Why They Cancelled Ten Cent Beer Night | Tales From the Bottle

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I've never been but Cleveland seems like a real kid I did a video on the disasters balloon fest 86 in Cleveland and I got a bunch of Cleveland people in the comments you would think they'd be defending themselves but now it just seemed happy to be mentioned actually I'd say the rhetoric crowds that the misadventure took place in Cleveland normally when I poke fun of people they call me every name of the son as a result but these people love me like one of their own it must be the only place in the world that you can insult and ingratiate yourself to the local population many even suggested I do videos on all the other dreadful things that happened in Cleveland because apparently there's a long list so today I'm going to be looking at one such event it's another case of good intentions gone hilariously awry it's 10 cent beer night it was the 29th of May in 1974 Major League Baseball's Cleveland Indians face off against the Texas Rangers in Arlington Stadium Texas I'll do my best to describe what happened but please forgive me if I make mistakes we don't play baseball in Ireland and there's so many terms and rules for this goddamn game in the fourth inning Rangers player Lenny Randle disrupts a play with a hard slide this is not forgotten by the Indians who in the 8th inning retaliate by pitching the ball behind Randall's head this is often seen as a deliberate attempt to injure the batter as their natural instinct is to lean back Randall bunted that is he loosely tapped the ball into play and as the pitcher retrieved the ball and tried to tag him Randall forearmed him this leads to the Indians first baseman punching Randall and the bench is clearing for a brawl as a side note Wikipedia describes a bench-clearing brawl as a form of ritualistic fighting that occurs in sports which makes it sound like it was written by an alien observing the human race and their customs the brawl was broken up and no one was even ejected but when the Indians returned to their dugouts they were pelted with food and drink thrown by the fans arrangers one three-nil after the game Rangers manager Billy Martin was asked if he was worried about retaliation when they played the Indians in their home turf the following week he responded no saying that the Indians don't have enough fans to be worried about famous last words Billy reminds me of all the times in college is said it wasn't worried about the topic I hadn't studied coming up in the exam but the power of hindsight I can say 100 percent of the time I should have been worried in the build-up to their next match Cleveland radio host Pete Franklin spent the next week rallying Indians fans to come to the match in response to Billy Martin's comments the Indians and hence that beers would only cost $0.10 for the game a discount from the regular 65 cent to attract fans all the pieces were in place for the Indians fans to show the Rangers they had not forgotten the fracas at the last game Cleveland newspaper The Plain Dealer even printed a cartoon of chief wahoo holding boxing gloves with the caption be ready for anything huh I guess he's the Indians mascot hmm this is racially insensitive I don't know harsh Donna get in trouble they could just leave this one up to the Americans it's got nothing to do with us ah here what's this the day finally came June 4th in 1974 you could get 355 milliliters cups of 3.2 percent beer for $0.10 very low percentage alcohol but it adds up you were limited to six beers per purchase but you could just keep coming back anytime you needed some more so you'll be getting fairly tipsy for just two or three dollars and get tipsy they did the existing bad blood between the teams and the cheap alcohol made for one hell of a cocktail the game was plagued with problems from the start a woman ran out and flashed a streaking man run around the field a father and son joined the fields to moon the crowd and as they drank more the crowd only became more belligerent Rangers pitcher Ferguson Jenkins took a line drive to the gut and collapsed and the fans only cheered and chanted to hit him again I guess they wanted the bar to finish him off or something make the rules of this game are more interesting than I give credit for fans also repaid the debt owed to the Rangers by hurting food and drinks at them just as the as fans had done to the Indians the first time around but the mood was a lot darker now and bottles and ripped up pieces of seats were being flung into the field someone even threw firecrackers into the Rangers bullpen another one of the many field invaders ran on to try and steal a Rangers cap in the ensuing altercation the Rangers player lost his balance and ended up on the ground thinking that the fan was attacking the player Rangers manager Billy Martin called his team to grab their bats and charged this Billy Martin guy he doesn't seem to possess a great deal of foresight does he when the fans saw the Rangers charging into battle they did the same only there was twenty five Rangers and 200 fans and the fans had weapons to shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a popsicle a full-scale riot began to break out Cleveland manager Ken Aspromonte I realized the Rangers lives might be in danger and called his team to grab their bats and defend the Rangers which meant the Indians had to attack their own fans to help their arrivals in the ensuing riot many players officials of fans suffered injuries from being struck with fists boots bats chairs and rocks the stadium security were unable to keep control but eventually enough police arrived to disperse the crowd as the Indians escorted the Rangers to their bus the stadium was damaged the bases were torn up and stolen many received nasty injuries though thankfully none were serious a dozen people were arrested but perhaps most tragically evolved the game was forfeited to the Rangers which was a shame for the Indians as they had a rally which saw them go to 1 5 2 5 5 before the riot on the brighter side it was nice to see the Indians players put the bad blood behind them and rushed to the rivals aid and of course the whole event is another feather in Cleveland's cap of being a [ __ ] full of unsavory people and that feathered cap is their crowning achievement I have to say I very much admire their spirit people of Cleveland please accept this video as a token of my admiration your city is a dark and desperate place keep the video topics coming [Music]
Channel: Qxir
Views: 631,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ten cent beer night, 10 cent, beer, night, ten, 10, cent, 10c, baseball, 1974, explained, funny, event, events, animated, qxir, texas rangers, cleveland indians
Id: tKrBY5WlCxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 41sec (401 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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