Why Tesla's Prioritizing Robotaxis Over Compact Cars??

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when does that happen it can't be until existing customers with model 3 Model Ys are participating in a robot taxi model that could happen till next year but I think that my point is say that if people think that there going to be in the next two years we're in trouble because we're not building the compact car anymore we bought everything on the robot taxi that's not the case there could be different ways to increase sales of existing cars but I think we all believe that robot taxi is going to succeed I mean it's crazy where we at today and in a couple months we'll see howo how much even closer we are to it and then it's like it sound like there's something going to happen 88 so we'll see if that's a whole program if it's just but anyways the goal is Elon is full force working on this and it's uh it's interesting so we've discussed quite a number of um options was there anything else that you were thinking about as most likely yeah I would say the the other thing to factor in here is just continue to monitor the quality of competitors in the autonomous driving space um I've been doing a lot more of a deep dive on Nvidia as a company and what they're doing and very very very impressed with Jensen and Nvidia overall um and there's a couple of things you know they're they're building their Nvidia Drive platform um in a way that is a little bit easier to gain regulatory approval everywhere uh without needing updates in existing regulations uh but in order to do that their system is much more expensive and it because it's much more expensive it's deployed at a much much lower scale which then makes solving the driving problem very very hard so um we'll have to see if the quality of nvidia's software is able to come anywhere even remotely close to Tesla's FSD system anytime in the near future I mean this is where people talk about obviously the Mercedes system is technically level three in and it is but the the value proposition that Mercedes level three system provides to the customers of Mercedes-Benz Vehicles everywhere in the world he has very min skule compared to the value proposition of FSD to Tesla's Global Fleet and I mean you can see that just in the the deployment of the free trial not only in the United States but even into Canada which shocked me personally I did not expect Canada to get included in the free trial or to be so quickly included in the uh subscription and even you know they're getting a deal on it compared you know it's 99 Canadian to subscribe as well which is you know a significant discount compared to $99 us um and so for FSD to be able to roll out to as a free trial to all customers in North America whereas how many people can use the level three system of Nvidia like it's a few highways it's a few specific roads in a very specific set of circumstances um and and Tesla can when they are ready Tesla can offer a level three service where Tesla is responsible for the car when it gives the driver the okay not to pay attention like that is something that they can just turn on as a software overthe a update and it will be more valuable than the current system that they have and they will be able to earn more Revenue off of it yeah that's that that's the other option I guess right there that we didn't even talk about which is even if you don't have Robo tax regular approve get paid per transaction and all that but your car Tesla says hey you you buy you buy my the new model 3 and you don't have to pay for insurance yeah we'll cover you we'll pay for your insurance part because the insurance is hard just because we don't have enough States yet they can't offer it in select States certain States for certain states that Tesla has insurance they will tell you if you buy that car we will cover the insurance and we'll make make the insurance zero or whatever it's going to be much less than what you would have to pay if you had bought another insurance company and we're going to do that because we're confident that you know as long as you use FSD for 50% of your drives whatever 9 80% of your drives will you know what I mean it's if the more you use FSD you'll you'll be able to reduce your insurance cost that Tesla themselves offers this is not robot taxi this is just you buying a car and having less payment required for insurance just that to that like you can do that with level three I know that a lot of people in the Tesla Community don't like to talk about levels because Elon doesn't talk about levels but the thing is that levels are real from a regulatory standpoint that level three is defined by regulation and you know allows you to operate in certain ways so it can offer a level three compliance system and that can be offered at one price and then the driver still sitting in the seat it doesn't it it doesn't have to be it can be supervised FSD but Tesla themselves says if you buy our insurance if you do supervised FSD we're going to lower that insurance for every you know percentage that you use it will reduce the price of insurance so now all of a sudden you have a way to reduce your insurance Price that you would normally pay which is what a th000 bucks a month you know whatever or you know it's 300 $300 $400 a month yeah3 $500 a month depending on how often you drive whatever so y it's a lot it could be enough I don't know so there's just there's different models that can increase model 3 Model y sales yeah I would agree with that but I would also say that you know if if you were offered the the discount on your insurance rate but you had to supervise it would you be willing to pay more if you didn't have to supervise it and what if you almost never had to supervise it like there there are levels a different level that's a different level at that point I'm just trying to figure out ways that you can actually already and all of those levels are levels that are accessible to Tesla before Robo taxis are a thing that we don't have to make it all the way to Robo taxi in order for Tesla to be able to increase the amount that they're able to earn off of Advanced Driver Assist Technology
Channel: Clips by Brighter with Herbert
Views: 2,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tsla, tesla, teslastock, teslanews, bots, investing, elonmusk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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