Why Steven Universe Future is a bad show

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bacxaber πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The more I watch about this show, the more I hate that I like it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YeetPistachio684 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

wait there's a post about this????

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hydroshotlol πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
I've been a fan of Steven universe for a while now I've known about the show's existence since day one but I wouldn't really have called myself a fan of it and tell the movie my feelings on the movie are complicated I know it's not the greatest movie ever made I know it's probably not even a great movie but I still really like it like a lot and I don't know why it has so many good ideas that were executed poorly but the good ideas that were executed well really stuck with me they inspired me creatively I might talk about the movie sometime in the future but for now we're talking about future or specifically Steven universe future where do I begin with this probably at its announcement after in my eyes the amazing movie I was hyped for this show because it was exactly what I wanted a continuation of the movie that's a big indicator if I know I like something if after watching it I just want more instead of being unsatisfied and I was definitely satisfied with the movie so since this show was basically just a continuation there was nothing not to be excited about and once it finally came out I was blown away if I had to summarize why I liked the movie so much uh spinel the movie had a world ending threat and it was very engaging so where do we go after saving the world oh how about doing absolutely nothing for 3/4 of the final season and then shoving in the stupid plot at the very freaking end Oh calm down Gavin you're overreacting okay fine let's go see how well they built up the plot throughout the final season of this show you [Music] all right so the first episode starts out giving us some exposition which is fine whatever I don't care I mean everybody already knows but you know what who cares all right so the first half of the episode is pretty freakin boring not gonna lie once Stephen heads over to Jasper then it feels like there's actually a plot Stephen reveals a new power that literally comes out of nowhere but you know what whatever I'm not gonna question it in the episode ends so that was fine I mean it wasn't amazing but I was still optimistic about the future of this show then episode 2 where something does indeed happen it's just the problem is that it's really freaking boring the whole episode is just hey guys try new things hey man I don't think this is a good idea shut up amethyst oh my gosh it wasn't a good idea I gotta fix this I fixed it the end the next episode is where Stephen meets people that look just like his dead mom which is fine it's interesting but it has nothing to do with the overarching plot what is the overarching plot you may ask well at this point in the show I genuinely had no idea because there was no overarching plot maybe the overarching plot is right about to show up the next episode gives us a new antagonist made up of old characters and lets us know that there are people that still hate Stephen so there we go we have a plot and some antagonists that we never see again why this whole episode was a waste of time this whole show is a waste of time okay the next episode is called a very special episode This Is It this is where the plot starts everything starts now this is my least favorite episode in the entire series it is so boring nothing happens at all it is the definition of a filler episode a filler episode in the final season why would you waste time in the final season the next episode is another filler episode but the conflict of the episode is that Stephen has grown up he has matured he has his own stuff going on his own life and the gems are stuck in the past and need to accept him for who he is now because he has grown and he has enact the next episode is such a waste of time I don't even want to talk about it all it is is just to lapis --is still destroying planets because they feel like it Steven tells them to stop they say no he says but nature is cool they say no lapis beats them up by the way it's very hard to tell characters apart when every character with the same gem has the exact same name anyway one of the lapis is shows up at the end of the episode and says that she'll be good now I don't think she ever shows up again I might be wrong but I don't care enough to check the next episode is little graduation this this is where it finally starts this is where the overarching plot finally starts it comes out of literally nowhere steven is upset because his friends are moving on without him and they have their own lives and he's not a part of them Wow you poor thing remember when I said Steven had his own life and was mature because the episode clearly showed us that well now that he is no longer working at the school his life is now meaningless are you freaking kidding me whatever in the next episode is about this my dream from last night [Music] whoa what my powers must be interfering with the TV signal that literally makes no sense whatsoever but okay this is a filler episode and the only thing that happens because of it is like three lines of dialogue in the finale we're 11 episodes in by the way and almost absolutely nothing has happened what are you doing the next episode tells us literally nothing except that Stephen doesn't feel useless anymore when he's with Connie oh dear Lord this is gonna go horribly wrong oh I forgot to mention episode 10 by the way but I don't care because literally nothing happens okay so Stephen feels better when he's with Connie okay so how do you think this is gonna get he proposes to Connie I'm sorry what it wasn't even confirmed that they were dating before why would you but she takes it in the best possible way she could is is it a no it's a not now Stephen huh that actually went pretty well so I guess he's really not gonna take it that hard she said no um no no she didn't okay cool Stephens like ultra depressed now also this episode and so abruptly I thought it was a mistake well well maybe shoving this adorable cake in my face will make me feel better it really really won't oh I know I swear to God who approved that that was awful okay so because of this he keeps getting like PTSD flashbacks of what happened which is fine except his body freakin does this for some reason and whenever this happens it instantly removes all tension that was previously there because it just looks so stupid that it is impossible to take seriously okay so Steven Connie go to the hospital and the doctor tells an amount of stress okay so Steven actually has PTSD from all the weird crap that happens to him that's actually a really good idea I like that a lot and I think that's actually a really good premise it's just too bad that it's literally never brought up again what is wrong with you okay so Steven and his dad go talk it out and the episode ends and of course like any real person his problems just don't magically go away so to help him find a purpose him and his dad Steven and Greg go out and see the world but during this Tevan and his dad have an argument where he says I never went to school I've never been my problem and then proceeds to almost kill his dad you know just like every other teenager does at some point man but what he said was pretty serious I wonder how his dad's gonna respond look I I I'm proud of you what you know I never had the guts to tell my old man off like that I'm glad you can tell me anything um so you're not gonna like talk about it like at all are you kidding me after he literally blames you for ruining his life and then almost kills you all you have to say is I'm proud of you you know you can tell me anything right you're having a hard time right now I get it we'll get the van fixed up we can head back home we'll get you some more ice cream [Music] my theory for this Becca sugar is secretly a monkey she doesn't know how real people are supposed to act because she is a monkey I rest my case in the next episode Steven turns to the only person he thinks he can Jasper and they start training okay okay that's fine and they train and they train and they train and oh my gosh Steven looks different has he been with her for years oh my that's actually really interesting I wonder what's happened to him and how he's grown as a character from being with her for years he looks like he's almost an adult wow that time-skip was really brave and interesting you know what I'm sorry for all the things I said maybe you're not that bad after all yes hmm not bad for three days of work um I'm sorry what you you can't what you can't do that after their training Steven and Jasper fight again and Steven goes Super Saiyan God times a thousand mode and what are you doing no please no come on man you're better than this even though hee hee shattered her chattering has always been treated as this action that has consequences it's something that you can't go back on once someone is shattered they're gone forever and Steven did it he took the life of another he shattered someone and there's no going back alright never mind she comes back and has a newfound respect for him because he beat her in a fight okay so just remember kids your actions don't have consequences even when you murder someone just remember okay the best part about this is that buff Steven was like you know growing a beard cuz you know he's been out there for a while and he's an adult now for some stupid freakin reason whatever but once he shatters Jasper he runs back home scared terrified nothing is more important than trying to fix what he did except on the way you know he's gotta shave you know cuz after you murder someone don't don't forget to shave because that's more important oh my god why did he shave oh my god okay so whatever Steven comes out the gems are worried he pushes them away and he goes to the only people that can help him now the diamonds this episode single-handedly is what caused me to make this video there is something in this episode that I find so offensive that I just had to talk about it ever since Steven universe future was announced I was hoping that spinel would make an appearance she was my favorite character and I wanted to see how she had grown after the events of the movie and one Steven gets to homeworld Dimond now if you'll allow me to get choked up what Rick is that you know you think the original artists of spinel would be able to draw spinel and make it look good not a single frame in this entire movie looked bad how do 90% of her frames in this one episode look bad come on guys your design is so good but Hydra shot that was a movie their budget is way lower on this you'd think they'd be able to animate like that in a TV show yeah I don't expect them to animate like this again but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to draw her the same I swear to God and it's not only the way she's drawn even if she was drawn like this I would still be happy I would still be happy that my favorite character came back but the problem is that spinel is a completely different character now are you kidding me you made her she started out as a silly cartoon character who was unaware of how she made other people feel but then when she was traumatized by being abandoned for 6,000 years last how cruel the world really was she went to earth knowing that it wouldn't fix anything knowing that the one she wanted to take her anger out on was gone but she didn't care all Stephen saw was this murderous psychopath that wanted to kill him but once he hit her with the rejuvenator and set her back to how she used to be if she was annoying over the top and was silly and goofy all the time and didn't have any other emotions besides that but that was the point one Stephen tried to leave her and go look for amethyst himself she snapped at him which surprised Stephen because he didn't think she was capable of other emotions and even when spinel went back to normal and Stephen convinced her to be his friends she never went back to normal even at the end of the movie when all the conflict had been resolved what happened to her was a part of who she was now and it was going to take a lot of time to help her but she was never gonna go back to how she was she even commented on how she used to be you know this is pretty twisted but I'm a little flattered that you liked the old me innocent loving stupid because she realized how everyone saw her and because people only saw her as those things when she realized she was naive and was treated like an idiot and in return she treated everyone else like an idiot so because of this it would not make sense for her to return to how she previously was especially since not enough time has passed for her to recover six thousand years worth of damage she went through something and Steven helped her through it and now it was her turn to help Stephen because Stephen was going through something and Steven even asks her wait a second you used to have dental thoughts how did you make them stop and spinel would have been able to help Stephen especially since she has gotten better she's been with people who give her the attention she never had to try to understand her and now she has reverted back to her old self except as expected she's different for the most part she's her old self again she's naive unaware annoying and now she acts like she's on drugs and her design hasn't changed so it doesn't reflect her personality at all so when Steven asks her she says you used to have ventral thoughts oh yeah but I don't get him anymore how did you make them stop someone named Steven universe and he told me can't make a change no you can clearly see he's not joking around like he said you went through a similar experience so help him instead of being the kind of person that you mocked months ago she's so annoying and it just serves as comic relief and doesn't add anything to the plot when she could have added everything to the plot they knew bringing back spinel would get a huge reaction from people because she was a fan favorite character so wouldn't it makes sense to have her character actually matter in the story apparently not just to have Steven go you guys can't help me and then run away again also one inconsistency about her design is in the intro she doesn't ever tear-streaked but in the actual episode she appears and she does explain that I mean I'm happy that they're still there I think she looks stupid without them it was just an inconsistency I found so you know so cool my favorite character was reduced to nothing more than comic relief her younger self on drugs and Sonic the Hedgehog I'm so happy and the next episode Steven goes in denial and pretends like everything is fine when it obviously so painfully obviously isn't and nobody does anything about it awesome I love bad writing after Steven over and over again tries to help people and then ruins everything he finally confesses everything and tells everyone what's going on I can fix anything I can just keep messing up and fixing things forever and you'll never have to know weird think about any of it how messed up is that you think I'm so great I'm so mature and I always know what to do but that's not true I haven't learned a thing for my problems they've all just maybe worse wait what happened to having PTSD from all the traumatic events you've been through apparently now it's that you haven't learned from your mistakes um okay what happened to your dad not giving you a normal life even though he could have and you weren't given a childhood just like everyone else now I never mind even though Steven just told me that I ruined his life to my face okay so I guess we're just sticking with he hasn't learned from his mistakes when everyone thinks he has and all this brilliantly pasted build-up all culminates to thought [Music] um hello um it ordered everyone go right is that so how it ends is that really you're gonna in the episode who edited this crack eh so the next episode Steven's already transformed into giant corrupt dragon Steven and it's it's so bad guys it's so freakin bad everyone basically just goes who is that what is that thing it's Steven no way and then everyone goes I'm sorry Steven this is all my fault and I feel like Rebecca knew that everyone was pissed off that white diamond got redeemed for murdering millions and ruining the lives of anyone she didn't murder so she says wow what an apology I guess it's okay that you murdered millions because you feel bad about you well I mean it kind of is seeing as how there's not gonna be time later you know since this is the finale man I guess all this wasted time is backfiring maybe you shouldn't have spent the last episodes of the show singing about cleaning your room and playing freaking tag ok so Stephen is corrupt what's the worst way they could solve this problem ooh I know a freaking group hug are you serious if you're struggling to find a purpose in life have PTSD and we're never given a childhood don't worry because all your problems can be solved with a freakin cruel bog are you serious they all they all hug Stephen and he starts crying even though white Dimond looked into his thoughts and said that's not stupid anymore despite this her up Stephen starts crying and it's the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my entire life and then he turns back to normal that entire plot all that build-up and it was solved in ten minutes what the actual are you kidding me I'm done I just I can't anymore I I don't even have anything left to say about this this is just so unbelievably stupid that I I can't anymore I'm done okay so the final episode of Steven universe future of Steven universe starts out with a time skip and Steven is all better we spent all this time seeing Steven get worse and worse and we don't even get to see it get resolved you're such a good writer okay so in the final episode Steven decides that he wants to move out of the house and tells the gems they are nothing but supportive for him in his decision and he is upset that they do not feel sad that he is leaving Steven even says I told the gems I'm leaving but I don't think they're even sad about it I guess I wanted them to be at least a little upset is that petty you're allowed to have feelings even petty ones yes children you're allowed to be petty okay so Steven is sad he then goes to lapis bismuth and peridot gives them all gifts and they are incredibly sad that he is leaving this makes him even more upset that garnet amethyst and pearl are not sad that he is leaving please don't tell me this is the entire episode it's the entire episode he tries to get them to feel bad they don't he feels worse what are you doing this is the final episode why are you wasting time on the final episode this does not need to happen Jasper shows up she wants to come with Steven he says no she leaves she hasn't changed from her very first appearance this was her last appearance she has not grown at all as a character Steven then says goodbye to his family garnet amethyst and pearl still aren't sad that he is leaving he leaves he then turns around and asked why they aren't sad they burst into tears and say that they didn't want their tears to hold him back from leaving this is a waste of time they all hug and cry and then Stephen says goodbye and the show ends owen spinels last appearance she oh she doesn't appear her crying and being annoying was her last appearance cool Steven universe feature was a disappointment it was bad for most of it I thought it was just going to be them messing around for the entire season they only messed around for most of the entire season and then rushed the plot at the very end they should have just ended it out the movie the movie was a good ending it was satisfying and it left me wanting more which is way better than leaving me unsatisfied even when Steven universe was bad it still had great music Steven universe feature didn't even have one of the only redeeming qualities about the show it's amazing music the music in the show is just so freakin bad stick by stick the little black bird builds on this what happened what happened here Steven universe feature does nothing to improve on the movie it does nothing to advance the plot of the movie it just makes Steven a bad character it makes spinel a bad character it makes everyone a bad character the decline of Steven universe is sad because it had so much potential and when they actually used some of that potential in the movie it gave me false hope that the next season would have been good Steven universe has so many flaws that I don't even care to mention because it doesn't matter to me I could have talked about the lazy animation the terrible voice acting the atrocious continuity errors but that doesn't matter to me what matters to me is that a good idea a great idea was executed so poorly and now it's nothing but wasted potential this was my Steven universe future rants this has been Hydra shot and thank you for watching now I'm gonna go Hydra shoot myself in the head you
Channel: Hydroshot
Views: 316,942
Rating: 3.743736 out of 5
Id: XKgY6KkzBJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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