Why Steve Jobs HATED Bill Gates

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this video is brought to you by Squarespace they don't think of original ideas and they don't bring much culture into their product it's really easy to imitate the bad parts of Steve Bill Gates and Steve Jobs the two main faces of the digital Revolution this is the richest man on earth apple is going to reinvent the phone this yin and yang between the two would create a brutal rivalry the computer business is becoming a monopoly with Microsoft it's a dark period right now profit margin for Windows alone is an astounding 78 percent they have violated the Sherman Act today we will explore the nerd wolves all right so the year was 1955 on two opposite sides of America little baby Billy grew up in Washington a little bubba Steve grew up in California Bill Gates grew up in a very wealthy family very privileged he grew up and had great education Steve Jobs on the other hand was adopted as a child to a family that didn't have a lot of money Bill Gates was your goody two shoots you know it was clean cut he attended private school and then eventually got into Harvard University Steve Jobs on the other hand took a very different route he got into Reed University but dropped out after six months due to financial difficulties from here he would spend time sleeping on the floor of his friend's room where to make money to buy food he would return Coke bottles and every week he would get a free meal from his local Harry Krishna Temple foreign Steve Jobs's life wasn't going in a good direction the idea that one day he'd be the CEO of the biggest business on Earth was a pretty long shot away yeah it was more looking like he was just going to be a homeless dude presumably inspired by the hippie generation in 1974 he went to India in search of spiritual enlightenment where he would stay for seven months the minute that you understand that you can poke life and you push in something will pop out the other side that you can you can change it you can mold it on top of spirituality he experimented with psychedelic drugs as he did all in all you probably get the picture that Steve Jobs was your classic hippie the type of person you might find walking through the aisles of Holland the Barrett but Bill Gates on the other hand he was just a nerd it was nothing particularly eccentric about him he of course wasn't out in India finding spiritual enlightenment he was sat in the computer room twiddling with motherboards but you see it would be around about the mid 70s where these two very opposite characters would finally encounter each other for the very first time after Steve Jobs got back from India him and his friends Steve Wozniak along with Ronald Wayne started working on a little business in 1976 called Apple it's a computer hooks up to the TV for the display Steve Wozniak had a big interest in computers and Steve Jobs also enjoyed computers but really enjoyed the design and so they started this business out of the garage of Steve Jobs's parents meanwhile Bill Gates 2 was starting up his own business with a man called Paul Allen as opposed to Apple their company was more focused on software and programming they had this very early strategy of making very cross-compatible products computer programs and languages that would work across many different types of machines this focus on cross-compatibility would be a key part of Microsoft strategy a part that Steve Jobs was 100 against they just make really Third Rate products but despite that in these early days Steve Jobs saw something in Bill Gates and so he decided to travel to meet him Steve Jobs had reached out to Bill Gates to ask him to make a programming language for the Apple product that they were working on and so the nerd and the hippie would finally meet in Seattle the two struck a deal and decided to work together but of course Bill Gates wanted to see what it was Apple would do it and so he was shown some of the very early Apple prototypes and he thought there was [ __ ] Steve Jobs being the very charismatic person he was so definitely talked up the Apple product we think we're basically fashioning a 21st century bicycle here which can amplify an inherent intellectual ability the man has to free people to do much more creative work the Bill Gates didn't really find it very impressive the development of Macintosh by Apple has been parallel by the work of leading software developers anyway despite their differences they went on to work together and apple released the two this product was revolutionary Steve Jobs's idea was that the product would be completely user friendly and ready to use straight out the box you didn't need to know what you were doing you didn't need to plug a load of [ __ ] into it it just worked the Real Genius of Macintosh is that you don't have to be a genius to use it and when it went to Market it was an instant success shipping 6 million units making Steve Jobs and Bill Gates pretty wealthy and so at this time in the late 70s to the early 80s the pair were pretty good friends we're planning that over half of our retail sales next year will come from from Macintosh software and Now ladies and gentlemen the mac and Mac and software Dating Game and so this led to a weird moment in 1983 where Steve Jobs in what I perceive as a power play bought Bill Gates and a few other CEOs of software companies onto a stage to compete in the Macintosh software Dating Game the three CEOs had to basically pitch as to why they were needing to work with apple and why Apple needed them but it would be in this show where Bill Gates would publicly Express his love for Apple well to create a new standard it takes something that's not just a little bit different it takes something that's really new and the Macintosh of all the machines I've ever seen is the only one that meets outstanding and so it seemed that Bill Gates despite his first encounter with apple was pretty Charmed by the product okay okay I know it's not my place to say it then shut the hell up Bill Steve Jobs's personality is one that has been subject to films documentaries and many a reviews but his genius comes with a lot of baggage and one hand he's described as like this enlightened free thinking hippie who took copious amounts of psychedelic drugs but on the other hand he was known as known as brashcon confrontational dictator you'd put his staff under insane pressure if he didn't like someone or someone did something to upset him with a drop of the Hat he would just burn that bridge and destroy that relationship what are you gonna you're gonna fire me no I already fired you but part of this this was the fact that he had such a specific certain vision of what he wanted Apple to be he saw technology and computers as more than just simple tools but rather as pieces of art you've got to start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology we've dramatically decreased the number of components necessary on the motherboard and he had this gym with the idea of a closed system what I mean by that is that the Apple products as you probably know now you can't really upgrade them you can't really change them and they only really work well with the Apple ecosystem famously Steve Jobs even changed the screws on Apple products so that you couldn't open it with a normal screwdriver you needed a special Apple screwdriver to do it and this was a deliberate idea from Steve Jobs but this Vision was the complete opposite of the overall tech industry Bill Gates represented that style of thinking you know the open system that everything works together your keyboard your mouse your operating system all different companies it all works together happy days but anyway for Apple in the 80s things were going really well this is number of million of the Apple twos and that'll probably seem small in a couple years but then disaster struck is Lisa and she's the most exciting thing to happen in computers today a lot was riding on this release they went to see if Steve Jobs was just a one-hit wonder or if he could keep it up and keep making amazing Innovative products and so during development of the Apple Lisa Steve Jobs asked Gates if he could create programs for the Lisa Gates said yes but in order for him to do it he wanted a prototype of the Apple Lisa and so Steve Jobs sent him one why wouldn't he Gates received the Apple Lisa he turned it on and he was stunned before we go further this video I want to give a massive shout out to Squarespace for sponsoring Squarespace is the ultimate website building platform it's cost effective it's simple to use and your website will look beautiful in this day and age if you're a freelancer or you're creating your own business you really do need not just a website but a very professional looking one that's easy to use and will make your customers have trust in your quality of your work lucky for you Squarespace can do that all for you with tons of templates to choose from you can pick any of 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Steve Jobs released the Apple Lisa there was tons of hype tons of build up to this product and it completely flopped in total it only ever shipped 10 000 units and so was Steve Jobs and apple were panicking Bill Gates decided that this would be a pretty good time for him to announce his Microsoft product their very own Windows operating system with its own GUI called Windows 1.0 [Music] as news got to Steve Jobs he demanded that Gates come and meet him and Steve Jobs just went in on him shouting at him that you're ripping us off and saying that he trusted him and then Bill Gates calmly responded well Steve I think there's more than one way of looking at it I think it's more like that we both had this Rich neighbor named Xerox and I broke into his house to steal the TV set and found out that you had already stolen it you see there was slightly more to this story than Steve Jobs was letting on back in 1979 Steve Jobs and apple were invited to Xerox Park where he got an opportunity to see what they were working on the world's first GUI Steve Jobs saw this and took inspiration from him and used it on his Apple product basically stealing the idea from Xerox exactly what he was accusing Gates of doing you are Your Own Worst Enemy and these companies what's going on things really weren't looking good for Steve Jobs at Apple Steve recently employed a person by the name of John Scully to take over like business operations but this might have been a bad decision from Steve Jobs him and Scully were often clash in particularly over the Macintosh and the laser product due to its failure to live up to expectations and its terrible sales it seemed like Steve Jobs and apple really were struggling to live up to the hype that they had built because the people who were crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do the marketing and their perception was that of a really Innovative brand in 1984 they won an award for their incredible Big Brother advert wanted to show a problem that my Apple Lisa has but yet the products weren't really backing up the vision that's actually something that I wanted to talk to you about Stephen I've been asking for the fonts for months on top of Sally and jobs not getting along also it was becoming very clear that a lot of the people working at Apple weren't really in love with Steve Jobs's management style and pretty much create a very hostile work environment and so in 1985 all of this would come to my head Steve jobs publicly resigned from Apple and so whilst apple and Steve Jobs's life and career was just in Flames Bill Gates on the other hand was just sitting pretty life was good your picture has been on the cover of virtually every major news magazine it really did just seem that this straight laced nerd that was Bill Gates was completely beating out this supposed Visionary which was Steve Jobs my jobs wasn't very happy about it the only problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste they don't think of original ideas and they don't bring much culture into their product but despite this career was definitely on 1980 seven at just age 31. Gates became the world's youngest billionaire this company was breaking Financial records and in 1995 Bill Gates became the richest man on earth jobs on the other hand had had another failure his new company NeXT Computing was an absolute disaster however he did start to have a turn a lot when he acquired a company called the graphics group and they were working on CGI they ended up partnering with Disney to create the now iconic film Toy Story this company would go on to be known as Pixar meanwhile his darling company Apple that he didn't work at anymore they were on the brink of bankruptcy after effectively having no successful Innovation since Apple II and so in 1997 Apple made a controversial decision to rehire Steve Jobs in a last-ditch effort to save the company Apple purchased Steve Jobs next Computing company 429 million obviously to most of us that's pretty good money but for Steve he was quite far behind Bill Gates but Steve was playing in the long game for Bill Gates and Microsoft Head release Windows 95 this was again another Monumental success but his success had actually started to cause a problem they are currently over 95 percent market share in both of those markets by every measure they are monopolist by every measure they have violated the Sherman Act Windows had done so well that they had basically become a monopoly and they were faced with the very real possibility of being broken up this led Bill Gates to make a very unexpected decision in 1997 just as Apple were about to go bankrupt he invested 150 million dollars into Apple effectively saving them from bankruptcy and I'd like to announce one of our first Partnerships today a very very meaningful one and that is one with Microsoft in this strange Twist of events Steve Jobs was forced to do a press conference you know to thank Billy boy for the for the money and to the Legion of Apple Fans who were still out there for some reason it didn't go down very well we have taking a look at browsers out there and Apple has decided they booed Bill Gates's face when it came up on the screen and people weren't very excited about the future of Apple with partnership to Bill Gates however this would leave to 1998 with Steve Jobs first product from his return called the iMac was an instant success I'm really pleased to report to you today that Apple's back on track in terms of sheer numbers Microsoft was still dominated but Apple was starting to carve out a little niche for themselves as a producer of innovative design Centric high quality products in 2001 Apple would release the iPod another major success but this time it started to change the competitiveness between Microsoft and Apple and we think that this is the best way to manage your music on the planet the iPod along with the iTunes Store completely revolutionized music and so Microsoft was starting to feel this a little bit and they released their competitive product in 2006 called the zoom media player which not a single person gave a [ __ ] about again in 2007 Apple would change the world with the iPhone we really believe that that a device like this which is vastly easier to use is the future this became the new standard for smartphones this new Arena became a problem for Microsoft they tried the Windows mobile and later the Windows phone operating system and they were pretty unsuccessful Microsoft went from sitting on its Throne to now kind of scrambling to keep up with apple and all its new Innovations this all led us to 2007 where Bill Gates and Steve Jobs would be seen publicly sat together in a live conference so let's get started um I wanted to ask there's been a lot of like Mano Amano catfight kind of thing in a lot of the blogs and the press and stuff like that a lot of people wonder at how this meeting would go down considering they're very complicated pasts and their rivalry it came as a surprise to some to see that they had very genuine appreciation for each other well you know Bill built the first software company in the industry and that was huge that was really huge yeah despite taking a few lighthearted Jabs at each other there was a clear respect first time I want to clarify I'm not fake Steve Jobs this legendary rivalry had gone from bitter and ruthless so that when I'm finished you can still see through those thick pretentious glasses you Psychopathic unimaginative criminal so now an understanding of the role that each other presented to the tech industry it is the single deadliest form of cancer when so many familiar names have faced in recent years however I would also also around this time where Steve Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and being the hippie he was he refused any medical intervention initially and soon everybody is telling him quit trying to treat it with all these roots and vegetables and things just get operated on but he does it nine months later Gates visited jobs whilst he was in a very ill state in his final months you came to his house came in through the kitchen and the two of you spent a couple hours together reminiscing and really made peace however in October 2011 Steve Jobs died you know he believed in Revolutionary Ways of using computers just before Steve Jobs had passed on August 9 2011. and we are calling calling phone Apple's sales have increased 80 percent this year Apple had reached the Milestone of being the richest company on Earth I'd like to take a moment and thank everybody in the Apple Community since Steve Jobs's death Apple has retained that position for a good chunk of those years with the number two position as you probably expect to paying Microsoft Bill Gates to this day still speaks very highly of Steve Jobs it's incredible what this rivalry of two people created their differences forced them to sharpen their own swords and become better to work harder and create better products and the pair will leave a mark on the world forever everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it you can influence it you can you can build your own things that other people can use that's maybe the most important thing rest in peace Steve Jobs if you enjoyed this video be sure to leave a like And subscribe to the channel and watch this video right here
Channel: JimmyTheGiant
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Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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