Why Slayer is the most BROKEN class in Lost Ark...

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feel when we get ancient no way you're not honing at least 125 weapon right yeah I'll do one [Music] and when Satan put it in his mouth he kept it there for so long [ __ ] you [ __ ] [Music] [Laughter] suck my balls down balls suck my balls suck my [ __ ] balls that mods suck on my balls [Music] [ __ ] that wasn't back attack all right guys that's my juice please let me juice okay counter I'm popping it [Music] what is this damage this is so broken man there's no way dude there's no way for like what I'm level 53 you know what I'm saying level 53 I'm four by three it's too strong dude it's too strong it's way too strong it's [ __ ] stupid uh yo you better be careful bro [Music] no [ __ ] you [ __ ] ass boss [Music] oh no that's breaking I just had to hear them [ __ ] it foreign [Music] [Music] did you guys see the damage my Slayer was doing on Carl at 15 20. all right here we go boys [Music] it's an outro juicer oh oh oh oh that's crazy for 15 20 man that is insane [ __ ] damage uh uh we need that uh it was walking one of the bars there was right there buy some gold yeah you must be buying from GTG if you know you don't know how that works I can't use it for three days whenever somebody says buy some gold I instantly know that they G2G because I know that if you would buy gold normally you would know that's not how it works that's exactly how I know you GTG because as soon as you say that you would never know [Music] [Music] again is this gonna show me the flux right now boys holy [ __ ] why why can't I be like this he looks [ __ ] Jack so you should just want to uh this tile there okay how the [ __ ] did I die um oh this is not unusual [Laughter] you have a 992 what the [ __ ] bro what the [ __ ] you cleared a 9-7 Soul Eater does it even have a picture yeah this is the class that you guys want to main based on this picture this three megabyte picture that's what you guys saw like yo I mean like what it doesn't even show anything you literally just saw this like oh man ready surely they don't all fail full speed [Music] I shouldn't have said that this is the last time I'm making a new character chat this is the last time I'm making a new character okay this is the last time I am making a new character I am not going to do this on a new class ever no this is the it's done this is the last time recall okay it's the last time aromancer no no no no I'm not doing that it's fine I sold all my drip I can't dude I'm stuck for a minute don't cut there's no cutting it was gonna be a meter that comes off you better be able to run oh [ __ ] [ __ ] man if we didn't control Z here to push it and have to do the inversion without it oh no oh you guys are so [ __ ] oh it's on the floor all before five same [ __ ] remember [Music] are you kidding me we're too slow on the middle stacker that was impossible suck my balls bro Shaw's a holy [ __ ] [ __ ] I think we're gonna move right after you boss what the [ __ ] is the Magoo are you guys out of your mind [Music] what the [ __ ] is the magoogle lock man it's stupid tofu that dumbass frog why is it so big I staggered at mods go wait what no why why why why why why why why why why why [Music] I need one more card oh my [ __ ] god what the [ __ ] is this [Music] this man looks high as hell holy [Music] what is this I can put my Lego in my head [Music] oh bro are you ready to put in mind at a school joke did I get it [Music] all right so first thing we're gonna do boys is we're gonna take out the small wolves that's a one Tapper right there juicing them kiting away he's not hitting me attack okay that's one have I seen this get me down okay [Music] the way he put his hands up too though like this is the best part of the whole clip [Laughter] [Music] that's just the best part of the whole club dude he's having some good times huh he's having like he's having a good time dude yeah he's having a good time for sure man all right chat look at this this is my [ __ ] guest book what the [ __ ] is this guest book suck my juicer my play Desk savic's blast was here ain't no way Chrissa put perfect suppression with vikas sitting on a clown's what the hell is this dream what is this artist involting what the hell is this what are you guys doing what is the makoko doing scoocho what is this the one with no stone this guy has no stone on are you out of your mind why aren't all these high roster and he's put like the minimum little zero effort get at least this guy low roster do you know are you out of your [ __ ] mind how cheap are you gonna have to buy a stone just cut something he's saving for ancient boys he's using engraving support I have no silver man why are you public shaming me bro there is zero shot you don't have enough silver to cut a [ __ ] Stone are you out of your mind there is no way you literally could go do anything in the game there's no way what the fudge bro I can't kill their chaos dungeons homie your roster 202 you want me to sit here and believe that you can't clear chaos dungeons remove K-pop are you out of your mind your roster 202 the other guys roster 100. have I seen this leaked Soul Eater footage [Music] oh wait there's leak footage where is it where where is it where is it what is this what's going on [Music] what the [ __ ] is this you saw him [ __ ] man you made it buddy [Music] you something [ __ ] they need to know if this Guardian against static doll now that Guardian sucks [ __ ] dick it doesn't matter if I could be Nerf the guardian itself is just absolute dog [ __ ] it's this Guardian is probably I mean this guardian's not bad the map's terrible I don't know there's actually some bad design like the pool is blocking off his Melee sucks but the map's the worst part about this guardian and this Guardian sucks dick this Guardian sucks dick this Guardian sucks dick yeah this one sucks dick this one sucks dick this one sucks dick this one sucks dick and this one sucks dick desk is the only good one a monkey's not bad what's wrong with monkey man monkey's fun [Music] [Music] [Music] energy [Music] what the [ __ ] though dude I mean like what the [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] dude all of that stuff that's so [ __ ] I mean I had this whole thing planned I had this whole thing ready to go like I was I'm [ __ ] I had this whole thing ready to go like I was gonna do this thing and I was gonna go and then it just instantly hit 76 and it's over that was the most anti-climax thing ever this is so stupid I'm gonna waste all my gold [Music] um [Music] my reward whatever [Music] cheers [Music] [Music] stop why did I have to hit 76 in the first one you don't have to see boobs to believe they exist why is everything about boobs with you guys like why is everything about boobs like every everything is just boob related man like always boobs it's somehow Cycles back to [ __ ] boobs life fuel what are boobs Your Life Energy because they're around I mean there are a lot of things that are [ __ ] round like balls thank you
Channel: Stoopzz Highlights
Views: 27,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost ark, lost ark slayer, slayer, lost ark stoopzz slayer, lost ark slayer damage, stooopzz slayer damage, this is why slayer is the most broken class in lost ark, slayer is op in lost ark, stoopzz lost ark, stoopzz podcast, saintone slayer, zealsambitions slayer, atk, lost ark slayer op damage, lost ark most broken class, lost ark op class, lost ark slayer gameplay, lost ark guide, lost ark gameplay, lost ark moments
Id: VHso93er91o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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