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[Music] this is the door that just makes justin smile i don't really know what that entails oh it's just an engine the world's most beautiful girl the old gallery yeah steven has an almost unnatural attraction to this thing but it is pretty cool it is really cool i love her wow how old is this um 1916. so we flipped the winch all right that's not so bad it's 3 600 pounds on wheels how do we stop this thing leaks everywhere first thing we do is we come in she's always well lubed i crank these puppies down pretty good give them four or five good cranks or until nothing happens and this is forcing more grease into uh something important oh cool goes all the way down into the into this dude that's it that's i mean that's as simple as it gets that's not even oil bath yeah and it still works yep so we come over here little valve little brass valve we just turned our gas on our fuel on she's about empty excuse me okay i learned this from my dog i just stay in the most obnoxious place possible this is a really good motor to show kind of how these operate actually yeah um this is our relief valve we couldn't spin those wheels with that nine inch piston uh making compression so we open this up it allows us to be able to turn the wheels high wheels are like fine i'm not really sure probably in the neighborhood of a thousand pounds total um could be less i could see that okay so here we go we have a cam right here right and as the wheel rotates okay this wheel rides on that cam okay so yeah i can see that happening and what happens is it pushes this bar back and forth okay so this bar oh it has two jobs okay it comes up and it will clip this igniter right okay so this is a magneto it's gonna coil inside and this these are actually three separate magnets it rotates that coil really fast over that um magnetic field which creates a high voltage and that high voltage is transferred down into here and it jumps a spark it releases a ah two content contacts right sure and that's when you get fire but this thing will hold the valve the exhaust valve open so it's just breathing the whole time like and you'll hear it's like it's like oh i think we missed that can you demonstrate again it's really cool so what causes where all your timing comes from is centrifugal force right so these heavy weights as it's spinning fast enough and it doesn't need any more power these weights are drawn all the way out and it moves this bar okay this bar has a little dog on it that locks that shaft forward holding that exhaust open but as it slows down and they start to pull back in it opens this and it releases it releases it and let's go through its fire sequence nice so we're gonna see if we have enough fuel i'm just gonna see if we have enough just in here i bet this thing like sounds like a bomb going off when it fires extremely quiet is it really incredible wow [Music] now we can't cheat her yeah i if i had fuel i don't i could trickle a little bit of fuel in here oh it's got like a little pre-start yeah just pour a little fuel in there and it'll help you out nice i don't think i have any fuel i think this is gasoline if i remember a 50-50 shot but we should be getting some dripping out of here okay this is not the best and i've got a little bit but you know what's the problem when you're all right so where's the gas uh gas station no it isn't i'm not walking that far okay oh yeah once again thanks to california we you know we have plenty of fuel leaking all over the ground it keeps the paint fresh here don't dump it all in there save a little for the ground oh that's just there you go guys well i mean it's better than like some fumes escaping so east texas craigslist let's see east texas craigslist still amble 75 lindale are you gonna get it yeah you're just gonna drop it are you serious yeah we're gonna drop everything and buy an anvil are you getting it we have a blacksmith shop up here and i see you have an amble for sale all right guys so we're gonna give her a little trickle just put a little fuel in there let her suck in it's really important to make the sound effect otherwise it doesn't work right oilers been left on for the past hours [Music] close the decompression and what happened i just didn't get closed off in time [Music] [Music] bam wow that's a pretty girl i love him indeed you do you want a kind of adjuster but not pouring out a ton of black smoke oh cool kids love this part still didn't give you man that's louder than that whistle something out the carbon today i'm rich man that's 25 and i love that part this is really cool good ass breathing yeah it's breathing in and out opening that valve every time and your intake is just a little spring valve okay suction that's pulling that in and that's that sound you're hearing yeah spring okay that's it that's like a needle valve when it hits suction it pulls pulls fuel through and then this right here vibrates as well and now you can watch that centrifugal force and i can actually reach in here yeah absolutely not safe i grab this arm dude you're making fire multiple times he's a sweet girl wow how many horsepower did you say this is 16 16. now not like 1960 standards of 16 horsepower this was real like replaces 16 horses 16 horses yeah that is not your lawn mower this would be more like i think a lot more rider this yeah so rotational mass right here you're probably talking i don't know what the torque would be cummins 4bt torque yeah i don't know wow a lot of torque check out the piston oh dude you got to be kidding me yeah that's awesome right you want to see the rings that's a huge piston yeah let's see some rings all right there's a set of rings for dude you can fit that around your neck oh i think i could try it [Laughter] let's really go for it let's effort into this no problem no problem our box is broke i don't know all right oh i can't get it off wow this is cool so is this thing burning like a half a gallon of gas every time it fires i don't even think it's a trickle yeah it's next to nothing wow way more efficient than a freezer yeah this way in six months that's the second time i put gas in it and i put um uh about a gallon in there all right so this is your clutch okay slide that out it'll rotate oh it's got a clutch plate right there yeah and this shaft is you know directly driven we got to tighten it up and you slap this in and then that'll start rotating your belt so when stephen gets out here he's going to adjust all this to where this is actually going to function right now it's set up for safety yeah which way we have it it's not going to engage it won't run off with somebody's arm if you if you had your arm in this you're done yeah you don't want to follow that okay and to killer you take away one of three things air fuel and spark i try to put my hand over that it's just gonna suck me into the motor yeah so you can just um up this is your advanced timing but i haven't set to kill it uh she tends to run pretty good is that it may fire we'll see all right oh we got another one in it don't run backwards girl there you go it may fire i hope i can find a woman who i can love as much as justin loves this engine [Laughter] this thing really is your baby she's a rare find you know you find a woman like that yeah dude that is really something yeah look at that piston size yeah dude i thought the pistons on my dear a were big but did you say that's nine inches i don't know it could be it could be ten wow i never made i just assumed nine it's just exposed like that too it's neat huh and everything's grease and it still runs yeah well we hold the we we keep the piston in like right about here and that keeps stuff from getting back up in there yeah and that's pretty much what you did and then you just always push your old grease out with your new grease i can tell this one's dead um this one's backed in all the way yeah so we're gonna have to pull these grease caps off refill them and pack them again and i am a huge fan of putting way too much grease and oil on everything because this stuff has to last forever you know um or until it's next restoration we can report babbitts yeah wow anyway so now that she's warm i can't imagine that she won't just pop right you don't even really need to to give her a little trickle but oh that thing is cool i'll even dump it a little more you want to try to start it they can't say no to an offer like that here i say i can't say no to an offer like that here it's recording so right here just give this thing a whirl yep so it's got a big arrow on it ah cool follow the arrow shut the valve [Music] no left the one that's spitting i like it it's pretty cool right this is amazing normally with my horde of tractors i come up with at least a theoretical reason why i own them and things that i might do with them i'm crossing 12th one for something like this right now every man needs a hidden miss motor that's just how it is what i love is the timing like watch you'll hear it you'll hear it like slow down i know so [Music] sweet
Channel: Official Welding & Farming Archive
Views: 1,372,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t6_UbTPX8Lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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