Why We Need to Treat the Pandemic Like Soccer | Malcolm Gladwell | Google Zeitgeist 2020
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Google Zeitgeist
Views: 71,376
Rating: 4.9150944 out of 5
Keywords: malcolm gladwell, malcolm gladwell interview, malcolm gladwell podcast, malcolm gladwell 2020, malcolm gladwell google, malcolm gladwell coronavirus, covid 19 test, covid 19 vaccine, covid 19 news, pandemic, pandemic 2020, malcolm gladwell google zeitgeist, google zeitgeist, google, google talk, malcolm gladwell audiobook, malcolm gladwell ted talk, malcolm gladwell david and goliath, malcolm gladwell talking to strangers, malcolm gladwell outliers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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