Divine Evangelism Encounter: He Has Terminal Cancer

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so you've got terminal cancer is that scary yeah it's very scary especially when i've decided to tap out and not deal with it anymore by just ignoring it you have to think i'm telling the truth yes sir now that you put it in those turns i see things a little bit more clear and i thank you very much for that [Music] now your name's daniel yes i know about daniel in the bible well i know he's a prophet for the god by telling him other people that he's coming and there was certain things that the creator let him see you know such as the writings on walls which were messages to give to the king do you remember the interpretation of that writing uh something about like he's coming like you know well yeah he's coming in judgment and he said you've been weighed in the balance and found wanting in other words you're in big trouble with god you believe in god's existence yeah are you thankful to him for blessing you and giving you life and hearing and eyesight and taste buds and a family just to be thankful for it and i do thank them yes yeah yeah i do have a lot of them so what does god require of you to just open your heart i believe open your heart what does that mean to let um you know i can't actually answer that one what's the biggest selling book of all time most likely the bible the the message of the bible is that god has granted everlasting life to human beings how does one obtain everlasting life from god do you know i'll tell you why i asked that question i believed in god before i was a christian when i became a christian i came to know god and the difference is life and death so you're going through a personal experience that's kind of scary do you want to tell us about it well um i'm currently dealing with stage four non-cell lung cancer i recently lost my father about nine weeks now and i'm suffering through what's called homelessness to some people but i call it one without an address are you a good person yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna put that to the test i'm gonna give you a measuring rod to see what good is it's the ten commandments you're familiar with them yes so you've got terminal cancer is that scary yeah it's very scary especially when i've decided to tap out and not deal with it anymore by just ignoring it are you going to heaven when you die i know i am i believe in god and i asked him for forgiveness for everything i've done so you know you're going to heaven so what is the way to heaven if i said to you daniel i'm dying what is the way to heaven ask god into your heart asking for forgiveness and may save your soul three wise men that went into the fire was it misha shadrach meshach and abednego we all have to walk through a fire we all have to be like tested somehow some way and i believe that i've been tested a lot there's a fourth man in the fire do you know who it was i i can't quote it right now that's what you're missing so let's back up do you think you're a good person yes okay i'm gonna give you a a standard to judge yourself by this is going to be this isn't going to be fun but it's i just want you to be honest and we'll come out of this little dark tunnel into the light in a minute how many lies have you told in your life a lot of them have you ever stolen something yes have you ever used god's name in vain all the time sometimes you still do it yes unconsciously or but subconsciously just do it without thinking yeah that's what it means to take it in vain give it no jew on it you know godly jews won't even speak god's name they won't write it down because it's so holy and you've used it in place of a cuss word instead of using a filth word beginning with s you've substituted god's name to express disgust do you still think you're a good person yes now jesus said if you look at a woman and lust for her you commit adultery whether in your heart have you ever looked at a woman with lust very much have you had sex before marriage yes so here's a summation i'm not judging you this is for you not for me daniel you've told me you're a lying thieving blasphemous fornicating self-righteous adulterer at heart and you have to face god on judgment day you've been weighed in the balance of god's law the ten commandments and found wanting so on judgment day you're going to be innocent or guilty when you put it in those terms i'm guilty yes the bible says all liars will have their part in the lake of fire no thief no bless fema no adulterer no fornicator will inherit god's kingdom so can you see that you're in big trouble yes but but jesus also said ye who has our sin made you cast the first stone that's right and he's the only one that can cast the stone and the bible says that stone is coming it's his wrath the bible says he that falls upon the stone shall be broken but on whomsoever the stone shall fall it shall grind him to powder which brings us to the fourth man and the fire do you know who it was i still clueless well it says there was one liken unto the son of god it was jesus before the incarnation and he's the one that can take you through death he's the one that can save you now tell me what did god do for guilty sinners so he wouldn't have to go to hell do you know yeah he died for our sins he died for our sins now almost everybody knows that but they don't know this he went to hell for three days and came back rose from the dead most people know that but they don't know this the ten commandments are called the moral law you and i broke the law jesus paid the fine that's what happened on that cross that's why he said it is finished just before he died daniel if you're in court and someone pays you fine a judge can legally let you go he can say daniel there's a stack of speeding fines here this is deadly serious but someone's paid him you're free to go he can do that which is legal and right and just even though you're guilty you can walk because someone else paid your fine and you and i can walk out of god's courtroom on judgment day because jesus paid the fine and full and god can do that which is legal and right and just even though we're guilty we walk because the fine was paid in full by jesus on the cross the bible says christ is once after for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to god and then jesus rose from the dead defeated death and if you'll simply repent sounds like you've been already doing that but place your trust in him in the savior god promises he'll remit your sins and grant you everlasting life as a free gift the bible says god will impute righteousness to you that means he'll put righteousness on you make you as though you've never sinned he'll clothe you in righteousness all your sins will be washed away and on judgment day the bible says you can have boldness before god because you're not condemned you're forgiven and the essence of our faith is based on this bible says it's impossible for god to lie he's without sin that means you can trust him when he says he'll run you have a lasting life he's not a man that he should lie can trust him with your eternal salvation as a christian i know that when i pass through death and i may beat you to it i'm coming up to my seventy second year and so when i pass through death and it could be today could be tomorrow realistically i came to this world with nothing but i leave this life with my hand in the hand of jesus and death has no hold on me i have no fear because of my faith in jesus it's like if you're going to jump out of a plane with a parachute as much as you trust that parachute you want to have fear if you trust it 100 you'll have no fear if you don't trust the parachute you'll have fear and that's why a christian says though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i'll fear no evil because you're with me so in summation here's where you're at at the moment you're like a man on the edge of a plane ten thousand feet up he knows he has to jump he doesn't have a parachute but this is his plan he's going to save himself by flapping his arms i'll say that man don't do that just trust the parachute so daniel don't trust your goodness to save you on judgment day because you haven't got any like the rest of us transfer your trust from yourself to the savior the second you do that god promises you'll remit your sins and grant you everlasting life the other thing i'm telling the truth yes sir now that you put in those terms i see things a little bit more clear and i thank you very much for that well can i pray with you oh yes sir let's let's say today is the day that you're going to truly repent and trust in christ okay and the moment you do that the moment you do that you'll be born again god give you a new heart new desires with assurance that you're saved not because you're good but because god is good kind and rich in mercy father i pray for daniel that this day he'll have assurance that you've received him that as he puts his faith in jesus that he will pass from death to life and the fear of death will flee from him because his faith is entirely in the savior whose blood was shed on the cross but our sins might be forgiven that we might have the gift of everlasting life because of your grace and because of your goodness in jesus name we pray amen daniel i'm going to give you a little booklet called save yourself some pain and i just want to pray for your healing now so i'm just going to turn this off and pray for you that god will uh heal your body okay this is making sense yeah it's going really fast but i'm i'm i'm listening as best i can here dad this is so serious i'll start again and go slow because i care about you i want you to understand it you have sinned against god broken his commandments you're worthy of going to hell according to god in his righteousness if he judges you and brings out all your secret sins it'll be right that he judges you on judgment day and condemns you but he's rich in mercy and he provided a savior who took the punishment for the sin of the world again we broke god's law jesus paid the fine so if you repent and trust in him like you trust a parachute god says you'll remit your sins in an instant not because you're good but because he's good and kind and rich in mercy is that making sense yeah and this is so important and i'm not just addressing you i'm addressing your wife and your little boy because if you stay in your sins you'll lead your children those that are coming you know in the future and to death because you'll have no hope in your own death so what can you tell your kids about immortality and everlasting life and heaven and hell can you understand what i'm saying yes so serious so if you were to die today and god gave you justice you'd end up in hell there are two things you must do to be saved you must repent and trust in jesus when are you gonna do that as soon as possible today sure may i pray for you sure father i pray for trinidad thank you for his open heart i pray he'll understand the cross and all the implications and understand the seriousness of sin and today he'll yield his life to you you gave him life and today he wants to give it back to you and entrust you with his eternal salvation so i commend him to you and pray that you'll manifest yourself to him in a wonderful way and use him to reach many in jesus name we pray amen i'm just going to give you a little book here do you want to grab this from behind me sure and it's called the bible's four gospels and it's uh it's uh believe it or not the bible's four gospels matthew mark luke and john and it'll really help you hey thanks in the past when i shared the gospel with someone and they didn't have a bible i'd encourage them to download the scriptures from the internet but now i have something substantial to give them this is the bible's four gospels it's the entire books of matthew mark luke and john a huge 380 pages and yet it's lightweight and pocket-sized for you to carry to give to the unsaved the introduction of course contains a clear gospel presentation and an encouragement to read the whole bible but it also contains our wildly popular why christianity plus commonly asked questions about the christian faith principles of christian growth and teaching about the presentation of the biblical gospel by the way we have great bold prices for this book you can get the bible's four gospels at livingwaters.com just click on store books and outreach
Channel: Living Waters
Views: 112,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aTS0K5cePww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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