Why self-driving cars are a LIE!

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ever since the motor car was invented there have been two promises one that there will be flying cars another that'll be self-driving cars and both of them ain't never gonna happen both are a lie now let's just start with flying cars because you might be thinking wait a minute there are some flying cars about i've seen them people have talked about them they're on youtube okay one-off concepts yes series production flying cars no same goes for driverless cars concepts actual serious production cars which can totally drive themselves no it's a lie and in this video i'm going to explain why i'm at watson and you're watching car wow buying a new car then head to car wow and my team will help you find your next car at a fair price car wow your one-stop car buying comparison site let's start this video by talking about tesla because if you go on their website and you configure a model 3 for almost 7 000 pounds you can have what they bill as full self-driving capability now i got my mother a model three and it actually has that option ticked is it for self-driving well not exactly now you can get a version of tesla's autopilot which will automatically steer to keep you in lane and keep your safe distance from the car in front with this upgraded system not only will it do that but if you indicate it will change lanes for you if you're in america that system will even allow you to get off at a junction it will steer the car off a slip road for you but is it for self-driving no it's not can it drive you around town without you actually doing anything no it won't also that full self-driving capability includes something called summon feature now what that allows you to do is to control the car using your mobile phone as a remote control so you can basically drive it forwards or backwards out of a parking space and it'll automatically steer slowly around obstacles so it doesn't hit anything however even though my mother's tesla has that fitted to it i've never once managed to get it to work it's very temperamental as is the self-driving mode in the car itself sometimes it can just freak out because it thinks there's an obstacle ahead when there's not and will automatically put on the brakes and that's why actually tesla even though they build this system as full self-driving capability have a disclaimer in it that says by the way that doesn't make the car autonomous now you might be thinking wait a minute matt that's tesla now but what about the future for instance if you did a bit of research you can find out that ford and volkswagen have been a joint venture to invest 2.6 billion dollars in a tech startup called argo ai which focuses on self-driving technology high-end ikea has invested a couple of billion in self-driving tech hyundai will be launching their robo taxi in 2023 and they'll be driving around vegas apparently also other manufacturers such as jaguar land rover they've invested millions and millions a mercedes even bills itself as a pioneer when it comes to autonomous driving however don't get too excited because manufacturers have often over promised and under delivered when it comes to autonomous driving let's start off with elon musk so in 2016 he proclaimed that by 2018 he'd have a tesla that could drive from coast to coast in america without a driver in it that doesn't happen does it elon he also said that by 2020 he'd have a million robotized driverless taxes roaming the states that hasn't happened either but what about conservative car makers well back in 2016 ford also said by 2021 we will have driverless cars without steering wheels though just three years later their boss then went actually you know what the driver's car thing we're not going to be able to do it also in 2016 bmw said that they too would have driverless cars available to buy by 2021 have they oh no they haven't have they then in 2017 volvo a little bit late to the party said yes by 2021 yes we too will have driverless cars they haven't either they haven't there's a theme here as i mentioned at the beginning of the video while there are some flying cars they aren't production models they're just prototypes concepts that sort of thing and it's the same with self-driving cars like the hyundai robo taxi also their area of operation is limited they're not true self-driving cars which can take you wherever you want to go those robo taxes will only be operational in las vegas you won't be able to go anywhere else in them in fact in the past any driverless car has actually been geofences to where it can be operated for instance last year ford did a test with a load of self-driving mondays but they were only able to drive between two train stations in oxford that was their route and they also had to have a driver in them for safety reasons just in case they actually needed driving the irony is is that the route that they were driving would have taken at least 15 minutes to complete by car yet for just two pounds 70 you could get on a train and do that journey in 12 minutes now this brings me back to the original point that self-driving cars are a bit of a lie so it's not fair to call them self-driving cars when they're not really and safety organizations thatchem who get involved in crash tests for various car manufacturers they've actually complained to the industry about this misrepresentation of exactly what the cars can do because what happens is that people think oh yeah it is self-driving they let the car get on with it there's been cases of people falling asleep in cars with supposed self-driving technology because they think it can just take over for them when it can't and it's a little bit of a shame really because the technology and usefulness of these adaptive cruise control systems is actually very good the one in the tesla works brilliantly most of the time and it just makes driving long distances so much less stressful i've got it in my bmw m3 it's really good it just steers nice to keep you in lane and it breaks to keep you a safe distance from the car in front it means that when you're driving and you're feeling tired you're having to use less brain power to just keep on its current course and you're more just overseeing what it's doing and then if something happens you do step in but it's always there to support you as well i don't know why they just can't talk up the capability because they are really useful and they do improve safety it's when you over promise that things start to get a little bit problematic now i think the tesla's autopilot system is pretty good if you use it properly somebody called missy cummings thinks otherwise in case you don't know missy cummings isn't a bomb girl she's actually a senior adviser for an american highway safety organization called nitza not to be confused with nietzsche though they don't think god is dead they do think the self-driving car is dead so missy cummings said i have driven several teslas autopilot easily causes mode confusion is unreliable and unsafe so if there's this problem with self-driving cars why is everyone so keen to do it and promote it money it's always money isn't it you see financial experts have predicted that by the year 2050 the self-driving technology industry will be worth seven trillion dollars with all that potential cash to be made obviously there'll be a lot of companies developing technology to enable self-driving cars however computers always have a bit of a problem compared to humans are dealing with random one-off events they're really good at repeating actions or responsive to known events given something unknown and they're completely flummoxed the human brain however is much better at dealing with unknowns also the technology we have on our bodies is better than you may think for instance the very latest and greatest cameras have a maximum resolution of 400 megapixels human eye almost 600 megapixels and then there's not just the technology that you need to think about there's the actual surroundings the environment for instance a lot of self-driving cars rely on lane markings whereas you can just drive down a road in the uk america loads of places and all of a sudden the markings disappear because there hasn't been enough investment in infrastructure mercedes has just announced that from 2022 owners of s-classes and eqss with the drive pilot system will be legally allowed to take their hands off the steering wheel and concentrate on other functions using the infotainment screen but this is still some way off full self-driving so far the legislation is only applicable in germany only on the autobahn and only at speeds of up to 37 miles an hour and that actually brings me on to the final point which is actually the main obstacle to self-driving cars and why they are most likely a lie and it's to do with the law you see ever since we've been able to drive all the laws relating to driving have assumed that there is a human being responsible for the driving of the car what happens when there is no human being responsible anymore well first of all you have to change all the laws and that's going to take ages and anything to do with lawyers not only takes ages it costs an absolute fortune i mean what's going to happen in the event of an accident is it going to be you the driver that isn't driving who's responsible or is it going to be the manufacturer of the car responsible or maybe it's the company that the manufacturer employed to give them their self-driving technology who's responsible it's an absolute minefield then what about the transition period you know as you have new cars with self-driving tech which can drive themselves and then you have older cars which don't and you have a crash between the self-driving car and the human-controlled car who's responsible then how will they interact and you know what i think human psychology could come into it as well you see we accept that humans aren't perfect we make mistakes we forgive humans for making mistakes but we don't tend to forgive machines for making mistakes you pay your money for a machine and you damn well expect it to work you know what it's like when your phone or your computer crashes it drives you so mad you want to just chuck it out the window could that be the real reason why they'll never be driverless cars and they're a lie let me know what you think in the comments below and if you want some other videos click on the windows there and if you click on that box there you can go to car wow to see how much you can save on a new car
Channel: carwow
Views: 421,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carwow, mat watson, car review, car review 2021, new car review, self driving, self driving cars, self driving cars technology, autonomous driving, auto driving, cars driving themselves, cars that drive themselves, driverless cars, no driver in a car, cars that steer themselves, cars that don't need drivers, tesla autopilot, cars with no steering wheels, tesla autonomous driving, auto pilot in cars, auto driving in cars
Id: z-ht58R37S4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 30 2021
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