Stoopzz's Beginners Progression Guide in Lost Ark

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for the purpose of this video I'm just going to make this quickly because I run into a lot of little mokokos in the game okay I actually do and I sit there late at night talking to these little new players and a lot of them are lost on what they should do to get their character rolling a little bit faster beyond what the game tells you because the game actually doesn't do a great job of telling you what material sources are available to you and I have to explain this every time and I wish they would do a better job but they don't so I'm gonna quickly go over the things that you should do when you use one of these Express events because there's a lot of classes coming out this summer and you might be dabbling back into the game or maybe you took a break Etc so when you get into the game okay right now there is a story Express this will not always be here but when it's up it ends actually on June 14th so you'll have time with Slayer and if you're brand new you're going to use this Express event to level from zero from level one it basically guides you through the entire msq of the game but it basically gives you a free ride to 1340 without really having to do any honing okay so you're just going to be doing this event you select your character it's rolling you play to the story you get to 1340 and you get all of this juice when you finish it and this is going to be great if you're new okay this is going to be great if you're new you're going to want all this plus it's just easy honing then when you get to 1340 there's a thing called hyper Express which is another event I've used it currently uh on my artist I absolutely regret it let me actually show you really quickly make sure uh that you pick the right character because if you pick the wrong character you kind of wasted it however when you are going through the game you will get if you're new free character boost if you ever played World of Warcraft you're gonna get these like you know you pay for a character boost you're gonna get multiple of them so the character that you select in the beginning isn't really as important as the characters you select for the hyper Express okay the hyper Express is uh pretty juice every time you hit one of these thresholds in item level you get materials to help you continue on your journey and you also get all of these things at the end these chat loves to type these uh when you complete it which is also going to help you beyond 1445. we're also expecting now another one to take place on May 10th so you're gonna have the story Express which I just showed you a second ago that'll help you from Level zero you're gonna get some free character boosts for just playing the game that's built into the game by default so you can change or select you know a different class if you didn't like the one that you leveled essentially and then when you get there you'll have this and then on top of that if you want to do another one with maybe one of those free boosts that you got May 10th you'll get another one so making and choosing your class is pretty difficult in Lost Ark but with this summer you're going to have you have one right now you have one May 10th and then you're gonna have one in August so you'll have a lot of time this summer to make a bunch of different classes and see what you like to play okay while you're doing this there's a lot of questions on how you might get some extra materials okay and what this game doesn't do a good job of telling you is that there's been things in the game for quite some time uh that help you in your progression just by default that you may have not have already claimed okay so the first one early on is going to be anguished Island no one ever does this anymore but it's a quest chain down here that when you go to the online you do a question and it unlocks a dungeon at the end and you can do this dungeon um it's daily it's daily for this one and there's these little tokens that you get that you can exchange at a vendor for some baby materials but it will help you if you need a little bit like armor crystals weapon crystals and some other leapstones but this is more going to help you around 13.70. however there's also an omnium star that you want to collect now there is while I'm showing you the omnium stars um there I'm going to link this guide for you it's Maxwell fast track to tier three okay this guide right here I'm going to link it in the video um this is something you can do on your free time when you're bored it kind of walks you through all of these like islands that you would go to but these islands are gonna be there for you to get songs that will help you unlock horizontal progression okay you also can type in something like Max roll giant heart guide and it just tells you how to do it so all of these Collectibles when you're bored you'll be able to see uh which ones are important for you by pressing alt l right and it opens up this menu here and you can see the rewards from them and they're going to give you skill point potions that you'll want to collect and then you're like well how do I get these giant Hearts just Google Maxwell giant heart guide the same goes for just go through all of them and see what's worth it for you essentially you just want the skill point potions the rest of them honestly are dog [ __ ] you don't doesn't really matter runes can be nice if you're bored but you really want to get just all of the ones that at least have skill points and this is going to be something that's good for you in the free time when you're bored as a new player okay skill point potion getting some runes might be nice as well skill pump potion okay you can work on these in your in the meantime no one can stop you from doing that now continuing forward there are some vendors that I mentioned anguish Island by the way the reason why I mentioned that is it's going to give you one of these collectibles that will help you right that daily that you get as a vendor also has one of those Collectibles that you'll want for a skill point potion so hopefully we're not falling too off track there uh the next thing I want to show you is going to be not anguish Island but it's going to be uh South Vern so again you can Google South Vern chaos line guide when you go through the game as you're reaching around the 1400 item level and you're doing that story Express you're going to unlock South Vern and in South Burn there's a daily right here uh it's a weekly I'm sorry it's a quest and that also has a vendor with a ton of materials in it that will help you in your progression so you're going to want to unlock this once you've done southburn and use that for a ton of mats okay it's a good chunk if you're new and you're going to want to clear out that vendor and get everything that you can from it to help you in your progression so that's again something that you can do in your free time to get extra math that no one can stop you from doing there's no party required you can just do it in your own time so you're going to do that do anguish Island then after you again you're going to go through that zone anyway because the story Express guides you through that zone okay so you'll see it just makes you unlock that date that little Quest over there and unlock it the other thing right here is going to be the Thrones buyer okay the throne Spire is a basically like this like a tower-esque thing where you go through each level and you get a bunch of materials that help you in your progression silver materials the one thing they want about throw Inspire is you don't have to do each floor individually you essentially can just go to the hardest one that you're able to complete you'll obviously not be able to complete like the max difficulty but you can try your best to clear as far as you can and if you do four you get everything below it so you don't have to do each at a time this is a fat ton of mats for again a new player that's getting into the game trying to progress your first character and with that you should be able to um get your character through that Express event okay that's going to help quite a bit also there's two other vendors that I want to show you these are going to be a little bit more in the end game thing that you're gonna have to get into a raid to do and I know you're probably saying well how do I get into raids there are a couple learning group discords that you can find on the internet that a lot of people don't know about I'm currently trying to see if I can get Amazon to add it to their official Discord but I'll have the links to those um in the description so you can check out those discords or you can check out my stream or someone else's stream like that mods he's doing a lot of learning groups as well if you're not into the stream thing I get it those discords have learning groups that are going on and they should help you when you clear those raids like clown um and Relisha you get these tokens and you can exchange again these tokens for additional materials that you need similar like the last other vendors that you saw a second ago or those other activities same [ __ ] you turn these in and you get a bunch of materials you also get these engraving books the Thrones bar gives you engraving books you get engraving books from the English Island it's going to be really helpful for you to complete the last two things I actually want to talk about again if you're a new player really quickly there's all these other things but you'll figure that on kind of as you play the game challenge Abyssal always match make this always do this it's going to give you cards but it has a chance to drop a legendary selector pack and although this legendary selector pack may not be worth it a lot worth it to you really and you can't afford it the thing is is people bid on it and more experienced players will bid on these and if you're one of the people in that group uh they'll bid on it make sure it's the legendary selector that goal that they bid for it to make sure they get it at the end will be dispersed amongst the group and you can get a couple thousand gold if that ever drops and that's going to be really helpful for you as a new player so always match make these they're looking for you to match make them don't worry they want you to sign up for this because they know you don't have a lot of gold and that means less competition on the card pack if it drops but for you you just kind of sit back and collect the free gold this might be a good gold source for you if it ever drops the last thing I want to talk about is something that I literally never do so do as I say not as I do because I don't want to do this [ __ ] on my stream is life Skilling okay life Skilling early on is going to give you a lot of gold if you level it up okay you have a life Skilling bar that you can progress and as you progress with your life skill energy uh you get these potions as well that you can use I believe you might get some from the story Express let's see if you do you do this is going to make it so that you get extra materials and XP so you're basically getting double the materials and you're leveling up faster and you you don't have to drain it takes you less time to drain this bar you want to make sure this bar is filled you can go out and excavate people think excavate people know Excavating is a great source of gold it's the most efficient most effective way of getting gold but it's a little bit more work and if you know you have to go to a certain area and find a guide and figure out how it works whatever there's tons of Life Skilling phishing is probably the most AFK one but it's a little bit boring for some people but everyone needs uh life Skilling materials to craft these materials in your stronghold called um fusion material right and they're going down but it's still a good source of gold because people need less of it more people are now doing life Skilling so the mat the price is going down and so you can craft these and if you can't even afford to craft them uh you can sell just the raw material just for some early gold for yourself okay you can just sell the raw material itself um if you can't afford the actual crafting of that uh honing material I just showed you right you can just sell these materials now if you're thinking to yourself well wait a minute I need these though to push my character my advice to you is that pushing your character over time only gets easier meaning the material cost of items over time it will go down so the longer you wait to actually push the uh easier and cheaper it becomes however that early game goal that you can use that gold to get the other things that you might need that's more important to you because that's more permanent right you keep these forever and that can be things like gems right you're gonna get free gems from the hyper Express and everything but my point is um getting those more permanent things for you is going to be much more effective right using those using that gold early on to get the things that you're going to need long term is better than just item level because item level over time the honing gets easier they Nerf it it's always better to kind of wait the push right yo really quickly one last thing there's also a thing in the game called gold Islands okay gold islands are a source of earning gold right when these islands come up they can give you runes silver card packs these are pretty nice but sometimes they can offer gold and you can check them I'm gonna go wide harder for you boys they will also pop up on the left over here so when there's a gold Island available you want to make sure you don't miss it and again you can just Google gold Island guide Lost Ark they come up on a timer and there's opportunities to get a nice little chunk of gold that will help you out remember when yours just starting out um you don't need a lot of gold because they've taken out the need for gold in the early honing so you don't actually need a lot of gold and they're going to make it easier also incoming May to get to 1460 it won't cost any gold either you might just need a little bit of gold for some of the materials if you're short but again I gave you a lot of resources to get materials last thing though I forgot to talk about the UNA daily right there's the Oona daily so una if you press Alt J is a daily system okay and a lot of people will do select dailies you're gonna have to do the daily once and again just I keep saying this you can just Google The Daily Guide low paying you know Lost Ark low paying guide and you'll find tons of stuff out there there are some select dailies that people will use uh you're just gonna go through them a lot of people do the dailies in Phaeton which are just leapstone dailies um once you've done them right these right here once you've done them you don't have to technically go back and clear it again if you have any of these instant complete tickets the game gives you from event vendors and things like that uh when you do these dailies and these weeklies again a lot of these are like clear a Boss Rush uh you can match make that do a certain amount of chaos such as guardian raids whatever you get uh these tokens and if you clear all of your you can fill this all the way up and if you do your dailies and your weekly Quest they give you materials and silver that you need mats that you need you can go over here and exchange your tokens for these logical chests try to always claim the large chests save up for the large chest better value because they can proc a special gold bar that you'll probably never get a giant gold bar but if you do get one Hallelujah and the last thing I keep doing this there's so much okay my whole point is as you can see right now the game can be used super overwhelming because there's so many ways to earn materials and rewards especially as a new player there's a lot of things I'm gonna leave out in this video like the like the guild vendor the PVP vendor but again let's just start small and these are the crucial things that you don't want to miss uh the event vendor there's always an event going on in our version every time there's always an event and right now we have the new Rooney racing event where you go to the sky and when you do your dailies your other activities in the game or you sign up for the race event right that takes place on a timer you can see it right here we're going wide Hardo you do this you get some of these it's a little racing event that will pop up on this timer and you do a little fun mini game you get these tokens and these tokens will uh can be exchanged for a good chunk of match which again if you're looking at this is 80 bound leapstones which is a lot you're also getting around 20 000 shards you can get fiance if you need any any uh amulets silver it's like a million silver a week which is kind of a lot if you're a new player there's a lot of stuff pirate coins that you can exchange at the pirate Merchant outside over here to get extra extra materials again I know that's a lot but I just want to keep this as condensed as possible because these are the main things that you need in the main things that people use those are the things that I would actually do if I was a new player I would make sure I don't miss any of those activities and take advantage of your life scaling early okay level that up work on your stronghold do that and do the activities in the game like your horizontal or your throne Spire that I showed you the South Burn thing do the anguish Island the things that no one can gate keep you on so you can generate as much stuff as you can and worry about that stuff later right that's what I would do because your progression could be a lot faster that way so you're not just sitting around wondering what you should do anyways that's a quick little tutorial video for you new little mokokos out there there's a ton of stuff coming out this summer that'll make your journey a lot easier links to all the stuff that I think I mentioned down below should be in the description if recall can get it there and yeah say goodbye chat say bye to the little cute Mako give them a kiss and listen by the way before we leave before we leave there are a lot of people in this game that are honestly down to help you I promise you'll find them in the discords and things like that there are tons of people in the game that don't mind helping someone out um don't ever buy a bus find a learning group ask them first ask for some help people will help you don't buy those things all right all right guys love you guys peace [Music] thank you
Channel: Stoopzz Highlights
Views: 37,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost ark, stoopzz, lost ark new player guide, lost ark new player progression guide, lost ark beginners guide, stoopzz beginners guide, lost ark guide, lost ark how to get to tier 3, lost ark guide for beginners, lost ark guide for returning players, lost ark stoopzz beginners guide, lost ark thronespire, lost ark abyssal dungeon, lost ark new player progression, lost ark speedrun to tier 3, lost ark new player tutorial, lost ark life skills, saintone, zealsambition, atk, memorizer92
Id: fYMsPfFK0x0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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