Why The Deadliest Assassin Is Hunting Me...

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what if your friend became your number one enemy well on this server you have 10 lives meaning once they're all gone you are permanently dead PVP is turned off and on at random meaning your friend could kill you at any moment and the person surviving till the end will be crowned the Series winner this is friendor foe first one Downs uh wins and we're up okay have fun good luck good luck guys and that's goodbye to spawn but first of all I need to mine this tree the first build wood on the server by make a crafting table and craft my first tools at any point PVP could turn on and the friends on This Server could turn to foes meaning they'd instantly kill me so let me guess much cobblestone as I can I also need to kill you for food I think we have a little bit of food now what I need right now is Luke and if I don't want to lose a single life I need to get stuck fast SP has already gone iron meaning there's a high chance to find diamonds so before anything I'm gonna make some charcoal wait there's a cave down here which I don't know if it's a dead end but there's a high chance what's underneath me will keep me alive I guess now I can smell some food on my phone first bit of hardwood steak oh yeah that tasted nice but now that I've acquired food I'm prepared to go to war and slowly take them out one by one a poopy's just been turned on oh this is very dangerous so now I need to be careful because clown could appear at any time behind a tree and instantly try to kill me like right there oh he's coming to me I need to kind of be prepared here right now I don't really trust you you don't think he's always me what exactly is he doing right now we both have no gear so there's a 50 50 chance either one of us will die and he's right there still always iron oh that was the biggest ice ever you I'm out I'm out I don't think he's realized I can make him mine for me I just do all this loot oh although he's kind of moved his stuff how's SP go diamonds all right I need to stop messing about this eye in here that I can just instantly mine and now time to smell all this while very much keeping God all I know is right now there's only one player around me but at any moment he could team up with another which would lead to my first death but now I can make an iron pick but clown has just got suit up meaning he just got a piece of iron gear so yeah my chances of survival went from 50 they're probably like 10. so please smoke faster and like that I've got nine chest play back at 50 oh wait he's in flying and he's still down there maybe the smartest thing to do is make him my Ally yeah I've gone to a dead end but more iron and he's found diamonds wait this is mine shaft what's up yo watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out one moment I put my iron in the furnace and the next it's all gone this is really a crazy phenomenon can you explain how that works I saw a furnace and I kid you not I saw an Enderman pick it up and steal it he must have emptied it and put it back right yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly but yeah let's forget about that was a fever dream what I have for you is a piece of steak um I'm saying right now any moment you could be my foe but at least for now let's be friends do you think you can buy my trust with steak take two more okay okay that's that's actually enough okay well this game's big how about we split it up right I take the mine shaft and you take that part of the cave that that's a bit of a scam so what about I take this entire left side and you take the entire right side oh he just just ignoring me okay did I see you okay and with that my first interaction came to a close with clown PS coming for my life yeah the smart strike would definitely beat the gear up right now so I've just made some boots yeah this sieve is gonna be dangerous and I gave up on my steak bro I've just been scammed meantime I can definitely check what's around here more iron oh no you Menace okay he's dead he's dead he's dead nothing to worry about look like I can make some puns he's just found a good apple man this might have been a badass and let him go caving but there we go I can wear a full set of iron and complete and also some food but let's just break this and go I can't wait here forever because the more I wait the more he's getting stuck I'll put his diamonds yoink mine now oh really that's kind of a bit of a scam I'm inside the mine shaft now I really don't know where this is gonna leave or if there's anything useful but there is diamonds and it's two so right now I have three diamonds I can't make a piece of gear with them so I just continue to explore and seriously he could be around any corner so this is kind of scary give me these blocks oh chess powerful torches glowberries coal yo he hasn't explored this side but he just got the enchanter achievement so this might be stupid but I'm gonna make a diamond ax just so I'm prepared to fight it goes deeper and he's already made a piece of diamond gear another Minecraft and inside a name tag bridge I can definitely use the name tag to come up with a trade is there really nothing down here I mean it's a dead end who did that this is some evidence also wool meaning I need to be on high alert because someone else has been here don't I don't need that my hunt says clowns around me and if it is in full diamond I don't really want to be here so dead ends I need to escape this cave I guess he doesn't exit oh no back down I go I will honestly take this though because now I have a minecart and what I'm known for is creating the deadliest traps only using one TNT Minecart I can kill off the entire server drip Stone an easy kill perfect is there any more drip Stones around here I need as much grip soon as I can cause a drip Stone trap will be the easiest way to kill someone yo wait I've never been another mine shaft it has clown video wait there's so many mobs alright let me escape this first and climb to the top okay that was a little bit dangerous there's an Enderman oh I stature into the iris that I did risk it slightly you guys have gotta relax okay what's in here I've got some gold more Ryan globaries and diamonds I'm On One Hall whoa whoa whoa this is crazy and I do need food I might need to leave the cave like I originally planned no one around here come to me and I hope no one sees me because I'm only a punch away from dying smell smell smell all right we have our first piece of food again hey yo let me just leave is that spawner I found a spawner and this guy's running for me yo yo this is crazy that must be something good in this morning I look like a porcupine but it's kind of fine because there's a spawner right here yes you're mine now spider I really don't care about that and inside the chest is another name Target pool I will take the bread yo wait if I put this in my inventory will everyone know I have one I don't think it matters bye now yeah boy yo I'm stuck now this God Apple will change the next fight leading to my victory there's more drip Stone yo this Cave's actually crazy you must go and approach a scoop I tried mining you but yeah like before it doesn't matter that was silk touch yeah I really don't know what else I could do here why is that food no this isn't what I think it is right oh my you I just found an agency and it looks like no one's been here the armor get full diamond I'm definitely gonna keep the Ender pill in my hand I guess I'll just end the pill somewhere there oh wait I didn't expect to be in the middle of Asian City I saw a chest right here my four oh oh oh my yo I'm not robbing you I am not robbing you brother it's fine you don't need to fight me maybe I shouldn't check this out right now maybe I should get a little bit more stacked bro I'm leaving I'm leaving at this point I'll take kiss me I'll take clone bro is this my first death bro you can't smell me I know there's good loot in here though but bro I will I think I will get one shot now if I can go up the stairs you're kind of trash bro but I have an idea if I get blocks I can take the warden out the ancient sea and Laura playing next to me meaning it'd be an instant kill this was definitely a smart strike yeah keep coming to me keep coming to me ain't no one ready for this I'm just gonna eat this to be safe oh yeah yeah that was probably just my choice because I think he can one shot through iron oh yeah he does damage he does damage I don't attack occasion right now but he does damage yo yo can I Duke him yeah so I lost a little trouble because of that I got a better weapon he's right there I'm gonna quickly smell my iron because they have two name tags I'm Gonna Keep one and sell the other I'm kind of stupid for throwing my diamonds out now but luckily I do have a bunch of blocks this guy's angry at me that's perfect I'm Gonna Make an Anvil I'm just gonna name you Jeff if I name tag him he shouldn't be spawn right there you go you're Jack you're Jeff the warden I've secured a warden and I know clown piece is around me somewhere so if I could somehow beam to come here the warden will do the rest my resistance is about to go and I'm pretty sure he can one shot me so while you're there can I like kinda you won't despawn yeah I don't think you'll despawn I make a break for it hey clapius are you okay I'm talking to a dead end although I could get full diamond here the high chance I die by the guy right behind me I do want to test though will he despawn either I'm kind of rubbing your loot again because where are my diamonds I was stupid to throw them why is it when I'm always trying to grab a chest no trouble I'm leaving this area I am oh by you Jeff are you here Jeff I need your help fight you the water wait where did he go I think that might have been a booth but my best friend despawn meaning the strategy field and before I lost my first life I had to escape this place I kind of duty to repair my shield though yeah that should be good enough right uh what else can I repair I'll never print my pickaxe okay yo I'm stupid off to the surface I go I'm out here I'm leaving this deadly place I've made my way out and where in the world even am I I'm definitely in a play and oh I really just came out I don't even know but I can't need to find a location for my house I've been here before although this place kind of does look nice yeah this area right here might be like my new house area oh but it's right next to spawn so I don't know if that's a good thing my inventory is definitely getting full though so I'm gonna try someone no one likes birch tree right under this there's gonna be a chest and inside the chest will be I assume all this glute then I keep really what I need on me make sure to save the chords the saplings are new uh I didn't really realize that meaning someone was chopping up Patrice not too long ago and pvp's just been turned on yeah there is someone definitely around me I need to be careful do you have everything I kind of need that's a root pool and the gold blocks are taken that Loki looks like a good pull other than that Crown obsidian one obsidian okay it really isn't that bad I'm gonna take that yep I've got a gold block because number one I'm getting strong you need to explore the entire world and losing a single life now would be stupid what's over here I'm looking for two things either a village or a desert temple and speaking of Village right there add another ruined pool so I got Bruin stand already I'll take that an infinite amount of food and I have so much bread here there we go oh my my heart was stopping okay melons don't really care for melon it's not white careful yo wait this is very doable so much iron golden carrots thin and steel fire stick so don't count for that is that only one piece of lava though I locate wish I made a damn pickaxe but it's not another Village yo it actually is I only needed one I'm pretty lucky right now although I kind of want a desert temple just so I could get TNT because TNT is going to be used with most of my traps but there's no harm in taking all this well where did you come from Brother you almost killed me I am leaving this area although it's night time and it's kind of scary wait on the bright side I found a desert which means I couldn't find a desert pyramid wait is that another Village bro with all the film I'm so confused why there's so many villages but yeah I really don't see a permit anywhere it's like no never mind oh there's a skull in there and why there's so many mobs and why is the Enderman holding the sunblock hey oh I'm just gonna kind of dip this area maybe I should just make my way home to be honest which I I might look that way oh my that was bad where did you guys come from you where did I just take hello you can't even make this where even this oh yo you guys need to relax yo there's a permit okay before anything happens I'm taking all this I got seven pieces of TNT about more gold gold iron I have a subtle and a golden apple which I'll store let me make my way out here thank you mobs I can't believe I actually failed on that well honestly I think it's been a really good start Friend or Foe I'm about to win this easy unless I died for this guy yo just bro just leave me alone and there's also a Mesa here which I think I could use that to make my house I can use that to make my house let's stop making my way back home yeah I think this should be kind of fine I'm almost back home that's spawn right there on this server you can make a player tracker and that's why I needed to find a village I really wanted to go into another but this I'm seeing my loot's right there so I think I'm gonna make this area in my house I can't I gotta need the one thing that's here in the wood but I now have wood Joe Joe where's that guy come from I almost died why did you do so much damage someone was that spawn in Diamond well hello there yo I almost died I can't lie there was a there was a guy with a trident and I almost yeah it was rough I had so many close goals I realized I didn't have no wood in my base so I took almost at night a little Enderman fight at the end as well oh okay yo listen I'm here to make a trade that's the main reason I came you have diamonds on you I think the boys are talking about that is uh the boy on his way over now yeah I heard he has a good apple yeah what's that it though he was in the same cave so he got there before me all I got was a name tag and a block of gold are you trying to give that name tag away for a diamond I'm trying I'm trying to sell it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I think I need to make a little shop I would be bad timing if someone was buying a still super science I am nothing comes on oh okay I have no resources this has to this is gonna be scuffed but it's gonna work me and clampy's were in the safe cave and uh I kind of stole um yo because now with me making a shop the whole plan could backfire and clown could kill me yo looking a little different aren't I ah yeah yeah a slightly slightly slightly what are you up to huh listen listen I I only came for one thing what are you what are you selling I'm selling two things I'm selling either a grass block or a name tag yeah I'll trade you a diamond for that name tag you're honestly good deal here take take the name time yeah there you go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'll take that I'll take that nice very nice just remember I gave you that name tag no no you sold me then no no I I gave you it I I gave you it all right well remember I gave you that diamond yeah yeah okay okay now I only need three more diamonds and I can make the play tracker and once the player track is made that's when everyone will die I think this is what I'm gonna make my house it doesn't need to be complex seriously something like this should actually do spawn is that way and I'm not actually too far from Spawn this is the best start of survival house you can have a meat crafting table two chests because I'm gonna dig all this out I really don't trust no one right now to set up some TNT like this cover it all with dirt use the trip wires I'll put one here and one right there and place that right there that should actually work yeah that should whoa whoa what just Pig no that's what remains of my Intruder where's Oh My Lou all I have is the chest one of the birch tree uh I think my plan kind of backfired who knew you'd be an idiot oh uh at least I have clown pieces diamond yeah let's kind of dupe that
Channel: Quiff
Views: 253,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quiff, Minecraft, Why The Deadliest Assassin Is Hunting Me... (Friend or Foe #1), deadliest assassin minecraft, clownpierce, friend or foe, infinite hearts, lifesteal hearts, stealing hearts, max hearts, minecraft infinite, lifesteal, minecraft smp, my friends trapped me, lifesteal smp, minecraft friends revenge, parrot lifesteal, minecraft trolling, doni bobes, bionic, minecraft hardcore, hardcore smp, minecraft survival, quiff trapped, socksfor1, split world
Id: jtS-peNdTT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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