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what's up youtube family welcome to automotive life my name is lucky and today we're going to be talking about why turo sucks now don't get me wrong churro is a great application there's a lot of good things that go with it it's not all doom and gloom but there's a lot of things right now that we do not like what turo is doing and so we're going to talk about some of those things today and talk about how the app has changed through the years because when i got on it it was very quick it was easy to get on the phone with somebody now it's an utter complete nightmare but uh so before i get in the video if you do a huge favor and gently squeeze the like button for the youtube algorithm and also find more amazing people like yourselves and enjoy automotive content also please consider subscribing we post three times a week so make sure you click notification bell so you're aware every time we post and once again follow us on instagram automotive.life i post way more fun of your stuff there way more popular definitely a lot more intimate content and without any more shameless plugging let's get into the video so the reason i'm making this video is i got off a group conference call with a bunch of rental car companies and we were talking about how turo was you know great back in the day and all the problems are having now and how so many people are actually getting their rental car license to get away from the platform because of all the headaches so as we were going through the the call and some of the coaching we were going over all the things that we used to like and hate and you know and some of things like that and i figured this would be a great video to touch on now about a month and a half ago i made a video on some of the things that turo is doing currently right now that's hurting a lot of people so the first one we're going to talk about is people getting kicked off the platform now back in the day it was kind of hard to get kicked off the platform if you burned a renter or you crashed somebody's car didn't want to do anything or you just left the car sometimes it would kick you off of that but now i have not only renters but also people that are renting out their cars are getting kicked off the platform for very bogus reasons so the funniest one is we had a customer where he thought he was slick and he would call people and tell him that oh i didn't feel safe in the car or the tires were shaking and there's a check engine light on and people know if they say that that though actually turo will cancel the rental and flag the person so this particular gentleman got like three or four of those people consecutively within like i think like two three weeks where they would complain about the car just so they didn't have to pay for the rental so they can get a free rental it's happened to me before i'm sure it's happened a few you guys but be careful about that that's why i tell everybody make sure you keep your maintenance records so you can prove otherwise but he didn't have any maintenance records so every time these people complain oh the check engine light's on the brakes don't feel right it doesn't feel safe i don't feel safe i went out of this car turtle just giving back their money and you're screwed well this gentleman like i said he had about four or five of these guys within like a two to three week span and turo kicked him off the platform even though he showed receipts from the dealership hey look i took my my camry in it's good it's been inspected everything is fine turo did not care they would not let him back on the platform so he had to switch over to hire car and now we're helping him get his rental car license but he had to go through all this headache and switch his business plan for that particular reason we had another guy same thing he has a bunch of teslas in la he's got 30 31 teslas i believe he got i think it was like seven or eight three star reviews you know because people were like they were upset that maybe that the car wasn't charged right or whatever else you know little simple things nothing major but just because he had like all these consecutive three-star uh reviews they kicked them off the platform now he freaked out because can you imagine having 31 teslas and having 31 car payments i'm sure each one's probably you know anywhere from 800 to 1500 so all those cars with you know over 30 40 000 monthly payments that he could make unless he was doing tarot so after about two weeks of of calling complaining writing emails and blah blah blah they finally let him back onto the platform but they told him that if he gets any more bad reviews they're going to launch his ass anyway so this is kind of what turo is doing now it's a good thing and it's a bad thing it's good because i know they want to get better people on the platform so this way if you're as a consumer if you rent a car on turo from one of these people your experience will be positive but there's a lot of people that are getting kicked off for bad reasons and that's one of the things i don't like one of the other things i don't like about what turo is doing now is they're switching the algorithms so it's making much much harder for new people uh to get popular on the platform to make money so back in the day if you were a new host and you had let's say one car turo would push you up to the top because they wanted you to tell all your friends that hey man i got a car on turo and i'm making money and everything is great so the old algorithm used to push you up to the top so even though i had 30 cars on my rental car company you would be right there alongside me so you could pricers if i had my cars priced at 40 bucks and yours was at 40 we'd be showing up the exact same way you know and it was kind of good because it would allow new people to come in it would balance out the sheets and everything would work out well when they switched their algorithm they started favoring more of the the bigger ones which are the the hosts with the most reviews the hosts with the most cars and the longest time on the platform now the reason why they decided to change the algorithm is there's so many people that were getting kind of upset at turo for you know taking big chunks of money um you know siding with the customers all the time not really hearing them out they got mad they ended up getting their rental car license and getting off the platform so as these guys would build you know start off with one two cars they would stay on the platform but eventually all the bigger people with five 10 15 20 30 cars were leaving the platform and so now they're like okay we'll push you to the top and you can get more money for your cars so if you're a new person and you have let's say a tesla and you have it for a hundred dollars a day and the other guys have theirs for 120 a day even though yours is cheaper you will never show up before these other guys because they have more views they have more reviews they they're a bigger host they have more cars so they automatically get pushed to the top and unfortunately you get left by the wayside so now as a new person it's much much harder to get noticed so that's why we tell people when you first start on the platform don't even worry about money i know this sounds hard but it's like i every time we have a consulting call we set up other dealers we set up rental car companies i flat out tell them for your first 30 days don't give a put it out there for as cheap as you can and do one day minimum rentals and just our two day minimum rentals just let it rip because all you want to do is just get reviews so this way you can little by little push your status up so this way the algorithm picks you up and starts putting you out with the rest of the cars so those are one of the few things that like i said that started bothering us one of the major things was the claim process now when i first got on turo i didn't know a whole lot about it i had a c-class mercedes four-door that i got as a repo i re-put it like four or five times my dealership so it was already paid for and it was kind of like my luxury rental car for my dealership and i figured you know what let me put this on turo and see what i can get it was one of the first cars that i put on there as soon as i put it on there took off first week some guy booked it for a week um second week somebody else booked it for i think for like three four days so it was just going really good and i was excited i was like wow maybe i'll turn some of the cars on my dealership floor into rental cars but what happened was this guy got drunk and crashed my car you know and i was freaked out i was like oh god now i'm gonna have to deal with my insurance and their insurance it's gonna be a big big headache i called up turo and i'm like yeah i got a call from one of my friends that was a tow truck company um they just picked up my car on the side of the freeway supposedly this guy has been arrested you know drunk dui blah blah blah and so in the beginning it was a little hard because they couldn't get a hold of the person because unfortunately he was in jail for a dui and i'm telling him that he crashed my car but they they didn't want to do anything until they got his story which i understand but it kind of pissed me off so we had to wait about three four days but once once they got a hold of him you know they're like what happened when you're in an accident and he said yeah literally the next day i sent them pictures like this is my car this is the issue it's not even worth fixing within like two days they call me back and like you know what we see the pictures we see this um we're gonna go ahead um we checked your zip code this is what we believe the car is worth we're gonna go ahead and give you this amount of money plus we're gonna give you x amount of dollars per day for every day the car's been out so the car has been i think down for about three weeks so they paid me a check for the difference but they did all this relatively quickly with a lot of not with a lot of back and forth and headaches and stuff like that and i was pretty impressed you know it was nice you know they had to check their balances which is normal which i'm used to that but it was very quick and painless process now fast forward to today holy if you have somebody that tears your bumper off i literally have to prove that the bumper was on the car before i rented it i would send them pictures well are you sure you know was it was it this you know and so that's why i always keep track of my maintenance records so right from the get-go i'm gonna tell you guys right now if you're renting on tour or hire car you need to do a monthly inspection every month you need to take pictures and you need to keep all your receipts you get it in a folder and you keep it to the side so every time anything happens you have documentation because these guys said the same thing they're like well how do we know it was good shape you know maybe the bumper fell off you know and if the and if the customer says oh it fell off because it fell off they'll just they won't pay it they'll tell you that it's your negligence and they'll just try to stiff you with it so i'm like yeah the car is inspected every two weeks from a mechanic we make sure the brakes are good tires are going to rotate and we check all the doors mechanisms trunks make sure nothing's you know it loose falling off whatever else so that's what saved my butt but even though i had documentation i had issues and even the customer said that he went over one of those medians backed up and ripped the bumper off so he admitted that he did wrong it took them a month and a half to actually uh pay me out and then on top of that the customer that bought it didn't get the extra insurance whatever it was because he's an international flyer and so they didn't give me for lost time for rentals and on top of that excuse me on top of this i called them probably about 30 times i would send emails they wouldn't reply i would call they wouldn't reply or they would they do the truffle shuffle wait for our emails wait for the claims department wait for this person so and so is going to call you oh they're going to do this and we need estimates you need to take the car to shop so it was it was a lot of bs and it's just not fun anymore it's it's been more of a headache than anything else so as of right now claim service sucks absolutely sucks to get somebody on the phone is damn near impossible takes forever the whole time's you know i know you guys are making you know an insane amount of money every quarter we see it it's part of public record hire some customer service people i don't even care if i have to talk to somebody from india or the philippines whatever else at least i can talk to a human being and tell them what's going on because this is so bad turo needs to step up their customer service the one of the things that kind of bugged me was their limits and liability so halfway through about i'd say about 2019 they started changing their limits liability insurance and stuff like that so back in the day we would put you know exotic cars and some classic cars and stuff on the actual platform and then i remember one day without any notice they just kicked all of our cars off so i had calls from my friends other people like hey what happened they kicked off my classic car they kicked off my exotic car what's going on and then you know we had to message them and nobody we don't know what you're talking about just re-put it in there we try to put it back in it would kick us back off had to go back and forth they changed their limits and liability and a lot of their insurances because insurance i guess made them change something else so a lot of the high line exotic and classic car vehicles were not allowed to be put on the platform anymore and it totally sucked because at that time i remember i think we went out and bought a bunch of classic cars because we wanted to start building cars to put on there because all my friends do exotic cars i was one that was going to do classic cars so i figured this would be kind of a good balance between everybody right and uh they're just like no we're not doing rental cars anymore so then i switched over to hagerty hagerty i don't even know if that app is still around but like we were having issues with getting paid and people would rent them and never show them up and they would still give the other people refunds so we wind up getting off that app so after that i just winded up taking the cars to the auction getting rid of them because i couldn't do my business plan anymore i had a lot of people here in vegas that you know that would enjoy to buy an exotic car and you know they're either traveling or doing business they didn't use it all the time they wanted to use it maybe one weekend out of the month so they would offset the cost by renting it out on turo well once turo kicked off their cars now they're like well crap now i got to pay my 3 000 car payment just by myself my whole plan was to have somebody else pay it and then i'd drive the car for free so a lot of people got hurt in that way and you know and a lot of the limits and liabilities changed there were some other cars that were kind of we used to trick out like we had a lifted jeep we had uh remember we had a viper on there we had some crazy stuff like through the years where uh either friends or me or somebody else would put something up there um i had a g wagon it was uh crazy we made it look like a 4x4 square we lifted it put the wheels on and everything else and you know we told them this is what it was but i don't know what happened with their algorithm was like oh no it's going to cost too much money to fix or you know it's not worth it and so they kicked us off the platform so anything that was custom or crazy or anything that was special was being kicked off so now a lot of the cars that you see on turo are just kind of bland cars you can't price them and that was the other thing too that kind of upset us is they took away the pricing feature now back in the day you could put whatever you want if you wanted 300 for your car you can put 300 for your car but now if you try to put something a lot of times they'll stop you like well this car doesn't you can't rent the car for this much because it costs too much money you know and so it'll it'll kick it out of the algorithm sometimes won't even let you put in the price but it sucked because we had like the lifted jeeps some of the lifted trucks uh some of these sports cars classic cars you know um we have a few friends have like jdm cars like older like nissans you know that are kind of special and they couldn't get the special money because they're looking at it like oh well this is a 3 a 350z it's not that popular it's it's a you know 30 a day rental he's like hey man it's twin turboed it's got a body kit it's right hand drive it's a very you know fun rare car blah blah blah they didn't care so it kind of took the fun away from that one as well now one of the things i cannot stand what turo is doing right now is their bs exclusivity contracts they want people to only be on their platform and nobody else's and that is complete bs now i'm going to approach this from both sides and i'm going to give you explanations on why i believe it's it's kind of bad but there's going to be some good if they can counter it now if they don't want you to be on other applications they should probably do something to sweeten the deal but they don't and i'll go into that here in a second so with the exclusivity contract churro tells people that if you run other platforms and get caught they kick you off their platform which like i said i don't believe anybody should have the right to do that so every time we tell people in the com or excuse me and videos to you know post your cards on multiple applications try them out see which one works best for you i always get the comments people they're like oh you can't do that it's against the policy you'll get kicked off you're giving bad advice don't listen to them because their whole goal is they want to scare you into actually staying on their platform and not doing that and they don't have the right to do that now if truro did something now i'm going to ask for turo's side of it if turo said hey you know what guys we'll give you an exclusivity contract will give you better rates we'll lower your fees and maybe we'll make interest will make insurance cheaper for you if they did something like that to go along with the exclusivity contract i think it would benefit everybody because not only turo but the actual hosts that are renting on the platform now if they did something like that i would see the benefit for everybody because now it's something that everybody can get and benefit from but as of right now as of today turo is just bullying people saying stay away from the other apps only use our app you know and i've heard other things of what turo's done to some of these smaller applications i can't say i know it's all hearsay so legally i got to say i you know do your own research but i heard that they actually went after one of the insurance companies that was working for share and share one of the ride share companies that's i think their fees are about 50 percent less than what turo is was starting to gain momentum in some major cities and they actually went to their insurance broker and said we'll give you some of our insurance but you got to cancel these guys and so they pretty much killed this other business because they weren't able to get insurance in a few other places so these things do happen and unfortunately that's kind of the way business is but turo doing this and forcing people to not work with other small applicants because i've done it before i've said it on a few of my my things i've called them and told them flat out i'm a rental car company i have my online stuff i have it on all the apps i have it on expedia travelocity all these other third-party sites so you cannot tell me to post anywhere else or you can just kick me off the platform they flat out said no problem i can do that i'm a rental car company so if you're a person just keep that in mind every rental car company that you see on turo is doing the exact same thing where we have them all on multiple applications we use turo kind of like a lead generator so once they come online they ask us about the cars we take their information but then we rent the cars through our actual own personal platform so that's why i'm really big on getting your rental car license so i haven't talked about it in a while i don't like to preach on the the channel about our classes and everything else but you know we have a class it's very cheap it's only 4.95 we're actually redoing it right now we're gonna be bumping it up to i think like six or seven hundred dollars but um it's a 16-hour class so it's not something that's short and basically we go over some of the rules of how you start up your rental car company some of the things you need to look for some of the things you can do how to set up your lines of credit vendors everything else and this is a lifetime class so even the people if you guys purchased it you know six months ago a year ago when i released a new class you still get that one as well and you also get the updates that come with it but that's why we're really preaching right now to make sure that if you're doing this as a business and you become successful and you get a bunch of cars i highly recommend you getting your rental car license you know once you have this then if for some reason turo's being a jerk and kicks you off the platform you're not dead in the water plus you'll be able to make more money renting offline and keeping that money compared to that because i've showed people their fees because that one guy's like why do i want to get insurance why do i want to get bond why i want to get all the headaches and i'm like how many cars do you have he had 12 cars on turo so he added up all the fees of what he paid if he rented out his car for an average of 15 days a month for the year and it costed three times as much than just getting your rental car license so after showing him that he was like okay now i see it so we got him a rental car license and a dealer's license and was still cheaper than him paying all the fees for all those cars so but turbo doesn't want you to know that they're trying to make it seamless and easy so this way you stay on the platform and that's why people like me are telling you hey you know what turo is a great app you can use it for lead generation i get a lot of people that you know if they they're foreigners they have international license plates um they don't have insurance i always send them to turo because it's cheaper to rent on there but if the regular people they have a driver's license they have insurance you can bring them over to your uh your personal application and actually rent through your rental car license and you can save all that money plus if you do it correctly you get your rental car license you don't have to do all this shady stuff of buying 10 cars in your personal name there are vendors and lines of credit that we use we we basically teach you about we show you in the videos that you go and apply for and they will give you rental car lines of credit it's an actual real thing i don't have 30 cars on my personal credit i will never tell you to do that because i want you to buy a house and take care of your family these other guys that are selling these crazy classes i won't say names but i saw one for like five grand and it was an hour and a half and the guy literally just preached borrow everybody's car steal your grandma's car put everything onturo that was his whole class so you know ours is a little more in-depth like i said we are adding to it so even if you purchase this one and watch the videos there are going to be some other cooler ones coming up here very shortly so before i finish this video i'm just going to touch base on one last thing and this is that churro is no longer growing they're changing their platform and they're actually getting smaller and they're going to try to save basically they want to try to maximize their money without getting any bigger now when we first talked to turo they had grand plans oh we're going to rent cars trucks motorcycles boats rvs everything commercial we're gonna do it all and it was very enticing because you know it gave so many options for the future but now they're talking about you know limiting cars like i said some states you can't even have exotic cars on your your platform anything over i think like 120 000 they won't let you put on the platform anymore um they took down a lot of the classic cars some cars you can still put up there just kind of depends it's the luck of the draw motorcycles i know slingshots can do it but now that i don't think they're doing most motorcycles in most states rvs was going to be a big one they decided to take rvs off the table commercial cars were a big thing i was so excited about that one they took that off as well so all they're going to do is basically focus on the people that are getting there and what's happening now is it's almost like the uber effect where people don't realize that if you just rent the cars and you don't have multiple cars you're not going to make any money on this platform so about three years ago i have a friend of mine that made an application to actually show what uber drivers were making now i actually know assuming it was five years ago so he made this app showing that you know if you you put in your make and mile of your car you put the miles you put your car prices everything else and it syncs with your uh your uber app and so every time you make a dollar it tells you what you need to pay down in your car for depreciation what you should put aside for maintenance blah blah blah and at the end of it it would tell you how much money you made well anyways at the end of this application you know it was popular a lot of uber drivers were getting it but they were upset because they were making like two dollars an hour some were losing money because it showed that uber long term wasn't sustainable because people weren't paying down the cars they were using that money and putting in their pockets instead of paying down depreciation of their cars keeping it for maintenance and and service and just basically beating the hell out of their cars so the first thing uber did was bought my friend's app they bought it crushed it killed it that was it i'm telling him right now to make one for hire car and uh turo so this way people can put in their cars we can put in what we're getting and we can actually show people that you know because there's a lot of people out there that are screwing up the market if you have your car for 100 and you're putting it up there because you know that like your payments you need 50 bucks a day for your your fees and 50 bucks a day is profit and then you get the other guy that's like well i don't care i'm just renting it out of my basement i'm not going this for full time i just don't want to make my car payment he rents it for 60 bucks a day so he's making his money and everything else but now it's affecting your price i want him to make the app so it scares people so it shows people that even if you're renting this car and you're making like a thousand bucks a month you're not really making a thousand dollars a month by the time you pay down depreciation um you keep the money for maintenance because you'll be burning up your tires you're gonna need more oil changes more service you're gonna hit your timing belt more quicker and stuff like that and it's gonna show this and then i think once this application comes out it's gonna scare a lot of people in the turo and hire car community because they're going to realize that they really don't make any money renting out cars this particular way they need to do it the right way structured way so what turo is doing now is they're going to force everybody to lower the price of their cars to just they're going to get more and more people and they're going to put more restrictions and they're going to force you and just push you down to you know whatever the cheapest rental is so they can get their fees because they don't care at the end of the day they're making money with no risk they let the car roll the customer blows up your car smashes it burns it up you get the loan for it that's your problem they get their little percent they're out and that's the problem is they're going to be constantly putting these rules and regulations that's going to force you to basically make less and less and less so you know like i said turo is a great app to help you get started it's a great lead generator that's what i use it for but that's where turo stops if you're serious about doing rental cars as a business reach out to me all my information is down below you can sign up for a consulting call you can email me your questions hit me up on instagram i answer all those you know whether you want to get my rental car course or if you want to go buy somebody else's go for it i'd rather see you guys try something off the platform and if you do get a rental car course make sure they talk about rental cars not just turo and hire car because i swear that's like everybody's app or class is just about touring higher car you need to learn how to build your business like a real business offline so this way if for some reason turo dies tomorrow or you get kicked off [Music] um
Channel: Automotive Life
Views: 8,416
Rating: 4.9559469 out of 5
Keywords: turo, turo car rental, turo business, turo review, can you rent your car on turo and make money, turo 2021, turo tips and tricks, how to make money on turo, can you make money on turo, is turo a scam, can you make money while doing turo, how to avoid turo mistakes, #1 mistake people make on turo, how to start a turo business in 2020, turo sucks, turo failure, turo fail, how to not lose money on turo, saimah turo, turo scam, turo fraud, turo app, rental car, rental cars, car
Id: sxSbZMe65l0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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