Why Slot Machines Are The Most Popular Game In The Casino

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a lot of people ask me why do you like slots so much well today I'm going to explain why I like slots so much and we're also going to explain how some of the games work we're going to play a few different types of games and hopefully have some fun win some money like we do every day let's go all right we're going to start on one of our favorite games big Hot Flaming pots it's hard to say you know why we love slots without playing our favorite slot first this has been one of our favorite slots for sure so much fun this is in a cat or of slots affectionately referred to in the slot Community as a triple bagger so there's those three bonuses up top the yummy the upsized and the spicy and you can get all three of those at the same time or you can get one at a time or you can get two of them and those were all different bonus features in addition to the regular slot which is the what we call line pays but this is actually what's called wavs not lines isn't it real way so basically if you have any symbol in every one of the lines I have an idea go ahead let's get a trible pop start out how about a double pop yummy and spicy I was I was close yes all right spicy upsize is probably so how we trigger that bonus is we got the purple and the green thing and then those up top randomly triggered oh oh nice little 250 ball now this you have a chance to get a grand how much is the grand 10,9 $60 show that and the way you get the grand is you you light up all these g r a n and d and you light those up by getting three in a column so we just filled the G hole so once we filled the r the a the n and the D hole we win the spicy feature gives you those Peppers which add the value on the pepper to each of the balls all right let's enjoy this and then uh so that so that one's going to fill the g- hole and then disappear and open up that real estate and by balls you mean pork buns pork buns not yeah pork buns pork ball okay another spicy so everyone gets 20 bucks added to it you get $20 and you get you get $20 word you get oh yeah one time we got a minor which was like what $1,400 $600 oh $600 that was exaggerating and then we got it by times nine there was nine pork buns out when we got that yeah oh 40 bucks times 3 S $280 for that you got $40 or $320 beautiful all right we need to fill some more holes get that grand come on oh another another $20 times nine Vegas Matt you're an inexperienced slot player you're have a lot of experience on this game which hole is the hardest one to fill uh usually the uh I don't know I've had some real trouble with the r hole lately but one time I couldn't get the dhole filled and you know that I mean all the holes holes are difficult to fill so it's it's always the last it's the last hole the last hole is always the toughest the toughest to fill oh we filled the a-hole some people say that's a difficult hole to fill and if you're new to our Channel we have juvenile humor in case you uh aren't picking up on what's why is that funny it's true oh that's so true all right come on there we go another another spicy 15 times all those pork buns they might be soup dumplings there's been some discussion of whether they're pork buns or soup dumplings but all right we got three of the holes filled we need the r hole and the N hole I don't think yes oh the D hole got filled again I don't think soup dumplings come in a bamboo steamer okay so then they're pork buns I think so there some kind of dim sum I love dim sum all right so that real estate opens back up I want some the yummy the yummy feature gives you four spins instead of three so that's and then every time you get something it resets to four yeah I don't know if we said that in this case resets to three yeah so we need something here uh oh so this time it'll help if we get on the fourth spin yeah oh the fourth spin the yummy feature helped you got the r hole we got the r hole so now we just need the N hole so this one here is worth $1,965 if we can get it fill that in hole fill that in hole come on in hole don't be an in hole don't be an a-hole get it idiot a the N hole was an a-hole all right well couple thousand and uh back to like why I like slots okay we're we're betting $50 here okay and I'll explain more in a moment after this hand pay 2,000 $65 any why do you like it what I was saying is this and EJ said I sounded too announcer so I won't use my announcer voice uh like let's say you're playing blackjack you're playing 50 bucks a hand yeah we're playing 50 bucks a spin usually what happens my experience at table games is you end up like you win some you lose some you win some you lose some and then you end up losing it losing it all or you know but it's so hard to win a lot like we just turned $50 into $2,000 very rarely do you do that at table games that's my my opinion that's one of the main reasons I like it is that every time you're pushing this button you have a chance at some massive reward and that's one of one of the main reasons I like slots I think that's a lot the reason that a lot of people like him yeah those every so often those massive wins yeah you know you get depending on how big you play I mean you know if you're if you're playing smaller dollar or two every once in while you get like a $1,000 or a $1,200 hand pay if you're playing $50 every once in a while you get something you know massive uh so yeah that's that's one of the main reasons I like it so you think this became one of your favorite games just because you've done so well on it or do you actually just like how it plays I like what I like about about it is that the bonuses seem to come pretty frequently and the bonuses are are really long like they they don't you know they last a long time like that probably took 5 minutes for that bonus where a lot of the games the bonus is just like four spins or you know eight spins or something like that uh and I like the way that when you fill the holes it opens up that real estate you got more slots to fill come on spicy the upsized gives you two screens yeah be nice to get that oh oh that's the old perceived progression the head fake you should explain what that means so perceived progression or perceived persistence I think is what it's actually called that's what it's really called is when the pots get bigger and those little knobs turn up they make it look like it's closer to hitting when really it's not it's just totally perception yeah it's just telling you that it's been a while or it's been a while since it's hit but that doesn't mean it's any closer to hitting right so we've given back all the money that we won so far so we better get another bonus soon I'd love to get a triple pop triple pop of course is when you get all three we had a nice last one was a double pop which is still quite good I don't know if I think if I could only get one one bonus I probably would pick spicy on this game oh really what about you I like the upsized yeah cuz you get twice as much real estate yeah I'd probably go upsid too but spicy is very good I mean it's it's good cuz cuz you don't get more real estate but you do keep adding money and you can and you can get like 10 minors or you know 10 Majors you get a word as one in one of your peppers I still want to know what those little green Rice Krispy treat things are oh major that would be nice W I've never seen that before right and you'd get it you get it get it yeah if you trigger with that yeah sadly we didn't trigger with that yeah that's the first time that's ever even appeared on the screen when we've been playing oh it yummy OD wow that's twice all right well you want to try a different game uh we could otherwise we may just end up giving all the money to this game this is a game everybody knows or most people know it's Pro arguably the most popular game there is these are Wilds it's got pays on 10 lines why you got to be argumentative and arguably yeah and then you need three of those flags and you get the free games bonus and six Dragon Balls these things and you get this Holden spin bonus oh they're Dragon Ball they're Dragon Balls Dragon Ball Z wow that's where those came from they're so uniform yeah dragons have always had very round balls all right three flags oh we got two need three if you could only play one game oh look at that 10,000 so the big this is a $50 bet uh the biggest biggest ball in there is what 200 times 250 so it's five that's the second biggest that's a 200x ball that would have been a really good one to hit but we didn't get six so we didn't get it would you say that this like if you had to only play one game for the rest of your life this or hot pots which would you pick oh God I don't know probably this I don't know why but I just love this had so many good wins on this yeah whenever you wander off you're always in the corner playing this game I always play this yeah another one has a pretty decent bonus frequency see but you get five a lot when you need six I've noticed uh you know it's got some like this has an 8,690 major and 105,000 Grand so that I I've never hit a grand on this particular game but I would like to how do you hit the grand on this game you got all 15 spots filled up with dragon balls and you with the grand so the progressive jackpots I don't think I showed those yet so that would involve seven and a half dragons apparently yes seven and a half dragons were the balls unless one of them had like a really bad why do you assume they have two one of them could have had like a really bad torsion testicle when it was a baby or something and lost one EJ almost only had one the doctor said that he you know he was going to try to save it and pull it down and I told him listen don't be trying you saved that kid's balls and I told him you know he I go if you're mid surgery and you start to make it a decision you're going to cut the kidss balls off you come out and talk to me you pulled that little it was only one though let's not be dramatic he had to pull the one down it was one had I don't know what it was but undescended I'm not talk trying to talk about your balls here but I guess I I guess I am well he's talking about dragon balls you know I mean I was just talking about math yeah right well we lost a th000 on the first game we're we're really doing a good job of demonstrating the the down side of slots cuz you can lose but we're about to get a really big bonus so watch this that's right not only can you lose you rate to lose yeah every game in the casino you rate to lose they always have an advantage otherwise they wouldn't have these great big buildings with lots of beautiful Furniture and Things in them TI marble countertop thousands of employees there we go there we don't go yeah oh man in the nick of time that was a last spin Johnson Min 250 253 54 55 56 650 well a long way to go but maybe we get a big ball where's that 10,000 ball maybe you come back to visit us what do you think yeah that' be sweet I got one of those the other day you need one of those $110,000 balls to descend onto the screen yes descend you big ball don't und descend it's this this is where the testicles descend down into here here yeah very good all right the doctor is just hey just got another ball to descend you need to have a talk with Doctor Dragon yeah Dragon these balls okay what are we doing here ball idiot all right it's like a baby hand pay everyone loves that Dragon noise when they're adding those babies up that's a little bit better than a baby hand pay yeah 1,400 [Music] bucks so we're only down uh 500 bucks on this game all right let's do that again so this game has a different kind of bonus too yeah there three flags and you know what I think we need to get that next bonus I give up the wbgs question of the day yes from the YouTube comments yes I happen to have one ready this one is kind of focused on Vegas because I know Matt you're a very very big proponent of Las Vegas I am I could be the mayor yeah you love Las Vegas so moose Papa asks what is your favorite show in Vegas and if you're not what's your favorite show in Vegas that's it's a multi-part question well let's stick with that part of it why did a uh top five shows in Vegas short a while back well in case somebody hasn't seen it while thought everyone might have seen it but yeah in case someone hadn't seen it so the I'll give you the top two the f one of them is absence which is the show outside of Caesars it's like a cir toay meets really funny comedy and it's just been around for I've seen it well over 20 times I always bring people to it I've only had like one person who didn't have a sense of humor that was developed enough for it they thought so you stopped spending time with that person I assume probably they thought it was a little too vulgar but you know who hasn't heard vulgarity in this day and age and uh yeah but it's just hysterical and then it's also amazingly cool so you get all the the coolness of watching circus slay but after a while people just jumping up and down and doing back flips and stuff bores me so I I like it better than all the all the cir shows absent is a great show um and then the other show that that a lot of people don't realize and I actually voted it number one is uh Carrot Top cuz he's just so funny and he's been around forever and he has all these crazy funny props that he's always updating and I've seen that show probably 20 times as well he's been at the luxore forever and yeah so those are probably two best shows what about what about you guys you have shows that you like uh I like all the cir shows I I saw abon a few times I think it's also very good I wanted to mention though I I was recently watching a show called hacks um it's a show about a comedian female comedian headliner and her writer and katop actually has a few cameos or he's he has like a bit part of the show she kind of plays a trick on on katop he's really really funny in that show and also that show hacks excellent show is it on like Netflix or something I think it might be I don't I don't remember I have all of the streaming services so I don't remember all right what about you EJ shows what oh in Vegas yeah I mean I agree with you I haven't seen too many any of the cir shows Michael Jackson is good that also made my top five list Michael Jackson won at manderlay Bay uh great message great show great music great $5,000 ball right there uh yeah so there's I mean there's so many OPP so many different shows I think my favorite search show is uh love love at at Mirage which you're not going to get to see for too much longer because it's going to close I like that one too I like the Beatles music but I like Michael Jackson music better I I thought it was great I saw one also yeah well thank you for that question very good questiona moose Papa I love when you call me moose Papa that's uh big papa oh it's not moose papa no I thought that I thought that's what the song was I love when you call me I love when you call me moose no I want to hear you sing the rest of that line I know you did put your hands in the air if use a true player I see some tonight that should be having my baby baby well that's this game I guess huh well we lost 2,000 on this one and 1,000 on the other we're really demonstrating some good stuff why don't we go show a game where we can win we decided we want to keep trying a little bit longer for the free games yeah and we got all these different denominations I I don't know something was telling me to bet a bigger denomination $10 denominations lower number of credits lower number five credits but still $50 but let's see if we the minor 12,500 that would be kind of fun to hit Mini's 2500 so those minor and mini bonuses are relative to the coin that you're betting and in this instance we're betting a $10 coin I suppose they're way less likely to hit but they weren't hitting very well in the last one so what the heck so we're going to shoot for getting the flag bonus but maybe maybe we'll get the ball bonus again along the way you know what I think is also important I give up to explain what it says on the flag it says flag it says flag yeah we researched that with some of our Chinese character readers and that says flag makes a lot of sense I don't play $10 denam very often no you I don't know if you I mean you certainly have to have but not I just for some reason oh man those were some good ones it's like if we get something it could be massive I guess is what I like about it as I mentioned I like massive wins a little line pay there so in the session we're in 5,000 now all right got our money back on that one come on come on one good big huge massive bonus please yeah so the feliner has the traditional five lines three lines straight across yeah the two and then flag we got two we need three you think we're going to get something yep me too I think we're going to get six big balls personally oh oh triple noiser as I like to refer to it come on oh it's just something about the adrenaline of when those things hit you just think oh I'm going to make I'm going to be rich keeps you pushing that button come on all right we're due keep getting a little bit back I guess that's better than getting nothing back there's there's nothing back I have an idea for the next game though oh yeah what do you got you said something that we can win on I got an idea all right good we're going to need it it will be down five grand here in about five more spins well we got it at the end last time that's true it was last spin Johnson it was a last spin Johnson you can demon demonstrate the lucky chance spin here too I was just thinking the same thing okay so we only have 40 bucks left 40 out of 50 you have an 80% chance of getting a spin here if you choose the dragon you can also push the dragon's head winner okay we got a free spin on the 40 bucks $40 spin that's a free 50F oh a I guess we've had enough of this Cleopatra sort of an old school slot machine well we weren't doing so good on the new school one so let's go old school this is a simple game you get three of these Sphinx and you win the bonus oh whoops I bet not enough bet the max max dollars that is some loud my fortunes are yours look who who who what had a $1,000 spin we did yeah we just had a $1,000 spin we didn't even notice I'll take it what what did we get some Cleopatra Wilds or what well that was good I've got just a weird IDE idea since we didn't even notice let's pretend like we don't even have the money bet 90 for a second see if we can win my fortunes are yours you hear that how much is it her fortunes are yours yeah all right we need three of those little B things yes I'd really like to get it when we betting 90 what are they called oh now I get it I didn't understand it can you spell that it's it's it's an anopia how much did you put in 3,000 yeah so we're in 8,000 all together yep do you know what that is CJ yeah yeah yeah live the Dream Live the dream for 400 bucks you're living the dream baby living it [Music] oh wasted [Music] Cleopatra come on Cleo well done well done EJ well done what do we get $100 good $10 profit there it's got to be something well done 40 bucks that's not very good one more spin oh get it idiot back to dollars is back to dollars [Music] is wow look a lot of cleopatras well [Music] done they got snacks in this high limit room oh yeah what'd you get today and I definitely should not have eaten or grabbed these but it's was hard to resist what are those mint Milano cookies dark chocolate and they brought they bring them out on a tray they got Snickers Oreos Milanos wow he listen all you got to do is lose 5,000 and I'll bring a tray of cookies 5400 not a bad deal well the cookies don't come cheap but you feel special when they bring it to you yeah I think that's all baked in no pun intended huh or maybe maybe it is pun intend well done now when she says well done that's how she likes her s means you got something cuz it doesn't seem that well done to me let get three Spinx the fancy feature of the Free Games bonus is all WIS are tripled yeah and is there more wins in the in the bonus cuz I mean it would be a shame to have triple nothing like how many games do you get well done oh 15 so you're bound to get something let's just get that bonus here let's it do [Music] it so what is this lines or way in my treasures looks like it's nine lines nine lines it's like a cat nine lines yeah I mean lives [Music] yeah oh it's got the almost bonus yep we got two bonus symbols you at least get a pay you get double your bet oh I just want to hear that noise three times in a row how were the cookies they were good probably don't want Vegas mom to know about those you know she she will venture out and have a snack like that in a while at least it comes in like a little two pack so you can't go too crazy with it it's not like one of those six packs of Snickers ice cream bars where you have to eat them all Charming that means you got half a bet I saw a comment on today's video somebody said I'm watching this video while eating a Snickers ice cream bar you know if we don't h a good bonus here you might actually get to do something that you don't get to do very often win it back playing ultimate X that's right all right well we'll be in 8,000 so we the last 2,000 and win it back on Ultimate X which is video poker which is a best the best slot odds in the C in the slot world of video poker a lot of people don't realize that you think now you've made Vegas M route to to get down to that floor so we can go play I don't know we're going get oh makes me less mad about being down eight grand cuz I know we got a shot of get in the back yeah you just need a 3X Royal and you're winning it's no guarantee I'll tell you that much a 3X Royal this bonus do you think like I mean I know it's not true it's all random but when we walked up it the screen was on the three things like someone had just gotten it sh youas so like sometimes I think if they just got it it could be a long time before you get it again I don't think that affects it at all and what do you think the the frequency is of this bonus prob about maybe around 150 spins yeah so I like to imagine a roulette wheel with 150 possible options yeah and every time you push the button Pockets sure and every time you spin the wheel is the same as pushing this button it lands on a different thing yep and one of those things is the bonus correct and about 125 of them are nothing and then they have some good ones share in my treasures what's that I don't know $135 worth of her Treasures that sounded very unselfish of her share in my treasures that's a good one is it $350 Bill Staying Alive two shots at it got it finally finally oh both tried it it only works when wbg does it apparently it's hard it's hard it's like the question of the day I don't like to pull it out before it's ready that's what she said it didn't work early oh jeez well you never want to pull it out before it's ready share in my treasures you did that don't shake your head that was all your fault that was not my intention oh you always pretend to be so innocent but you're probably the worst worst share in my treasures the innocent ones are the worst ones that's that's what they say everyone thinks I'm the problem but no it's you guys yeah yeah three shots at it can't can't miss say it finally you want me to say it ah idiot yeah idiot you didn't say it I wish I was that powerful me too finally I like I like your chances right gosh at least you get the 90 at least you [Music] get it is it's coming soon though share in my [Music] treasures there it is finally finally idiot God I saw it thought I saw [Music] it sure get two a lot at least you get paid double your bet on two better than enjoy your rewards $50 wor the rewards I'm enjoying right now you got five bucks back oh $5 profit yes profit oh that's got to be good right Joy No could have brings great joy apparently 100 bucks worth of great joy [Music] come on Cleopatra don't be a Sando three beetles one more chance what do you mean one more two yeah one more two at least oh one more sweat I wish you great Prosperity yeah we needed it 260 few more spins enchanting all right heating up heating up wbg just needs to break out the finally we get it finally oh he wouldn't do it I did it oh you did he said it's he I don't know I don't think you did did he say it in the comments what do you think no he did not all right well you thought it maybe yeah maybe I thought I it's time for whatever it doesn't matter it's here EJ let's enjoy EJ made it happen all right let's go EJ definitely made it [Music] happen all right how much on the first spin 285 we is it possible for this to look like 8 Grand yes I wish you great Prosperity that's a good one it is $810 Bill for that spin wow get a re-trigger how do you do that three the thingies oh we don't like that one [Music] how much is that it says it right here okay oh Wilds oh we nothing seven games left come on enjoy your reward well three queens is50 if you get five of a kind in this it's really good believe me nothing with that wild that is a shame come on be something there that's got to be a line right my eyes look into her eye 360 look into my eyes she says I'll look into your eyes I'd like to stare into the eyes of a $220,000 line pay how about that scatter is that double 270 triple okay well we're on Front Street on this game at least no we're not come on yes is that 15 more games yes no way yes it's worth a lot of money oh that is huge how much are we in 8,000 8,000 oh that' be so great if we won it all back see this is why I love slots yeah this exit right here this can happen at any time we could win a bonus that was so big we wouldn't even recognize Our Lives [Music] we got a whole new bonus ahead of us let's enjoy this Wilds Wilds Wilds I say all right 270 three grand we're up two now now we're winning on the game oh we started with three I forgot we down five remember yeah I thought we started with two wild wild oh come on nonsense let's go none of that come on where's the Wilds they're coming come on I want to see a bunch of [Music] Wilds we need it all right we're bar we're barely winning on the game let's go wow 3390 and I wish you great Prosperity well this is good though because now we have ammo for ultimate X all we got to do is turn the Turn 4 or 3500 into 8,000 and then we're good yeah all right and that was a good demonstration of Cleopatra as well I would have liked to have seen I mean in 30 games I think well I mean I'm not complaining I guess I technically am but that could have been massive I mean it could have more we didn't get hardly any Wilds in there I'm happy to have not wi broke I mean now we're only yeah we're eight we're within Striking Distance I'm going to show them my trick for winning it back all right I'm going to add my free play so $450 of free play tonight here so I'll put that in that'll add to Mark now we have no no it doesn't add to your thing oh it doesn't Okay some some places it does some places it doesn't that's why you always always got to use your uh valuable players card got to have a valuable players card see how it says down there you have 450 of extra credit all right so you want to play dollar or 50 dollar of course you do so $100 a spin that's right you need to make this look like 8,000 can you do it we have two nines so basically those two nines go to all 10 hands and you get 10 different results yep so let's see what we got we got two pair we got two pair and we got two pair so we got $30 back on a 100 and we got $100 bonus win from the free play so the next hand this is 3X 3X and 3X whenever you make a hand of Jax or better the following hand you get a multiplier anywhere from 2x to 12x depending on what you get 12x being the Full House which is the best we got a straight there so that's 8X the next hand bet 100 65 back but we have good multipliers on this spin so now we get something good uh we did not all right hopefully we'll hit something on that 8X and we did not all right two sixes so we haven't had one dealt pair or better yet which is what you kind really kind of need in this game Jack eight Ace Jack eight cuz the flushes are so valuable they an 11x multiplier we got a flush there so that now we need to get something good Four Aces dealt or two threes ah we missed our 11x two fives you guys get the idea yes par 10 all right that was a break even spin oh we had to turn the win ability volume up nope pair of Threes those small pairs are kind of invisible to me sometimes oh Full House we have a 12x multiplier on this next hand looked like a lot of 10 miss the 12x this game it's really important to make sure you hit the big multipliers that's how you win so I don't know if you want to start doing that or not ah well we got three flushes now we have 31 X's this time let's get something good yay we got a pair of kings so we're guaranteed to get something on every hand we want those to upgrade all right that was a two pair so that was our first decent winner 280 bucks now we have multipliers on every hand and we got a pair of sixes oh but we got four of a kind times two so we won 320 so I think we're we're basically winning with the free play or about even with the free play all right now we're login now we just got to start winning like crazy and one Royal flux is worth $4,000 I got an 11x uh royal flush on this very machine before for $44,000 and I was holding uh 10 Jack I remember that night this is what we call a key hand we got Delta straight so now we get 8X on everything next hand so like a royal flush here would be worth $320,000 if we got it dealt how about that oh not close well we made it a winner I could literally play this game for hours and I have done so many a [Music] Time King 10 to the Royal oh that's what we call a whiff we got absolutely nothing on all 10 hands that's the absolute worst thing to get I went back through my pictures and guess what I found that that Royal let me see it I'll put it in at the end of the video you'll forget no I won't I'll put it in [Music] play there you go all right BofA as we call it both of the pairs got a full house for 12x next hand 10 Jack Royal 48,000 one up yourself oh [Music] ating a lot of tens like EJ's dating life [Music] [Music] uh that noise when you get dealt something is my favorite [Music] noise noise Jacks make this a quick example of how to win okay King no 246 know I okay ah should have known better oops keep the right two pair that would have been a very bad hold six hit the 12x for 180 bucks oh BofA Again full houses no full houses made it a winner 165 five oh that was less than optimal there we go some noise sixes and fives both Full House yeah we got one two we got two 10 Jack or 79 10 Jack Royal no [Music] Royal I'll be so cool to get a royal in this example of how to win if you're going to play a lot of video poker you definitely want to take the time and learn the correct hols because you can make a lot of Ms especially on games like this yeah they get very expensive those mistakes how does one learn the correct holes if they don't have WG playing with them there's a lotes they they hold fives over 589 I like 589 I would uh look up online strategies wizard of Wizard of odds is a great resource videopoker.com another great resource four to the flush here I would imagine instead of three to the Royal a lot of people would disagree but I don't oh only one flush 11x floors yes oh we're holding our own guys oh that's flushy oh we got one now Make It Count that's why you hold it there it is again H not that time hey look at that four aces who's better than I love that yeah such a nice color red too it's so pretty yeah it's I love it kja yeah I had to confer with my team of advisers Ace Jack a much better hand in poker than it is in video poker speaking of that EJ we're playing in a poker tournament oh yeah yeah you ready to win I guess so I didn't really know about it we are yeah this weekend [Music] okay lot of Spades wow Four Aces make those four aces again or Royal I didn't do it oh man gutter ball one BofA no Full House two to the Royal no such luck what do we get Aces what's the most frustrating hand for you in video I have mine Jack King off suit okay I what is yours four to a flesh when you don't make any fleshes oh yeah that's very frustrating oh I don't know why but I just oh especially if you don't have any High cards yeah so you have four to a flesh you don't make anything that on the entire thing or I've had four to a straight flesh with high cards yeah and you that's worse no not a straight not a flesh not a parot brutal yeah it's like painful when you hear nothing anytime you whiff especially in big spots is bad like if you have a key hand you have all 12x multipliers yeah cuz that's your chance that's your chance for the big time pretty much I mean you in this game you just try to stay afloat and then knock it out of the park with one of those Royals or something yeah one Royal multiplied is just massive my friend playing the machine across from us a few minutes ago just got four aces multiplied and for $166,000 a minute ago 791 open-handed cousin can't go nowhere Aces adex people are going to invariably say it's open-ended not open-handed yeah but it's uh it's an old saying from an old poker game which reminds me I I want I got to clear up the record about a couple of things oh yeah what do you got cuz I I don't like having loose ends so I had mentioned that poker friend of mine oh look at that refers to himself being in the being in the poker industry yeah and my reference was to him as a player not being in the in the poker industry like obviously dealers and floor people and the people who sell the chips and help you know the porters in the room those are the people who are in the poker industry but the customers aren't in the industry it's like saying I'm in the hotel industry cuz I stayed in the hotel am I in are we in the slot industry I don't think so we're just customers but anyway I have nothing but respect for the people who oh you got some backlash over there no no not any backlash I just I don't like to be misunderstood I see but no people are very very kind what was the other one Jack uh oh I never finish the uh Tennessee firework story okay but that'll wait till next time all right but I I don't like to leave those that was a long time ago King 235 oh 235 what's the difference between this and the last one this say one Gap straight fles maybe we should book a $4,000 loss have a floor of 4,000 nope I think a floor of maybe 3,000 okay a $3,000 floor or win our money back all right that's my preference let's go oh man we missed all those 11 going to lose more than 5,000 yeah so we're in 8,000 [Music] right oh man it looked like Royal so tempting to keep three to a royal there have you ever done that not overpaid par oh look at that that kind of explain why you wouldn't cuz I mean the odds of getting hitting a three to a royal are what a th000 to oneish I think it's around 1,88 87 something like that oh here you go this be big big big big big big we didn't get it no stupid oops that would be an interesting hold bold [Music] strategy oh wow four Deuces would have been massive there guys [Music] hit that 12 dang it nice little jump there we just took though look at this yeah nice oh [Music] yeah you're giving the people who are watching you in the reflection a good show you're bobbing and weaving and dancing around well I tell you can I make a vote for a $66,000 FL and say that we've had a great comeback well you can do whatever you want but I'm [Music] driving bless you lot of Hearts all right two of them AER all right winner a lot of Spades oh two of them oh look like a lot of sixes a oh we got one you really should have got that fourth Deuce before yeah that would have that would have taken is over the top come on who is that movie was that movie Over the Top I don't know come on I think it's I think it's Sylvester Stone by arm wrestling is that what it was called I think so we all know it's a good idea to quit here right uh yeah yeah it's the responsible thing yes let's all right let's wait a second we got this I didn't go under the floor just temporarily you're right you [Music] didn't oh is it three to the Royal or no I mean oh we got this yes see that's why yeah that is why [Music] he dipped his toe in the water oh went [Music] away open handed cousin we got this yes come on 8,000 baby break even come on up up up [Music] yeah I I texted you that picture Royal oh you did already come on baby come on one [Music] time the one where you can see the Royal and the one that show the amount okay the live the live photo where you could yeah come on Jack three Deuces let's get one this time no ref fles or Ace Jack what are you guys Whispering about over there for yeah all right uhoh yeah so we'll Institute a also quit on a whiff or $6,000 floor if you get a whiff yeah you collect the remaining money you mean oh almost close to a whiff no whiff here oh yeah yeah nice yeah oh this is big fill it up she said oh idiot oh look like a lot of force oh almost a wh [Music] watch o nice come on yeah hit both of them [Music] Royal there it is there's a whiff 6868 not a bad outcome people well we learned a lot there about how to play Slots we didn't quite learn how to win a lot but 6868 is sounding pretty good when we were down to 100 bucks of 8,000 on that Cleopatra when we got that bonus use your valuable players card always to get your free play your points etc etc so many things to learn but you know what there's always tomorrow so that's it kind of using my announcer voice there again EJ sorry about that that's good all right anything else intelligent to say boys it was fun all right good times here at gbr we'll see you guys tomorrow
Channel: Vegas Matt
Views: 323,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Las Vegas, Vegas, gamble, handpay, slot machine, winning, losing, slots, gambling, slot, vegas matt, casino, vegasmatt, vegas matt slots, jackpot, slot machine handpay, casinos, big hot flaming pots
Id: PHuBhP_GEjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 31sec (3271 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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