Complete 2021 Turo Guide - Watch this before you list your car! Everything You Need to Get Started!

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hey guys welcome back to the channel my name is flight for those that know me and fits light for those that don't but you can still call me flight today we're going to be talking about turo is it a good investment for you i've been doing it for about a month now and i can tell you i've had some experiences so i just want to walk you through the good the bad the ugly and just some of the things that you should be considering if you're thinking about signing up for touro so stay tuned this is meant to be a comprehensive guide and i really hope you find value in it if you do please hit that like button hit that subscribe button leave a comment and without further ado let's go ahead and get to this video how about we just take it to the beginning what is turo to put it simple touro is basically the airbnb but for cars so you think about airbnb if you want to go on a vacation you need a place to stay you go to the website you book a place to stay you go there and that's your place to stay instead it's the same thing however you need a car to rent so you go there you go to the place you pick up the car you bring it back it's that simple don't overthink it number one question that i'm always asked is how to create a listing on turo and guys when i tell you it's so simple that literally yes a caveman could do it let me walk you through it so you can sign up with your email facebook gmail account that's going to ask for your first name your last name email password simple stuff once you're in you're going to go to list your cart now once you're in list your car it says it's going gonna take about 10 minutes you're gonna need your license plate number and you're also gonna need photos of your car this is where i want to say guys when taking photos of your car i mean just start out with whatever you can get but try to get professional photos as soon as possible because this is basically your marketing material and when a person is scrolling down those listings and they're looking at those cards you want yours to stand out and you're going to do that by having a great photo so that's just you know tip number one keep that in mind here are a few examples of mine now i took these myself yes i do have a camera but you can also use your regular iphone they are about as powerful as any camera out here nowadays it matters more so about the background if you look at just cars in your market look at where they're taking pictures of their cars at most of the time it's in a open place it's somewhere where you can put the car at the forefront of the background so that the car is the subject of the picture make the colors of your car pop mines is red so i went much closer to a orange background if you have a dirt road if you have just anywhere that's an open field like even the top of the garage would be perfect for these type of pictures so that's just another tip take it or leave it all right so we're ready to start listing your car some things that you're gonna need is number one the address of where your car is going to be located you're also going to need your vin number profile photo for yourself mobile number driver's license your goals car availability card details card photos and safety and quality standards i just want to reiterate and just go over a few of these topics so the address of your car and the vin number that's pretty straightforward for your profile photo this should be something i will say can be semi-formal it doesn't have to be too formal it doesn't have to be crazy insane now for me personally i choose to have a very formal picture because a person that rents for me i want them to know that this is a business and they should treat it as such this is not a third party property that they can just do anything with if you do something wrong with this car there will be repercussions and that's why i try to have a more formal presence when i'm talking with my potential customers but if you want to have a more chill relaxed hands-on type vibe you can do that as well so turo's that type of platform it's just like airbnb where you see different listers with different pictures but you get the sense of who you're dealing with once you see their profile picture mobile number you should have that if not i don't i don't even know where you're trying to sign up for tworo driver's license once again you should have that or i don't know why you have a car and goals you know what are your goals to get on the platform are you just trying to make more money make a car payment are you trying to do whatever it is you're trying to do they just want to know that for marketing and research data now your car availability this is going to be which days your car is available if you have to work let's say on monday wednesday friday but you're off on the rest of the week so monday wednesday friday you need your car you will mark those days as you know ineligible or if you know that you're going to have an upcoming trip that you're going to need your car for you can block that off on a calendar so that someone isn't able to list it out at that time there are also other reasons why you can block out dates this is just a feature that turo allows you to have so that's just a side question but yes you can block out dates once again your card details your car photos we went over you should have professional car photos your car details this is just going to be a little bit of a i guess a car biography so write something that's catchy it's going to be a listing that people are reading as well as 10 other listings so make yours stand out from your competitors business 101 and the safety and quality standards is just check the box running mail type things and right now i'm going to walk you through my profile i did join in 2018 but that was for the actual renting service of it i recently started using turo for the listing service about a month ago so today is december i started using it in november of 2020. the description as i told you before you want to make sure you have something catchy so i have just things to remember this is a custom jeep driving a jeep regulars being a part of a lifestyle fortunately jeeps are a very you know a hot commodity people love jeeps they have a big following base so i wanted to give off that that type of vibe in my description so that when people read it they kind of know like okay i'm going to be in that cool group after the description goes over the features let's say you have uh tvs in the seats that's a cool feature it's a little bit 2002 but i respect it and then below you have your reviews always make sure you get five-star reviews after every single trip and always make sure you ask for a review people tend to forget to give reviews now someone asked me i am much more likely to give a review and that is what you want to do you want to be that person why why do you want to be that person you ask because after you get 10 trips and you get those 5 stars you get a super host patch i think it's called super host batch you are a trusted and verified lister you've had great reviews you've had enough trips to know that people know that you're great and then most importantly they start giving you better listing spots so this is a great way to go ahead and increase your ranking to be at the top of those listings by getting those five star reviews what i also like about turo is that you have the option to charge a delivery fee an example of that would be if you had a customer that was flying into the airport from out of town the x if you could pick them up from the airport so you take your car there you drop it off usually i may have my girlfriend follow me or i might just catch an uber back and that nets out to you know still a savings with the delivery fee that i charge i charge 65 one thing that i don't like is that turo takes 30 of the delivery fee i'm not sure what for if anything it should be 10 but i i really don't understand why he's 30 so tyro if there is a representative that is watching can you please change that because i'm not sure you know why you're taking that much of a cut guys if you are really enjoying this video please give this a like hit that subscribe button let me know in the comments if you really are enjoying it and if not let me know what i can do better because i do want to make better videos for you guys and i actually want to provide content and value for you all so let's continue on another good question that i usually get asked is how do i set that pricing now if you see on my profile i was sending pricing at 72 75 80 range i'm actually trying to raise that up to a hundred dollars but starting out in this beginning frame i'm letting automatic pricing do just the guesswork take the guesswork out of it what it is it's basically an ai algorithm it's looking at all the other listings on the profile that's assessing the supply the demand that's coming in it's assessing the day of the week if it's a weekend it'll maybe charge more if it's a holiday it's definitely going to charge more it's taking all that into account and that's how it's basing whatever price that is giving you and then it's going to give you some suggestions i would want for my car note to be able to pay for itself in two weeks or less and then that gives me two weeks to be able to use the car or that's two weeks of profit so take that into account when you're determining your pricing you don't have to go as aggressive let's say for instance if your car note is 300 and you got 30 days in a month the minimum price you can set that car up there is for 10 dollars you also have to factor in turbo's going to take their cut and that depends on what type of insurance plan you have which we will talk about next turo has five different insurance options that are included within the platform they range from 15 to 40 percent of your profits they each offer different features at different deductibles let's dig into what exactly each package offers and see what might be the best package for you in your circumstance okay so starting out with the most protective plan tyro's taking up to 40 of your profits now with this plan you're getting up to 750 000 in third party liability insurance turo is paying 100 of eligible damage costs there is no deductible it includes exterior wear and tear reimbursements and includes loss of hosting income during repair or 50 replacement vehicle reimbursement and that's up to a 10 day maximum moving to the 70 plan turo is taking 30 of your profits you have to pay a 250 deductible there is a 30 day replacement vehicle reimbursement during repair at a 10 day max so it's no longer 50 days and this doesn't include the exterior wear and tear reimbursement and it doesn't include loss of hosting income during repair this is the plan that i have i have the 70 plan mainly because it offers that protection but it's not as excessive as the 60 plan one thing that i also didn't like about the 60 plan is that sure it gives that you know the exterior and interior wear and tear but after how many trips will you actually get to utilize that it will probably just be better if you took that ten percent that you're paying tarot and you just saved it off into the side and invested in the market you'll probably come out thousands of dollars ahead secondly the only beneficial thing of doing the 60 plan versus the 70 plan is that they do pay you for a lost income you get paid for your loss income or you get a rental car i mean at the end of the day they kind of net each other both out so if i only get one of the other i think the 70 plan is just the best route to take if you want protection i'm a pretty risk-averse with my jeep looking at the 75 plan some of the notable differences being now that 250 deductible goes up to 750 dollars you don't get a replacement vehicle during a repair this doesn't include exterior wear and tear reimbursements and it doesn't include loss of hosting income during your repair for the 80 plan they're taking 20 percent of your profit that 750 deductible now increases to 1625 there is no replacement vehicle this doesn't include wear and tear doesn't include loss of hosting income during repair i think you all are starting to get the pattern right now and at the 85 plan that deductible goes up to twenty five hundred dollars lastly if you have your own commercial rental insurance then you're able to get up to ninety percent of the profit tour only charges you ten percent just to use the platform and you get access to their customers so that's a little bit about their insurance i actually do have a funny story um this past weekend one of my clients called me and this happened unfortunately huh guys guys guys guys i just gotta push it up in mine right now now you're just about ready to go out there get your listing on the site and start making you some passive income and make money while you sleep because honestly it is probably one of the best decisions that i made this year just take that risk you know switch that mindset of being a renter and be an owner you have a car you have an asset that you can use stop letting it hold you down as liability go out there and let it make you some money it may seem scary at first but every good decision is and if it was easy everyone would be doing it so it's going to be a little bit of a challenge it's going to put you out your comfort zone but at the end of the day we hope that you grow and that you catch flight and until the next video i make or the next video you watch catch flight guys and don't forget to give this video that like and hit that subscribe button there's actually a new gps plug-in that i'm looking to get for my car which is going to track exactly what my car is at it's going to have an automatic shut off and it's going to just give me that real-time information to make me feel more secure if you want me to give any other tips any other advice guys feel free to let me know i will try to do these as often as i can
Channel: CatchingFlightTV
Views: 23,070
Rating: 4.9497356 out of 5
Keywords: turo, how to make money on turo, how to list your car on turo, should I list my car on turo, is turo safe, does turo work, 2021 turo guide, turo how to, turo car rental business, turo tutorial, turo app, how to get started on turo, turo review, turo passive income, turo insurance, turo profile, turo beginner guide, why turo sucks, turo host tips, is turo worth it, turo vlogs, hosting on turo, turo all star guide, why turo, turo profit, leased car on turo, catchingflighttv
Id: 3Ehx-YqNAkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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