Why the 6.5 PRC is the bomb for long range hunting.

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when we decided to develop the true Magnum adventure rifle our goal was to create a hardcore long-range hunting weapon that was practical in almost any kind of a hunting environment whether overseas or here at home and we put together the combination of of components to create that rifle and then it came time for caliber selection and that created a whole bunch of additional questions for all of the different places that we go and we're gonna address some of those today especially as respects our new caliber the six five PRC and why we chose it the first thing I want to talk about in caliber selection is travel and right away I have to say that if you're going to a place like Russia or Tajikistan or some foreign country where ammo availability is in the issue you're you need to limit your choices to that which will be available in the place that you go that's where the 300 Win Mag wins the seven millimeter Remington mag when x' cartridges that are gonna be available if and when your ammunition doesn't arrive with you but in all those other instances like when we're traveling out in the western United States or arranging a hunt in Canada let's face it this may not be the ultimate or the ideally suited cartridge for a tour hunt in Russia just that I have to use that because that's what's available if I need ammo when we're talking about these other hunts in the western US Western Canada maybe Mexico things change now we can actually go to a cartridge that is actually more ideally suited for the type of hunt that we're going on and when we started looking at ideally suited cartridges for a variety of animals like what we hunt worldwide and in North America the 6-5 Creedmoor is the one that really popped out at us so when we were looking for that specialized caliber for the true Magnum adventure rifle and we knew we could pick whatever we wanted when the travel restrictions aren't a problem you know obviously the first thing you do is you're gonna work we're talking about opening up the envelope of range for hunting in practical situations lightweight rifle not in a 1012 pound rifle that'll shoot 1,200 yards but you just can't hunt with it this was a different project so we first started looking at the long-range shooting and what they were used in the 6-5 Creedmoor immediately came out loved that caliber it's an excellent caliber but I was just a little bit concerned that it didn't give us the margin of error you know when when the long-range shooters are shooting they're you know they're punching a hole in paper when we're shooting at longer distances five six seven hundred yards we have an animal at the other end and our responsibility is to try to do a one shot clean ethical kill in an environment that is not fully controlled and that you don't always have all day long to do a lot of calculations okay so we wanted more margin of error than the 65 Creedmoor could give us so we started looking further and then we found the 65 PRC so when we start doing the technical analysis of these three popular cartridges like the 65 Creedmoor 65 PRC and then the 300 Win Mag and we print the tables and just just so you know you know I've heard a lot of things on blogs where they'll say well yeah but you can push this one you know use this powder and get this velocity and a little more powder and get this yeah that's true you can make one of these calibers if you want to tinker feel like another one of these calibers or clothes or different but for our purposes we needed a baseline so I used the same Hornady ballistics calculator on each of actually four different calibers used all the same environmental factors I used 7,000 foot elevation on each of these I used 143 karein yel DX in the Creedmoor 143 grain dl DX in the PRC and 180 grain on the 300 Win Mag 165 grain on the short mag now what I was the most impressed with as we started looking at the 65 PRC was I didn't realize how that efficient high ballistic coefficient bullet would would affect the energy and trajectory downrange I did not expect the 65 PRC to be even close to my 300 Win Mag when we started talking about energy to seven hundred eight hundred nine hundred and even a thousand yards I expected my 300 Win Mag to blow it away to be honest and here's what I found assuming that 1500 is a good reasonable responsible ethical amount of energy to to assume for an elk and assuming that 12 to 13 is reasonable for mountain critters the 6-5 Creedmoor stops killing elk after 500 yards responsibly and ethically and the mountain critters maybe about 700 and 700 750 yards it stops killing them efficiently and cleanly and ethically 65 PRC on the other hand and the 300 Win Mag in the 300 short all seem to come together at about a thousand yards so the 65 PRC is still killing elk out to eight hundred yards it's still killing mountain critters out to a thousand yards the 300 Win Mag is slightly better where it's still carrying enough energy to kill elk at 900 yards and mountain critters at a thousand are a little over so very very close to the same now what does that mean for me when I have spent I don't know most of my life hunting a lot with this cartridge and I've shot almost all of it the North American species with that one and then you realize that you're carrying that much more ammo up the mountain that much more rifle up the mountain enduring that much more felt recoil at every shot losing your animal from the scope at every shot and you couldn't get almost similar almost identical trajectory at a thousand yards and almost identical energy at a thousand yards you have to consider this cartridge and we did consider it and is why we decided to put that in the true Magnum adventure rifle at true Magnum we always say that you should practice for long but hunt for short and what we're talking about there is shooting distances if you can get confident with a weapon and ammo combination where you can shoot comfortably at longer distances like six hundred seven hundred eight hundred yards at a bench than in a hunting environment you are going to be a better shot at 400 yards that's going to become a chip shot to you so we really believe in being proficient to long distances but hunting hard and stalking better and stalking in closer to try to get that 2 3 4 500 yard shot there are instances though when that can't happen and you can get in an environment where you can take a longer shot and having the equipment that allows you to do that with a great margin of error is important and we think the 65 PRC is exceptional for that and that it can accomplish the shot farther than I can accomplish the shot no doubt about that between the true Magnum adventure rifle and the 65 PRC in it that combination is a better shot than I'll ever be but it allows me a platform to work on shooting distances out to a thousand yards and then only taking the hunting shot distances that I feel ethically and responsibly able to take given the environment I'm in at the moment so in summary we are very excited to announce that we have decided to also offer the true Magnum adventure rifle in 6/5 PRC and the reasons are actually quite simple first of all the 300 Win Mag unless you're going to an area where ammo availability is an issue is simply overkill for a lot of species and over here with a 6.5 Creedmoor to be honest we built the true Magnum adventure rifle to outperform that calibre so there sits the 6.5 PRC with its flat trajectory light felt recoil an absolute pleasure to shoot and exceptional energy downrange we feel like this is going to be the bomb in the true Magnum adventure rifle
Channel: True Magnum
Views: 224,783
Rating: 4.5427685 out of 5
Keywords: Hunting, True Magnum, Magnum, Magnum Global Media, Hunt, Hunt Consultant, PRC, Hornady, creedmore, creedmoor, 6.5, adventure rifle, TMAR
Id: DFrnhu_DV9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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