Why Selling AI Art Is a BAD Idea in 2024 💻 (Tips for AI Etsy Shops)

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what's the truth about selling AI wall art opening a shop for AI wall art is the fastest way to end up with a thousand listings that won't sell today I'm going to give you three reasons why your AI art is not going to sell on Etsy and I'm going to show you what to do with AI instead my name is Dylan jarus and I'm an Etsy seller of 7 years I've made over a million dollars in revenue on the platform and my whole background is high volume corporate e-commerce and now I have a company of 25 people where we have taught over 2,000 Etsy sellers how to scale their Etsy shops to a total of over $10 million just last year so AI wall art three reasons this won't work and then I'll give you a solution number one there is a saturation of crappy AI wall art listings that it's nearly impossible to stand out in the barrier to entry is so low it's so low that a 10 year-old could do this and it really requires very little skill to get listings up and not just that but the visible quality to the average human eye of AI wall art that just came out of mid journey and just was uploaded compared to something that was taken from mid journey and then someone spent like 10 hours of post- production on it is very difficult for the average person to detect the difference between those two things there's so many YouTubers out there that are encouraging Etsy sellers to get to like a thousand listings with their AI wall art but the key here is that a quantity of listings will not fix a quality issue it is not a quantity of listings that creates traction and that is why Etsy is filled with millions of lowquality AI wall art listings and these listings tend to be on auto renew so the search volume is just growing and growing with a compounding effect the second reason AI wall art will not make you rich is because AI wall art hurts the LTV LTV is lifetime value of your customer there is very little utility with it and it is a low repeat purchase item which means people are not coming back for more and more and more a big reason for this is because AI wall art is usually something purchased for yourself by yourself it is not usually a gift and this is a huge missed opportunity if you're an Etsy seller because Etsy is known for being a platform that people come to for gift giving usually artwork is not purchased as a gift because it is a very personal thing that is specific to someone's taste usually giftable items are things that are not as publicly visible that will set the tone for someone's entire living room or a dining room right might be kind of hesitant to give someone that type of gift usually people's Decor has a style or a Vibe or aesthetic to it and decorating home is a very personal thing for example your realer is not going to give you a big 4ft x4t AI wall art for your housewarming present your mom is not going to give you AI wall art for Christmas think of wall decor a lot more like Furniture people typically don't change this super frequently and like Furniture it's seen as more of a long-term investment AI wall art is more of a commitment compared to something like a pillow or a blanket because usually you're putting Hardware in the wall and you're deciding where it will be for usually a pretty long time it's not often replaced it's not typically seasonal and it's not usually a large multi-item order where people are purchasing some for themselves some for others so that all lends itself to an Etsy Shop with a low LTV so let's say that this was your Etsy Shop how would we fix this this shop has 88 listings in 18 sales the shop could have 800 listings very similar ones and probably a similar number of sales because the listings are extremely low quality the seo's completely missing there is no site merchandising and it's not optimized for mobile or desktop and a quantity of these listings is not going to fix the problem we can also see that these types of images are going to lend itself to a very particular taste in a customer so a vibrant tropical Tiki statues right that's that's very very particular it's not a very giftable item so what I would recommend doing is if you are committed to having AI art in your shop at some level consider putting this on other types of products that have more utility consider maybe something that could be tucked into a drawer for example that is a much more giftable type of an item if the value of an item is beyond its design or what image is on it it will be much much easier to sell over time because because designs like this typically are not good enough to draw in a very premium customer that is going to spend a lot of money throughout their lifetime with you if you are married to the idea of using AI images don't put them on wall art before we go further I have a 7-Day game plan to grow your Etsy shop with action steps for every single day and it's free for you all you have to do is comment below in this video game plan and we will get you that free 7 day guide to grow your Etsy shop and the final reason that selling only AI wall art in your shop is not going to make you filthy rich is because it tends to be focused more on the product or the image and not the customer when Etsy sellers start cranking out hundreds and thousands of these AI wall art designs typically they're doing it with the product in mind the thing is there is way too much Personal Taste of etsy sellers getting into this AI wall art when I meet people who sell exclusively AI wall art within 5 minutes of speaking with them I can see the wall art and I understand what happened the Creator typically they're not an artist and they're typically making things that they think look cool and as they get deeper and deeper into these prompts the art just starts getting more and more weird and bizarre and Niche and particular and the type of person it would attract and they end up with a Shop full of listings sometimes hundreds or thousands of listings that they think look cool but typically these are not listings that would attract people with high discretionary income and you know elevated premium taste who's going to spend you know hundreds and hundreds of dollars on a piece for their home so it's not maybe appealing to that person who you know bought a $5,000 sofa from Restoration Hardware or $2,000 light fixture for their entryway AI wallart typically is not going to appeal to those people if you know me you know that in the ultimate Etsy blueprint we focus on selling to people with consist distant spending habits and higher discretionary income who are reliable in their spending so that your income becomes much more reliable as well and when AI images start to become more and more what a seller thinks looks cool or I can't believe that wild image came out of that typically isn't something that's going to have Mass Appeal those are just two very different outcomes different strategies the first does not quite lend itself to serving the type of customer that we want so here's an example of an Etsy shop where we can see this prob happened we see we have 10 listings one sale you can see these are some kind of wild images Galactic Pig Dreamscape or something you know kind of bizarre looking and you have to ask yourself who is the customer for this a cat swimming around fish hm like who is the customer for that would you find that in a Restoration Hardware lookbook or catalog would you find that in that room like these are just some questions you want to ask yourself because focusing on the wrong customers or not focusing on customers at all is going to give you a very unpredictable and potentially very disappointing Financial result so if you need help taking your AI wall art or just any AI art and adapting it to maybe different products not just wall art reach out to us feel free to add a comment below so you can get the game plan or if you need help adapting your AI wall art shop for profitable customers leave a comment and we can help you with that and we will see you guys in the next video until now I didn't really have many sales in my Etsy Shop almost 2 months ago I bought the course I can see a steady growth increase in My Views especially in my confirmation rate which was very low before
Channel: Dylan Jahraus
Views: 6,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best side hustles 2024, best etsy side hustle, best products etsy, best side hustles in 2024, etsy shop for beginners, side hustle ideas 2024, digital products 2024, midjourney art, how to sell ai art, ai art online, ai side hustles online 2024, best ai side hustle, make money with ai art, chatgpt etsy art, chatgpt side hustles, best midjourney prompts, should i sell ai art, sell ai art etsy, best ai products, make money with ai, best online side hustles 2024
Id: DS0PIHxeg8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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