How to Survive the Vietnam War

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this episode is brought to you by state of survival zombie war the free-to-play zombie apocalypse survival strategy mobile game with evil tenacity climb established his company Giga core and completed the research of a deadly weapon which cast doom in catastrophe upon the world it's six months later and as the survivor of the disaster you're expected to rebuild your home fight against the undead enemy and Cline's conspiracy and eventually save humankind from the evil darkness that plagues the city rebuild civilization by building a fort settlement trained hunters riders and infantry units to form an army and keep the hordes of deadly zombies away with a variety of weapons at your disposal including tower defenses in the Explorer trail you can progress through the story fight against huge waves of zombies head-on and take on their many gross mutations you can also socialize with other players and join alliances to form a survivor army against the zombies remember there's strength in numbers participate in different fun events to win rewards to become stronger there's no restriction so take part at any time there's also a lot of hidden secrets listen to the dialogue between characters carefully there are many hidden stories to explore and puzzles to complete you never know what's happening next download state of survival now and use our link in the description below to enter the giveaway use our special codes simple history SOS for a free welcome game package first-come first-serve for new users only they'll be choosing 30 lucky fans to win our t-shirts and 20 lucky fans to win $100 face value Amazon gift cards use the code before it runs out how to survive the Vietnam War the 1960s so it's the mid 1960s and you are a raw recruit who has just arrived in Vietnam the countries involved in a bloody an intense civil war so how do you survive this experience well firstly the best way to survive the Vietnam War was des simply not the innit in the first place and the easiest way to do that was not to be an American as the vast majority of Armed Forces deployed there at the time for United States servicemen while it is true that other nations like Australia Thailand and the Philippines were involved in the conflict as part of an anti-communist alliance their numbers however were relatively low in comparison to America's military commitment by the end of the war America's commitment to the Vietnam War would see nearly three million servicemen involved a truly massive scale another way to survive the Vietnam War was to not be drafted this would have been a limited option however as conscription was still in place in America a legacy from World War two even legends like u.s. singer Elvis Presley were unable to avoid being conscripted but he was posted to the safety of Western Europe just as the US military was starting to get involved in the Vietnam conflict one option to avoid being conscripted could have been to flee to a neutral country it would however mean having to leave friends and family and risk being labeled as a draft dodger for the rest of your life so if you did find yourself in the US military and posted to the conflict in Vietnam how did you reduce the chance of not becoming one of the 58,000 148 were killed in the conflict or one of the 304,000 that were wounded in combat you are in Vietnam the mid-1960s depending on which branch of the US Armed Forces you served your chances of surviving the Vietnam War is varied you're in the US Navy for example if you're in the Navy the odds are in your favor of surviving this is due to the fact that he enemies Navy consisted of a few small armed vessels and a handful of fast attack torpedo boats compared to the mind of the u.s. naval fleet however naval aviators do not have it easy as they were expected to carry out bombing raids over North Vietnam as well as support the US Army and Marine ground offensives there is also the risk of deadly accidents due to the high level of combat readiness required during the war one of the most tragic examples of this happened in 1967 involving the USS Forrestal Seavey 59 supercarrier the ship was on operational deployment in the Gulf of Tonkin off the coast of North Vietnam when an f-4b phantom was taxiing on the deck of the carrier an electrical malfunction caused an unguided rocket on the jet to fire prematurely the rocket struck a nearby stationary a4 Skyhawk and in the ensuing fire engulfed a large part of the ship resulting in 134 men killed a 61 aircraft destroyed you're in the US Air Force joining the United States Air Force displayed its new generation of high-tech weaponry such as the f-105 thunderchiefs armed with precision guided bombs and each seeking missiles is a much riskier choice well innovations such as the ejector seats and widespread use of rescue helicopters help keep casualties down being part of a flight crew is a hazardous and demanding role the Air Force carry out over five million missions during the conflict dropping more bombs than in all of World War two the Air Force lost around six thousand pilots and crewmen along with a staggering 2251 US aircraft this is the equivalent of the destruction of the combined air forces of the United Kingdom Germany the Netherlands Norway Portugal and Canada of today you're in the US Marines or US Army the real burden of the war was carried by the ground forces it was truly a down and dirty war fought at close range in the jungle by the common US soldier so how did you survive the Vietnam War if you were in everyday gi firstly you should always keep your weapon clean from the dirt and muck of the jungle in your hands is the newly introduced m16 assault rifle which carries false claims of never needing to be cleaning if it isn't cleaned it will become prone to jamming which can potentially be deadly in the middle of a firefight beware of booby traps these are the weapons of choice by the North Vietnamese Army and the Vietcong traps included concealed pits full of punji sticks these are sharpened bamboo sticks smeared with urine or feces in order to infect anyone who was unlucky enough to fall into a pit also popular art truck walkers or the most deadly and dramatic of these is the swinging mace this is triggered by a tripwire which will cause a large metal or wooden ball with numerous spikes embedded in it to swing down from a nearby tree impaling the unsuspecting victim if you're an officer you should not highlight that fact while you're on the frontline it's one of the many enemy snipers will go out of their way to target you and make you their next victim the North Vietnamese often use the Russian Mosin Nagant m-44 rifle that has arranged in excess of 2,500 feet one famous Vietcong sniper moving around is a woman simply known as the Apache who is known for her sadistic and ruthless nature she rarely ever misses her target it's not just the enemy that presented danger deadly animals and life-threatening diseases are also present on the battlefield thankfully death from disease and animal attacks in the Vietnam War is nowhere near as lethal as in previous Wars malarial mosquitoes leeches ticks fire ants and deadly snakes like the king cobra and various types of pit vipers are everywhere in fact Vietnam is home to no less than 37 different types of poisonous snakes crocodiles and venomous spiders will also constantly make you watch where you step there is even a South Asian giant centipede which is a highly aggressive fast moving creature with a bite like a bee sting and to make matters worse there are a whole host of nasty tropical diseases you can get that are mostly insect or tick-borne like tuberculosis dengue fever and typhus just to name just a few with the use of antibiotics and other medicines survivability from these diseases are high as we saw the Vietcong are reluctant to engage in conventional warfare but if you're a firefight with the enemy and her hit being wounded is not the death sentence that used to be 100 years before in the American Civil War to be wounded meant more often than not that you would die to shock or infection but in Vietnam if you were seen by a field medic or be medevac to a nearby hospital in time you have a high chance of surviving the ordeal of being injured in combat death from disease and injury in the Vietnam War was nowhere near as lethal as in previous Wars Swift medical attention and the use of antibiotics sterile equipment and anesthetics ensured the vast majority of gi survived when wounded say no to drugs in Vietnam illegal drugs such as illicit drugs like marijuana opium LSD cocaine morphine heroin and psychedelic magic mushrooms are relatively inexpensive and widely available to American soldiers in some combat units up to 80 percent of men are casual or habitual drug users and use them to increase performance in the field something that may cause overconfidence in combat many soldiers became addicted to drugs which carried on into their lives when they got back home by the end of the Vietnam War the black market was flooded with cheap cocaine and heroin from neighboring Cambodia so you survived against the enemy in combat and their booby traps the dangerous wildlife of Vietnam and its tropical diseases and now your tour of duty is over return home and readjust from combat to civilian life as a Vietnam War veteran you
Channel: Simple History
Views: 1,167,420
Rating: 4.8488178 out of 5
Keywords: simple history, animated history, educational, education, vietnam war, us marines, how to survive, F-4B Phantom, US navy, USS Forrestal, cold war, US Army, Marine, A-4 Skyhawk, Air Force, US Air force, ejector seat, booby traps, M-16, ak47, punji sticks, Swinging Mace, nva, vietcong, King Cobra, Pit Vipers, spiders, Crocodiles, Giant Centipede, Tuberculosis, Dengue fever, Typhus, tropical diseases, veteren, vietnamese
Id: ZRSU0fRJt0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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