Why the James Webb Space Telescope looks like that

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Watching them nearly scratch build a model of the JWST was awesome

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Happy_batman 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

This was a great walkthrough of the telescope, really detailed and layman friendly

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Davaned 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

I was really hoping to hear because "hexagons are the bestagons" there.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/TheMania 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

informative but the part about american always making the world more good made me laugh so hard.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/illogical_af 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

What a great video & made me even more stoked for the JWST.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/youre_a_badass 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

Im craving for honey

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/y_h_6 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
Can you give us a little  refresher on the Big Bang?  Sure. The Big Bang a short refresher. Let's see.  Just the beginning of everything.   Yeah, beginning of everything. No big deal. Put these little glue dots on the back of these.  Oh no. Now we're going to build the mirror  Golden hexagons, silver sun shields. I keep putting it on backwards.  I'm Amber Straughn, an astrophysicist at NASA.  And today we're going to be building a model   of the James Webb Space Telescope, the largest,  most complex, most powerful telescope NASA has   ever sent to space. This telescope has been in development since  1996. Bill Clinton was president. I looked it up;   The top song on the radio was the Macarena.  And that wasn't too far after the Hubble went   up into orbit.  Right.   So what was inspiring the folks at NASA at the  time to start planning for another one so soon?  We've been able to see very distant galaxies with  Hubble. But if you look in these deep fields,   you sort of see where you come up to the  edge, where there are no more galaxies. But   we know there are more galaxies.  We knew that in order to find   extremely distant galaxies, we would need an  infrared telescope. And J.W.S.T was specifically   designed to be able to see the first epoch of  galaxies that were born after the Big Bang.  How does that work? Yeah. So we're basically able to do that because  light takes time to travel across the universe. So   you can sort of think of you know the light from  the sun takes about 8 minutes to get to the Earth.   So we’re seeing the sun as it was 8 minutes  ago. If the sun went out right now, wouldn’t   know it for 8 minutes. And then galaxies that are  further away, the light from them takes longer   to get here. So we're seeing them as they were  further in the past, but they very likely now have   stars and planets and evolved possibly, you know,  evolved life forms, which is super exciting.  Maybe even life forms that build telescopes? Who knows, right? They could be they could   be looking back at us, but of course  they would be seeing us as we were.  Yeah, what would they see if they were doing  exactly the same thing that we're doing?  They would. I mean, they would basically  see the same thing that we're going to see   when we look at them. Which is like primitive galaxies Exactly. So basically, not long after the Big  Bang, the only thing in the universe was hydrogen   and helium. But there were some parts of the  universe that were more dense than other parts,   and that collapse of that hydrogen  and helium were the first stars   and the first galaxies. And so by, you know, by  looking at the different galaxies at different   distances, we're sort of able to put together  a picture of how galaxies change over time.   Ok so Gonna pop this on. Slide this on this way.  So this is where all the electronics will be.  Here we have our solar array which is where we get   power. And this is a communications antenna so  we can talk to the spacecraft once it's in space. What are these? The telescope, the mirror   and the instruments have to be shielded from  the light and the heat of the sun. You know,   you think of a normal telescope like Hubble or  your backyard telescope and those telescopes have   tubes, right? That's what shields those mirrors.  This telescope, since it's so big and also since   it's going to be very far away in space, we don't  really need a tube. We only need a shield. And the   mirrors and instruments will be able to stay very,  very cold. That is important because this is an   infrared telescope and we have to use infrared  light to see those first stars and galaxies but   everything above absolute zero glows in infrared.  So you and I glow in infrared, the planet, the sun,   you know, everything is infrared.  That’s like thermal camera, night vision?   Exactly. Yeah, you can sort of think of,  yeah, night vision goggles. If it was warm,   it would sort of glow and sort of see itself. So  that's why we're putting it out in deep space. And   that's why we need these amazing sunshields. So where exactly in space will this   telescope live? So we are sending   this telescope about four times further away  than the Moon to give you a sense of scale.  OK, so Hubble is like really,  really close compared to that   and Hubble's going around us. So it's getting  closer to the sun farther away from the sun.  Right. This thing is going to   stay on our night side, on the Mars side of Earth  and just kind of head around the sun with us.  Yes. But always on the outside.  Exactly. Yeah, it will sort of you can  think of it — It'll always be sort of   in the midnight sky, sort of straight above. So the sun shields are keeping the heat away   from the mirror and the instruments. How  hot would it get if they weren't there?  So the sun is always shining on this bottom  side of the telescope and this is about   two hundred degrees Fahrenheit. And the cold  side will end up being about 400 degrees   below zero Fahrenheit. So it  ends up being about a 600 degree   difference between the hot side and the cold side. Just because of these five little super thin?  Yeah. How does that work?  So the reason that there are these five  layers is because in between each layer,   the heat basically is radiated outward, OK? And  so by the time you get to each successive layer,   it's a little bit cooler. And so the that's  the reason one sunshield wouldn't work.   This design gives us a more — more efficient  way to get it very, very cold on the top. OK, so now we're going to build the  mirror here. So if you want to put   glue dots on the back and then hand  me the piece? So just to get back to   the basics, why do telescopes have mirrors? So mirrors are essentially   light buckets. So the size of a mirror is really  important because if you think about sitting a   bucket outside when it's raining, the bigger your  bucket, the more water you're going to collect.   This mirror is about twenty one and a half feet  across. It's about six times the light collecting   area of Hubble. And in comparison to Hubble, of  course, Hubble is our gold standard of telescopes,   and we love Hubble. We do.  But when we take into account the size of  the mirror, the wavelength range that this   telescope will see in, the infrared light,  and the sort of efficiency of the detectors,   we expect this telescope to be about  100 times more powerful than Hubble.  That’s crazy. It’s gonna be awesome.  And so why gold and why hexagons? So gold, it turns out, is a great   reflector of infrared light. The reason it's in  hexagons is we can't launch it fully deployed as   a full mirror. So we have to fold it and hexagons  pack together very nicely and are very foldable. So basically these three mirrors and then these  three mirrors will fold backwards. And then once   it gets to space, it has to do the opposite.  It has to unfold. And then we have a telescope.  And how long does that process take? That whole process takes about   two weeks from start to finish, so it's  going to be a tense two weeks after launch.   And if something doesn't happen exactly as  it's supposed to or exactly as we've planned,   we can pause, figure out what's  going on and then work to fix it.  But fixing it does not include  sending an astronaut there to fix it.  Definitely not. So it's going to be too far away  to send astronauts to. You know, there is some   risk involved in in building a telescope like  this. We can't go fix it. And that's one of the   reasons it's taken so long to test it, to make  sure it's going to work like it's supposed to. PART 4  JOSS: [01:05:14]   Light travels across the universe hits  here. Then there's a secondary mirror   and it bounces off of that. And then it  goes into here. And then what happens? [  And then it collects on the instruments. That’s  there. This is an international collaboration.   And yeah, Europe is providing a couple of our  instruments and Canada is providing an instrument.  So the telescope has fuel, and I read that the  fuel can only last, maybe up to 10 years. So   twenty five years of development, 10 years of  operation. Can you explain why this is worth it?  So if you consider the cost of this telescope over  that whole cost of development and operations,   it actually comes out to be less than  the price of a cheap cup of coffee   per year, per U.S. citizen. ok. Wait, one cup of coffee per person per year?  Yeah. That's easy.  And a cheap cup, like less than a buck. OK, like a bodega coffee.  Exactly. I also think it's sort of — like it's   in the DNA of our country that we spend money on  things that make the world more good. Things like   public parks and public libraries, you know,  those things that we sort of all enjoy and that   make the world a better place. And I really  think astronomy falls into that category.   You know, we have this thirteen point  eight billion year story of the universe,   and it's like we're missing key paragraphs from  that very first chapter. We don't know how it got   started. And so that's one of the key things that  we're going to be able to do with this telescope.  And it's so cool to think that the light that this  is collecting will have left the source has been   traveling for billions of years. Yeah.  Our solar system forms in the meantime. Yeah.  An intelligent species  evolves, creates this machine.  Yes. Throws it into space,   and there is the light to meet it so that  we can figure out where we came from.  We have all these specific plans, these specific  things we want to learn, but I think that the   most awesome thing we’ll end up learning with  this telescope we haven't even thought of yet.   Because when we increase our technology  by an extreme amount like this,   I think it's inevitable that we'll find  something that completely surprises us   and causes us to rethink how  we understand the universe. Our model was based on a paper cutout model that was designed by John Jogerst. It's available on NASA's website and we'll put the link in the description. And if you want to know more about the Webb Telescope, the podcast Unexplainable did two incredible episodes about it a few months back. Go to your podcast app. Look for Unexplainable and check them out.
Channel: Vox
Views: 1,516,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vox.com, explain, explainer, vox, James Webb space telescope, Webb Telescope, launch, astronomy, nasa, Big Bang, infrared telescope, new space telescope, gold hexagons, sun shield, not a tube, Amber Straughn, Joss Fong, JWST, NASA, NGST, NASA telescope 2021, james webb space telescope launch, james webb, why do telescopes see in the past, why do we put telescopes in space, space, galaxies, universe, deep field jwst, deep field hubble, deep field space
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 25 2021
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