Why this Lion won't attack me | Dhruv Rathee vs Wild

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You may be wondering why they don't eat us. Why don't they jump on us and attack us? There is a very simple reason behind it. It's coming right towards us. Wow, they're running. [Dhruv trying to call the zebras.] They're not horses. ...You know, long time ago we... Sit down. No, I'll just stand. This is a free body massage. We're getting free body massage now. Free body massage. This here is a river that we need to ford in this jeep. There's 4-by-4 wheel drive in the jeep. So I think we'll be able to ford the river. Oh yeah, I see that. I see. This large hill that you can see, is actually a termite mountain. This is built by termites. By digging up soil from the ground. They've built this massive hill. Can we go touch it? Lion on the other side? There's no lion here. Oh, it's like a rock. Oh, yeah! Do I look like Tom Cruise now? And this is our safari vehicle. -But you don't have a door. -No. -Why do you think I went out from this side? -Yeah. This is the first time I realised that. Because I was always scared that my door would open because the car shakes so much. Okay, let's go before the lions come. We're standing in her way. It's really passing through us. Look at the cubs. Wow. We're having dinner and hippos are passing by near. Listen to their laugh. Their laugh is exactly like that of the villain of a film. Actually, in The Predator movie, like the laugh of the alien in it. Their laugh is exactly like that. At night, the hippos come out of the water higher on the banks. To graze. To eat. And in the mornings they stay in the water. So actually, it is a bit dangerous here in our resort to go to our rooms, because they can come up to this side as well. That's why they warned us that whenever we need to come out of our tents at night, we should take the security guards with us. As you can see, they're going up on that side now to eat. In case you don't know, hippos are known as one of the most dangerous animals. Look it up. They told us that mornings are the best time to see the animals because at this time, most of the animals come out to hunt. Come, let's go on the first game drive of the day and let's see what's the situation here. We can't see many animals around here. At night, we could hear some hyenas laughing. Did any hippos come in the night? -Yes. -Yes? Do you wanna go in? -You go in. -Ladies first. Ladies first. The sun is rising from there. So, we're looking for the leopard. -Yes. -It's somewhere here apparently. That's why there are a lot of jeeps around. Someone with exactly the same blue jacket as you have. You can already see some hot air balloons in the sky. Tomorrow morning we'll go on a ride in the hot air balloon. Wow, it's coming right towards us. This leopard dude is so popular that look at the number of jeeps here to see the leopard. They think that it might start hunting. Is he gonna enter our jeep? They told us that that bird often, starts screaming when the leopard approaches so that the antelopes are warned. This leopard is looking at the wildebeests. Hopefully, it will start hunting. *Everyone gathered to see me die.* Once again we'll meet the same lion family whom we met last night. The same lioness and her four cubs. Playing with the tail. -So cute. -True. Yeah, we can go to the bush. There might be a leopard or lion hiding here. We've stopped here to have breakfast. There are many hippos in the water. We're on the banks of the river. They went around to check whether there were other animals around here. So it is safe here. Do you want to sit down on the blanket? On the blanket? Or, what is the other option? The blanket's laid down for a picnic. This is the food? Okay. A banana, an apple, and yoghurt, yes! -And an egg also. -Egg also? I have an egg also, yeah. Hope no animals come. We spotted a random hippopotamus here. Oh, it's getting scared. But look, I told you, it looks like a big pig, right? The wounds on this hippo are because it fought with another male over territory. They're very near. Oh no, they're so shy. We're back at the hippos' place. There are baby hippos too. It was chasing that stork. Stork, right? Just lying on the ground. Cuddling with each other. They look very harmless like a giant pig or a cow. But they are very, very dangerous. Perhaps, the most dangerous animal in Masai Mara. Now, I'll try to get closer to film them. On this Sony camera. Across the barrier. Atop the tree. Hopefully, they will not run away scared. Apparently, hippos have bad eyesight. And bad hearing sense. We don't know that. So I can take advantage of that. Be careful, though. You're being eyed already. Okay, don't go too close. Honestly, it's not funny. Here, I'd like to thank Mara Explorer Camp. For giving us the opportunity to stay here. And if you're interested to stay at this camp, I've put the link to it in the description below. They have superb facilities here. 5 Star facilities. You've seen how high class the room is. When you stay here they offer three meals and also three free safari game drives so you can stay outside the entire day watching animals. They have a full package. Like a laughter. You can see some very young ones. Not really babies anymore but very young. Look at those little heads. This hippo was pooping now. What's special is that they move their tails like this when pooping. So the poop spreads everywhere. And I happened to click a photo at that time, I'll put up the photo on the vlog. You can see it flying everywhere in the air. And that child you can see over there, was standing right behind. So it got on him completely. His whole back is covered in his father's poop. So bad, right? This is the baby. I zoomed in. Now you captured it. Now you captured this. -That's the same guy again. -Yeah. -This guy has... -I think he has diarrhoea. This guy has done it 4 times in the span of, no, 5 times, in the span of half an hour, just 20 minutes even. Yeah. Okay, actually I found out I read about why do hippos spray their poops, okay? -Are you ready for it? -Yeah. Male hippos fling their poop by spinning tails around to impress females and to mark the territory. No way! No way! Maybe he impressed a bit too many females then. Please, don't start doing that when trying to impress me, okay? Okay, I...I'll... Oh please, just don't. Just don't. Even in a zoo, you should not stand too close behind a hippo, Because they can spray it up to 10 meters. -10 meters? -10 meters! So, sometimes even a bit further away and yeah, we learned a lot of things about hippos today. Okay, let's do a little quiz. -Okay. -For the people who are watching this. How many people do you think get killed every year in Africa by hippos? Is it around 2 people? Is it around 15 people? Is it around 80 people? Or is it around 500 people? You don't say it. People, write down your answer below. In the comments. Which one do you think it is? What a unique bird song. Oh yeah. It sounds like a flute. Right? And I'm always a little bit scared. Because we're here out in the open. Just walking. -And anything can come here. -There are no more fences. -No fence. -Yeah. That's also a very special thing about this Mara Explorer Camp. That there are no fences here. -Most other camps and resorts have fences around. -Do they? So they cannot get inside, yeah. -Most? -Most of them. -How do we know that? -I know that. -Really? -Yeah. Oh, oh. In the last 2 days, this is the third time that we're seeing lions. And you may be wondering why they don't eat us. Why don't they jump on us and attack us? There is a very simple reason behind it. They've gotten very used to the safari jeep. The safari jeeps seem like big beasts to them. Neither do the jeeps attack them. Nor do they see this as prey. So in a way, they've accepted that these jeeps are a part of their natural environment. Like these trees and brushes. Like rocks. So for them, the safari jeeps are similar to those. But of course, if I step out of the jeep, And they can see that I'm separated from the jeep, as a single unit, So obviously, the danger is more then. He looks scarier. Obviously, because he's a male lion. The female lioness wasn't looking so scary. But as I said, there's no need to be scared of it either. Why? Why are you scared? It's not like it's gonna jump on you. It's not like it wants your camera. Treat it like the cat it is. Play with it. Where are they running to? Oh my God. This hippopotamus is very close to that gazelle. It's very calm now. That's true. I think as long as this gazelle is staying silent, the hippo won't attack. -Yeah. -There's one over there. -Oh, there's another one. Coincidently, we were watching hippo attack videos on YouTube now. Juli is eating there. And look at how brilliant the lighting is. It's going on continuously. It looks like War of the Worlds is happening here.
Channel: Dhruv Rathee Vlogs
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Keywords: Dhruv rathee, Dhruv Rathee vlogs, Dhruv Rathee vlog, vlog, Dhruv Rathee girlfriend, dhruv, rathee, travel, travel vlog, indian vlogger, flying beast, carryminati, best places to travel, Europe travel, Europe trip, Tourism, africa, africa tourism, best places to visit africa, africa best tourism, juli, juli rathee, africa trip, indian in africa, sourav joshi, kenya, masai mara, lions in kenya, travel tips kenya, Kenya tourist attractions
Id: hccqRNfR9Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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