Why this KR GRANDMASTER is playing AP PYKE

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AP Pyke mid script This Korean Grandmaster is playing AP Pyke mid. Yes - Pyke - a champion with 0 AP scaling in his kit - buying and dealing AP damage in mid lane. This is statik shiv, Zhonyas Pyke - 2 items that he mainly uses for their magic damage. A build that completly fixes his waveclear issues and allows him to roam more, deal magic damage in fights and even have zhonyas as a secret backup for whenever he makes a mistake - becoming even more slippery than usual. Going golden in Early fights to bait enemies in, and using it later on to completly deny enemies from making the plays they want to make. This is Dangsudangsu - a korean Grandmaster that has managed some insane KDs with this ap based build, and it doesnt stop there. Even after a nerf - this pick is still working, With him even playing Comet pyke mid, sometimes taking ignite for 1v1s, but weirdly often also taking Exhaust or TP - making his pyke mid completly unique. He is playing this against some of the best soloq players in the world and farming them for gold, generating a ton of gold for his teammates and decimating enemies, ending with just these 2 items most games. So lets take a look at how he does it. But first - let me tell you about a LoL app that can literally help you win you more games. This is Porofessor, a league of legends overlay app that just acts like a support for you both in game and out of game. Just like a support - it is always with you helping, for example doing summoner spell tracking: displaying all of the enemies and their spells and whenever someone uses one - you can easily click the in game overlay to start a timer which will exactly track their summoner cooldown, even calculating it with their rune choices so you can then easily kill them since you know they have no flash. Also syncs up with the over 8 million other porofessor users so your mid laner can click his laners flash and you will know its down too! And another new feature - the Meta Overview that pops up when you are in queue, quickly updating you on all the highest winrate champions, new champ releases, as well as recent changes to quickly get you up to date without having to read the essay of patch notes each week. This is all on top of all the other time saving helpful features porofessor has, like automatic rune selection in champ select Custom builds in game - showing you the best build without having to tab out, See if you have recently played with somone in your game to remind you know how they play. Stats analysis after game so you can figure out how to improve, pro builds, jungle camp timers so much more - if you dont have porofessor you are trolling at this point. Download it right now from the link in the description with just a couple clicks and immediatly start winning more games. SPONSOR OUR PLAYER '당수당수' Back to our player - 당수당수 = DANGSU DANGSU(1 word, repeated twice) DANG= 당 Su = 수 SUDANG = Money SUDANG SUDANG = LOTS OF MONEY DANGSU DANGSU = LOTS OF MONEY GIVEN AWAY 당수당수 = LOTS OF MONEY GIVEN AWAY His name is Dangsudangsu - which is actually a reversed korean word - Sudang - meaning allowance, the money he is given. He Reversed this to Dangsu to show all the money he generates for his teammates, and doubled to show the money being doubled by Pyke's Passive. You have no idea how long that took for us to work out in english. WHY AP PYKE MID? But Why is he playing ap pyke? We all know korean soloq is fast, and pyke mid is a pike that thrives on early fights, chaos and snowballing. It is a pick that can fight 1v1 mid and kill enemies, but it is also a roaming pick that takes advantage of the W speed and invisibility to zoom around the map, reaching fights first every time. AP pyke started with the Statik shiv introduction in patch 13.10. Like everyone else - he was so happy to see the item back in the game again, but also like the rest of us - he had no idea of the chaos it was about to cause. He began to test it on pyke, realising that the waveclear of the item was an ideal fix for pyke's lack of waveclear. Riot removed the minion damage on pykes E specifically to remove pyke mid from League, however this item is a perfect replcement to make pyke mid and even top lane work once again. With just 1 auto - pyke can now remove the majority of the wave, letting him fast push and roam whenever he wants. Way better than autoing every minion individually. NERFED BUT STILL WORKING WELL -> nerfed but still works. Wanted to hold off on this video to make sure it wasnt instantly nerfed and removed, and can confirm on the new patch it is still playable even in korean master. Infact they are even giving this item 5% bonus movement speed in this patch, so for a champ like pyke that is huge. ZHONYAS PYKE? But this is only the first part of this ap build, he is also going Zhonyas - which I think it my favourite part, so lets get into game to see how it all works. LVL 1 - COMET PYKE At level 1 our player is already using his Arcane comet. This is a quite recent pyke tech that really empowers his laning phase. The reason it works is because pyke tap Q slows by 90%, so he can walk up at lvl 1, tap the enemy and guarentee the comet will land as well during this 90% slow. This slow setup is very low risk poke with pyke walking away as teh damage goes off. laning 1-3 comet + kill with gank LVL 1 - HOB PYKE Can also go HOB pyke in weaker early game matchups LVL 1 - Hook + auto 3 times for a big trade. You have the ignite, so enemies have to be scared of you as you win the all in. They have to run off after a bad trade, cannot commit. (lvl 1 hail of blades trade) LVL 2 - TOWER PULL LVL 2 - or any time wave gets pushed to his tower - our player looks for this E forwards into Q hook into tower combo. The enemy thinks they are safe in their wave - but suddenly they can be hooked into tower range, given agro and set up for a kill or free summoner. Often this gives him a kill or he can just accept the free minion advantage and thus xp lead he gets. lvl 2 E Q enemy under tower LVL 3/4- GANK SETUP The best thing you can do as pyke mid early is Gank setup - E + Flash, similar to supp pyke - but much more effective in mid lane as enemies know you cannot simply walk up and 1v1 them, so an E flash is much less predictable. Instantly Q hooks right after to set up the gankers cc, and only pykes ignite is needed to finisht he kill. laning 3-4 + kill with E flash EXHAUST PYKE? Exhaust/Ignite + flash One very weird thing this guy does is play with exhaust in some matchups. THe ignite is great for kill pressure, but exaust clearly is for whole other reason. He takes it against picks like Akali, Talon, even renekton mid. All are mobile and have a lot of burst, so he has it for both laning - where exhaust can save him a death, or turn around an early fight, but also for later fights - pyke denies their ability to kill everyone with the exuast and makes it much easier for him to hit a good hook on them too. Similar to his zhonyas later on - this exhaust shows that pyke loves disrupting enemies from plays they would ususally make. TP PYKE? He isnt against playing with teleport either, another weird surprising tool that allows him to be more active in mid as well as pick up extra kills aroudn the map after it becomes unleashed. lvl 10 tp pyke MINION DEMATERIALISER PYKE? This pyke mid as well as many others often take minion dematerialiser for this lane. The main purpose is to fix pykes lack of auto attack damage on cannon minion. Instead of sitting there autoing it to death, he fast clears wave, using dematerialiser on cannon, making the enemy mid come to catch it and this creates a fast window for him to roam. A small but very effective strategy. LVL 6 - FIGHT WITH XP LEAD With this timing as well as getting level 6 - pyke begins to roam. W + then leave lane = enemies dont know which direction you went. Try to find a lower level champ and use their lower health pool to get advantage. Stalling with hook to buy time and guarentee it lands. Can then dive bot as well - pyke hook to take agro and E out of tower so he cannot be chased is a great kill setup combo for your teammates, where they dont have to take any agro themselves. He is really controling every play, slow patient hooks and measured risks. lvl 6 bot dive HUGE POWERSPIKE Around this time pyke as a champ is spiking in mid lane, with the xp lead + how much damage the ult does - his roams get ridiculous. Get to a fight, hit an ult and chain that into a quadrakill - this is why pyke mid is so good. lvl 9 quadra kill (cut the chase and just show last kill) STATIKK SHIV PYKE? lvl 8 1v1 enemy mid outplay Immediatly starts going towards Statikk shiv, buying Kirches shard first for the extra magic damage burst. THen into the full item. Here you can see his waveclear power, becoming much harder to trap in mid lane. Even if the enemy has lots of waveclear you can now match it. The great thing about statik on pyke is that the item charges up based on your movement, but it also works with abilities, so when pyke dahses with E - thats almost a full charge of statik to use it again. Same for his W movement speed - reaching 100 statik stacks much quicker. ANd same for his ultimate dash - an instant statik auto charge. So his combo now becomes Hook - auto for statik burst - into ult. Letting him combo enemies. Custom - Statik + ult interaction STOPWATCH Here he also gets stopwatch, building into his zonyas. This stasis alone is very good on pyke as it really suprises enemies. We are no longer in a meta where this item is bought by every champ or taken in runes, so you mostly dont see it til later fights, but pyke gets it just after 15 minutes and uses it to bait extra kills in these all important mid game fights. lvl 11 stopwatch kill bait WHY MID > SUPPORT? Main advantage of playing pyke mid instead of support is the items he can get. In support your only income is bot side fights and support item. In mid you get lots more gold from waves and have the opportunity to roam more for even more kill and assist gold. So usually pyke mid gets items that just make his abilities deal a little more damage, aiming to improve his ult execute threshold and hope he can finish off more enemies. However with statik the champion gets a different kind of damage added to his kit, gaining ap damage on his auto, as well as the spread between enemies and attack speed so he can be autoing enemies more to reach his ult execute. THe item fits him so well. SIDE LANE WITH STATIKK Starts managing side lane wave - letting his adc go mid - pyke can 1v1 enemy mid now + also instant waveclear with static -> take towers with attack speed or roam over to mid fast with his W. Lots of options, making it hard for the enemy mid to follow him (lvl 13 statik shiv power for Intro + split pushing) lvl 13 side lane tower take WHY ZHONYAS PYKE? Upgrading to a full zhonyas here for 2 reasons - First off - Armor - good on pyke as he cannot buy HP due to his passive converting it to AD, however armor still works on him. Bu the main purpose of Zhonyas is for when pyke runs out of options - Ideally he never has to overcommit and can always hit every skillshot, but this isnt realistic especially against some of the best players in teh world. Sometimes you have to risk committing with E to catch an enemy and win an important fight. Zhonyas allows him to take this risk and if it fails - it buys him time for cooldowns to return and makes him even harder to catch and shut down, so it increasing his slipperyness even further, giving him more freedom against the better players. Denying them from getting the kill they expect and stopping their play from working. It definitly is better in high elo as his teammates capitalise on this zhonyas timing to kill the confused enemies, where as if he was doing this play in low elo his teammates may just spam ping him for it. (lvl 14 zhonyas stops lost fight ^) NO MORE ITEMS NEEDED After Shyv + Zhonyas I have to admit - this pyke now stops buying ap items. Most of his games are over at this point thanks to his His shiv zhonyas combo, and he doesnt need any more ap, but does need a mythic - a much better use of his gold is to buy duskblade - an item that has great synergy with his statik shyv. With his first kill - he goes untargetable, letting him move around and stack the shiv again for free - meaning his next auto will easily set up another burst. Duskblade is no where near as good on pyke as it was before, so its a shame the old item is gone - The general reaction to this item is that it isnt much more fun to play with and it is definitly less fun to play against, so it may be a good thing to undo at some point. MAIN ISSUE The main issue with pyke mid is what happens next. TEAMFIGHTS Teamfights Yes you have a huge amount of damage and also your ult is one of the biggest causes of Pentakills in the whole of league, but starting the fight and getting enemies to that execute threshold is a huge challenge. HOW HE CARRIES FIGHTS The way our grandmaster player gets around this to carry fights is playing slow and taking advantage of enemies that split from their teammates. If he can land 1 good hook to pull an enemy really out of position - then his damage forces them into a bad spot, giving a first ult kill. Pyke then slows the fight again, not rushing in, waiting for an enemy to split again. Sniping the enemy jungler with ult, and repositioning out of danger at the same time, its an incredible decision. Then again slowing it down, waiting for his moment that he can guarenteed dash in with damge and cc to shut down Zeri and finish teh fight. Any faster and pyke would have been immediatly shut down, any slower and zeri yuumi would have taken over the fight, perfect timing. lvl 13 great teamfight DO NOT ZHONYAS IN EVERY FIGHT He does not use zhonyas in every fight, he isnt using it as a playmaking tool, it is more of a secret weapon that comes out to change bad situations into good ones. When an enemy makes a play they Know will for sure work - that is where it comes out, turning this good play into a bad one and enemies cannot escape at that point. USING TEAMMATES But in some games you really do have to just play off what your teammate do, reguardless of how fed you are. A pyke mid with 10 kills is not like a normal mid with 10 kills, those kills are mainly just a big gold lead for your team, you cannot use that gold as efficiently as many other mid laners could. However this isnt super obvious, because he can also just kill everyone in some fights. So when fed its still all about how good you are at the champion, not just pressing buttons and auto winning the fight. MAIN PROBLEM WITH PYKE MID THe main reason pyke mid is not super popular is that in this role you cannot afford to make mistakes. Sure pyke can be forgiving, able to dash out of situations and go stealth, and our player definitly misses skillshots. But if you are not consistnatly stunning and hooking the priority target to guarentee a shut down - you are not being effective enough to deserve the resources of this mid lane role. Our pyke is cool under pressure - lands his E stun into hook, uses his ult dash into melee hook to guarentee a fight win. He has the mechanics perfected even with some of these less impactful mistakes. lvl 16 some mistakes teamfight RATING AP and AD champions being able to buy static is not going anywhere according to the balance team. They like the option for adcs to have a great waveclear item and also ap champs to have interesting interactions with it. If im honest - this pick was super op when the item was released and now it is just good, which is probably a good thing as it means riot wont nerf pyke and ruin the playstyle. Riot have been really careful to keep these off meta roles in the game recently which I think we all appreciate. So AP pyke gets to keep his waveclear solution, and pyke mid remains a very strong snowballing and surprisingly good mechanical mid lane pick. A tier 8/10 - Low DPS - Requires teammates even if fed + Snowballing power + Synergy with items + High burst and damage overall HOW TO BEAT PYKE MID He does ban leblanc every game - a champ that can doge his hooks and use statik shiv even better than him. The easy matchups are low mobility picks like Azir, Orianna, Lissandra. In these he can hook them at any time, get great trades and outroam easily. The hardest matchups are mobile mids, with good poke or hard to dodge cc. Stuff like syndra, Irelia, or annie - all require you to play back and avoid death, taking away a lot of the power of pyke mid. KOREAN AD PYKE MID BUILD Here is an AD pyke mid build as a viable option - You trade all the waveclear for higher early damage. Dorans shield Rush CDR boots Ghost blade Edge of night/Umbral glaive/prowlers Guardian Angel KOREAN AP PYKE MID BUILD But the ap version: Dorans shield Rush statik shiv CDR boots Zhonyas for the ap + invulnarability tricks Or AD Or he sometimes even goes more tanky - Frozen heart for the armor and passive into guardian angel to make him even harder to kill. KOREAN AD PYKE MID RUNES Here is his comet page against the stronger early game mids. You do not want to go late game with this page, is it all about laning. Here is the hail of blades page against champions he can bully, scaling into better burst. And you can swap out secondaries to add on minion dematerialiser and cosmic insight to absorb those cannon minions for faster roams. MESSAGE FROM OUR PLAYER Our player has nothing to promote other than Pyke, whichever role you pick he wishes you luck. If you want more pyke mid I highly recommend Davemon - a challenger Pyke mid who puts on a show every time he picks it, right now he is stomping enemies at 1000LP challenger, putting on a show. Thanks again to Porofessor for spoonsoring this video, if youw ant to win more games in the new ranked split you would be silly to play without it. Link in the description. Thanks so much for watching!
Channel: HappyChimeNoises
Views: 212,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pyke, pyke lol, league of legends, pyke mid, pyke support, pyke challenger, pyke davemon, pyke korean, pyke season 13, ap pyke
Id: X6Z6iyiIpI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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