Angry Red Pill World? | Doug Wilson

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in a recent Maybach post you said that we could that we could go quickly from clown world to Angry Red Pill world what's so bad about that somebody else is a question yeah what's so bad about it um yeah the every week we go further into clown world the better red pill world looks right and that's the nature of reactions um but here's the this is the problem uh when uh let's say there's a true I I believe that there is absolutely no way that we can continue on with the the absurdities that are going on without some sort of recoil without some sort of blowback without some sort of reaction and when that reaction happens the thing I'm concerned about is that it will not be run by godly people okay which means that when the reaction happens one of the things we have to be ready for is for that reaction to be an overreaction okay so um I'm I'm a Cold War Kid I was grew up in the Cold War Russians were the bad guys I was in the Navy in the Cold War yeah so I've got this cold you know communism is bad okay I'm an anti-communist to the back teeth to the you know but when a country that was going communist or you know that you had leftists that were running the show and it starts to go communist when there's a historically when there's a reaction and there's a right wing military Junta yeah and they're dropping commies out of helicopters right okay at some point the Christian who was saying what are we going to do about the Communists what are you going to do about the Communists what do you and then there's this coup d'etat and their uh they're doing ungodly things to the Communists it's going to be impossible very very difficult for the Christian to object to right-wing atrocities in that moment without looking like a communist sympathizer um no I'm as anti-communist as they come but massacres you know uh killing people executing people without trials you know the the kind of things that go on in blowback reactions you're out of your mind if you think that authoritarian right-wing reactions to the the crazy leftism well there's somehow something built in yeah that will keep it from becoming an overreaction and and a uh awful overreaction could you could you connect the two scenarios that you've painted there to this question a little bit more because you've got um you're you're identifying one of these with clown world and one with red pill world yeah could you flesh that out how they connect a little bit more how is it that how am I defining them well yeah like how is the the right wing extremist how is that red pill world how do those connect Okay so um let me set the stage on clown world just this last week the American Medical Association came out with um uh their view that we ought to not put biological sex on birth certificates okay and these are the people who are telling us to follow the science they're not following science they're fault they're caving to pressure yeah it's just pressure pressure pressure and they're caving and they've demonstrated that I shouldn't believe anything they say if there's a political controversy involved right so I they're they're not disinterested scientists they're not standing there's no there's no courage there it's just that's clown world so clown world is where the existing authorities are be clowning themselves with absurd decisions like that or like male weight lifters in the Olympics or just you know come and then they lose that's another way that's another topic um so that's that's clown world there are people who are and and yet the networks and the news media and the establishment they're this this is happening because all the author excuse me all the authorities are telling us that this is progress this is right inevitable this is the way it has to go um the there are a lot of folks there are people who are Prince have been principled conservatives for years and they would call themselves right wing are conservatives and they've read Hayek and they've read Russell Kirk and they've they've read Milton Friedman and they've read Edmund Burke and you know they're and these people have thought that all of that was crazy all along okay um but by red pill I mean people who are late to the party okay okay they're just they're just normal people Ordinary People who are there they are the angry mom at the school board meeting okay yelling at them for teaching critical race Theory okay she's angry that's a red pilled mom because I'm looking at that saying why are you not aware of what they've been teaching them for the last 100 years why weren't you upset about what they taught you when you went to that same school so like an unprincipled uneducated conservatism that's just reactionary that's just reaction but they they've gotten to the point where the this absurdity has gotten to such absurd levels is that they see it and they and and the first instant they see it it angers them they're just angry this is crazy this is awful uh and it could be boys and girls Sports it could be CRT it could be um they don't like the vice president you know it could be they could be set off by a number of things and we say that so and so has been red pilled that's the that's the and so I don't believe that a principled judicious calm thoughtful conservatism is going to drop people out of helicopters but I do think that if you get people mad enough and take away enough people's livelihoods and you keep jabbing the bear with a short stick you're going to get an ungodly mess so it seems like we we've got these two things that are brewing for a clash and it and looking back at the time of Christ seems like you have a little bit of a parallel with uh with Pharisees and Sadducees we have two parties that whenever G Jesus actually interacts with the um theological arguments at stake he pretty much always sides with the Pharisees Ferris is Right Sadducees you're wrong and she even says that they sit in Moses seat do what they say don't do what they do they're Hypocrites but at the same time he also completely trashes the reputation of the Pharisee yeah is there is there a principle there about how we ought to handle them but there's there's another group okay okay and I'm not not counting the essenes these scenes are out in the desert you've got the Sadducees you've got the Pharisees but then you've got this big group Surly group in the middle that I call the Jesus mob right okay because it's really striking to me how many times in the gospels and also even in the book of Acts where uh why did the why did they arrest Jesus at night because they were afraid of the crowds uh why they were afraid of an uproar they were afraid of a riot in acts when they go and arrest some of the Apostles they they take him in very gingerly because they were afraid of being stoned so the crowd the crowd is Surly enough to kill okay now these are clearly people who didn't get the Sermon on the Mount memo okay right yeah but they had been baptized by John uh but you know that when all of Judea goes out to be baptized by John there are people whose Allegiance was with John and with Jesus they thought the world of Jesus but they were regular folks who who weren't Bible students right that would take the apostles 300 years to to teach and disciple and instruct them to the point where some of these things are internalized in the populace right that but they didn't have it in the first century now Jesus didn't Jesus didn't apologize for the Jesus mobs so when Jesus goes into the temple and starts flipping tables and that was inflammatory and it was inflammatory in a City Jerusalem that was already a powder keg and there's tens of thousands of people in the city that didn't get the sermon on the map memo right so when let's say something happens in our setting the January 6th Capital um sure uh Capitol Hill in incursion whatever lots of confusion but it was disorderly not smart okay I think every principled conservative would say that was not a good idea okay we don't I'm not defending it or but the butt is important we had six months prior to that of cities burning down Federal buildings under assault um and the media calling them mostly peaceful this is mostly peaceful and then you have the January 6th um mess which is what it was that is being treated as the greatest threat since the war between the states that's the kind of thing that sets red pill people off right that vast discrepancy Etc and let's say they let's say people storm the capital they go nuts I think responsible Christians responsible conservatives have to say no that's not good right so let's say let's say the people who went to arrest Peter Peter and John I forget who it was an early part of Acts they let's say they had killed a guard okay right um and then they come to the disciples and demanding an apology right well you could say well I we didn't tell them to do that we disapprove of that we're not in favor of that but we didn't do that right so I think Christians need to be in a a an identified clear position we are Christians first and we have certain sympathies with the red pill world we what they think is absurd I think it's absurd too right so yeah you're right you're right you're right you're right and I have more sympathies with red pill world right than I do with Kami world but both of them apart from Christ are capable of atrocities but it seems like you're also saying that if the red peel red pill side which you identify with a little bit more if they do something stupid you can say that was stupid and wrong but you don't have to suddenly disown your own principles in order no not at any distance from them yeah because Jesus and the apostles didn't apologize for the Surly Jesus crowds right they didn't apologize for them at all and I don't think we should apologize for for the proud boys or you know Oath Keepers or the the different groups out there that are not representative of reformed Evangelical Christianity I can say yeah you're right about that you're right about that and write about that and wrong about this I can make those distinctions but I've got to be prepared to make them so that I think I what I want is for Christians to not get red pilled themselves right so um so that we maintain our identity as Christians first and we can be involved in this mess we should be involved in this mess without giving our Allegiance uh to the wrong parties complete Allegiance
Channel: Canon Press
Views: 31,549
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Keywords: canon press, angry, anger, redpill, rp, red pill, Christian, angry red pill world
Id: 2Fb64Il1SR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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