Why were Korean Soldiers so Feared in the Vietnam War ?

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Koreans don't fuck around slotting commies

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lifwithyourknees πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Easy answer: years of experience defending American rooftops.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/agent_detective πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

can anyone recommend a good book on this subject?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/clee_36 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Too many ads

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/graminist πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
This video is brought to you by Magellan TV the documentary streaming membership service founded by filmmakers bringing you premium content Diving deep into the history subjects. You want to learn more about Magellan TV has the richest and most varied content on history available anywhere Magellan TV has over 2000 documentary movies series and exclusive playlists they have ancient modern current early modern war and biographical history, which can be watched anywhere on your television laptop or mobile device We highly recommend combat machines. This show is great for military vehicles and weapons buffs check out this episode on the Vietnam War for analysis of the vehicles used by the Vietcong to move along the Ho Chi Minh Trail and the American machines used to stop them On a topic of the Vietnam War. We also recommend Vietnam secret negotiations that ended the war Discover previously unreleased recordings and interviews from the negotiations that ended the Vietnam War during the Paris Peace Accords All the shows are without interruptions from commercials and many programs are available in 4k simple history viewers get a one-month free membership trial just go to tried module on tv.com Simple history or click the link in the description below Head over there now Why were Korean soldiers so feared in the Vietnam War Under the cover of the many flags campaign the United States war effort in Vietnam was supported by five Allied countries These were Australia New Zealand South Korea Thailand and the Philippines By far the largest contingent was sent by the Republic of Korea at one point in the late stage of the war There were more Koreans in Vietnam than Americans During the eight years of their deployment in Vietnam Koreans fought bravely and left a remarkable impression So remarkable that their enemies feared them and their allies awesome Being one of the closest allies of the United States in Asia South Korea was willing to repay the Americans for the help given to them during the Korean War Already in 1954 in 1961 South Korea had offered to send its troops to Vietnam to help defeat the Communists on both occasions the Americans and South Vietnamese had refused the offer ten years later however Amidst the need for growing foreign participation the United States and its allies Put the proposal on the table for Korea to enter the war after a series of negotiations Held between the United States and South Korean administrations The agreement was made for South Korea to send its armed forces to South Vietnam Under the following terms, the United States forces in Korea would remain in the same number to prevent a threat from North Korea The United States would support the modernization of the South Korean army and the United States would finance all expenses of Korean troops in Vietnam including transportation equipment and allowances Apart from this the US government agreed to increase the amount of financial help to the rising Korean industry and economy After the Korean National Assembly authorized the campaign on May 21st 1964 Korean units began to arrive in South Vietnam The forerunner of the Armed Forces was the military assistance group that the Korean government deployed in late 1964 it consisted of a Mobile Army surgical hospital a Taekwondo team and an engineer Construction Group focused primarily on reconstruction medical aid and Counterinsurgency efforts this group was popularly known as the dove unit the first Korean combat unit to arrive in Vietnam was the capital division better known as mango the tiger division The tiger division was one of the most famous units in the entire South Korean army The division that came to Vietnam consisted of only two brigades as one brigade remained in Korea for reasons of national security the Tigers arrived in Vietnam in September 1965 and were deployed to the Queen non-region replacing the American 1st Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division Their task was to protect the vital routes 1 and 19 Better known to its allies at the blue dragons division the 2nd Marine Division Arrived in Vietnam at the same time as the tiger division They were initially deployed to Cam Ranh Bay But subsequently moved to the doΓ­s area where they faced the 95th Regiment of the North Vietnamese Army The largest korean unit to arrive in South Vietnam was the 9th Infantry Division the white horse division the division arrived in September 1966 as part of the new agreement for sending additional Korean troops to South Vietnam consisting of an armored company a reconnaissance company in engineering battalion for field artillery Battalions and three infantry regiments the division counted 23 thousand eight hundred sixty five men The unit was deployed in the Ning hua district at the junction of route 1 and route 21 With the task of controlling the local population and defending the Ning Hwa Air Base and Cam Ranh Bay by the end of the war South Korea deployed two more units a marine battalion that arrived in 1967 and a 12-man c-46 crew in 1969 in total the Republic of Korea deployed 47,000 872 men to Vietnam between 1964 and 1969 all deployed units were under the command of Major General Chaim young-shin Once the 9th Infantry Division arrived in Vietnam general che gathered all his units under the command of the Corps headquarters in Yad Chen The recruitment for the Vietnam tours was made strictly on a voluntary basis The capital division was a reserve division But was filled up by volunteers from the entire army South Korean commanders were able to carefully pick candidates as the number of volunteers Largely exceeded the volume of the division this was the first international engagement of the South Korean army and Everything had to be up to the highest standard only those of the best fitness skills and discipline were chosen once recruitment was over the tiger division was filled with the best South Korea had The command cadre was also the best the army could offer Hand-picked by senior commanders the cream of the crop of the Korean military academy were chosen for the mission They were put under the guidance of battle-hardened senior officers veterans of the Korean War American soldiers and officers had only words of praise for their Korean allies The Korean army had come a long way since the Korean War when they were still learning from the American military in Vietnam Koreans were completely in the pendant showing great skill in all aspects of warfare from tactics to logistics Back home South Koreans were trained to defend their country from potential invasions from the north The Americans believed that they would take the same stance in Vietnam as well so it was a complete surprise when they showed a high level of aggressiveness in searching for and Fighting the enemy the South Korean soldiers were very thorough in their Search and Destroy missions They would scan the designated area leaving. No rock unturned Once the enemy was located Korean soldiers would encircle them slowly closing in and leaving very little space for the enemy to slip through The success of the missions largely depended on discipline after spending the day fighting against the enemy Korean soldiers would stand Waist-deep in the water at night to close off the perimeter The Korean troops attack their enemies with everything they had although they did not kill as many as the American soldiers the counts of weapons And material they captured was much higher They did their best to ensure that each of their attacks was a complete blow for the enemy whilst keeping their own casualty rate far below average It was not unusual for Korean units to have a kill ratio of more than 20 to 1 on their missions For these reasons the Americans leaned heavily on their Korean allies in performing dangerous missions in February 1967 the 11th company of a blue dragon Brigade suffered a night attack from to Viet Cong regiments in their base near the job bang village in the clinton gai province in south vietnam Surrounded with barbed wire and claymore mines housed with ready to fight to the death Koreans. The base was attacked from all sides As usual the VC attack in waves supported by strong mortar fire masses of charging VC soldiers did not frighten the Korean Marines who fired back with every weapon they had Bullets rained on the charging enemy the Marines even fired mortar shells at point-blank range nonetheless the Vietcong broke into the base and the fight turned into Hand-to-hand combat base commander captain chunk Yong Kim ordered his men to pull back to lure the VC deep into the base then he sent two squads to seal the gap from which the Vietcong entered and The enemy the Koreans charged at the enemy with their bayonets by morning Korean Marines had pushed the enemy back to the jungle after the air was cleared There were two hundred and fifty-four bodies of Vietcong lying all over the place only 15 Korean soldiers have been killed for this battle the Korean government awarded more Decorations than for any other battle the Korean army had participated in for their heroism shown in battle The entire unit was promoted a rank the vehement performance of South Korean troops. However, left a stain on their service in Vietnam Korean soldiers often attack villages that were suspected to provide cover and supplies to insurgents Showing no. Mercy, Korean soldiers were known to commit several massacres of Vietnamese civilians about which numerous reports were made Despite all the reports these crimes were tolerated by Korean HQ and American commanders as well In 1970 US troops gradually began to withdraw from South Vietnam As the number of American soldiers in the country decreased Korean troops more or less maintained the strength of their forces It was only after the Paris peace agreement was signed in 1973 that the entire South Korean contingent left Vietnam with the rest of the foreign troops
Channel: Simple History
Views: 3,569,431
Rating: 4.834825 out of 5
Keywords: simple history, animated history, educational, education, korean, korea, soldier, Vietnam war, Korean soldiers, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Thailand, Philippines, United States, South Vietnamese, Tae Kwon Do, Capital Division, Tiger Division, Cam Ranh Bay, Blue Dragons Division, nva, vietcong, Marine, Tuy Hoa area, White Horse, Ninh HΓ²a, C-46, Chae Myung Shin, Tra Binh, Blue Dragon, Chung Kyong Gin
Id: 0eIn9jMPjdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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