Why The A-10 Warthog Is So Controversial

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why is the A-10 Thunderbolt 2 aka the war talk so controversial well let's dive into the Intriguing world of the A10 explore the different aspects behind the heated debates first of all it's important to disclose some background information about the A-10 to start off it was designed to provide close air support to Friendly ground troops by attacking armored vehicles tanks and other enemy ground forces and it happens to be the only production-built aircraft designed solely for Cas to have served with the US Air Force its secondary mission is to direct other aircraft in attacks on ground targets a roll called Forward Air controller airborne and with its powerful capabilities it comes with an equally Hefty price tag okay then what's so controversial if it's so great well one of the primary points of contention is the high maintenance and operational costs associated with the A-10 critics argue that these expenses outweigh its Mission capabilities the Baseline expense of the A-10 Warthog is around 13.4 million per plane but maintenance is 1.6 million per plane and additional renovation and upgrades can add many more Millions to its total price tag also the A-10 specialized features and the need for extensive maintenance and dedicated support have raised concerns about the cost effectiveness of the aircraft compared to others in the fleet like the Lockheed F-35 lightning II there also exists debate over retiring the A-10 some have suggested replacing it with a newer aircraft which has sparked concerns from those who truly believe in the unique capabilities of the war talk these supporters argue that its close air support capabilities are unparalleled ability to fly low and slow its powerful Cannon and rugged survivability make it invaluable in certain combat scenarios despite that U.S Air Force has proposed returning the A-10 Fleet on multiple occasions as part of cost cutting measures but as usually sparked debates among military experts policy makers and supporters of the aircraft who argue for its continued relevance and effectiveness however the evolving nature of warfare has introduced new challenges with the rise of asymmetrical Warfare and advanced anti-aircraft systems critics question the A-10 survivability Dayton's relatively slow speed and lack of stealth features have been cited as vulnerabilities in Modern Combat some argue that investing in more advanced aircraft would better address these emerging threats additionally some argue that other aircraft such as fighter jets or unmanned aerial systems could fulfill the close air support role performed by the A-10 they contend that these alternative platforms could provide similar capabilities while being more versatile in other Mission areas but on the other hand the a10's primary role is close air support and it excels in this mission the ability to fly low and slow allows for precise targeting minimizing collateral damage and protecting friendly forces on the ground the A10 is also armed with the 30 millimeter Gau 8 Avenger order Cannon one of the most powerful aircraft cannons ever flown can deliver devastating Firepower to armored targets making it a formidable force on the battlefield the rounds of the gun contain depleted uranium core material making it able to pierce through many types of armor another notable feature of the A10 is its impressive survivability the aircraft's titanium armor or tub which is 3.8 centimeters thick protects critical components and the pilot enabling it to withstand enemy fire and return safely it is simply an almost Invincible plane in the most survivable and versatile aircraft it is great for destroying tanks and enemy vehicles so at the end of the day shoot the A10 be removed from the fleet of the US Air Force well the answer is both a yes and a no so let me know in the comments down below what you think about the retirement of the A10
Channel: PMC Clips
Views: 11,188
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Keywords: a-10 warthog, a-10 thunderbolt ii, a-10 warthog jet, a 10 warthog gun, a 10 warthog machine gun, a 10 warthog plane, a-10 warthog in action, why is the a-10 warthog controversial, a-10 warthog plane crazy, a-10 thunderbolt ii in action, a10 warthog shooting, us airforce, us military, a-10 thunderbolt ii documentary, a10 jet
Id: ExHmHMcDWm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 36sec (276 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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