Why Trunks COULDN'T go Super Saiyan 2 like Gohan

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[Music] why couldn't Future Trunks become a Super Saiyan 2 before present time line Gohan in Dragon Ball Z what was the problem Future Trunks faced despite being introduced stronger than Gohan When Future Trunks kill Frieza despite being stronger than Gohan when both entered the time chamber for the first time despite being older What in story reason prevented one Saiyan hybrid becoming as strong as the other the first son of Goku versus the first son of Vegeta you would think trunks would have at least similar potential in Dragon Ball Z compared to Gohan considering later down the line in the anime version of Dragon Ball Super Trunks obtained a level of power through his own raw potential that could take on the likes of Goku black Powers far beyond the Godly Powers introduced at the start of Dragon Ball super such as Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan blue of course Gohan's power stated the Rival Super Saiyan blue later on close to the tournament of power or at the very least face levels of power beyond Battle of Gods and even in the manga fight in a fusion with Super Saiyan blue Goku was starting to find kale one fusion part a handful and this was just from him regaining his fighting instincts over the weekend I'm not trying to make sense of it I'm just stated in what I saw my point being that in Dragon Ball super the hybrid potential wasn't held down they could become stronger in a heartbeat but of course we know most power creeps are down to plot and marketing but the story still stands Trunks and go were incredibly strong in Dragon Ball super even if you wish to use the manga only trunks's Super Saiyan 2 power was able to rival a post Battle of God Super Saiyan 3 Goku which is an incredible power up in its own right but it's still nothing to what we have now with Gohan who has become Beast Gohan and is still younger than what trunks was in the Goku black Ark either there's favoritism in the wri in or trunks has a huge problem but let's go back to Dragon Ball Z trunks grew up in a world filled with suffering so there's no doubt he has a lot of emotion built up inside of course this is down to the right in allowing it where Goan was written to be a monster as a Super Saiyan 2 and Trunks was written to be the one that changed the future but not to be the strongest it's a great story but it still makes you wonder an inverse reason if the trigger was right could trunks have gone Super Saiyan 2 before Gohan and more importantly why wasn't trunks as strong as Goan in general back then Goan had a lot of hidden potential back then in Dragon Ball Z in fact that was the entire Foundation of his Arc through Z it all surfaced in the Cell games that ultimately completed his arc when we watch the Cell Games the simpol answer is that trunks just wasn't strong enough to wield Super Saiyan 2 or didn't have the hidden potential that Goan had during that time where even if trunks obtained Super Saiyan 2 in the sell games he potentially still wouldn't be as strong as go on Super Saiyan 2 level just through raw power alone close but not quite also being the son of Vegeta where Vegeta has shown higher natural potential than Goku throughout Dragon Ball Z and super but it raises even more questions about trunks's natural potential so let's look at Gohan's fight and experience compared to trunks to see if that would be a reason why trunks drunks his potential didn't shine like Goan in Z Goan had experience preparing for the saans then his journey Dynamic and what transpired on that planet you can count the garlic Junior Arc if you're looking at anime exclusive stories this is followed by three years preparing for the Androids they're nearly a year in the Time Chamber as well as the fight with cell all of which adds up to approximately 5 to six years worth of intense times for Gohan with Future Trunks he's roughly 17 years old when he defeats Frieza then he comes back 3 years later and follows up with 2 years in the Time Chamber putting him around 22 years years old and yes the 3 years did pass for trunks because his time machine is linked to the present timeline through the time machine that's the rule of time travel the moment they are linked one minute passes in the present is one minute in the linked future timeline but either way after the second round in the Time Chamber with trunks fought in the s games as well as destroying the Androids in his future that was the highest potential of Future Trunks in Dragon Ball Z apart from the brief training with future Gohan trunks was basically surviving not so much fighting and growing if I had to guess buture trunks did his own personal TR training after future Goan died but how effective was it well future Goan said that it wouldn't take long for trunks to surpass him a few months actually but by the time trunks killed Frieza he wasn't leagues above Future Gohan's potential but somewhere in the same ballpark after 3 years past his death so not that effective in terms of his own personal training after Gohan died but for the present timeline Gohan he always had a mentor whether it be Piccolo Goku or both at the same time it was efficient training and he was fine-tuned by the time of the Cell Games consistency is important when training where trunks was on and off with his battles and even if trunks gained plenty of zenai from surviving the Androids so did presentant go on during his Arc in Dragon Ball Z before the Android Saga trunks really couldn't make the best of it because Zen Kai boost by the time of the Android Saga weren't as impactful compared to on Namek because everyone back then weren't as strong however when Future Trunks does return to the Future to kill the Androids he was far above future Goan by that point and was much younger future Goan fought his whole life and was nothing compared to to an 11-year-old in the Cell games so what went wrong with future Gohan that's a story for another day or we're going to be here a long time but when it relates to present timeline go on Future Trunks at his best in Z was not even half the power of someone half his age despite both being hybrids it wouldn't be until years later fighting deura where trunks would actually achieve Super Saiyan 2 finally but by that point he had received training using the Z sword cool he got there but Goan did it much younger so perhaps there was an element of Goan having the advantage in terms of consist efficient training in a shorter window compared to trunks that never really had a mentor after the brief future go on training plus his two times training in the Time Chamber was basically alone Vegeta didn't train him like Goku trained with Gohan and that would indeed affect the results of drawing out the potential of trunks he wasn't even that experienced in becoming a great all round Warrior and this was proven with his mistakes against cell his mind was lacking and this in turn stunted his physical growth he focused on pumping up his little muscles for power purposes rather than focus on on conditioning his body and his Super Saiyan power for fighting purposes Gohan's training had underlining messages that it wasn't all about the gritty and bloody training routines recovery is important it was conditioning him to bring up the best in him as a fighter and he combined that with all of his years of battle experience to become a Super Saiyan 2 monster mind body and spirit all came together for him that training Plan gave Goan a massive lead on Trunks and we have to remember Goan started training at a much younger age than Trunks if future Goan survived and kept training trunks he would have definitely had a better Foundation of training knowledge to unlock his potential much sooner rather than get the crap beat out of him all the time by the Androids that's not training that's not conditioning you may get a cheeky little zenai here and there but it would never be enough saying battle prowess fighting is the key for the body along with mindset which Future Trunks had a disadvantage with because getting beat up all the time losing everyone you love being tortured that would be traumatizing in conclusion we know it was the right in decision to push Goan as the Sou Saga Hero and the superhero but going with an inverse reason we can say trunks's potential was definitely as high as Gohan as proven in Dragon Ball super but the reason why Gohan's potential was drawn out faster than Trunks could have been down to Lifestyle training efficiency and of course the final trigger for Super Saiyan 2 trunks had that against Aura but I do believe it should have happened much sooner for someone who experienced what trunks did Imagine trunks had the same rage trigger against zamasu back in the Cell Games imagine how strong he would have got then sometimes it's about finding the right key to the door if we go by the Manga version of events there's some little details that I want to share with you right now trunks was already a Super Saiyan when he was training with future Gohan which changes the whole game when future Gohan dies why couldn't trunks become a Super Saiyan to upon Gohan's death surely that would have been the trigger needed for the next level if he was already a Super Saiyan what can be more hurtful to trunks other than seeing future Bulma die in super again the right in but when you compare this to Gohan when he unlocks Super Saiyan one he wasn't far off Super Saiyan 2 because Goku already saw that power for a brief second so the Gap go on closed in a short time thanks to the plot is insane Future Trunks in the Manga version was already a Super Saiyan for some time and I strongly believe in verse he should have had the potential for Super Saiyan 2 with all that rage seeing future Goan die being a hybrid and all but you guys let me know what you think about that I think the future timeline is just cursed for unlocking potential so we just go around in circles where it all boils down to go on unlock more potential than Trunks at his age I don't want to say Gohan's got infinitely more potential than Trunks despite both being hybrids although it does seem that way right now with Beast Goan but we haven't had much of Future Trunks lately at least not in the main continuity but we just don't know how far trunks can go either and if it's super saiyan rage out of nowhere is anything to go by against Goku black then I'm not counting him out just yet in terms of his potential and that's it being a hybrid was the key to more potential in Dragon Ball Z but they would still need the proper fighting and training experience to bring out the potential faster as well as a suitable trigger for more rage and as proven with Goan it was done at half the age of Future Trunks but the biggest problem with Future Trunks and what he had to face was not himself but the right [Music] [Music] in [Music]
Channel: Saiyan Scholar
Views: 108,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4BqFtx5T86U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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