Why upgrade your air handler to variable speed? Benefits are discussed here!

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hey guys wanna do a video i just had a customer the other night we were kind of chatting on our website newhvacguide.com i'll put a link to that on down in the notes but basically we were talking about different options when it comes to air handlers and i you know i've done videos where i've gotten real in depth on this but basically they were saying you know i'm thinking about upgrading from a single stage up to a variable speed air handler and why would i do that and so on instead of doing that real deep detailed video that i did before i just want to give you a bird's eye view just a few things to think about as you're shopping as you're getting quotes and so on and deciding what kind of air handler or furnace you want to have right let's first talk about just that most air handlers you're going to have a single stage maybe it's a psc motor and it's either on or off and then the next step up from that would be what we would call an ecm motor so there's different taps and different speeds of air and depending on what mode the system's in it might run in this speed but if it goes into a different mode it might run on this speed and so on so the ecm motor has a little bit more more stages if you will it can kind of go a little faster or slower based on the you know the conditions and how it's wired and so on and then finally there are variable speed systems and basically that's a motor that can ramp up and down based on different factors and how that system set up it can ramp up and really cool the space quickly or it might just at times just barely be running keeping your home comfortable and saving you energy ultimately in most cases we're talking about efficiency you know in general you know this just in general i'm not saying this is the truth in every single scenario but in general if you got an air handler that's a psc motor ecm motor and variable speed motor between the three as you go up that ladder if you will that system would be more efficient drawing less electricity none of these systems change the capacity by the way one of the questions i get all the time by people they'll say oh well you know it has a higher seer so is that too big for my house seer has nothing to do with capacity has nothing to do with how big your house is it only addresses how efficient that system is kind of like gas mileage for a car i did a whole video just talking about seer and why it's good but more like these days with inverter systems why it's bad so moving on you know between the three and and efficiency and all that another thing to consider is how quiet the system is so again if you have that first one that psc motor you know it's either on or off right so there's no in between it's either going to be running full blast you know just blowing air through there or it's going to be off ecm again there's going to be times when it's going to be you know really running full speed but then there might be some modes where it's just barely running and drawing less electricity and then finally that variable speed motor is going to be at times barely be running you might even have to kind of put your ear up to it and you know we've had over the years we're seeing less of this because homeowners like you are becoming more informed but when variable speed air handlers and furnaces first started coming out we had customers that would call us and say hey you know there's something wrong with this system my last system would blow the curtains wide open every time it came on and you know they'd be stretching out across the room and i you know this system they just barely flutter you know something's wrong with it and so now that time has gone on you homeowners have become more informed and we get less of those calls these days so we've talked about efficiency we've talked about sound and now i want to dive deeper into the efficiency but i want to talk a little bit more about seer and sometimes if you're getting say you know you're trying to hit a certain seer or a certain efficiency so you can get this sort of rebate from your power company or if the government has some sort of rebates and so on and so i just want to throw out there real quick sometimes we'll see people go from you know one to the other based on that because you can pair you know two different air handlers with the same outdoor unit and you know this that you know the psc motor that system might only be a 13 and a half seer but if you pair it with the variable speed you now got a system that's 15 seer it's a little more efficient but the other thing i want to just address is something that we used to see a whole lot more back in the day you know back in the day back in the old days right and that was we would sometimes see where they would install a bigger air handler with that outdoor unit so in other words what i'm trying to say is if you have a three ton outdoor unit they might put a four ton air handler on there and i think that again most contractors if they know what they're doing they're doing it for your best interests they're doing it because you're going to get a higher seer rating the ah match if you haven't seen my video on ahri matches or i believe the video is called mismatched hvac check that video out where i go into more depth but basically again we're talking about being able to get more seer out of that system higher seer rating you get a cute little certificate hr certificate you can turn it into your cpa or to or to whoever is providing the rebate that is something we run into from time to time even today we'll have certain brands that they'll say look you know if you're gonna do a this this system you need to pair it with a little bit larger air handler and it needs to be a variable speed or ecm not you know not a lower end needs to be a little higher and to be able to get this ahri certificate saying hey it's this higher seer rating and then finally if you are in the market for a new heating and air system if you're in the middle peninsula or northern neck of virginia give us a call griffin air we would love to earn your business but if you're not in our coverage area you're somewhere else in the country and you are in the market for a new heating and air system before you spend thousands check out my new website it's called newhvacguide.com i'll put a link to it down in the comments and this website i basically wrote a book made it a guide put it on this website and instead of having a book that would be outdated within a year or two i'm able to constantly add things on there if new things come out and the other thing is i've even put information on there that people in our industry don't even want you to know so i've got a whole page called no knows and you know just things to stay away from and so on that being said thanks for watching hit that subscribe button we'll see you next time you
Channel: HVAC Guide for Homeowners
Views: 25,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air conditioner, variable speed, ecm motor, variable speed air conditioner, variable speed motor, variable speed hvac system, joshua griffin, upgrade air handler, upgrade ac, benefits of better air, upgrade ac unit, upgrade ac blower, heat pump, vr hvac, variable speed hvac, variable speed ac unit, variable speed ac, single stage vs two stage air conditioner, variable speed ac vs single speed, variable speed ac motor, variable speed ac worth it, variable speed ac system
Id: cNXzHEnW9uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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