond of the Book of Enoch themselves what about books like the Gospel of Thomas well the answers are even easier here first the Gospels that we do have in our Bibles Matthew Mark Luke and John they were widely accepted by the earliest believers why well it's because the authors were known and they had direct connections to the Apostles or they themselves or apostles there was a close link between Jesus his first followers and the writers of these Gospels and so they were almost universally accepted second the true Gospels were written decades if not centuries before the false Gospels like Thomas as a major dictionary explains there were four gospel writings in circulation early in the second century each of them acknowledged by its readers is carrying AAPIs taluk authority the gospel writings which explicitly and falsely claim AAPIs taluk authorship did not begin to appear until after mid century this is confirmed by looking at early collections of the Gospels you'll find Matthew Mark and Luke together these are called the synoptic Gospels or the synoptic Gospels plus John together but you'll never find the Synoptics bound together with Thomas simply stated Thomas never made it in or put another way the Gospel of Thomas was not removed from the Bible because it was never a part of the Bible that's noticed by Professor Michael J Krueger there was a core canon of New Testament books that was well established by the early-to-mid second century these would have included the four Gospels the epistles of Paul at least 10 if not 13 and a handful of other books third at many points the content of Thomasin and other books like it referred to as the apocryphal Gospels was out of harmony with the other authentic Gospels while it may have preserved some genuine sayings of Jesus it breathed a different spirit a Gnostic spirit and hence mix the truth with the false the very false making for a dangerous concoction that's why there's no evidence the book was ever received by a significant portion of the believing community and that's why it was rejected through the ages so what were certain books left out of the Bible it's because they were never part of the Bible sense and the wisdom of God they didn't deserve to be there is nothing conspiratorial or sinister about this [Music]
Channel: The Line of Fire
Views: 102,674
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Keywords: bible, christianity, jesus, new testament, word of god, old testament, holy book, biblical, yeshua, hebrew, judaism, faith, biblical hebrew, bible prophecy, study bible online, messianic jews, apologetics, bible study, jewish studies, scripture, messianic, jerusalem, dramatized, jews who believe in jesus, do jews believe in jesus, jesus for jews, yahweh, michael brown, hebrew roots, kosher jesus, scriptures, messianic prophecy, moshiach, debate, book of enoch
Id: AY7UK1fNtSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 26sec (326 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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