Why This Wind Turbine Will Change The World

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about 15 years ago humanity realized that if it does not want to be like the proverbial frog which was boiled in milk for the sake of momentary comfort then we must immediately stop burning minerals that create a greenhouse effect indeed since the beginning of the 20th century the average annual temperature on the planet has increased by one degree if it continues this way then in the 21st century it will rise by another four degrees fearing this mankind frantically began developing green energy apparently we have achieved impressive results the total installed capacity of renewable electricity has doubled over the past 10 years and amounted to 2537 gigawatts there are even countries iceland for example where the share of green energy was 100 costa rica and austria are closing in while in germany the share of green energy exceeds 50 percent we seem to be crawling out of the warm milk don't we most of the growth in green energy 90 is due to the rapid growth of solar and wind power plants during this time the number of solar gigawatts has increased by 25 times while wind turbines have increased by only five times just kidding obviously there are some objective reasons for this unlike solar panels which only require primitive supports under the sun the installation of wind turbines is very complex furthermore with an increase in the wind generator's power the cost and complexity of installation grows exponentially why let's check it out the wind generator produces a lot of noise and vibration and so it must be placed away from housing another disadvantage is strong winds that can break the wind turbine therefore blades carry the main load it is for this reason that they have to be folded which greatly complicates the design a complex mechanism is also required to set the windmill in the desired position depending on the direction of the wind so will it continue on like this solar energy is like a shining princess and a lot of countries are striving to win her hand wind energy is not exactly an ash covered cinderella but if a small fish is better than an empty dish then it's more like a small fish however i have hope that everything will develop harmoniously my optimism is bolstered by a startup that appeared in iceland a couple of years ago and proposed a new type of wind turbine called icewind its founder is a red-bearded young icelander sethor asgersen a couple of years ago this distant descended of the vikings literally in his own garage assembled his first wind turbine of an original design today these turbines are already appearing on the roofs of bus stops are clinging to power line poles and have even managed to cross the atlantic and settle in the united states there are two differences between ice wind turbines and traditional wind turbines first their blades have a special curved shape and second these wind turbines have a vertical axis of rotation in the photo the unusual strongly curved shape of the blades is striking traditional wind turbine blades meet the wind with a broad chest which presses on them and makes them spin in fact it functions just like an aircraft propeller icewind's blades operate on the principle of an airplane wing due to their shape when air is blown over them a pressure difference is created which makes them rotate what benefits do these blades provide well the wind load is sharply reduced excess force will simply be dumped along the wing which eventually results in operating at wind speeds of up to 196 feet per second that's a grade for hurricane speed by the way in areas with high risk of storms this is very important it means that there is no need to create a structure that could withstand hurricanes several times a year but would be useless the rest of the time or to come up with a mechanism that would fold the blades in a strong wind the rate of rotations can also be reduced less rotation means less noise and vibration ice wind turbines emit no more than 30 decibels of noise equal to the sound of a whisper not the horrific scream of a traditional wind turbine the wind turbine operates in any wind direction just like a plane does luckily there's no need for clever wind mill rotation mechanisms to catch the wind as actuating the 320 foot blades at a wind speed of 91 to 131 feet per second is quite an engineering challenge the axis of rotation can be vertical too this verticality has several other benefits the size is reduced drastically compared to a traditional windmill which has generators blades of up to 393 feet of diameter attached to its stand sorry birdies just try to dodge those in the ice wind the stand is in fact combined with the blades the entire area of the blades stretches upward here thanks to this such a structure can be stuck literally anywhere installation is greatly simplified in traditional wind turbines the heaviest parts the generator and the blades are placed at the top tie a bucket of water to a mop and lift the structure up could you hold it or would you douse yourself with a cold shower in icewind the generator is placed at the bottom giving stability to the structure the blades are compactly placed along its axis providing for a minimum of bending force and other yuckies of material structural performance so this wind turbine does not need a strong foundation in other words sethor as gerson was able to eliminate the main sore spots of wind power the massive structure the complexity of installation a large exclusion zone and the danger to birds icewind currently offers three models cw 100 for private use with a rated power of 160 watts and a maximum of 600 watts rw 100 and rw500 for industrial use with a rated power of 100 and 500 watts respectively and a maximum power of 600 and 3 000 watts of course icewind's capacity isn't impressive yet however this is only the beginning of the journey after all the advantages of icewind technology are undeniable and make such wind generators truly universal they can be installed anywhere from a playground to a power field and on almost any support from masts and poles to fully detached powerful megawatt wind turbines who knows maybe these futuristic skyblades will become a vivid example of a new green era of mankind and eventually will change the world for the better [Music] you
Channel: Innovative Techs
Views: 629,368
Rating: 4.4173121 out of 5
Keywords: inventions, top, top 5, in the world, change the world, turbine, amazing inventions, new Inventions, Inventions, another level, gadgets, cool inventions, most amazing, handmade, cool gadget, tools, inventions you must have, tech, most, amazing, innovative techs, Innovative
Id: PWbrDe2otVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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