Why The Next 7 Months Are MASSIVE For Racing Games

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so you guys probably don't know this but me and Pier's car share on the way to work so we constantly chat nonsense about Real Racing about Sim racing about racing games and hardware and everything right we discuss work we discuss stuff outside of work and one of the big talking points recently has been the fact that there are so many major releases coming in the next six or seven months that we think it's probably going to be a really crucial point for the racing game industry yeah we were just discussing all the stuff that's coming up and then we went hold on there's quite a lot coming shortly and and all of it's quite important so we thought why not run through what we were discussing because uh it's looking pretty exciting for the Sim racing space there's a lot happening so stick around and find out what it is right well let's start with the games that are coming there's a lot of racing game news and a lot of games coming in the near future let's run through them yeah so mean the major releases to be honest we'll start in the present one of the biggest releases right now Forza Motorsport a game that people have been waiting for for for years years and it's been in development for years it's been delayed multiple times but it's finally here I know you used to play a little bit Forza when you were younger yeah Forza was actually basically the main game that I played when I was a kid I had an Xbox 360 played Forza Motorsport 2 and three and it kind of was a Gateway into SIM racing which is now my main Hobby and and my job and it's exciting to think that this new Forza is going to be huge for some people especially on Console like I used to play on Xbox before I had a gaming PC and the people playing it now now or the kids playing it now will potentially be us in a few years time you know full racing game nerds uh and work either working in the industry or just loving getting involved and being fully engrossed in it it's one of the big franchises along with likes of gr Turismo that's just beaten Our Lives throughout um and this game is the only game on this list that's already been released in full so everyone's had a chance to play it at least um I have to say in my experience so far I'm feeling pretty mixed about it I think there's a lot of imperfections there I've had a lot of glitches the single player has not really engrossed me this video is not just going to be about smashing for as a motorsport but I do have to say it's not been living up to quite wide hoped from it um but then again the multiplayer has been really really good and I've enjoyed that so far there's a couple of videos on the channel already so go and check them out I've done some multiplayer racing and of course we've reviewed the game um but yeah overall I'm not feeling super positive about it well I can tell you're a little bit disappointed by some things to do with Forza because of course sorry forer sorry everyone for I did get panned in the comments for far we even discussed it before the video I said no I'm going to go Forza I'm going to go Forza right so that even though you're a little bit disappointed with some some things to do with forzza something that I can tell you're very much excited about is WRC yes basically um again if you've been watching the channel at all recently you will have seen our preview videos for the new a sports WRC game which is coming in November and that is definitely getting the excitement going I mean the preview was fantastic the the car the way that the handling worked on the gravel was feeling great the force feedback the content is incredible even stuff like the music and the menus the career mode it feels like a really fully fleshed out dirt rally experience it's like dirt rally 3 plus you know it's not going to be the kind of game that's going to really um hit home the simulation the hardcore part of rallying Like Richard Burns this is not in Richard Burns rally 2 this is a dirt rally 3.0 plus and I think for a lot of people that's exactly the kind of thing they're wanting I'm not a massive rally fan have never really been I've always been about circuit racing I know you love rallying but it really feels like this is a long time coming like a new rally game that's actually worth playing there are caveats it's there's still some performance issues with the preview build um hopefully they'll be fixed but I can see why people will be worried about that and I'm slightly concerned myself so it's not like it's completely perfect or we're out of the woods yet but I think the potential is so big I think this could be a game that basically cheers a lot of people up before Christmas which is always a nice thing and of course that's rallying but you know you're into circuit racing you're not as big on rallying so for you how about something like Ren sport which is obvious viously been in beta for a while now we've uh had Summits we've had orts but the majority of the public haven't been able to try it and we're still not at a full release but we're expecting this game to be coming in December yes Ren sport we're lucky enough to have tried it uh We've in its early stag we haven't actually tried that much recently because um to us content creators not much has been stepped forward however of course it's being raced regularly in ESR R1 a lot of the um best Sim races in the world they're using it all the time and and it is a racing Sim circuit racing SIM from the ground up is what they heard and there's been a bit of controversy recently about the origin of some of the code but regardless of all that it's it's great to have another proper out andout sim for us to race on because that's like for me a lot of you watching at home that's what we do that's what we like that's what we enjoy some official cars properly simulated on good tracks with good multiplayer and potentially modding yeah and we've seen proof of the multiplayer in working I've actually tried some of the mods at one the final SL or one event in Munich as well so that that's there and again it's another game where the potential is there it's been quite slow building and obviously Ren sport have taken us along for the ride in terms of making the beta public and you know giving us as much info as they can from the outset so hopefully they continue the transparency and we get a good game at the end of it but I think that's definitely going to be one that um pleases people who are looking for multiplayer racing online and maybe just a bit of blowing off steam with the stuff like the mods so yeah definitely one uh for the racing fans staying on the Sim racing front in like hardcore Sim racing also in the turn of the New Year we're looking forward to LMU leemon ultimate yes that was announced of course made by Studio 397 I love World Endurance Championship I love lemon I've been there three times in the last five years as a spectator a game that could encapsulate that atmosphere and that passion and that thrill and the the hardcore fans if it's executed well would be amazing yeah it gets it gets me excited I mean I was at Lon for the first time ever this year but I've been a massive fan of watching all the races for years and years and years and it was very very special indeed we both tried the preview build at lemon it felt good to me I'm excited to see how it comes in terms of the full game obviously we don't really know enough about it yet we don't know about the fullon features you know we've seen screenshots we haven't seen enough actual evidence of what it's going to be like um but we we can imagine you know with Studio 397 at the helm it's going to be quite hardcore quite semy and it is coming PC only to start with so this is not a game that's going to be sold to the masses across consoles uh in the near future but hopefully it can do really well on PC and then hopefully lead to something a bit bigger in the future but we just need to see a bit more of it and also it's hopefully going to take some of the best bits from rf2 with some of the new additions like uh race control for as well which has been a good addition to rf2 and I think race control is uh supposed to be sort of crossplatform with yeah so so race control is the new multiplayer system used on rfactor 2 in beta at the moment that you can go and try by playing rfactor 2 and it's um been very positively um received early days but the actual system that powers that is called race control and race control is going to be used on theultimate so we can assume the multiplayer at lmon ultimate is going to be similar in some in some ways to the rfactor 2 multiplayer system which has had a good start so things are looking good I have to say but again it's just you have to be cautiously optimistic with these things of course leamon ultimate could be a big one for the Sim racing fans but heading into 2024 there is another big game that's coming for maybe the more casual racing fans like those of you who like fora Horizon for example or the crew um we have Test Drive Unlimited solar Crown now I know you're not somebody who has played much Test Drive Unlimited I have never played Test Drive Unlimited well there you go I definitely have played Test Drive Unlimited and for people like me and for some of you watching I'm sure this is a really big deal now again it's a game it's been developed by kilon and it got announced a long time ago it's been delayed a few times but things are still looking very promising our colleague Thomas tried it and he says it feels good it feels promising although a bit rough around the edges at the moment it's basically taking the good bits of the likes of Forza Horizon but trying to make it a little bit more challenging and try and make you feel a little bit more attached to what you own so you don't just get rewarded all the cars straight away you have to race them a lot and earn your way up to be able to buy more expensive cars so they're going for a slightly more hardcore take on a very casual genre which I think is is quite cool and apparently the physics are are kind of a little bit more like Forza Motorsport than Forza Horizon So based in realism but obviously still going to be playable on a controller so I think that's quite interesting yeah it could be good to again be a of almost like a Gateway game for a lot of people into maybe some more hardcore Sim racing or alternatively it's just a really good fun game again and and those open world driving games are hugely popular and probably more popular than most of the Sim games in terms of pure numbers of people playing yeah sulfa racing game for me that's you know there's such a big market for sua racing games where you can just chill out grab a controller and have fun but you still want to feel like you're doing something somewhat realistic so it'll be interesting to see how it goes uh another one and then the final game we want to discuss in our list of games specifically the next seven months is aeto Corsa 2 probably the the biggest Enigma of them all because this is a game that is coming off of the back of aeto Corsa competiion and the original cetto Corsa both hugely popular and still popular to this day yet we don't know anything about ac2 really yet no we don't and both AC and ACC both hugely popular games in their own right kind of different ways about going designing a racing game of course AC I used to play loads of AC when I was a teenager loved that game probably still to this day the physics are the best or the closest to what I feel is real in any game that I've tried I love the physics and AC it just feels natural it's really easy to drive you've got the road cars the race cars so if ac2 is anything like AC then it's going to be hugely popular and one thing that made a a setto corser really popular was the modding scene as well but we have no idea what the modding situation is with ac2 yeah exactly we don't know much but we do know that that it's moving away again from Unreal Engine 4 which is what ACC was running on and it's going to a bespoke kunos developed engine which is exciting so just like AC exactly so the signs are this is going to be another aceto Corsa but more modern and updated and stuff but we just don't know enough about it and that kind of concerns me a little bit because even though we do know that it's expected to come I think it's by Q2 in 2024 I I would have liked to have seen a bit more info by this point hopefully it's just like a big Sledgehammer on the table and boom here it is and it's awesome cuz we'd love AC to to be an amazing game but also not just gaming we've talked about all the games that are coming in the next foreseeable future at least but it's not just the actual software itself we're in a really good space in terms of hardware and we get to test a lot of Hardware here at traction we're very lucky gets to test a lot of wheels pedals Rigs and one thing we've discussed we've been discussing as well is the fact that all the stuff we've reviewed over the last I don't even know how long basically is all really good we often get comments saying oh you know you know you're being too nice about these products but pretty much every single product we get sent is pretty good these days and we're literally splitting hairs between them so realistically any product if at your budget is going to be good you know even if your budget is low then you just pick one of the major manufacturers that you trust and buy the product at that price or if it's medium or high end you're going to get a good product because the space is getting so much bigger there's so many more companies coming in like modes have been a real disruptor in the space they've been making some great products you've got the stor warts like Logitech and fanatic and thrustmaster keep bringing out new stuff as well so no one can afford to make bad products with big flaws that's it yeah like every yeah you know when we reviewed these products we're literally having to search as close as possible to find any kind of small area of weakness and prior open because they're getting so good at kind of I guess learning and making sure they don't make the same mistakes and the more competition as appear are saying the better because it drives everyone else forward and no one can afford to make mistakes so um for the hardware world it's an exciting time but it has been for the last year I'd say um there's just so many good new products and hopefully we'll be able to show you lots of them on the traction channel in the near future yes and we're expecting some Hardware very very short shortly from a lot of the big manufacturers fanatic have literally in the last week I think at the Expo released their new or shown their new club sport direct drive wheelbases with their new quick release Logitech of course last year released the Logitech G Pro but they haven't released another steering wheel for that yet I'm excited to see if they do something with that we're expecting a new Ferrari wheel to go with the t818 from thrustmaster plus mosa are just going into their second generation of a lot of their wheels console support as well yeah of course but they they've announced that they're going to have the new uh force feedback filtering algorithm on the new R12 and they're going to continue to update update that every major manufacturer is stepping forward along with all of the software and game steps it's it's it's going to be an exciting time to be in the Sim racing and racing game Space yeah ultimately it's good for you guys it's good for us because um we've just have so many good things to pick from and it benefits everyone so keep on going Hardware manufacturers keep on developing awesome new products keep on coming up with Innovation and uh it'll continue to grow okay so there are lots of things happening we've covered all of that over the next seven months why is this so important well obviously there are lots of big releases in there so you can imagine that you know any big racing game release feels important for the racing game space but for me it's just the amount of racing games that are coming out and the the the breadth of the genres so we're getting racing games for hardcore Sim fans we're getting racing games for casual open world fans for fans of modding for fans of rallying like we've got so many big racing games across so many different disciplines and styles that basically in the next seven months there will be a racing game that if it's done well will be great for you no matter what you're interested in and also you'll then have the Hardware to match that because there's good products at every price range and potentially new products as well yeah absolutely um obviously within that as much as it's great to have all of these different games we don't know what they're going to be like yet and everyone you know fors has proven this the the forza Wars as I keep calling them some people hate fora Motorsport some people love it and people will shout at each other and beat each other up online about whether or not this is a good game or a bad game there's so much pressure and hype and expectation on all of these titles that no you know every game will have its critics and every game will have its plots but at the end of the day we need some of these seven games to be good because I think if there are six or seven really disappointing games that people are too excited about and then get disappointed by I think it's going to leave a bit of a sour taste in the already fractured racing game community so for me these need to be good or at least a majority of them need to be good but on the other side if all of these are really good and the hardware goes to match and everything works well it's just going to grow grow the Sim racing and racing game Space even bigger than it already is because it will just be positive momentum and that's what we really hope will happen whether all of them are as good as they want to be only time will tell but the one place you can find out is on the traction. website and also on traction YouTube channel because we're lucky enough that we will be testing every single one of the things that we have mentioned in this video and will'll often be the first ones to to write something about it at the end of the day you know we just want there to be really good racing games because we enjoy making videos and writing articles and review in games that are genuinely positive and give us bring us joy so please please make some great games we're really looking forward to the releases um and yeah we will bring you as much as we can but that's pretty much going to round up this video I think was there anything else no I think that's uh that's pretty much the end of today's video we hope you enjoyed this weird little discussion we didn't really know how to do this so we thought we just sit down and have a chat and hopefully this uh hopefully it's got you guys as excited as we are it was just too important I think not to cover because we could obviously hone in a specific topic and you'll see all these in the videos but we just just felt we needed a general discussion about it because there's just so much to try and dissect so hopefully you've enjoyed this style of video as well and if you want to see more please do let us know in the comments below and subscribe to the traction channel to catch all of the videos about all of these games and all this Hardware when it comes out but from myself and peers thanks for watching keep it pinned and have a great [Music] day [Music]
Channel: TraxionGG
Views: 66,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: traxion, traxiongg, traxion gg, traxion.gg, assetto corsa, acc, ac, assetto corsa 2, le mans, le mans ultimate, lmu, sim racing, racing game, racing games coming soon, new racing game, new sim, Rennsport, ESLR1, ESL R1, TDU, Test Drive, Test Drive Unlimited, Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown, TDU Solar Crown, forza, forza horizon, forza motorsport, wrc, ea sports, ea sports wrc, rally game, racing, gaming, simracer, simracing, sim games, simracing games, sim racing games, rally sim
Id: zw8Xw7RtCZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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