"Why We Need to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.

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Ephesians 5 is what I want to take a few moments for this abbreviated sermon that I have to do since y'all haven't done all that worship and praising God verse 15 says see then that you walk circumspectly not as full but as wise Redeeming the time because the days are evil therefore do not be unwise but understand what the will of the Lord is somebody say I want to know what the will of God is for my life right now he about to tell you what the will of God is he said I want to know what it is and here's what it is number one this applies to most of y'all here today do not be drunk with wine look at your name and say look at your neighbor say stop drinking go ahead tell him tell him I see y'all on communion Sundays when we get to that part not y'all y'all you know put your head down or cover your mouth you don't say it stop drinking right here what that's what the will of God is did y'all see that do not be drunk with wine and which is dissipation debauchery is what the word means excessive uncontrolled but then he says this but be filled with the spirit here's what he said if you want to get drunk get drunk in the Holy Ghost because there ain't no party like the Holy Ghost party because the Holy Ghost Party Don't Stop now what I want to talk to you about today is about this verse 18 to be filled with the Holy Spirit and when I want to talk about why we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit why do we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit why is he telling us to be filled and why is it so important when I was growing up in church if somebody started shouting we used to say they got happy and they jump and shout and jerk and dance I would get scared because I felt like something must have came over them and hit them and took control of them and I got nervous because whatever it was I didn't wanted to come over and jump on me is there anybody else that you know like there's a kid that's how I felt but Paul's admonishment to the church in Ephesus is to tell them and encourage them and I want to say to you today how important it is for us to be filled with the spirit of God and being filled with the Holy Spirit is not a sudden thing that jumps on you and makes you jump and shout and run around but matter of fact when you are filled with the Holy Spirit and you worship God you don't lose control [Applause] [Music] you don't lose control of yourself you don't you don't you don't you don't beat up everybody on your row [Applause] I wish I had a Praying crowd with you here today you still have control of yourself stop hurting people around you you happy but everybody else around you is sad and hurt and in pain he says be filled and it's not being filled is a lifestyle [Applause] it's a it's a way of life it's not a one matter what being filled is not a one-time event being filled is a continuous process a continuous thing that we need to stay plugged in that's why church is important that's why important for you to come to worship it's important for you to get the word and receive the word and worship God and all those things it's important because God will refill us we are being filled and refilled and and somebody said well what what am I getting more of God no you're going to get all of God when you get Jesus you get all the Jesus you're gonna get you get all of the Holy Ghost who comes and lives inside of you it's not a question of you getting more of God it's a question of does he give more of you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what had happened was he was in control you got to a place in your life where you surrendered to God and let him have control but your flesh keeps rising up pulling can taking control from the Holy Spirit you keep taking the reins out of his hand you keep taking the steering wheel out of his hand you keep pushing him out of the driver's seat and you forget in that seat and that's why you need the Holy Ghost to come back in your life kick your um see how do I want to say this push you off and out of the driver's seat and let him have control [Applause] are y'all listening to what I'm saying to you today and what I want to tell you today what I'm going to talk to you is why it's important for you why we need to be filled because we do need to be filled tell your neighbor you need to be filled that's why you need to stop drinking go ahead tell them one more time [Applause] he says be filled being filled helps you to deal with the issues that you have in life when you when you are filled with the power and presence of God he orders your steps when you get filled with the Holy Spirit he directs your path he controls your life you need a regular empowerment of the Holy Spirit it is a lifestyle somebody say lifestyle it's not a one-time deal tell your neighbor it's not a one-time deal [Applause] it's a lifestyle now why do we need to be filled because then he begins to tell us why we need to be filled and what the evidence actually is the evidence of of being filled again another thing that happened when I was growing up you know there were churches that taught that when you get filled with the Holy Ghost you're going to speak in tongues and if you ain't spoken tongues you ain't got the Holy Ghost and got it and some people believe that and that's that's their prerogative for what they believe I know why they believe that but the bottom line is I believe that there are some things that will be evidenced in your life when you are filled with the spirit of God and amen and when you get filled in what why I think it's so important why I think it's significant is because when the Holy Spirit fills you it it doesn't leave room for other stuff [Applause] so your problem is you have made room for the Holy Spirit to have free reign in your life and other stuff is calling the shots [Applause] I'm teaching and preaching better than y'all are saying amen and so he says this I love this right here look at verse 19. he's here's the first thing he tells us speaking to one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord see the first here's the first reason you need to be filled and here's why we need the power and Prince of Holy Ghost so that you can be singing the right songs [Applause] so you can sing the right songs so we just finished singing that song some of y'all couldn't open your mouth not because you didn't know the song but your life is not right to sing that so [Applause] um come here for a minute so so so here's how the Holy Ghost works raise your hands and worship God Like You worship until soon thank you Lord the Holy Ghost put your hands down you ain't living right he pokes you in the conscience right here [Music] so so you you feel guilty you feel not guilty you feel conviction let me use that word conviction but if you can when you are doing the right things and living the right way and walking the right path you can raise your hand without without conviction without being challenged all right good can you worship God yes I can okay [Applause] you can sing the right song amen you can worship God you see and what I like about this and when you read this in the King James version verse 19 says uh speaking uh to yourself so you can sing the right song and say the right things to yourself you can you can speak the right words to yourself and I and I I try to remind people see the problem is talking to yourself is not bad it just depends on what you saying to yourself the holy spirit will help you say the right things to yourself and you've heard me say before and I want to say it again today there are times in my life where I didn't say the right things and I defeated myself and I was frustrated and upset and depressed and all of that stuff but I give God the praise today he has taught me a new song to sing yes I had to put down some of the songs I was singing I was singing some of the wrong songs y'all know I am a Temptation addict yeah I'm a Temptations addict and and I used to sing the Temptation song so that's I I don't know what y'all are saying I don't know what today's music is I can't tell you about all of the I don't even know who the artists are today I don't know who y'all be listening to who other than Beyonce I don't know who y'all be listening to who they be listening to uh Anthony huh [Applause] would they be who they be listening who they be listening to everybody that's a safe answer right there because huh they act like they don't know what I'm talking about you know they know who they are who can tell me the truth Aaron who they be listening to Aaron now Aaron just Aaron come here Aaron used to play for Usher you gotta know that he used to play for Usher and we bought him here who they be listening to Aaron oh man they they like a Bad Bunny Bad Bunny Migos Lotto oh yeah yeah they play like a lot of people a lot of people y'all know who those people are they like out there okay who else you say [Applause] thank you I don't know who y'all be listening to I used to listen to The Temptations the shylights The Stylistics y'all don't know who those groups are the dazzling Delfonics anybody on the hotel didn't I blow your mind this time y'all know nothing about that that's when they sang music back then that's when the music had Melody and a song and a message I got sunshine on a cloudy day [Applause] who know who who in hitting know what I'm talking about now all of their music wasn't good [Applause] the Temptation says I I can turn the gray and sky blue I Can Make It Rain whenever I want it to it I can build a castle from a single grain of sand I can make a ship sale on dry land wait wait but my life listen to this but my life is so incomplete and I'm so blue because I can't get next to you he's saying I can do a lot of stuff but I can't get in you I'm trying to get with you I had to drop that one [Applause] I'm just I'm just saying what y'all what y'all be what y'all that's what we used to say I had to let that go I had to push it they had to let it go I had to forget about it um I had to change the music I'm listening to because the what you listen to dictates your beliefs and your theology and and so Paul said to the church in Ephesus I want you to be filled so you can sing the right song but that ain't the only thing here's why you need to be filled not only do you will you sing the right song but you will also somebody say you will have the right Spirit you will show the right spirit and what kind of spirit is that look in verse 20. giving thanks always for all things to God the father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ verse 20 is telling us when you are filled with the Holy Spirit he gives you an attitude of gratitude being filled with the holy spirit will make you grateful even when life is not treating you the way you want to be treated y'all ever met some ungrateful people satisfied what I learned about the Holy Spirit and the presence of God in your life is no matter how horrific your life might be God will help you find something for which you are thankful for yeah you you give thanks for for whatever wherever you are amen you you will learn to find something for which to give praise to God for yeah I don't want to be around people who are ungrateful [Applause] I I know I know things that may not be going the way have all the stuff you want going on in your life right now but here's what I am sure of I am absolutely sure that God has done something for you in your life for which you can be grateful we used to sing a song that says there's always somebody who's worse off than you there's someone who would love to be in your shoes it could have been me Outdoors no food no clothes or just alone without a friend or just another number with a tragic end but thanks be to God I have so much to be thankful for you know what thankfulness does it demonstrates a a level of trust in God when you can give God praise for where you are in the midst of your drama you are in essence saying to God I may not like where I am today but I know when I get to the end of the journey you got my best interest in mine and heart anybody here know and recognize that God has your best interests and though what you're going through right now might be tough and difficult when you get to the end of the journey when you get to the destination of where God's taking you you will be better than where you are right now I don't know who I'm preaching to but somebody ought to learn to give God some praise and thank him because I know things will get better I feel a shout coming on my soul right now okay I gotta hurry up it's 10 o'clock I gotta I gotta be finished I got one last point to tell you you gotta sing the right song you gotta show the right spirit do y'all see my R's and my s's I need to highlight that I've alliterated this thing for your benefit RNs here's my next investing you have to learn to submit to the right Saints that's verse 21 look at verse 21 submitting to one another in the fear of God submitting you got to learn to submit to the right Saints and let me talk about that for a minute because this is really the sign one of the other signs that you really are filled with the holy spirit that you live a submitted life [Music] the question is who are you submitted to [Applause] I feel tension in the room anybody who has no one to whom they are submitted to is out of control [Applause] [Music] amen submitting to one another in the fear of God recognizing that God sees me knows what I'm doing and where I'm at and he's watching over me so he says submitting to one another in the fear of God now let me talk about see this this is so important that he now spends the the next several verses talking about who we should be submitted to he didn't tell everybody but he tells some some important thing can I tell you who some of them are first of all I love verse 22 right after verse 21. that verse 22 is Anointed [Applause] it's that verse is full of the Holy Ghost right there [Applause] huh yeah it's it's it's powerful yeah yeah submit wives submit to your own husbands has to the Lord come on now somebody holler at me for just a second that's anointed come on Brothers don't leave me hang out here by myself come on get with her brother right now I'm trying to help you out with your trifling itself she can't submit to you because you trifling lazy irresponsible but the Holy Ghost will help her submit to you even though you are jacked up Joker [Applause] in that did anybody else feels the Holy Ghost oozing out of that verse other than me yeah it's true submitting uh to your own husband for the husband verse 23 is head of the wife has also Christ is head of the church and he is the savior of the body therefore just as the church is subject to Christ so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything [Applause] y'all don't like this kind of preaching in everything [Applause] now now let me say this I feel tension in the room I feel I see some women looking at me out of the corner of their eyes [Applause] no you don't submit to somebody asking you to be disobedient to God you don't submit to somebody who's trying to get you to do something illegal immoral unethical unscriptural you never called to do that [Applause] okay I gotta hurry up my time is running out hold up so so a wife who is filled with the holy spirit will submit to her husband let me say that again I think five people said Amen on it let me say it again I got to come down here and get in y'all's face that's what I got to do I want I want you to get this in your heart and get it in your mind and get it in your spirit and understand a whole a Spirit-filled wife will submit to her husband [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] John Jenkins didn't say this I didn't write this it's the word the word of God [Applause] watch the women on this fight right here [Applause] husbands love your wives just says Christ's love [Music] they weren't saying nothing on the previous verses not look look I'm standing up waving their hand clapping [Applause] [Music] Instagram [Applause] [Music] reach it I've been preaching the word and you weren't saying nothing you were sitting now you didn't say Amen oh I didn't get to the part you like that's the part right there verse 25. [Applause] I'm afraid the Holy Ghost fill you with his spiritual like all of the world yeah this is when a man is filled with the Holy Ghost he will love his wife [Music] [Applause] I'm almost I gotta hurry up and finish here but the bottom line is um I need help I need the Holy Ghost to love my wife because trying to understand women can be difficult come on brother is that your husband right there inspection is your husband what once you get married July what I met this joke I didn't get my approvolution [Applause] is he loving you he does [Laughter] a man was praying to God and God said what do you want the man said I wanna he lived in California he wanted to go to Hawaii but he was afraid to fly so he asked God build a bridge from California to Hawaii guys you know how much time that would take how much money and concrete and still for you just to be able to go to Hawaii and that's unreasonable it's too much money it's going to take too long ask me for something else so they may say wow he thought about he said okay Lord help me to understand my wife [Music] [Applause] after after a few minutes God said now how many lanes do you want that bridge [Applause] I need help y'all I'm just trying to tell you I need the Holy Spirit to help me deal with my wife's hot flashes and her hot this moment and cold that morning and I need help to be able to be paid and listen to her I need to learn how to I need the Holy Ghost to help me hear her and listen to what she's saying because she talked you know when I want to ask a simple question how much was the groceries and she's going to tell me she had to go to this store and go to that store and she had to go to this store because when she got there they didn't have so and so so she had to run I just wanted to know how much money to charge against the account John had to understand what I'm saying but when a man gets filled with the Holy Ghost God would give you Grace God will give you the power and God will give you Direction and he will help you understand her [Applause] I'm almost finished verse 28 says so husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies he who loves his wife loves himself so so we submit we're submitting to wives to husbands husbands to love their wives y'all see that right there uh go down to chapter six and here's here's the third submission deals with children and parents his submission children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right children need to the Holy Ghost so they can listen to their parents how many I I learned with my six kids that they didn't have to be taught to be to be disobedient their flesh rose up in their flesh but they they do need the Holy Ghost to listen to their parents to be obedient and it says in verse 2 honor your father and your mother with just the first commandment with promise so so this when you feel with the Holy Spirit children I mean here's what a child is somebody else is taking care of you somebody else is paying your rent or your mortgage you're putting the roof over your head or putting clothes in your back that's a child look on your road there's some 40 year old children on your girlfriend [Applause] y'all can't y'all cannot handle the truth if you 40 living at home and ain't paying no rent you told my kids my two youngest kids live with me I told them y'all got to start paying rent up in here they're trying to give me all of the reasons why they shouldn't have to pay rent and I said to them um you gonna pay some rent [Applause] amen I thought that I thought the parents would be standing up cheering me on preach your own pastor it's too late now y'all come on later children when you are being careful about somebody else you obey the next verse says honor what does that mean honor your parents when you become grown establish your own family take care of yourself your parents opinion that's what honor means you give you give consideration to it you're not obligated to obey but you give honor and to me for Honor meant taking care of my parents as they reached the senior seasons of their life I took care of them I'm struggling with people who say they got the Holy Ghost but don't care nothing about their parents I'm struggling I'm struggling you'll never go by to see your parents you don't do nothing for your parents I'm struggling they didn't took care of your little nasty behind why you was snotty nose and dirty diapers and they took care of you you should take care of them [Music] okay I got one more thing okay I gotta finish I really for real I'm y'all know I was in Seattle last week and I miss being here thank you thank Pastor Paul Chapman for preaching for me here's verse five here's my last point Bond servant to be obedient to those who are your masses according to the flesh with fear and trembling and sincerity of how it has to Christ this deals with your boss submit to your boss not what I serve as first six has men Pleasers but Bond Servants of Christ doing the will of God from the heart foreign it's not only telling you to submit to your boss it's all this is also a passage to challenge bosses but how they treat the people who work for them amen um so uh I y'all got that outline y'all see that up there I want y'all to I you know I want to do I want us to pray that you ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit so you can live a Spirit-filled life amen amen amen if you're not saved and you want to get saved come here right now just just be humble yourself Jesus died on the cross you say you might be saying I I didn't violated everything that this here that he's mentioned or one of these things but I want the spirit of God I want Jesus in my life Jesus loves you and he will forgive you of your sins let me invite you here if you're here today and you're backslitting and you're not sure you're not walking with God or you know you're not walking with God come this is the time to come right now right this moment or if you are saved but you don't have a church home right now it would be the time to come we welcome you to come right now or if you're unsure about your Eternal Destiny come right now I see you come on Amen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this time in the day it's the right time to come unsaved you need Jesus forgiveness of sins your backslin you need to rededicate you're not sure of your Eternal status you're already saved and you need a church right this moment is the time to come [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't delay come right this instant right this moment Say Yes to God the god of the universe come [Music] Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] Neighbors [Music] I want y'all to turn to the person next to you and ask him are you right with God [Music] tell him you're not let's go get right with God say I'll walk down there with you you don't have to walk by yourself [Music] and invite them to come [Music] [Applause] away [Music] now do you do love right now in the name of Jesus [Music] [Music] say brightness [Music] right now father I thank you for these who have come I prayed for you to fill them with your spirit manifest yourself to them that their faith be extended to you give them a heart of repentance plant them in your Vineyard in Jesus name amen [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 71,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Holy Spirit, Christianity, Faith, Religion, Bible, Spirituality, Inspiration, Gospel, Pentecost, Christian Living, Sermon, Worship, Salvation, Spiritual Growth, Divine Intervention, Personal Relationship with God, Grace, Forgiveness, Redemption, Healing, Peace, Joy, Love, FBCG, Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr., First Baptist Church of Glenarden International
Id: wgYv2CeWQaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 3sec (2163 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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