Why I quit my smart phone - Nokia 3310 Update!

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hey guys it's me Astrid and I am coming at you with a September to February update on quitting my smartphone and using a dumb phone so what are we going to cover in this video today my friends well we're gonna talk about why I quit the smartphone and you can watch my previous video if you want a fuller explanation of that I'm going to talk about what it's been like since I switched I'm going to talk about the pros and cons of the nokia 3310 and dumb phones in general and I'm gonna talk about what's happening now what's going on with me right now so let's dive right into it why did I quit my smartphone and use this guy well smartphones in this day and age have become a pacifier they've become something we use because we're all stressed out and we just want to alleviate the psychic pain the mental pain that we're experiencing day in and day out and it's really easy to just soothe ourselves by looking at stimulating things Stimme things online and most of us are in that situation most of us work too much and don't earn enough or we earn plenty but have a terrible work-life balance or something's going on and so most of us use our smartphone way too much that's that's a fact of life right now and I wanted to stop that this phone has eaten up my time for years screens in general have eaten up my time for well over a decade of my life I'm spent the equivalent amount of time is working like a full-time job looking at dumb crap on the internet since I was like 12 so what 14 15 years or more and I'm a little bit horrified by that I could have become a professional musician in half the amount of time daily over 14 years I could be a master of some kind of skill I could no more languages I could have done in red King things for many years and instead of doing that I did shallow things that pacified but didn't enrich me no that's it horrifies me a little bit when I think about I hate it another reason that I wanted to quit smartphones is because smartphones are a vehicle for a non-stop bombardment of ads directly into your eyeballs all the time and being a person with poor impulse control getting perfectly crafted ads that are aimed based on my habits directly to me manufactured once and me for stuff that I don't need but I really really liked when I saw it and I wouldn't have wanted if I hadn't seen it so separating from my smartphone was a way to separate myself from buying dumb crap all the time that I didn't mean like I have bad impulse control I don't go to Target by myself anymore so why am I looking at this phone it's the same thing yeah no smartphone wasted my life away it stopped me from keeping my house up it stopped me from doing stuff with my garden outside it stopped me from interacting with my husband and my cat my friends and so I wanted to try something new what has it been like since I quit the smartphone you may ask let's talk about something my husband and I like to call polls so I only have the experiences of my husband and I as far as smartphone quitting goes but we had a pretty consistent experience between the two of us the day after we switched to a dumb phone we very suddenly started feeling our body physically feeling pulled to go check the phone see what's what's what's going on and I felt pulls and he felt pulls like every few minutes or for me every few seconds the very first day we quit it was like Oh what if I what was that episode what does that word mean what did my friend Sam Facebook is anything new on it all day day - it happened like a couple times an hour day three it happened a few times over the day and by day for both of us were like pretty excuse me detoxed from our phone and it it was really nice it happened so quickly and it felt so nice to not constantly want to look at your phone it was awesome physically using my little tiny smartphone is also really nice because I have tiny lady hands and this fits in my tiny lady hands I don't need a pop socket you know to hold it it's a nostalgic to like text on this like crappy little texting interface I I really it it's fun kind of in a way I like that this phone is so cool and also check this out it this it's been really great it's cute um and as far as my life goes I have developed new hobbies I have done new things since I stopped constantly using my phone every single day I made wolf slippers by hand for myself and my husband these aren't the best his are better but I did it I planned a garden and bought seeds for it I'm gonna like actually film hate plant loving YouTube friends I'm gonna film it a garden growing for the first time my first time managing a garden I am I looked for other ways to enrich myself rather than just being online even on a laptop so I decided at bedtime I'm going to read a book to help me fall asleep instead of look at the internet on a laptop instead of a smartphone which is a little bit cheating and I most of the time I don't read to fall asleep but many times I do and I read new books I read a book on human behavior I read sci-fi I read things I'd never read before and that's been nice I also decided that instead of using the internet all the time I would you know you can watch youtube videos forever or you could watch a movie so I've gotten to watch classic movies that I've never seen I got to see vertigo for the first time and I've never seen Hitchcock that was so lovely I got to see some like it hot I've never seen Marilyn Monroe movies and it was like really funny and witty I've gotten to watch so much and I loved that I have a better connection to my own culture having seen those it's it's been nice I'm better at tidying my house I'm not great I learned more cooking I went and was face-to-face with my friends more often it's been very good for me but yeah let's talk about now the pros and cons of this Nokia 3310 and dumb phones in general like I said easy to hold small lightweight battery lasts for days I don't have to charge it every night it really amused the kids at the middle school I work at to see me pull this thing out I said what is that and I was like if it's a phone 12 year olds it's a phone and they said why do you have that phone I was like well I grounded myself because I didn't do my chores then I use Facebook too much so I'm making myself have this and they're like oh my gosh they're so excited to see me get ungrounded this they're like you have your smartphone are you ungrounded that's like yeah it's it's fun it's I don't know I love it yeah the the cons of this phone though are that it doesn't have a 4G option specifically the Nokia 3310 in the US and other wealthy countries doesn't have 4G I think that's because companies know that people in richer countries will buy a smart phone if we have the choice and we're not shown other options so they'll market this to us and they didn't a 4g of this phone because i think they don't want people to buy it instead of a smartphone whereas in countries where the 4G is available like China and Pakistan and India there are more people or can't afford an iPhone so they'll buy that instead I think that's why that's happening and not having 4G on this phone means that I have to switch my SIM card into my smartphone if I want to use Google Maps on a trip if I want to like price shop when I go to the grocery store or something so switching between that's kind of annoying however my husband's dumb phone which is like an LG it's an lg flip phone his phone does have 4G so he can make a Wi-Fi hotspot if we're out together I can still keep this and use his hotspot for Google Maps and stuff another big big problem with the dumb phone is that group texting sucks on it it sucks my family has little group chats where we send pictures of our pets to each other I plan like weekend outings with my girlfriends via group text because it's the easiest way to do it and when I do that I have to switch my SIM card back into my smartphone send all the texts and then the day before the event I have to switch to the smart phone again make sure everybody because if I get group text here it sends us individual messages that's a big pain in the butt for me and so that's it that's a that's a big snag that's a big problem and other issues that I have what I like to call calendar paranoia while this phone has functional alarm clocks that work the same way as on a smartphone it has the flashlight it has a timer it has a calendar data storing you can put all events in the calendar have reminders just about as well as on a smart phone what it doesn't have is like the connection to Google it doesn't have cross device calendar capability so I've been very afraid that I'll miss events if I put some events in this phone and some events my smartphone I'm scared I'm gonna miss something and forget it so excuse me having my smartphone is more comforting for me as far as remember room as far as remembering to do things well what are we doing now Astrid what's happening right now with you well I'm back on my smartphone a couple days ago I took the SIM card out of my Nokia I put it in my smartphone because of the cons that I listed and also because I feel that I've made a lot a lot of progress with my mental health my social health my housekeeping my creativity doing this experiment and having this dumb phone for a while has really again excuse me for the hippie words detoxed me and allowed me to do things that benefit myself that's fancy what I wish for is that I could have two SIM cards with the same phone number that are active the same time on both of these phones that way I could not have to switch and I could use this phone all the time unless I needed some feature of my smart phone and all my calls would go to both and all my texts would go to both because one of my biggest deals is that some days when I am a little stressed I want to just leave my smartphone far away from me but if I do that I'm gonna miss a phone call what if my friend is having an emergency what if my family is having an emergency I need to be able to get calls and I don't want to just switch all the time so I'm kind of stuck in limbo it is not possible to have two SIM cards same phone number at the same time getting calls on two cell phones it's not so I'm stuck wanting a product that I think doesn't exist however however this dumb phone is an excellent tool if I ever find myself when I have baby someday like ignoring them because I'm texting too much or on Facebook too much I'll put the sim card in here use this instead of my Google phone if I find myself getting stressed out and compulsively using my phone not doing chores again I can switch my SIM card into here this little phone is gonna live forever it's durable it'll serve me all the time so I have a great tool I have learned a lot of new things and I'm really grateful for this experience you're thinking about taking the plunge the Nokia 3310 is 60 bucks other dumb phones that have a little bit better features but are less cute in my opinion cost about the same and they'll have 4G so you can make a hotspot do it try it it's good for you happy lives happy learning happy loving happy growing thanks for watching bye bye
Channel: Astrid
Views: 43,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mental health, wellness, nokia 3310, nokia, new nokia, minimalism, mindfulness, quit smart phone
Id: _A_l6MhCRlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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