Why *some* Koreans Underrate the Filipino English Accent

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hey guys it's jessica here and i'm back with another talking video today i'm going to be talking about the possible reasons why some koreans may underrate the filipino english accent a few months ago i made a video on cancel korea which went quite viral in the philippines like my video was like trending number one which was an honor but at the same time made me really sad reading the comments in that video there were lots of comments of people saying that koreans will underrate the filipino english accent or will underrate filipinos in general but still come to the philippines to learn english and i know there was another video that many of you linked in the comments by the time which was this video about this celebrity mimicking the filipino english accent as if she was mocking it and that certainly did make me feel uncomfortable like it was really not so appropriate i personally learned english in the philippines i mean i grew up in the philippines for nine years so i may have the filipino english accent and there was this incident that made me feel ashamed of my accent it was a time when i already became a trainee in a certain k-pop company and there was a time when a bunch of visitors came to our company to look at each trainee one by one it was my turn and they asked what are my special abilities and i said oh i know how to speak in english i introduced myself in english like hi my name is blah blah blah and after that he was like yeah you know how to speak in english but you have the filipino english accent and honestly i can tell you that really hurt me i know if i think about it now he is the wrong one to say that but by the time i was just so hurt i was just so young and the immediate thought in my head was that okay i should change my accent so that was a time when i started watching a lot of um western media and entertainment just to change my accent which was totally absolutely unnecessary i could really relate to you guys when you think that koreans underrate the filipino english accent because i've experienced it myself and that is not the only time ever since the time i came to korea last march 2020 i've met a lot of different people through a lot of different work opportunities which i'm very very thankful for every time i speak english in front of them they would be impressed they would be like oh you're so good at english like wow like where did you learn your english or some people even said oh where in the us are you from or even something like oh you sound native you sound like a native english speaker and then my reply obviously would be oh i i learned my english in the philippines i never learned english in the us and i would say like 80 percent really of their reactions would be no you don't you don't have the filipino accent and by them saying that it also implies that they are underrating that filipino accent that because i don't have it i'm good but if i had it will i be bad i don't know so every time a lot of koreans show such reactions regarding my accent i just feel really bad for them because as i keep saying accent it's just it's just like a package but then there were some people who weren't like that i remember there was this one person he has been to the philippines and he has been to an elementary school in the philippines he saw the students there learning english during class and he said he was very impressed by how the english lessons weren't so strict and pressuring to the students which is normally the case in korea and because he was showing such positive reactions i was really happy and thankful and i mentioned how there are many koreans who are underrating this type of accent his answer to this was really it really touched me he said well most koreans don't even know how to speak in english fluently well many filipinos know how to speak in english which is absolutely true okay so that was a very long intro let me just jump off to the core of this video which is the reason why it's going to be based on my personal opinion and observations so please don't take my words as it is the first reason which would be the most dominant one i would say is because of the pro-western mindset of many koreans there is still the tendency in korean society that they look up to the american english the british accent and of course for that mindset you can trace back to the history and the culture of korea but i'm not going to dig deeper than this but what i could tell you is that that pro-western mindset is quite prevalent in korea still that is why many people could think that american or british english accent is the accent personally i think that this is something that should be gone as time passes by so the day will come that no matter what kind of accent you have you will be respected the second reason that i would like to talk about is how the media portrays the philippines in korea i think i could say that i've talked to quite a number of people in korea about me living in the philippines and many of their reactions would be oh my god isn't it so dangerous there like the drugs pickpocketing and of course i know where they are coming from by saying that it is partly true you know there are dangerous places in the philippines but there are also safe places in the philippines it really depends on where you are but because in korean media there are many news or article titles like oh this is happening in the philippines like oh this just happened in the full piece and they are usually negative however there are also very positive articles about the philippines the tourism like boracay cebu those places have such a good image to so many koreans it's like for many people when you think of the philippines they think of cebu burakai because the philippines is a huge such a huge part of me every time i meet different people here in korea and i were to introduce myself i can never ever not mention the philippines and as i've mentioned they will show various reactions what i can do whether their reactions are negative or positive i will have to say that i care about the country which means that if you are being rude to me for me staying in the philippines or me having a filipino accent i will honestly speak up for myself although some people really will hate me for doing that but i think those small steps are eventually something that will help improve really toxic stereotypes that many many many people have around this whole world of course i should not be rude you know you cannot fight fire with fire so fight fire with fast sea kind of mindset if you know what i mean yeah i don't know what i'm talking about alright guys so thank you so much for watching today's video let me know about your thoughts in the comments down below and i'll see you guys in my next video [Music] you
Channel: Jessica Lee
Views: 649,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filipino accent, filipino korean, korea philippines, korea history, korean culture, korean culture philippines, koreans in the philippines, Jessica lee, filipino English accent, seul lee
Id: wxp2Rq6WyJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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