Why Watering Your Lawn Is So Important

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hey what's up everyone welcome back uh this video we're going to cover the importance of watering um especially now we're having uh quite a few of us aren't getting much rain and it's still springtime we haven't really had much rain um last year I remember North Jersey Northeast we had a drought warning um it got pretty bad now what I'm noticing for this season is that we're not getting that much rain either I think we had we had maybe like two good brains Maybe but um you need at least an inch to an inch and a half every week and if it's uh if it's really hot out there I would definitely go to that inch and a half every week There's different ways to calculate how much is an inch and a half for example there's that tuna can method you put a tuna can and pretty much if it fills up with water that's an inch and then that'll give you a good idea the best way for watering is infrequently I have pretty much at a higher rate or a higher dose except if you have more of a sandy soil now if you have a sandy soil that water is just going to run right through it so in that case you're going to do more frequent waterings the benefit of a sandy soil is that basically there's more oxygen going to the oil now for most of us I know in the Northeast we have more of a clay soil and clay soil tends to retain more water more nutrients um but on the downside of that is that sometimes it's not getting enough oxygen or sometimes depending on how compacted that clay soil is it's retaining too much moisture too much water and that could cause fungus as well so I mean there's ups and downs to to having a sandy soil or or clay soil so I'm going to show you a spot that I kind of let the eye out anyway and then I'm going to show you another spot where um I thought maybe that the mulch bedding that I did maybe did some damage with the with the glyphosate maybe it might have drifted but then I did some detective work and I'm going to show you what I mean first I'll show you that spot that I kind of Let Die Out and you know what it kind of got a little better I got two spots I don't know if you can see that that was way worse yesterday it was way worse and this one simply by me dousing that spot and that one it's already greened up a lot what I'm trying to tell you is if you have certain spots that are just really bad and it's possibly I mean it could be fungus or something like that but most likely if it's been hot and there's been no rain try watering okay I what I did is I just let the hose go on top of those two spots and I just let the water run run run run run and then after that you just got to make sure that you keep up with the watering especially in those trouble areas now I'm going to show you now I don't have an actual irrigation system yet I have a makeshift one so I have a hose that goes from the spigot and it goes around the house not this one by the way it's not this one I have one that's tucked away that you can barely see it's here and it goes around and it goes into I'll show you and it goes inside the mulch and then there's my first one and then it goes through there and it comes to my second one and then I have a third one okay right there now this is all that's just my uh receding project where I push the mulch back the mulch used to be up to here and I was like why do I need the motor all the way over there I don't I don't need I push the mulch all the way back and basically I just added more soil and look what watering does all right so as far as the uh the other one the other issue I was going to show you over here so all this right here and then you have right there so I immediately thought it was glyphosate I realized my sprinklers I always knew this but my sprinklers don't actually reach barely reach here so yesterday I doused it with water I even brought out the other sprinkler just to make sure I get this side I do plan on getting a sprinkler um hopefully before fall and um I just got too many projects I had myself and uh yeah I'm going to show you real quick sprinkler system the high-tech sprinkler system that I have going on all right so I usually have it already set for the morning you have quite a few settings I'm going to put it just for station number one and let's just put one minute all right I'm gonna try not to get you guys wet here all right so you got one you got two and you got three they reach all this which I'm pretty sure my neighbor's gonna be happy that at least since he's cutting it real short that hopefully it wouldn't die shouldn't die well you can see already look look what happens when you cut it short during heat during hot days you got to keep the grass longer when it's really hot and especially if you're not watering you got to keep that grass longer without proper Watering your grass is going to go dormant it's going to get shocked it's going to be like what the heck it's going to protect itself it's going to turn brown and eventually if that persists even more it's going to die off and you're just going to leave more room for for weeds to invade if you're having the same type of weather that we're having here in the Northeast beautiful spring late spring but we're not getting that rain and so if you look at a lot of lawns most of them are turning brown they seem stressed out maybe that's because they don't really have an irrigation system and they're not really watering so yeah I just wanted to let you know it's that time but Summer's right around the corner if we're getting if we're getting that now oh man I could imagine summer foreign [Music]
Channel: lawn DIY with LUX
Views: 3,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Irrigation, watering, lawns, grass, heat stress, Sprinkler, diy, turf, yard, spring, summer, heat, hot days
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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