Why The Legend of Zelda Isn't The Legend of Link

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The Legend of Zelda's titular character Zelda is the frequent wielder of the Triforce of wisdom and often a princess who possesses great intelligence and magical abilities which she utilizes to assist the hero in his Adventure in this way Zelda has continued to shape the course of hyrule's history and has impacted the lives of those around her through her actions and decisions Skyward Sword reveals that Zelda is the Mortal Reincarnation of hylia's spirit and to that to her subsequent incarnations share her bloodline tears of the Kingdom sees the development of Zelda's character even further and by examining the original Japanese version of the games we can't uncover how Zelda is referred to as a Mikko ashinto Shrine Maiden with spiritual Powers who serves as a bridge between the Divine and Mortal worlds and ultimately discover what it is that makes Zelda a legend [Music] thank you to fully grasp the full meaning behind The Legend of Zelda within the Japanese text we must Journey back in time to the origin story that tells of the creation of the world according to the stories of legend in the beginning there was nothing but disorder and Chaos within this chaotic space three goddesses descended from the heavens and used their powers to create the world and all of the life within it before returning to the heavens the goddesses left behind a symbol of their power in a land within the world they had created their Triforce an artifact that could Grant any desire and manifest it into reality this land where this Divine artifact would rest would later become known by its inhabitants as a sacred realm and the name given to the kingdom that would govern it would be Hyrule in the Japanese version of the games the word forsaked Rome is seichi a term that carries unique nuances and connotations that don't exist in English in Japanese culture the term seichi refers to a location where something of great significance first originated or was established it is often used to describe the main Temple stronghold or important area of the particular place it's associated with the literal translation for seichi can be rendered as anything along the lines of sacred land holy land or sacred Earth in the Japanese version of Twilight's princess during the cut scene when link is told about the creation of the world there is a translation ambiguity regarding the word sechi in English link is told that when word of the Sacred realm's existence spread through Hyrule a great battle ensued implying that the sacred realm was a place separate to the kingdom whereas in Japanese its Hyrule itself that is referred to as a sacred realm Hyrule is the kingdom that was founded over the land where the Triforce an artifact of the three ancient goddesses was left behind which would explain why Hyrule is considered to be a sacred place it's important to note though that in Japanese folklore multiple places can be considered as a sacred realm this notion is reflected in the Japanese version of the Zelda series where there have in fact been several locations that have been referred to as a sacred realm with the Japanese word seichi the Earth spring where Zelda prays in the Eldon region in Skyward Sword is referred to as a seichi and even breath of the Wild's great Plateau is also called by the same Japanese term which is potentially connected to its suggested history as the birthplace of the kingdom of Hyrule this provides some clarity regarding the nature of what we know in English as the sacred realm the Japanese term for sacred realm therefore does not necessarily only refer to One Singular place but rather multiple different allocations can be Associated as one by the people at this point in Zelda history in the Japanese text emphasis is placed on Hyrule being the sacred realm where the Triforce was located returning to a time before the land was given the name Hyrule though after the gods Left Behind the Triforce and departed the world the one entrusted with the protection of the Sacred Relic was hylia a goddess whose story we learn about prior to the events of Skyward Sword the first game chronologically in the franchise thus when hylia became the guardian of the Triforce she also by extension became the protector of the Sacred realm or seichi where it would reside part of that place that's highly assought to protect was referred to as the surface in Skyward Sword however during the age of hylia's Reign the surface earned the Triforce faced a formidable threat when a swarm of merciless demons emerged from a crevice in the land and wrecked Havoc destroying everything in their path the instigator of this bloodbath was The Demon King demise whose ultimate goal was to claim the Triforce and subjugate the world for the demon tribe this sacred artifact was sought after so so desperately that the goddess who in an attempt to protect the surface and its remaining inhabitants raised a section of the land and sent the people and the Triforce far into the sky out of Harm's reach hylia herself remained on the surface and engaged in a battle against demise and his demons and was successful in temporarily sealing him away as the surface is the very first land that's referred to as a sacred realm in the Japanese version this would mean that hylia actually split the original sacred realm in two one is now in the sky which became skyloft and the other is what remained on the surface which later became the kingdom of Hyrule so we've established that hylia was the protector of the Triforce but what else is she apart from being a goddess well there's actually a lot more to hylia that we can uncover by examining the Japanese text beginning with the Japanese term Kami which is what's used to describe her Divine status while I've covered the comp Plex nature of this word in a previous video the diverse range of meanings and nuances it encompasses are important to comprehend and expand on in order to understand Zelda's true connection to hylia traditionally in Japanese folklore Kami are the Spiritual Beings or forces of nature that inhabit and influence the natural world they are neither good nor evil these Spiritual Beings are believed to inhabit particular places and elements of nature such as the sea mountains waterfalls or trees Kami are also believed to possess the ability to control nature providing protection in the form of fine weather and bountiful harvests or causing chaos in the form of storms earthquakes and floods depending on how they are treated throughout breath of the Wild's Hyrule in places such as the Temple of Time link confined statues and monuments dedicated to hylia Additionally the goddess is mentioned in various historical texts and legends throughout the game in implying that she is worshiped by the inhabitants of the Kingdom this reflects a characteristic of Japanese culture where in order for a Kami to remain as a Kami they need to be continuously worshiped respecting the Kami by praying and worshiping them or holding festivals in their honor ensures their support while dishonor and neglect can invite Calamity if akami becomes neglected they can become subjects to becoming an ani a type of fierce Japanese demon which is very similar to those among the Demonic forces that attacked the land in skyward Swords prologue tell after splitting the sacred realm in two and sending a part of it into the sky in the events prior to Skyward Sword the goddess hylia or rather the Kami hylia disposed of their Divine status to reincarnate their soul into the Mortal Zelda as part of their plan to ensure demise's destructive intents would not threaten the world again in Skyward Sword it is revealed that every Zelda that appears in the series is descended from the bloodline of the Kami hylia who was the original protector of the Triforce in the Japanese version of Skyward Sword Zelda is referred to as a Miko a term that can be translated as Shrine Maiden in modern Japan amiko or a shrine Maiden is a young female Priestess who works at ashinto Shrine performing administrative tasks sacred cleansing and sacred dances historically minko were female shamans who would enter a trance-like state to become possessed by Kami and convey their Divine messages called takusen in Japanese these ancient Shrine maidens serve a Japanese Kami and are viewed as a connection between humanity and the Divine conveying Divine messages or takusan was often done through prayers and the Miko would also perform sacred dances such as kagura which is literally a dance dedicated to the gods interestingly in the Japanese versions of Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons DIN and nehru are also referred to as Shrine maidens or Mikko furthermore the Oracle din is depicted as a dancer which reminds us of the dances performed by historical Miko in Japanese culture and nehru from Oracle of Ages is a singer which was also another way that Miko would enter a trance to convey the words of akami the process to become amikor was highly demanding and required intensive training that included constantly purifying oneself and exercising impurities often done at a spring Miko were also known for wearing white robes in Japanese folklore which shares a strong resemblance to how both Skyward Sword Zelda and breath of the wild Zelda are depicted with both wearing white robes and Performing rituals and prayers in the springs across the land to awaken their powers therefore not only is Zelda referred to as a Mikko in the Japanese versions of the games but what she does and even what she wears is very often depictive of one too once their training is complete the Miko develops a spiritual perception an ability that enables them to sense the presence of demons and infer the words and intentions of Kami by becoming possessed by one in Skyward Sword Zelda as a Miko must also go through ritual purifications at two Springs and the Kami who would possess her would naturally be the one whose spirits she's inherited the goddess hylia after finishing her training under the rituals Zelda is able to retrieve the powers and memories of the Goddess which could be interpreted as a form of possession Zelda is then able to communicate the messages and intentions of hylia to link and guide him with the words of the goddess who possesses her this brings us to breath of the wild Zelda who in the Japanese version is also referred to as a Miko throughout the game historically in Japanese culture the social status of mikkor was very high and they were often in positions to support the government of the country a characteristic with which resembles Zelda's position as a princess with authority in the flashbacks much like her skyward Swords Incarnation breath of the wild Zelda also visits the Springs while wearing a similar attire to a traditional Japanese Miko to pray and complete her training as one however This Time Zelda struggles to complete her ritualistic training in order to awaken Her Sacred Powers she should be able to communicate with the spirits and gods but she finds herself unable to do so it's also worth noting that evil spirits are able to descend into the bones of a Miko's body and influence their personality as well and while I do not think that is what's happening here with breath of the wild Zelda it's certainly interesting to keep in mind in her diary Zelda records a dream in which a female figure haloed by light attempts to talk to her but she is unable to hear her words another way in which Kami could communicate with their Miko was through what's called mukoku in Japanese the this term refers to the practice in which Kami communicates their words intentions and messages to Miko through their dreams while it's possible that the female figure who appears in Zelda's dreams may have been Phi her mother the spirit of the Triforce or another entity entirely I do believe that given Zelda's status as a Miko as described in the Japanese text there's a strong possibility that it was hylia the term Miko that incarnations of Zelda are referred to is composed of two Japanese characters the character for Oracle or Shaman and the character for woman or girl the first of these characters is on its own read as kanagi akanagi can refer to a kind of Shinto priest who has endured an incredible volume of rigorous training over an extended period the fruits of their labor enable them to Harbor a Kami Spirit within their body and then convey that kamin's kg which is another term used to describe this particular process of conveying a Divine message in fact kg is the exact same word that the monks who are found within each of hyrule's shrines used in the Japanese version of breath of the wild while in English the monks claim they have been blessed with the sight of the goddess hylia in Japanese they reveal they received halia's Divine message employing the term keiji considering the Monk's ritualistic character and nature it's implied that they have undergone intensive training and received Divine messages or words directly from hylia which they then pass on to link much like a Miko would also on that note in Ocarina of Time there is another related Buddhist Japanese term used by Zelda when she meets link for the first time this encounter between the young hero and Princess happens very early on in the game straight after link makes his way through Hyrule Castle's Courtyard Gardens Zelda explains that she had foreseen Link's arrival from the forest in her dream games and she Compares him to the light in the darkness that would threaten Hyrule in the future the word Zelda uses in Japanese to describe this prophecy is otsuke which is a very particular term that references the announcement of the intentions and Prophecies of Kami and Buddhas to humans in other words this would mean that Zelda had received this Prophecy in the form of a Divine message from a Kami which Kami that would be is left up to speculation but it's very likely that it would have been hylia given Zelda's connection to her because of their ability to enter a trance to connect with paranormal beings and to return with precise answers and deliver them to those who seek them Japanese Mikko are regarded as possessing a sort of paranormal power in historical Japanese culture the title The Legend of Zelda therefore impart refers to Zelda's Legend of carrying out hylia's Divine role of looking over the Triforce and protecting Hyrule with her wisdom ability to receive Divine messages and sacred power the former is also emphasized at the end of the original Japanese version of Skyward Sword with impa in trusting the Triforce to Zelda whereas the English version has impastating that she will be the one to inherit that role incarnations of Zelda are Shrine maidens who are hylia's primary link to the mortal world and to the Triforce but it would be a mistake to assume that they lack individuality and agency a prime illustration of this is seen in the wind waker's Tetra when the king entrusts her with the Triforce of wisdom and the responsibility of protecting it from Evil he also reveals that she is the rightful successor of the Hyrule royal family and thus Princess Zelda Tetra is then transformed into Princess Zelda a shrine maiden of hylia as a descendant of the Goddess she is obligated to protect the Triforce and carry out hylia's will while this does not diminish her strength of character or independent Tetra is now fulfilling a role assigned to her from above one that is connected to her lineage despite this she maintains her own individuality and during the final battle against Ganondorf she fights alongside link as Tetra not as a subservient version of Princess Zelda while tetra's duties as the founder of new Hyrule may continue to tie her to hylia's will her independence and individuality remain a defining part of her character every incarnation of Princess Zelda in The Legend of Zelda series may share the Divine blood of the Goddess hylia but they are all individuals with their own unique personalities and traits Zelda's existence as a shrine Maiden gives additional weight to the impact and influence she has on the world through her own actions and decisions the title of the series therefore is a testament to the importance of Zelda's character as not only a medium between the Divine and Mortal realm but also to the impact she has on Hyrule and to the world as her actions and decisions Ripple through time and shape the very fabric of The Legend of Zelda [Music] pink what is that foreign [Music]
Channel: QuestWithAaron
Views: 197,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Link, Tears of the Kingdom, Breath of the Wild, Skyward Sword, Japanese, Hyrule, Sacred Realm, Skyloft, Hylia, Ocarina of Time, Princess Zelda, Why Zelda is a Legend, Triforce, Zelda Lore, Zelda Theory, Zelda Translation, The Legend of Link
Id: EKPstsmP_gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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