Why should a Path of Exile player play Last Epoch?

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hi friends this is arenix and thanks for watching my video I bought last OT because I was stuck in between two pain points one was Diablo 4 not reaching my expectations of depth and replayability and the other was path of exan not letting loop from the ground then drops be foundations for improving your build after getting past the midpoint without a good experience in the crafting systems I got lasty Bic at this time because I turn about how it solves the problems of itemization by preserving the usefulness of items that drop from the ground as well as creating a crafting system that you can engage with from the early levels towards the end game and since then I've actually explored more path of xwn put another 500 hours into it since then and conquer the hurdle of crafting and can now craft most of the endgame gear for my characters even though it can be sometimes an uous process now I know this isn't the reality for everyone which is why lyb is so popular right now but this made me reevaluate why I wanted to play last seok though because the wall I face and Path of Exile didn't exist anymore I just conquered the huge wall of crafting that existed so what did lasty Buck really have for me to engage with so in this video I'd love to think about and explore why should a player from Path of Exile play last deu I think the first thing that I hold there is that lyac tries and that's enough to Warrant my time the philosophy of the game and how they have tried to innovate with problematic systems in the arpg space is enough to Peak my interest look at what they're doing with the ssf and trade systems the first public iteration of this has provided ssf players with an option to focus on loot but hasn't actually seemed to dilute the time it takes to get to your characters and goals the fact that they are brave enough to take this step is worth valuing because it shows how they're not afraid to question boundaries and this is what usually leads to Innovation and success in most spaces the second reason that really stands out to me is the lyck holds itemization sacred reflecting on Diablo 4's current patch the game is in its fourth season or approaching its fourth season and its player Bas and Community is still waiting for an update to its core itemization systems because they came out lackluster and uninspired this could be deemed as the greatest sin in an erpg because itemization at its core is the game it's the starter it's the mid game and the end game the difference between a new character fresh into the campaign and one later in the end game systems is the items on the character and how they synergize with the passive skill trees each aex having a purpose boosting the character's offensive and defensive stats further pushing it to its limits lassak has found a way to make crafting relevant in the beginning of the campaign and all the way to the end with gamber systems they keep you engaging with the loot Chase to find the unique item with good enough legendary potential for you to slam your well-crafted gear into and this fascinates me I'm aware the the launch has been Rocky I'm aware of the network and optimization systems the game still need to work on but I'm willing to overlook other things like this that bother me about the game as long as I see the devs trying hard to create a solid enough Foundation that the future systems will rest on I'm willing to push and pull on their systems and give actual feedback where necessary I'm also willing to put the effort to a game where it feels like the game does the same thanks for listening to my video my name is aranx and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: arcainex
Views: 429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ii1ynIhcQwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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