Why we pour concrete in sections

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sounds like mud boys get your boots on here comes the mud boys and it's 95 degrees out and we got who's coming down the line Looks like Dwight it's Dwight coming down the line Circle T coming all the way up to Camden New York which is 50 minutes away so they're taking care of us a little retarding in there to slower down a little bit over on the right side buddy looking good my man looking good thanks for coming in we can drive right down the side of there if I somebody moves that tripod huh move those float handles H all right stay we got uh 315 963 2231 is the company Circle T Ready Mixed division we got their second best driver there second best driver they got maybe third I don't know here we go hopefully we can get it in it's [Music] hot look at that hat I'm rocking Robbie it's got the cool shades on the hat oh my God wait a second what's up with the shirt come on dude you want to add dude I I just seen on a nice hat nice glasses and you got the shirt the Bondo shirt yeah I got Bondo shirt if I show up in a compor i' get a yeah you'd get a t-shirt here comes the mud yeah I got some good looking shirt got some I just got a I took them out of my truck oh makes a significant difference oh heck yeah it does yeah cuz it's going to be dry in like 2 seconds hold that wire up Roy want to get in trouble to don't want to get in trouble by the YouTube wi mesh police oh that's beautiful right there that's a nice slump I do I love Itor I love that yep start with a six she'll end that about it too here we go let's rock and roll yeah yeah to the bottom of that yeah yes sir we'll push it in all so we don't do it all over the side that's more oh this is the 3 really really yeah a little biger hey guys Bondo here so this is a job that we actually did last summer and uh you're probably wondering why I'm pulling this footage out um we I never got along to doing this video last year sometimes we get um clogged along so good during the summer that I can't keep up with the video footage per the jobs that we're doing so um sometimes I have extra video footage and then you know right now things are pretty slow in the winter um I live in New York state and uh Upstate New York and uh we slow down in the winter I don't generally pour a lot of concrete at all after like November or early November so um like I said this is a job that we did last summer it was pretty hot when we poured this out you can see we had a few guys that were uh that were working for us last year that aren't working for us this year but this was one of the nicest barns that we ever poured um for a pole barn you can see the details on this Barn the guy that built it did a tremendous job on this thing it's really nice so um what I wanted to show you here is how we broke this job down into Parts um sometimes you know if you don't have a big crew and you want to get a job done you can break it down into pieces so this job we did in three different pores we poured this side apron that we just were working on right now and uh this little this is just a little propane pad that we um are doing as a favor for the guy and um this is all going to be a broom finish so this concrete here that we're doing on these side apron has air entrainment in it it's got full air entrainment cuz it's going to get um freeze thaw so Les where we live so um air TR is a chemical that they put in concrete that will actually let the concrete be able to freeze and thaw it kind of gives a gives uh the Water a place to go and not blister the surface so you can see we just um laid this out we screed the whole thing off now we got Mike right there has got a funny float and uh here we are that's me just brooming it quick all the footage is sp sped up but this is still a almost a 30 minute video so there's this is quite a big job here all right guys we're pouring another section at this Barn this is what we did last night we got to cut our relief joints in there but that come out really nice so we're going to do this apron today and we're going to do this other half over here well a half of the half I should say this is going to be done here up up to that board because then there's this inside section here that we're going to do on Saturday when we do the inside of the barn so this is a brush finish here broom just like the other side that's a hard Tred finish so actually this will have air entrainment in it um and that will only have a little bit of air in it so and then the Garage the pole barn section will have just light air in it as well and that is this section we got a trench drain in there that's all ready to go so we're pouring all these separate because uh we don't want to tie these aprons into the floor so they got to be poured separate and the air content is different these aprons got full air in them their exterior and air uh if you don't know what air is it's actually a chemical you put in concrete that creates micro bubbles in the concrete and that gives water a place to expand and contract without blistering the surface of the concrete so here in um New York State we put air in our exterior concrete right buddy right Ro I don't know if Ro is thinking he wants to step in the concrete today what do you think Buddy you going to step in the concrete today that looks like a that looks like a yes that looks like yeah sit sit buddy sit give me Paw good boy give me that paw give me that yeah that's a good boy all right we're just waiting on mud guys here's the crew here's the crew right here biscuit Frank and Roy and rer look at the boss man just sitting here being lazy this is the best reclining chair you can ever have out of concrete $350 chair this is the best you just need a pillow if you had a pillow the Brownwood wheelbarrow oh hell yeah it's wait on Mon waiting on the mud here come the mud guys Frank you got your boots on bud yes I do buddy all right don't let him hit that we'll do maybe uh I know a little bit of Wheeling and then we'll be good you got to get out of here bub come on come on buddy come on get out come on River here yeah so you can see here guys we just got me Frank biscuit and Roy to do this section so um we got a wheelbarrow this section you can't get the truck along the side of there so we got these brunwood wheelbarrows and uh you can move a lot of concrete with them I got a potato rake in my hand I'm pulling up the wir here you'll see that's what I'm doing Biscuit's just flattening it out looks like Frank's doing most of the Wheeling right now once we get it wheeled where we can just shoot the rest of it then we won't wheel anymore but to get this back section that's how we're going to place the concrete um we don't use pumps a lot guys it's just um works out good for us with these wheelbarrows it uh it's more cost effective so that's what we do we don't have to schedule pump guys or nothing like that so generally we do 90% Almost 100% of our stuff with wheelbarrows that's just what we do and uh it works really well you can see we're just putting all them putting the concrete in there I'm magging the edges off you kind of watched me I'm using two hands to mag here because um this is last year when I have my before I had my shoulder surgery I had a torn rotator cuff actually poured uh I poured concrete all season with a Tor rotator cuff and then I end up getting uh surgery in September so this was uh probably like August and I'd still had that real bad tear in my shoulder they ended up putting a cow tendon in there and I had major surgery so um was able to get it done until I had surgery I just worked right straight through it but that's Frank on the outside there helping me and I'm pulling along the inside trying to do the two-handed mag deal here as you can see with my bad shoulder but we're getting it in and then we just got that little um three-foot apron along the front that we're going to pour out here and uh we we had a surprise coming in here for us you'll see in a minute um once we got all the mud and it started to rain but you'll see that in a little bit you see Roy and Big Biscuit are puddling that's what we call that they're just raking the concrete behind me and Frank me and Frank are pulling it along Frank's got a form board there so he's kind of got the easy side and I'm running along that wet concrete pad that's along the building um that siding doesn't go down into the concrete it kind of stops right where the where the slab goes so uh that's how they they ended up doing this there's a treated board under there that we're pouring the concrete against up against the building so that's how we did it guys we got this section here done and then we had a p pour out that front piece after we get this done big biscuits going to B float this in a second you'll see just getting the last little bit of concrete out that we had a little too much in there magging off the front of it this piece here too guys this is POR number two as you can tell here um this has air entrainment in it in it as well so this is a broom finish we didn't do that little garage area um that's right behind where the float is now there's a little section because that's going to be closed in so we're going to actually pour that on the third por when we pour the inside of the barn we're going to pour that section as well so uh this is like I said breaking down the job making it more manageable um especially if you don't have enough help or you um you're not as experienced you can break these floors down you you don't have to do do them all at once um we could even have broke that inside poure which we're going to do here I'm going to show you in the video we could have broke that into two pieces I mean we didn't need to but say uh we couldn't get enough help or whatever maybe we didn't have as much experience we could have broke that into two pores as well so um just an idea for you if you're uh new to this don't um try to do more than you can handle and more than you can get a nice finish on cuz uh that's more more important to get a nice finish and to pour nice concrete don't pour real wet concrete so you can get more done so we got the front here done I'm funny floating it that's a funny float it's like a MAG on a stick more or less a MAG TR on a stick and Biscuit's going to start edging it here he's just got a steel edger he's going to put a um like a picture frame we call it along it and we got to work around the stakes and stuff but then we actually got to get inside the build building here in a minute and uh mag along the Edge from the inside of the building and like I said the reason we did it this way is just to make it more manageable plus these aprons we don't want to tie into the inside floor like I said already in the video they should be separate it's a different kind of concrete that stuff inside's going to have a low air in it this has a full air in it cuz that inside stuff doesn't get Frozen as much as this exterior stuff would tend to see direct weather and direct rain and direct snow where once you close the doors that inside stuff is not going to see that um that harsh weather and those freeze thaw conditions so that's why we do it this way you don't want to use that same kind of concrete okay we just had a little fun time it started to rain started rain and this guy right here rotor ran through our concrete over here cuz we all jumped and started running because uh of the rain he didn't realize what was going on we all jumped and ran and get the plastic on here so we got it covered in real quick time it's one of them rains it's just going to blow over but you can see it's the skies are nice right there but it just came out of nowhere and we're yelling to get this plastic out and cover this thing up this is underneath so we just had to cover this Edge real quick but man talk about a a bad deal but I think it's going to blow right over us does anybody look at the radar see if it's going to blow over us stay tune all right guys this is where we're at everything's done and it started raining again we got it all looking really nice and here comes the rain so you can see it's raining pretty good it looks really good underneath there if we can keep this plastic on it we just don't want the eaves to beat on it they drip off that siding and that Eve it's going to mess it up so we're trying to keep it covered here but the is trying to blow our plastic right off right now so we're just going to sit here and babysit it till this rain goes away probably be the last thing we do today we we ain't going anywhere else today for a coup more you guys are paid babysitters today oh man you went from Mason to babysitter Roy H I can deal with that we do everything here that's right bundle Built construction of that's right what do you think he's like's like H I stepped in the concrete twice today but sick of getting yelled that's not too bad I've been yelled at four people I'm just going to chill here I'm just chilling like a villain right Bobby good boy you did good budby all right guys here we are we got her done in between the rainstorms we covered her up didn't do any damage to it that's why you bring plastic with you but she turned out nice that's our all our exterior concrete's done so we got to pour this and the barn which is 208 by 48 in here with the trench drain and then this is all done over here we just cut this today there's that hoodlum rowing we did these Cuts today too so so it's all cut down through there at every post so that's what we have we're up to today hey guys Bondo here so this morning we are going to be pouring a pole barn as you can see we already did some work over here uh we did the apron here and we did this piece here there's a piece back in here we're going to do today but we did this the other day with the apron the evening before before that we did this side over here that's all done there's a little pad in the back for a propane tank but today we are going to be pouring this inside piece which is 28x 48 plus like I said that piece over here on the outside so stay tuned we're going to be pouring this out um we got to wheel most of it until we get to the front front where we can shoot through the door but we're going to wheel that whole back half with the big brunwood wheelbarrows the Dual excuse me dual wheel wheelbarrows stay with us thanks for watching guys here comes the mud guys here it comes whoops almost tripped we're still uh we got two guys we're short right now so hopefully they get here we were supposed to pour it 10 and they switched it to 9 so looks like uh Sean no oh no it's Mike there we go we got the wheelbarrows in here we got to start Wheeling this bad boy laser set up we put plastic over the apron so we don't get in there bring them right in way I think we got to put a little splash of water in there don't you get a barrel out we'll see look pretty tight doesn't it looks like a about a five to me want to give her a little splash bud that's about a five we're looking for about a 5 and a half slump today guys it's pretty going to be pretty hot we don't want to fight it stay with us we're going to start in the back [Music] here okay guys so this uh Barn here as I said earlier is 28 by 48 so and we're going to wheel um 90% of This Barn you can see that's where're starting in the back corner we like to start pretty much the furthest away and work our way towards the door and once we get to the door you can shoot some of it right out of the shoot but um you see that long stretch um down the middle that that drain that's in the middle we got it taped up so looks like a piece of pipe or something in the video but that's that's what it's called a trench drain so um we like to put those trench drains in these Barns and uh the longer they are the better they work honestly so um because we keep the trench strain lower than the floor and the floor not lower than the floor but lower than the outside edge of the floor so as you can see if you look close in the video there's actually a pitch going into that drain and um I'm going to link a video on installing these trench drains cuz I got a pretty good video on how we do it right from while you're doing the dirt work cuz we did all the dirt work on this too guys um This Barn here um we didn't do the rough rough in of it but we came in and you know this thing needed a lot of work so we uh put a put a lot of fill in there and we graded everything and while we're grading it we use a laser level and uh we actually set this um trench drain in Mortar which uh keeps it stiff keeps it stiff and puts it right where you want and keeps it flat but uh we do um drop that drain down like I said about an inch and a half so when you pull into this barn on either Bay and uh you know we we live in area where there's snow and the snow's going to melt it's going to run right into that drain and then that drain has an exit line that goes out to daylight so it kind of goes underground pops out the side and the any water that gets in there will and if you wash your cars off it'll go right out to daylight so that's that's just explains how we do these drains but uh you know that creates kind of a weak point down the middle of the slab so you do want to make sure you saw cut off that drain as you'll see um if you watched the end of the video we actually cut some diagonals off the corner of this drain and uh well I'm pulling up the wire guys you can't really see because I got a potato rake in my hand but um right there I that's me pulling up the wire in the yellow shirt um we try to get the wire up um you don't want it up I mean get get beat up on this wire MH a lot um we can't chair it up because we wheel on top of it and it's not safe you're going to trip and break your neck trying to wheelbarrow on top of chaired up wire so um we pull the wire up um we pour a thicker slump concrete than most companies so um the stones in the concrete keeps that wire up fairly decent it doesn't keep it up in the middle um but you don't want it in the middle you want the wire down towards the bottom because you want the wire mesh on the tension side if that makes sense because the weight on your slab is going to be on top so if something breaks you want that wire towards the bottom third of your slab which puts it on the tension side so um if you had the wire in the middle of the slab it would just act as a hinge when the concrete cracked and we don't have any problems with these slabs so um a lot of people like to talk about the wear mesh and we didn't pull it up and it's not going to be any good but we go back and visit these slabs and we've been doing these pores for years and uh they hold up really well we've never had to take one out um so they really hold up good and we we have a lot of free sty Cycles I've been trying to go back and show different ones that uh you know I had a video where it didn't even the concrete didn't even crack and we poured it exactly like this so um I'm sure someone else someone will say something anyways about the wire but that's all right cuz it helps my uh helps my channel positive or negative here we are guys pourn that little uh section that's going to be closed in as well you can see there's a door there's a Overhead Door in there so this is getting the same kind of mix of concrete that's inside the main Barn so that's why we back again of why we broke this job down like we did in the sections and uh that's just how we did it worked out really good Soft Wind cranks right through here wind's cranking right through here at my back it comes right through the building so it's gonna it'll dry it out quick oh [Music] yeah [Music] yeah buddy so biscuits here we got a DeWalt backpack sprayer as you can see it's battery powered and he's spraying on a Kieran seal this is a water-based product and it slows down the drying process of the concrete and it also uh keeps salt from soaking into the concrete and it just it makes it a lot better and a lot stronger and oil won't soak in if you have an oil spill okay guys here's the finished product we just sealed and cut everything put our Cuts diagonal cuts cut down the middle this is the finished Barn you can see our aprons and stuff that we did here did a 3-ft apron cut that today we just sealed this so the sealer um still penetrating we got the back room there done so we're done with this job guys we used the soft cut so I don't have to come back here it's about an hour drive for us up here so we sealed and soft cut everything today then we got this one here all done are you g to put more in there finish that J's just hitting edge with the sprayer right now put more in what do you need a splash go ahead he's going to back fill there and there's a little pad for his uh propane tank finished job he's got a nice place out here guys nice Barn nice house beautiful view out here thanks for watching guys if you're not a subscriber hit that subscribe button and uh leave me a comment what you think of the job and thanks again for watching
Channel: Bondo Built
Views: 43,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bondo, Bondo built, Bondobuilt, concrete pour, garage drain, trench drain for barn, pouring concrete, pouring concrete in the rain, barn floor pour, Pole barn concrete floor
Id: qVCvgwkRV8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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