Why We GAVE UP Our Smart Phones In 2020

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all right so today we are here with all blue the van made in 2002 and I'm great and I'm Kaila and we just want to tell you about our journey to live 2020 smart phone free we realized that we were addicted to our cell phones and we weren't sure why we tried having a goalie we tried limiting our apps and nothing seemed to be working so we decided to research it and figure out why we could not float our smart phones down so these designers of these apps and games they know what they are doing they actually designed many different features of the apps to replicate the features found in slot machines to increase user activity because they knew that doing such things would make you even more addicted to their phones one such example is the pulldown to refresh feature that you find in almost any app that is designed to replicate or imitate what happens in a slot machine when you get a notification on your phone like you see that little red button next to your text messages next to Facebook it makes you want to check it and when you see it and check it it gives you a little dopamine or feelings of happiness now I mean what's wrong with feelings of happiness right I think no nothing like hands-on where you're getting your happiness from so one of the reasons that our smartphones are so addictive is because we get stuck in these compulsion loop so the compulsion loop means is that you don't know when you're gonna get a new notification for a game or a text message or social media so you have to compulsively check your phone you can't stop checking it because you're stuck in this loop key to this is randomness you don't know when it's coming so you have to check and it makes your brain more excited when it doesn't know when it's coming it gives you more and faster dopamine but it also doesn't put you on a normal schedule so you get addicted and you feel like check again the creators of these apps and games social media they know our tendency to get stuck in these compulsion groups and how much we desire to have feelings of happiness from we said dopamine in fact the president of Facebook himself Don Parker the man said that Facebook address is designed to give hits of dopamine to users they are capitalizing on the human weaknesses of what desiring have this one's happiness by using our phones to bring those feelings to us and we decided for ourselves we don't want to have those feelings happiness from our phones and we're tired of spinning so much Faro I wasted distracted our phone instead of being present the people around us and spending more time with God yeah so that's just a really big thing is that we want to be more present when we're just sitting in a store waiting for someone to get out in the bathroom or we're walking through the park like we don't want to be dependent on our phones in such a way like we just have our heads down on our phones looking where's the best restaurant where is this we want to actually force ourselves to go talk to strangers to know what what direction to go because we have to talk to a stranger like we're lost on the road we have to go into a gas station and ask like yeah the sitting area to have to rely on other people and it's gonna really push us outside our comfort zones that probably bring a lot of challenges because we might not be excited for it but we feel like the only way for us to quit relying our phone so much and actually use our own brains to figure problem solvers is to set aside the thing that's enabling us have these habits hurt phone use and the prevalence of smartphones in the hands of human has reached an all-time high there are six billion people in the world right now with access to smartphones and only four and a half million people have access to toilets because we've been spending so much time staring at our phones staring at our laptops it's actually decreased our vision about 50 years ago only one-fourth of the u.s. suffered from myopia nearsightedness today 50% of Americans suffer from myopia another thing is our sleep schedules are completely out our circadian rhythm is out of whack because of our phone usage late at night and that blue light from your phone is actually preventing you from entering into the deep sleep stage your phone may actually be crossing your sleep and not getting deep sleep and not getting enough sleep leads to other health defects such as diabetes and obesity among any other problems how much time do you think you spend on your phone every day the average American spends 5 hours that's one third of their time be awake which would equate to if you started from lunar born to one you died one third of your life you would spend on your phone screen at that screen be able to see nothing but that box sad sound like you're going on a pilgrimage and I think that in a way we are we want to take you along that bridge you can I show you I mean how are we gonna find these phones what's our life going to look like with me half these phones are we going to go through some challenges I bet we are how are we going to respond to those so we want to show you the real raw facts of going smartphone free and hopefully inspire you to do the same let's take a pilgrimage back to 2002 right when this baby was made
Channel: OldBlueVan
Views: 10,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: phone, iphone, smartphone, dumbphone, no, more, 2020, why, we, gave, up, our, phones, flipphone, basicphone, resolution, oldblue, year, addicted
Id: SiKSZzmXyoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 10sec (310 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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