Questions for HVAC Contractors On BIDS!

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hey guys before we get to today's video please click that subscribe button thank you hey guys joshua griffin here serving the middle peninsula and the northern neck of virginia and i wanted to do a video a little a little bit about if you're if you're hiring a contractor so this is for you folks that are not in our coverage area um and now if you are in our coverage area and you want to use what i'm about to show you that's fine but if you're not in our coverage area and you are in the market for a new heating and air system one of the things that i am offering when folks sign up for my new website my new website i'm gonna put a link to it down in the notes and i'll talk more about it in a little bit but it's called and when someone signs up for that website one of the things i do is i'll send them as a gift a a paper right a uh a document and what it is is it's a questionnaire that you can use when you're interviewing prospective contractors to be able to compare apples to apples that's that's basically what it's for it doesn't necessarily mean that there's any right or wrong answers on the questionnaire but if you know company a gives you a uh an answer to one of the questions that maybe it doesn't give you the warm fuzzies but then company b comes in and gives you a great answer to that question you know it just helps with that so i think there's tons of things that you can ask a contractor if you're if you're getting bids you're getting quotes you're comparing contractors comparing what they're offering things like that i think there's tons of questions you can ask i think that i think you should ask tons of questions i've been told by some of my customers that i'm sending them proposals that were almost too informative that that our proposal was chock full of information and that you know and and you know they they felt like you know a lot of the bases have been covered right but that's not always the case and and i again i think there's tons of questions you should be asking you know what's the timeline of the job you know what what's the availability of the equipment you know things like that you know questions that you should be asking right but i think there's three three questions that you should ask every single contractor if they are coming into your home and they're doing their 10 second commercial for you trying to earn your business i think there's three questions in particular that you can use that i'm going to give to you that you can ask each and every contractor in addition uh to what your normal questions might be question number one the first thing that i think that you should ask every contractor and i think and honestly i'm about to give it to you but i think that every contractor should have an answer to this question if they don't have an answer to this question then run not only do i think all of you know contractors or salesmen or whatever you want to call them not only should they all have answers to this but i can honestly say that unless you ask maybe i just had a guy start today so he might not know the answer to this question but i would pretty much say if you asked any of my other employees any of my other guys they would be able to answer this question and here it is the question is something to the effect of why do you sell what you sell why do you sell this brand why do you sell why are you trying to sell me this product you're selling me you know why do you sell it right and i think that every single contractor should have a 10 second commercial on why they sell what they sell right and those answers can vary i'm not i'm not gonna you know go through all of those or anything like that but i think that if their answer is well this is just what we've always sold this is what my daddy sold i inherited my business from my dad and i just sell what he always sold that that's not a good enough answer for me if if if i was the homeowner that would not be a good enough answer i want to know why you sell it why are they better than the next guy why you know what have your experience has been you know and so on and you know i feel like heating and air is just like cars you know you like ford i like chevrolet which one's better depends on your experiences right who knows which one's better it depends on who you ask right and so you know i think that if you ask that question and you know just kind of uh you know drag it out of them if you have to you know look let me hear why why you are selling me this you know give me give me that 10 second commercial give me you know the rundown what why do you sell it you know and i think that not only is that an important answer but i think that uh you know if they don't have an answer to that question that's a problem okay question number two that you should be asking contractors that allow you to compare those contractors question number two i would ask them about their warranties their warranty coverages what all's covered is there extended warranties you can purchase is there you know any caveats to it is there any uh any you know cookies that maybe they offer or the or the manufacturer offers that no one else offers things like that you know just an overview of how all the warranties work and i think that depending again depending on what their answer is you know you're going to get a feel for you know what the deal is and and i'm not necessarily saying that if one is a longer warranty than the other that you should just go with that one i'm not saying that necessarily but i do think it's a question you should ask and i would probably even piggyback off of that and ask the contractor who's going to be registering that warranty because a lot of brands uh you know if you don't register that product when it's installed you will not get full warranty coverage you're gonna get a base warranty that's only maybe five years long for the parts it's gonna be minimal you know but if if you have the contractor register that warranty or you register it yourself then you're covered so i would definitely ask them that you know if you get somebody that says well we you know we don't we don't register them we don't worry about it whatever or you get somebody like griffin air like us we take care of it for you we register that if we install the system we register the warranty we make sure you're good and covered and we email you the warranty confirmations letting you know hey you are covered okay finally question number three that i think you should ask all of your contractors if you're getting multiple bids some questions you can ask you can ask and the third question is i would ask them what upgrades in addition to the systems or the system if you know singular that they're proposing to you that they're offering you what are the upgrades they would recommend to you and here's the thing every house is different every climate is different there's upgrades that they sell and believe in and love in florida that we don't even sell here right or vice versa you know if you go further up north there's things we sell here in virginia that they don't sell up there and vice versa so i would ask them what are the upgrades you're offering i can tell you at griffinair when we send a proposal we have about 10 different upgrades that we offer we put a little blurb there on our proposal this is why we're you know proposing this upgrade and you know i think that those upgrades should cover different bases if you got someone in your home with maybe a breathing issue of some type maybe if they have an underlying health condition maybe you want to be able to control your your thermostat and humidity and things like that when you're not home maybe it's your second home and you you know you want to control it when you're not there uh maybe there maybe you are concerned with humidity and you want to make sure you have upgrades to be able to control that better there's tons of different upgrades out there i don't again i don't think that there's you know i don't think that there's any one set upgrade that you know you should be concerned about or that you should focus in on i would just ask that each of those contractors what are the upgrades you're offering you know what do you recommend for my home and again you're going to be able to compare apples to apples if you get some joe schmoe that you know does this for beer money and he doesn't offer upgrades boom you know you just had get that question answered right so i hope this helps again if you sign up for our website we send you a questionnaire that helps you interview prospective contractors just as a gift in addition to the the guide if you're in our coverage area at griffin air we'd love to earn your business if you're not in our coverage area but you're in the market for a new heating and air system you got to check out this website i'll put a link to it down in the notes but basically it's it's a god just like a cpa would help you with your taxes this is meant to help you with buying that heating and air system we put so much stuff on there some of it is stuff that you know contractors and hvac manufacturers they don't even want you to know and you know we've even got a whole page on there called no-no's things to stay away from anyway uh thanks for watching please subscribe thank you you
Channel: HVAC Guide for Homeowners
Views: 51,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Getting HVAC bids, compare hvac proposals, compare hvac bids, compare ac bids, compare furnace bids, compare hvac contractors, compare proposals for hvac, hvac system bids, hvac bids, hvac bids explained, hvac questions, hvac contractor questions, compare air conditioner quotes, compare hvac, compare hvac systems, compare heat pump bids, hvac contractors, get quotes for hvac, Hvac estimate questions, get quotes for air conditioner, Hvac estimate tips, Compare hvac prices
Id: HmrwffJQYos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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