Why the Left Think They are Better | Peter Hitchens

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The left have erected a shibboleth that all feelings are inviolate.

So they operate on feelings, not thought to invoke that inviolate principle. They FEEL they are better, so they must be because all feelings are inviolate. All of THEIR feelings, anyway. Because they FEEL that feelings they do not like do not get that standard. Kafka and Gilliam anally raping one another in an Apple cubicle forever.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Safe_Finger 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

I think the left attracts people who believe they are better to begin with, so they get a lot of narcissists

Someone like me doesn't feel like I'm above anybody, but I also feel nobody else is above anybody else. I guess that makes people like me a threat to narcissists that we may expose them?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Tell_me_its_a_dream 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

That's not really why the left think they are better. That's why any ideologue thinks they are better.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Alzael 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
does history morality favor the left or the right I Kris is the next Vicar I'm a next rots gift what when I was the trotsky's of course I had no morals at all which is the whole point of it that you you you set out to do what you thought was right at the expense of anybody or anything that got in your way and how they ever been in a position to do it I would have done terrible things to my opponents on those grants because I believed so profoundly that I was right and one of the reasons why I am now oddly enough in the same church is Kris Bryant is because I decided to put a stop to all that I didn't think it was legitimate anymore to believe so strongly that I was right that I could even think of treating people as I would have done had I successfully achieved the Bolshevik Revolution which I sought so actively in the 1960s and 1970s so morality in politics seems to me to be dangerous the other thing about morality is it seems to me to be increasingly as I get older and nearer and nearest being dead that it seems to me to be very much about yourself and not about other people the best definition of morality I ever came across was morality is what you do when you think nobody is looking and the people sometimes get quite shot when I say that and but it is it seems to me an honest appreciation of what it's about what politicians can do about morality is they can quite often push people into doing things they don't want to do because they the politicians think those things are right or they can stop people from doing things that they would otherwise like to do am i great beef about this is that over the past 50 or 60 years almost every piece of legislation social or economic has been designed to make it harder for people unless they're very rich to raise their own children and particularly for women to stay at home bring up the next generation rather than going out and being wage slaves I will I will say one other thing that the left over that period have tended to take the view that's simply by holding the opinions they have and being on the side of what they term progress they are themselves moral and that those who don't know their views which I don't themselves immoral so I take for example the fact that I happen to think that capital punishment is sometimes justified in the case of heinous murder now you can argue about this with me and you can disagree with me about it and I will happily take you on but the reaction of most self-described civilized persons in in London to any suggestion of that kind is to recoil like a salted snail from me as a person because I am so evil that I hold this view and this seems to me to be a major problem in public discourse you cannot really debate against anybody who despises you and I'd find that it's very difficult a lot of the time to actually hold the base because very rapidly the rules of reason and logic and the the presentation of fact in support are you flies out of the window and it becomes about who and what you are and that seems to me to be a major problem with almost all modern political discourse the left think they're right and not nearly that they think they're better people you
Channel: The Institute of Art and Ideas
Views: 1,517,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peter hitchens, hitchens, left, right, morality, history, conservative, the abolition of britain, the rage against god, the war we never fought, hitchens news, mailonsunday, hitchensblog, mailonline, the cameron delusion, corbyn, progressive, new labour, why the left think they are better, peter hitchens 2019, why i left the left, peter hitchens brexit, left vs. right, left or right, politics, iai, #peterhitchens, freedom of speech, peter hitchens 2020, right wing
Id: 8qCHRYMe66g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 25sec (205 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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